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Last active February 4, 2020 05:50
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Collection of useful TypeScript tricks
* Script to extract dependency graph from a codebase with an entry point.
import {
} from "../cli/framework"
import * as fs from "fs-extra"
import * as logger from "../shared/logger"
import * as pathLib from "path"
// import { promptToConfirm } from "../cli/utils"
import { rootPath } from "../cli/utils"
import * as ts from "typescript"
const flags = createFlagMap({
entry: {
description: "Entry point for dependency analysis",
schema: t.string(),
default: () => rootPath("src/client/main.ts"),
const command = createCLICommand({
description: "Analyze dependencies in app",
async run({ entry }) {
// Build a program.
const options = {
allowJs: true,
strictNullChecks: true,
noImplicitThis: true,
allowSyntheticDefaultImports: false,
resolveJsonModule: true,
removeComments: true,
downlevelIteration: true,
sourceMap: true,
jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React,
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
lib: ["es6", "es2017", "dom", "scripthost", "esnext.asynciterable"],
incremental: true,
outDir: "./build/",
const program = ts.createProgram([entry], options)
const checker = program.getTypeChecker()
// Get program source files without node_modules.
const sourceFiles = program
.filter(file => file.fileName.startsWith(rootPath("src")))
// Map from file to its imports.
const imports = new Map<ts.SourceFile, Set<ts.SourceFile>>()
// Map from absolute file paths to SourceFile objects.
const sourceFilesMap = new Map<string, ts.SourceFile>()
for (const file of sourceFiles) {
if (!file.isDeclarationFile) {
sourceFilesMap.set(relativePath(file.fileName), file)
imports.set(file, getImportsForFile({ file, checker }))
function printDependencies(imports: Map<ts.SourceFile, Set<ts.SourceFile>>) {
for (const [file, dependencies] of imports) {
const name = relativePath(file.fileName)
for (const dependency of dependencies) {
if (!dependency.fileName) {
throw new Error("no dependency filename")
function getImportsForFile(args: {
file: ts.SourceFile
checker: ts.TypeChecker
}): Set<ts.SourceFile> {
const { file, checker } = args
const imports = new Set<ts.SourceFile>()
for (const importSymbol of getImports({ file, checker })) {
// Get the declaration to find out which source file it is coming from.
const declarations = importSymbol.getDeclarations()
if (!declarations) {
throw new Error(`No declarations for symbol ${}`)
// If there are multiple declarations (.d.ts files), use the first one.
const [declaration] = declarations
const importSource = declaration.getSourceFile()
return imports
function getImports(args: {
file: ts.SourceFile
checker: ts.TypeChecker
}): Array<ts.Symbol> {
const { file, checker } = args
const results: Array<ts.Symbol> = []
const visitNode = (node: ts.Node) => {
if (
ts.isImportDeclaration(node) ||
ts.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node) ||
) {
const moduleName = getExternalModuleName(node)
if (!moduleName) {
// Check that name is not an alias definition, e.g. `import x = y`
if (!ts.isStringLiteral(moduleName)) {
// Verify the module name can be resolved.
const moduleSymbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(moduleName)
if (moduleSymbol) {
// Recur with child.
ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode)
ts.forEachChild(file, visitNode)
return results
function getExternalModuleName(node: ts.Node): ts.Expression | undefined {
if (ts.isImportDeclaration(node) || ts.isExportDeclaration(node)) {
return node.moduleSpecifier
if (ts.isImportEqualsDeclaration(node)) {
const { moduleReference } = node
if (ts.isExternalModuleReference(moduleReference)) {
return moduleReference.expression
* Return a path relative to the project root.
function relativePath(absolute: string): string {
return pathLib.relative(rootPath(""), absolute)
startIfMain(module, (name, argv) => runCommand(name, command, argv))
// node.body.statements[26].declarationList.declarations[0].initializer.expression.expression.expression.expression


export type Diff<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T

Discriminated unions

Creating them is annoying. Can't figure out how to preserve key names.

// =============================================================================
// discriminate.
// =============================================================================

 * Turns an object with two optional keys into a discriminated union.
 * @example
 * declare var localResults: SearchResults | undefined
 * declare var serverResults: SearchResults | undefined
 * const { a: local, b: server } = utils.discriminate({ a: localResults, b: serverResults })
export function discriminate<A, B, KeyA, KeyB>(
	obj: {
		a?: A
		b?: B
	key1: KeyA,
	key2: KeyB
	| { a: A; b: B }
	| { a: A; b: undefined }
	| { a: undefined; b: B }
	| { a: undefined; b: undefined } {
	const { a, b } = obj

	// Both keys are defined.
	if (a && b) {
		return { a, b }

	// Only one key is defined.
	if (a) {
		return { a, b: undefined }
	if (b) {
		return { a: undefined, b }

	// Neither key is defined.
	return { a: undefined, b: undefined }

Filtering object properties

Filters an object to the keys whose values extend the given type.

type Obj = {
    a: string,
    b: boolean,
    c: number,
    d: string,

type OnlyStringKeys = ObjectFilter<Obj, string>

const x: OnlyStringKeys = {
    a: "one string",
    d: "another string",
export type ObjectFilter<O extends object | undefined, T> = Pick<
		[K in keyof O]: O[K] extends T ? K : never
	}[keyof O]

Predicate connectives

TypeScript's library definition of Array.prototype.filter does not propagate the result of logical operations (like ! and ||) on type predicates (like token is MentionToken).

That is, passing isMentionToken directly to filter works as expected:

declare var text: Array<TextToken>
const onlyMentions = text.filter(isMentionToken)
// refined to Array<MentionToken>

...but negating isMentionToken in a lambda does not flow the refinement through:

declare var text: Array<TextToken>
const withoutMentions = text.filter(token => !isMentionToken(token))
// still Array<TextToken>

In this case, we could do something like

function convertTextValue(text: TextValue) {
    const withoutMentions = text.filter(
        (token): token is Diff<TextToken, MentionToken> => !isMentionToken(token)

but this is brittle because user-defined type guards are unchecked: if we subsequently modify the body of the predicate to add other checks, but forget to update the assertion, TypeScript won't catch it.

A similar problem arises when filtering out code annotations and mention annotations. In that case, writing

declare var annotations: Array<TextAnnotation>
const filtered = annotations.filter(
    annotation => !isCodeAnnotation(annotation) && !isMentionAnnotation(annotation)
// filtered is still Array<TextAnnotation>

is harder to read, and doesn't capture the refinement.

Instead, utils.filterOut allows application code to use existing predicates to subtract types from a union. Likewise, utils.isAnyOf combines predicates, propagating refinements to filter.

Filter out

export function filterOut<T, Removed extends T>(
	array: Array<T>,
	isRemoved: (item: T) => item is Removed
): Array<Diff<T, Removed>> {
	return array.filter((item): item is Diff<T, Removed> => !isRemoved(item))

Logical OR

export function isAnyOf<A, B, C, D>(
	pred1: (item: unknown) => item is A,
	pred2: (item: unknown) => item is B,
	pred3?: (item: unknown) => item is C,
	pred4?: (item: unknown) => item is D
) {
	return (item): item is A | B | C | D => {
		if (pred1(item) || pred2(item)) {
			return true
		if (pred3 && pred3(item)) {
			return true
		if (pred4 && pred4(item)) {
			return true
		// ...add more cases as needed here.
		return false
* Towards a reasonable TypeScript Result<T, E> ADT.
* Towards a reasonable TypeScript Result<T, E> ADT.
import { Assert, SuccessOrFail } from "../../shared/typeUtils"
export type Result<T, E> = (Success<T> | Fail<E>) & ResultBase<T, E>
interface ResultBase<T, E> {
error?: NonNullable<E>
map<U>(f: (value: T) => U): Result<U, E>
flatMap<U>(f: (value: T) => Result<U, E>): Result<U, E>
class Success<T> implements ResultBase<T, never> {
public error: undefined
constructor(public value: T) {}
public map<U>(f: (value: T) => U): Result<U, never> {
return new Success(f(this.value))
public flatMap<U>(f: (value: T) => Result<U, never>) {
return f(this.value)
public isOk(): this is Success<T> {
return true
class Fail<E> implements ResultBase<never, E> {
constructor(public error: NonNullable<E>) {}
public map<U>(f: (value: never) => U): Result<never, E> {
return this
public flatMap<U>(f: (value: never) => Result<U, E>) {
return this
public isOk(): this is Success<never> {
return false
export const Result = { Success, Fail }
* Examples
type Employee = { name: string; dog: string | undefined }
type EmployeeError = "Not Ivan" | "Does not own dog" | "Dog transfer failed"
declare var result: Result<Employee, EmployeeError>
export type Assert<T, V extends T> = V
if (result.error) {
type Assert1 = Assert<EmployeeError, typeof result.error>
result.value // ExpectError
} else {
type Assert1 = Assert<undefined, typeof result.error>
type Assert2 = Assert<Employee, typeof result.value>
// Can also be refined with `isOk`
if (result.isOk()) {
type Assert1 = Assert<undefined, typeof result.error>
type Assert2 = Assert<Employee, typeof result.value>
} else {
type Assert1 = Assert<EmployeeError, typeof result.error>
result.value // ExpectError
// map
const transferSimba = (e: Employee) => {
return { name:, hasSimba: true } as const
const nextResult =
if (nextResult.isOk()) {
type Assert1 = Assert<undefined, typeof nextResult.error>
type Assert2 = Assert<
{ name: string; hasSimba: true },
typeof nextResult.value
} else {
type Assert1 = Assert<EmployeeError, typeof nextResult.error>
nextResult.value // ExpectError
// map
const transferSherlock = (e: Employee) => {
return Math.random() > 0.5
? new Result.Success({ name:, hasSherlock: true })
: new Result.Fail("Dog transfer failed" as const)
const withSherlockMaybe = result.flatMap(transferSherlock)
if (withSherlockMaybe.isOk()) {
type Assert1 = Assert<undefined, typeof withSherlockMaybe.error>
type Assert2 = Assert<
{ name: string; hasSherlock: boolean },
typeof withSherlockMaybe.value
} else {
type Assert1 = Assert<EmployeeError, typeof withSherlockMaybe.error>
withSherlockMaybe.value // ExpectError

Singleton record

Given some type K <: string, construct a record containing exactly one1 field of key K and value V.

type SingletonRecord<Key extends string, V> = {[_ in Key]: V}
const x: SingletonRecord<"a", {test: number}> = {a: {test: 1}}
const y: {a: {test: number}} = x

const shouldFail: SingletonRecord<"a", {test: number}> = {
    a: {test: 1},
    // Error: Object literal may only specify known properties,
    // and 'b' does not exist in type 'SingletonRecord<"a", { test: number; }>'
    b: true,

[1]: "Exactly one" is, of course, something of a lie because TypeScript does not have exact object types. The idea here is to avoid ending up with an indexed type with no constraints on the keys.

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