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Created April 16, 2017 14:16
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import Foundation
protocol R {
associatedtype V
func hoge() -> V
struct R1: R {
typealias V = Int
func hoge() -> V {
return 100
struct R2: R {
typealias V = Void
func hoge() -> V {}
struct S<T> {
let value: T
struct C {}
struct Session {
func response<T: R>(subject: T) -> S<T.V> where T.V: Any {
return S(value: subject.hoge())
func response<T: R>(subject: T) -> C where T.V == Void {
return C()
let r1 = R1()
let r2 = R2()
let session = Session()
session.response(subject: r1) // -> S<Int>
session.response(subject: r2) // -> C
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