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Last active May 17, 2022 21:07
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Definition and Theorems of the Generalised Kaminski Equation
import data.nat.basic
import data.fintype.basic
import tactic
theorem kaminski (f : bool → bool) (x : bool) : f (f (f x)) = f x :=
by cases x; cases h₁ : f tt; cases h₂ : f ff; simp only [h₁, h₂]
/-- the general case -/
def gk (n a b : ℕ) := ∀ f (x : fin n), (f^[a] x) = (f^[b] x)
example : gk 2 3 1 :=
intros f x,
cases @exists_eq' _ (f 0) with y hy,
cases @exists_eq' _ (f 1) with z hz,
fin_cases x; fin_cases y; fin_cases z;
simp [hy, hz],
/-- trivial identities -/
theorem gk.refl {n a : ℕ} : gk n a a :=
λ f x, rfl
theorem gk.symm {n a b : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n b a :=
λ h f x, eq.symm (h f x)
theorem {a b : ℕ} : gk 0 a b :=
λ f x, by cc
theorem {a b : ℕ} : gk 1 a b :=
λ f x, by cc
/-- additive properties -/
theorem gk.add {n a b c d : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n c d → gk n (a + c) (b + d) :=
λ h₁ h₂ f x, by rw [function.iterate_add_apply, h₁, h₂, function.iterate_add_apply]
theorem gk.trail {n a b c : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n (a + c) (b + c) :=
λ h, gk.add h (gk.refl)
lemma gk.extra_lap {n a b : ℕ} : gk n a (a + b) → gk n a (a + b + b) :=
λ h f x, by rw [h, function.iterate_add_apply, h, ←function.iterate_add_apply]
lemma gk.extra_lap' {n a b : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n a (b + (b - a)) :=
intros h f x, by_cases hc : b < a,
{ rw [nat.sub_eq_zero_of_le (le_of_lt hc), nat.add_zero], exact (h f x) },
have h' := @gk.extra_lap n a (b - a),
rw [←nat.add_sub_assoc ( hc), add_tsub_cancel_left] at h',
exact (h' h _ _),
theorem gk.shift_right {n a b m : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n a (b + (b - a) * m) :=
intros h f x,
induction m with m ih,
{ rw [nat.mul_zero, nat.add_zero], apply h, },
{ have h' := gk.extra_lap' h f x,
rw [nat.add_comm, function.iterate_add_apply] at h',
rw [nat.mul_succ, ←nat.add_assoc, nat.add_comm,
function.iterate_add_apply, ←ih, h, ←h', h],
theorem gk.shift_left {n a b m : ℕ} : gk n a b → gk n (a + (a - b) * m) b :=
λ h, gk.symm $ gk.shift_right $ gk.symm h
/-- non-trivial solutions -/
theorem gk.non_triv_exists {n : ℕ} : ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ gk n a b :=
have h : ¬function.injective (λ k (f : fin n → fin n), f^[k]),
apply not_injective_infinite_fintype,
unfold function.injective at h,
push_neg at h,
simp_rw function.funext_iff at h,
rcases h with ⟨a, b, h₁, h₂⟩,
exact ⟨a, b, h₂, λ f x, h₁ f x⟩,
def a (n : ℕ) := n - 1
def b (n : ℕ) := list.foldr nat.lcm 1 (list.iota n) + n - 1
theorem gk.non_triv_exact {n : ℕ} : gk n (a n) (b n) :=
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