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Created March 7, 2014 23:22
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#/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Todo: add slider, make bifurication diagram
# An investigation into the Logistic map, and an introduction to matplotlib
#r = 2: 1 attractor
#r = 3: 2 attractors
#r = 3.449490: 4 attractors
# This phenonmenon is called period doubling, or bifurication. As we increase r, the periods will bifuricate, until we reach
# r = 3.569945672, or Feigenbaum's Constant: the brink of chaos
# This r gives the limiting accumulation of bifurications, the limit of of order, predictability. Beyond Feigenbaum's constant our logistical map falls to chaos
# map becomes chaotic, culminating in r = 4
def logistic(seed, r, times):
y = []
def quad_recur(seed, r, times):
if times > 0:
new_seed = r*seed*(1 - seed)
quad_recur(new_seed, r, times -1)
quad_recur(seed, r,times)
return y
def main(argv):
iterations = int(argv[2])
t = np.arange(0,iterations)
y = logistic(float(argv[0]), float(argv[1]), iterations);
plt.ylabel('some numbers')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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