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Created September 3, 2010 01:26
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- Project Euler Problem 3
- Solution by nathan dotz - nathan (period) dotz (at sign) gmail (period) com
- What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
bignum = 600851475143
divisors = [x|x<-[3,5..(floor(sqrt(fromIntegral(bignum))) `div` 6)], bignum`mod`x==0 ]
answer = last ([ x | x <- divisors, x> 1 && (all (\n -> x `mod` n /= 0 ) $ takeWhile (\n -> n*n <= x) [2..]) ])
main = putStrLn $ "The largest prime factor of " ++ show bignum ++ " is " ++ show answer
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