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Created October 24, 2013 12:01
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accumulating_time_tracer.erl and sample output on a busy-merging Bitcask-based Riak node
%% Stolen from:
start(Pid_list, MFA_list, IntervalMS) ->
%%% Count the get, put, buckets, keys, exchange, and index FSM init() calls
dbg:tracer(process, {fun trace/2, new_stats()}),
[dbg:p(Pid, call) || Pid <- Pid_list],
[catch dbg:tpl(Mod, Func, Arity, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]) ||
{Mod, Func, Arity} <- MFA_list],
{ok, TPid} = dbg:get_tracer(),
io:format("Tracer pid: ~p, use ~p:stop() to stop\n", [TPid, ?MODULE]),
timer:send_interval(IntervalMS, TPid, print_report),
{started, TPid}.
stop() ->
catch exit(element(2,dbg:get_tracer()), kill),
trace({trace, Pid, call, {Mod, Func, Args}}, {Dict}) ->
Arity = length(Args),
MFA = {Mod, Func, Arity},
DKey = {Pid, MFA},
{dict:store(DKey, now(), Dict)};
trace({trace, Pid, return_from, {Mod, Func, Arity}, _Res}, {Dict}) ->
MFA = {Mod, Func, Arity},
DKey = {Pid, MFA},
Start = case dict:find(DKey, Dict) of
{ok, StTime} -> StTime;
error -> now()
Elapsed = timer:now_diff(now(), Start),
%% case timer:now_diff(now(), Start) div 1000 of
%% Elapsed when Elapsed > LatencyMS ->
%% io:format("~p ~p: bitcask ~p: ~p msec\n", [date(), time(),
%% Func, Elapsed]);
%% _Elapsed ->
%% ok
%% end,
SumDKey = {sum, DKey},
{OldCount, OldTime} = case dict:find(SumDKey, Dict) of
error ->
{0, 0};
{ok, Else} ->
Dict2 = dict:erase(DKey, Dict),
{dict:store(SumDKey, {OldCount+1, OldTime+Elapsed}, Dict2)};
trace(print_report, {Dict}) ->
{dict:from_list([X || {K, _V} = X <- dict:to_list(Dict),
element(1, K) /= sum])};
trace(Unknown, {Dict}) ->
io:format("Unknown! ~P\n", [Unknown, 20]),
new_stats() ->
print_stats(Dict) ->
Reports = lists:sort([{MFA, X} || {{sum, MFA}, X} <- dict:to_list(Dict)]),
[io:format("~p MFA ~p count ~p elapsed_msec ~p\n",
[time(), MFA, Count, Sum div 1000]) ||
{MFA, {Count, Sum}} <- Reports].

Watch the handle_call callback for the file_server module only in the file_server_2 process. Output a report every second, if there was any activity to report for that time interval.

accumulating_time_tracer:start([whereis(file_server_2)], [{file_server, handle_call, 3}], 1000).

Some output from my MBP on a Bitcask-based Riak node that is configured to do a lot of Bitcask merges a lot of the time.

15,59,26} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 1128 elapsed_msec 755
{15,59,27} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 316 elapsed_msec 128
{15,59,28} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 183 elapsed_msec 179
{15,59,29} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 1014 elapsed_msec 611
{15,59,30} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 3527 elapsed_msec 876
{15,59,31} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 4102 elapsed_msec 863
{15,59,32} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 5589 elapsed_msec 867
{15,59,33} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 1526 elapsed_msec 638
{15,59,34} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 5640 elapsed_msec 875
{15,59,35} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 6550 elapsed_msec 862
{15,59,36} MFA {<0.24.0>,{file_server,handle_call,3}} count 2239 elapsed_msec 887
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