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Created February 19, 2016 15:18
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Save slimflem/3b27218644e5c745e6e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This PowerShell script generates release notes for Octopus Deploy that contain the GitHub commits and JIRA issues from the current build to the latest production release. It will also create the Octopus release based on the TeamCity build number.
# Assumptions
# 1. If you have a Octopus release deployed, say, there is a git
# tag set for that commit in GitHub that is "v1.0.0.73".
# 2. You have TeamCity label each successful build in GitHub with the format
# "v{build number}. Sidenote: it appears that TeamCity only labels the
# default branch, but not feature branches.
# 3. Your TeamCity build numbers match your Octopus release versions. For
# example, if TeamCity runs a build labeled #, Octopus must
# have a release called ""
# 4. The latest production deployment will be used for comparison, even
# if the deployment failed.
# 5. If you have no production build, the next highest environment will be used.
# 6. Your default branch in TeamCity is "master".
# 7. When creating the Octopus release, all Nuget packages use the same
# version number. You can remove the octo.exe call at the bottom and use
# the generated releasenotes.txt to perform your own API call to Octopus
# in a different build step if you wish.
# Define all necessary variables
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$github_owner = "GITHUB_OWNER"
$github_repo = "GITHUB_REPO"
$github_token = "GITHUB_TOKEN"
$octopus_url = "OCTOPUS_URL"
$octopus_username = "OCTOPUS_USERNAME"
$octopus_password = "OCTOPUS_PASSWORD"
$octopus_apikey = "OCTOPUS_APIKEY"
$octopus_projectName = "OCTOPUS_PROJECTNAME"
$jira_url = "JIRA_URL"
$jira_username = "JIRA_USERNAME"
$jira_password = "JIRA_PASSWORD"
$teamcity_username = "TEAMCITY_USERNAME"
$teamcity_password = "TEAMCITY_PASSWORD"
$teamcity_url = "TEAMCITY_URL"
# These variables are set by TeamCity
$teamcity_buildTypeName = "%system.teamcity.buildConfName%"
$teamcity_buildTypeId = ""
$teamcity_buildId = ""
$teamcity_commitId = "%build.vcs.number.1%"
$teamcity_version = "%build.number%"
$teamcity_branch = ""
if ($teamcity_branch -eq "<default>") {
$teamcity_branch = "master"
# TeamCity API
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$teamcity = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$teamcity_password" -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $teamcity_username, $password
function GetBuild {
param([string] $buildId)
$url = "$teamcity_url/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:$buildId"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Credential $credentials -Verbose -WebSession $session
function GetBuilds {
param([string] $branch, [string] $sinceBuild)
$url = "$teamcity_url/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator=buildType:$teamcity_buildTypeId,canceled:false,branch:$branch,sinceBuild:$sinceBuild"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Credential $credentials -Verbose -WebSession $session
Export-ModuleMember -Function GetBuild, GetBuilds
# Call the TeamCity API in order to retreive the session variable; otherwise each call is VERY slow.
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$teamcity_url/httpAuth/app/rest/" -Credential $credentials -Verbose -SessionVariable session
} -AsCustomObject
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$jira = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$jira_username`:$jira_password")
$encodedCredentials = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
function GetIssue {
param([string] $issueId)
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$jira_url/rest/api/latest/issue/$issueId" -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $encodedCredentials"} -ContentType application/json -Verbose
Export-ModuleMember -Function GetIssue
} -AsCustomObject
# GitHub API
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$github = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
function GetCommits {
param([string] $base, [string] $head)
$url = "$github_owner/$github_repo/compare/" + $base + "..." + $head + "?access_token=$github_token"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Verbose
Export-ModuleMember -Function GetCommits
} -AsCustomObject
# Octopus API
# ---------------------------------------------------------
$octo = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$octopus_password" -AsPlainText -Force
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $octopus_username, $password
function Get {
param([string] $url)
return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $octopus_url$url -ContentType application/json -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey"="$octopus_apikey"} -Method Get -Credential $credentials -Verbose
function GetProject {
param([string] $name)
$projects = Get($root.Links.Projects)
foreach ($project in $projects) {
if ([string]::Compare($project.Name, $name, $true) -eq 0) {
return $project;
throw "A project named '$name' could not be found."
function GetLatestDeployedRelease {
$environments = Get($root.Links.Environments)
$deployments = Get($project.Links.RecentDeployments)
foreach ($env in $environments | Sort-Object SortOrder -descending) {
foreach ($deployment in $deployments) {
if ([string]::Compare($env.Id, $deployment.EnvironmentId, $true) -eq 0) {
return Get($deployment.Links.Release)
return $null;
Export-ModuleMember -Function GetProject, GetLatestDeployedRelease
$root = Get("/api")
} -AsCustomObject
# Get all commits from latest deployment to this commit
# ---------------------------------------------------------
Write-Host ("Getting all commits from git tag v" + $release.Version + " to commit sha $teamcity_commitId.")
$project = $octo.GetProject($octopus_projectName)
$release = $octo.GetLatestDeployedRelease($project)
$response = $github.GetCommits("v" + $release.Version, $teamcity_commitId)
$commits = $response.commits | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={$}; Ascending=$false} -Descending
# Get all JIRA issues from latest deployment to this build
# ---------------------------------------------------------
Write-Host "Getting all issues."
$response = $teamcity.GetBuilds($teamcity_branch, $release.Version)
$builds = Select-Xml -Xml $response -XPath "/builds/build" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object id,number,status,webUrl
$issues = $null
foreach ($build in $builds) {
$response = $teamcity.GetBuild($
$issues = $issues + (Select-Xml -Xml $response -XPath "/build/relatedIssues/issueUsage/issue" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object id,url -Unique)
$issues = $issues | Sort-Object id -Unique
# Generate release notes based on commits and issues
# ---------------------------------------------------------
Write-Host "Generating release notes based on commits."
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
$releaseNotes =
"Automatic release created from TeamCity build configuration [$teamcity_buildTypeName]($teamcity_url/viewLog.html?buildTypeId=$teamcity_buildTypeId&buildId=$teamcity_buildId). " +
"Git version [$teamcity_branch]($github_owner/$github_repo/tree/$teamcity_commitId)" +
" / [" + $teamcity_commitId.Substring(0, 10) + "]($github_owner/$github_repo/commit/$teamcity_commitId)."
$releaseNotes = $releaseNotes + "$nl$nl### All work since Release [" + $release.Version + "](" + $octopus_url + $release.Links.Web + ")<br/>$nl"
if ($commits -ne $null) {
foreach ($commit in $commits) {
$releaseNotes = $releaseNotes + "[" + $commit.sha.Substring(0, 10) + "]($github_owner/$github_repo/commit/" + $commit.sha + ") - " + $commit.commit.message + "<br/>$nl"
if ($issues -ne $null) {
$releaseNotes = $releaseNotes + "<br/>$nl"
foreach ($issue in $issues) {
$jiraIssue = $jira.GetIssue($
$releaseNotes = $releaseNotes + "[" + $ + "](" + $issue.url + ") - " + $jiraIssue.fields.summary + "<br/>$nl"
else {
$releaseNotes = $releaseNotes + "There are no new items for this release.<br/>$nl"
Write-Host $releaseNotes
# Create & Deploy Octopus Release
# -------------------------------
Write-Host "Creating Octopus release for $teamcity_version."
New-Item releasenotes.txt -type file -force -value $releaseNotes
& "f:\Octopus Tools\octo.exe" create-release --project="$octopus_projectName" --server=$octopus_url --apiKey=$octopus_apikey --version=$teamcity_version --packageversion=$teamcity_version --forceversion --releasenotesfile=releasenotes.txt | Write-Host
Remove-Item releasenotes.txt
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