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Created October 24, 2016 10:44
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Shuffle playlists for SRC-HRC randomization without repeating SRCs
import random
from pprint import pprint
sources = 2
conditions = 2
subjects = 3
playlists = {}
for subject in range(1, subjects + 1):
playlist = []
it = 1
all_pvs_conditions = list(xrange(1, conditions + 1)) * sources
while True:
# end if no more are available
if len(playlist) == sources * conditions:
src_list_shuffled = list(xrange(1, sources + 1))
while len(src_list_shuffled):
next_src = random.choice(src_list_shuffled)
next_condition = random.choice(all_pvs_conditions)
if [next_src, next_condition] not in playlist:
playlist.append([next_src, next_condition])
playlists[subject] = playlist
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