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Created July 22, 2014 16:14
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C# DBF Reader
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace System.IO
/// <summary>
/// This class reads a dbf files
/// </summary>
public class DBFReader : IDisposable
private BinaryReader reader;
private Encoding encoding;
public DBFReader(Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
this.encoding = encoding;
this.reader = new BinaryReader(stream, encoding);
public DBFReader(string filename, Encoding encoding)
if (File.Exists(filename) == false)
throw new FileNotFoundException();
this.encoding = encoding;
var bs = new BufferedStream(File.OpenRead(filename));
this.reader = new BinaryReader(bs, encoding);
private void ReadHeader()
byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DBFHeader)));
// Marshall the header into a DBFHeader structure
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
this.header = (DBFHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(DBFHeader));
fields = new List<DBFFieldDescriptor>();
while (reader.PeekChar() != 13)
buffer = reader.ReadBytes(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DBFFieldDescriptor)));
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var fieldDescriptor = (DBFFieldDescriptor)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(DBFFieldDescriptor));
if ((fieldDescriptor.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.System) != DBFFieldFlags.System )
byte headerTerminator = reader.ReadByte();
byte[] backlink = reader.ReadBytes(263);
private void ReadRecords()
records = new List<Dictionary<DBFFieldDescriptor, object>>();
// Skip back to the end of the header.
reader.BaseStream.Seek(header.HeaderLenght, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < header.NumberOfRecords; i++)
if (reader.PeekChar() == '*') // DELETED
var record = new Dictionary<DBFFieldDescriptor, object>();
var row = reader.ReadBytes(header.RecordLenght);
foreach (var field in fields)
byte[] buffer = new byte[field.FieldLength];
Array.Copy(row, field.Address, buffer, 0, field.FieldLength);
string text = (encoding.GetString(buffer) ?? String.Empty).Trim();
switch ((DBFFieldType)field.FieldType)
case DBFFieldType.Character:
record[field] = text;
case DBFFieldType.Currency:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = 0.0m;
record[field] = Convert.ToDecimal(text);
case DBFFieldType.Numeric:
case DBFFieldType.Float:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = 0.0f;
record[field] = Convert.ToSingle(text);
case DBFFieldType.Date:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = DateTime.MinValue;
record[field] = DateTime.ParseExact(text, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
case DBFFieldType.DateTime:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) || BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0) == 0)
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = DateTime.MinValue;
record[field] = JulianToDateTime(BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer, 0));
case DBFFieldType.Double:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = 0.0;
record[field] = Convert.ToDouble(text);
case DBFFieldType.Integer:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = 0;
record[field] = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
case DBFFieldType.Logical:
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
if ((field.Flags & DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues) == DBFFieldFlags.AllowNullValues)
record[field] = null;
record[field] = false;
record[field] = (buffer[0] == 'Y' || buffer[0] == 'T');
case DBFFieldType.Memo:
case DBFFieldType.General:
case DBFFieldType.Picture:
record[field] = buffer;
public DataTable ReadToDataTable()
var table = new DataTable();
// Columns
foreach (var field in fields)
var colType = ToDbType(field.FieldType);
var column = new DataColumn(field.FieldName, colType ?? typeof(String));
// Rows
foreach (var record in records)
var row = table.NewRow();
foreach (var column in record.Keys)
row[column.FieldName] = record[column] ?? DBNull.Value;
return table;
public IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, object>> ReadToDictionary()
return records.Select(record => record.ToDictionary(r => r.Key.FieldName, r => r.Value)).ToList();
public IEnumerable<T> ReadToObject<T>()
where T : new()
var type = typeof(T);
var list = new List<T>();
foreach (var record in records)
T item = new T();
foreach (var pair in record.Select(s => new { Key = s.Key.FieldName, Value = s.Value }))
var property = type.GetProperty(pair.Key, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (property != null)
if (property.PropertyType == pair.Value.GetType())
property.SetValue(item, pair.Value, null);
if (pair.Value != DBNull.Value)
property.SetValue(item, System.Convert.ChangeType(pair.Value, property.PropertyType), null);
return list;
private DBFHeader header;
private List<DBFFieldDescriptor> fields = new List<DBFFieldDescriptor>();
private List<Dictionary<DBFFieldDescriptor, object>> records = new List<Dictionary<DBFFieldDescriptor,object>>();
#region IDisposable
public void Dispose()
protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing == false) return;
if (reader != null)
reader = null;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a Julian Date as long to a .NET DateTime structure
/// Implemented from pseudo code at
/// </summary>
/// <param name="julianDateAsLong">Julian Date to convert (days since 01/01/4713 BC)</param>
/// <returns>DateTime</returns>
private static DateTime JulianToDateTime(long julianDateAsLong)
if (julianDateAsLong == 0) return DateTime.MinValue;
double p = Convert.ToDouble(julianDateAsLong);
double s1 = p + 68569;
double n = Math.Floor(4 * s1 / 146097);
double s2 = s1 - Math.Floor(((146097 * n) + 3) / 4);
double i = Math.Floor(4000 * (s2 + 1) / 1461001);
double s3 = s2 - Math.Floor(1461 * i / 4) + 31;
double q = Math.Floor(80 * s3 / 2447);
double d = s3 - Math.Floor(2447 * q / 80);
double s4 = Math.Floor(q / 11);
double m = q + 2 - (12 * s4);
double j = (100 * (n - 49)) + i + s4;
return new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(j), Convert.ToInt32(m), Convert.ToInt32(d));
/// <summary>
/// This is the file header for a DBF. We do this special layout with everything
/// packed so we can read straight from disk into the structure to populate it
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
private struct DBFHeader
/// <summary>The version.</summary>
public readonly DBFVersion Version;
/// <summary>The update year.</summary>
public readonly byte UpdateYear;
/// <summary>The update month.</summary>
public readonly byte UpdateMonth;
/// <summary>The update day.</summary>
public readonly byte UpdateDay;
/// <summary>The number of records.</summary>
public readonly int NumberOfRecords;
/// <summary>The length of the header.</summary>
public readonly short HeaderLenght;
/// <summary>The length of the bytes records.</summary>
public readonly short RecordLenght;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public readonly byte[] Reserved;
/// <summary>Table Flags</summary>
public readonly DBFTableFlags TableFlags;
/// <summary>Code Page Mark</summary>
public readonly byte CodePage;
/// <summary>Reserved, contains 0x00</summary>
public readonly short EndOfHeader;
public enum DBFVersion : byte
Unknown = 0,
FoxBase = 0x02,
FoxBaseDBase3NoMemo = 0x03,
VisualFoxPro = 0x30,
VisualFoxProWithAutoIncrement = 0x31,
dBase4SQLTableNoMemo = 0x43,
dBase4SQLSystemNoMemo = 0x63,
FoxBaseDBase3WithMemo = 0x83,
dBase4WithMemo = 0x8B,
dBase4SQLTableWithMemo = 0xCB,
FoxPro2WithMemo = 0xF5,
FoxBASE = 0xFB
public enum DBFTableFlags : byte
None = 0x00,
HasStructuralCDX = 0x01,
HasMemoField = 0x02,
IsDBC = 0x04
/// <summary>
/// This is the field descriptor structure. There will be one of these for each column in the table.
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
private struct DBFFieldDescriptor
/// <summary>The field name.</summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 11)]
public readonly string FieldName;
/// <summary>The field type.</summary>
public readonly char FieldType;
/// <summary>The field address.</summary>
public readonly int Address;
/// <summary>The field length in bytes.</summary>
public readonly byte FieldLength;
/// <summary>The field precision.</summary>
public readonly byte DecimalCount;
/// <summary>Field Flags</summary>
public readonly DBFFieldFlags Flags;
/// <summary>AutoIncrement next value</summary>
public readonly int AutoIncrementNextValue;
/// <summary>AutoIncrement step value</summary>
public readonly byte AutoIncrementStepValue;
/// <summary>Reserved</summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public readonly byte[] Reserved;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0} {1}", FieldName, FieldType);
public enum DBFFieldFlags : byte
None = 0x00,
System = 0x01,
AllowNullValues = 0x02,
Binary = 0x04,
AutoIncrementing = 0x0C
public enum DBFFieldType : int
Character = 'C',
Currency = 'Y',
Numeric = 'N',
Float = 'F',
Date = 'D',
DateTime = 'T',
Double = 'B',
Integer = 'I',
Logical = 'L',
Memo = 'M',
General = 'G',
Picture = 'P'
public static Type ToDbType(char type)
switch ((DBFFieldType)type)
case DBFFieldType.Float:
return typeof(float);
case DBFFieldType.Integer:
return typeof(int);
case DBFFieldType.Currency:
return typeof(decimal);
case DBFFieldType.Character:
case DBFFieldType.Memo:
return typeof(string);
case DBFFieldType.Date:
case DBFFieldType.DateTime:
return typeof(DateTime);
case DBFFieldType.Logical:
return typeof(bool);
case DBFFieldType.General:
case DBFFieldType.Picture:
return typeof(byte[]);
return null;
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Hi Guys, I'm a very noob in c#. How to use the code?

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dualdeva commented Dec 8, 2022

Great tool, thank you!
Any idea, however, why can't I open a DBF file already in use (non exclusive/shared use)?
I want to import some data from DBF files while they are in use by the application.
I tried to read the contents using **FileStream s = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);** but yet I keep having the same error: The process cannot access the file 'document.dbf' because it is being used by another process.

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I´m here in 2023 and this code it´s still useful. Thanks a lot.

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