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Created August 18, 2023 10:12
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(ns app.todo-list
(:require #?(:clj [app.xtdb-contrib :as db])
[hyperfiddle.electric :as e]
[hyperfiddle.electric-dom2 :as dom]
[hyperfiddle.electric-ui4 :as ui]
[xtdb.api #?(:clj :as :cljs :as-alias) xt]))
(e/def !xtdb)
(e/def db) ; injected database ref; Electric defs are always dynamic
(e/defn TodoItem [id]
(let [e (xt/entity db id)
!true-count (atom 0)
true-count (e/watch !true-count)]
(dom/div (dom/props {:for id :class "count"})
(dom/text (e/server (:task/count e))))
(dom/div (dom/text (str true-count)))
(e/fn []
(swap! !true-count inc)
(e/discard (e/offload
#(xt/submit-tx !xtdb [[:xtdb.api/put
(update e :task/count inc)]])))))
(dom/text "increment"))
(e/fn []
(reset! !true-count 0)
(e/discard (e/offload
#(xt/submit-tx !xtdb [[:xtdb.api/put
(assoc e :task/count 0)]])))))
(dom/text "reset")))))))
(defn todo-records [db]
(->> (xt/q db '{:find [(pull ?e [:xt/id :task/description])]
:where [[?e :task/status]]})
(map first)
(sort-by :task/description)
(e/defn Todo-list []
(binding [!xtdb user/!xtdb
db (new (db/latest-db> user/!xtdb))]
(e/fn []
(e/server (e/discard (e/offload
#(xt/submit-tx !xtdb [[:xtdb.api/put {:xt/id (random-uuid)
:task/description "hello world"
:task/count 0
:task/status :active}]])))))
(dom/text "create record"))
(e/for-by :xt/id [{:keys [xt/id]} (e/offload (partial todo-records db))]
(TodoItem. id))))))))
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