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Last active April 30, 2021 17:10
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namespace Tahoearthauscinema\Theater\Calendar;
// Change days header.
function change_days_header( $html ) {
global $wp_locale;
$start_of_week = get_option( 'start_of_week' );
$html_dom = new \DOMDocument();
$html_dom->loadHtml( $html );
$theads = $html_dom->getElementsByTagName( 'thead' );
foreach( $theads as $thead ) {
$row = $thead->getElementsByTagName( 'tr' )[ 0 ];
while ( $row->hasChildNodes() ) {
$row->removeChild( $row->firstChild );
for( $i=0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$day_timestamp = strtotime( sprintf( 'next Sunday + %d days', $start_of_week + $i ) );
$day = $html_dom->createElement(
date_i18n( 'l', $day_timestamp )
$row->appendChild( $day );
$html = $html_dom->saveHtml();
return $html;
add_filter( 'wpt_calendar_html', __NAMESPACE__.'\change_days_header' );
// Remove day links.
function remove_day_links( $day_link, $day, $day_url, $day_label, $events ) {
?><div class="day_label"><?php echo $day_label; ?></div><?php
return ob_get_clean();
add_filter( 'wpt_calendar_html_day_link', __NAMESPACE__.'\remove_day_links', 10, 5 );
// Add movie titles.
function add_movie_titles( $day_link, $day, $day_url, $day_label, $events ) {
if ( empty( $events ) ) {
return $day_link;
?><div class="day_events"><?php
foreach( $events as $event ) {
?><div class="day_event"><?php
echo $event->starttime_html();
echo $event->title( array( 'html' => true ) );
?><div class="more_info"><a href="<?php echo $event->permalink(); ?>">More info</a></div><?php
echo $event->tickets_html();
return $day_link.ob_get_clean();
add_filter( 'wpt_calendar_html_day_link', __NAMESPACE__.'\add_movie_titles', 11, 5 );
* Output a celandar with support for past events.
* @since 4.0
* @return string
function get_calendar_html( ) {
global $wp_theatre;
$args = array(
'start' => '-10 years',
return $wp_theatre->calendar->html( $args );
add_shortcode( 'Tahoearthauscinema_Calendar', __NAMESPACE__.'\get_calendar_html' );
function set_active_month( $html, $month ) {
$current_month = \wp_date( 'Y-m' );
if ( $month == $current_month ) {
$html = str_replace( '"wpt_month"', '"wpt_month active"', $html );
} else {
$html = str_replace( '"wpt_month active"', '"wpt_month"', $html );
return $html;
add_filter( 'wpt_calendar_html_month', __NAMESPACE__.'\set_active_month', 10, 2 );
* Shows past events in the calendar.
* Changes the HTML of a day in the calendar, because by default the calendar only shows upcoming events.
* @since 4.0
* @return string
function show_past_movies( $html, $day, $events ) {
if ( !empty( $events ) ) {
return $html;
// Bail if current day is not in the active month.
if ( strpos( $html, '"trailing"' ) !== false ) {
return $html;
if ( date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $day ) ) < \wp_date( 'Ymd' ) ) {
$past_events = get_past_events_per_day();
if ( !empty( $past_events[ $day ] ) ) {
echo remove_day_links( '', '', '', substr( $day, 8, 2), false );
echo add_movie_titles( '', '', '', '', $past_events[ $day ] );
$html = ob_get_clean();
return $html;
add_filter( 'wpt_calendar_html_day', __NAMESPACE__.'\show_past_movies', 10, 3 );
* Gets all past events, grouped by day.
* @since 4.0
* @return array
function get_past_events_per_day() {
$past_events_per_day = wp_cache_get( 'past_events_per_day' );
if ( false === $past_events_per_day ) {
global $wp_theatre;
$args = array(
'groupby' => 'day',
'end' => 'now',
$past_events = $wp_theatre->events->get( $args ) ;
$past_events_per_day = array();
foreach ( $past_events as $past_event ) {
$day = \wp_date( 'Y-m-d', $past_event->datetime() );
if ( empty( $past_events_per_day[ $day ] ) ) {
$past_events_per_day[ $day ] = array();
$past_events_per_day[ $day ][] = $past_event;
wp_cache_set( 'past_events_per_day', $past_events_per_day );
return $past_events_per_day;
namespace Tahoearthauscinema\Theater\Excerpt;
* Only show custom excerpts, no auto generated excerpt.
* since 3.0
* @param string $excerpt The current excerpt.
* @param WPT_Production $production The production.
* @return string The updated excerpt.
function block_auto_excerpts($excerpt, $production) {
if ( empty( $production->post()->post_excerpt ) ) {
$excerpt = '';
return $excerpt;
add_filter('wpt_production_excerpt', __NAMESPACE__.'\block_auto_excerpts', 10, 2);
Plugin Name: Tahoe City Art House and Cinema - Theater customizations
Version: 6.0
Description: Custom functionality for use with the Theater for WordPress plugin
Author: Jeroen Schmit
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
namespace Tahoearthauscinema\Theater;
include_once( 'calendar.php' );
include_once( 'excerpt.php' );
include_once( 'venue.php' );
namespace Tahoearthauscinema\Theater\Venue;
* Adds venue and city filters to the default options for event listings.
* @param array $defaults The current defaults.
* @return array The defaults with venue and city added.
function add_venue_filter_to_events($defaults) {
$defaults['venue'] = false;
return $defaults;
add_filter( 'wpt/frontend/shortcode/events/defaults', __NAMESPACE__.'\add_venue_filter_to_events', 10 );
add_filter( 'wpt/events/get/defaults', __NAMESPACE__.'\add_venue_filter_to_events', 10 );
* Adds venue and city meta_queries to event query args.
* @param array $args The current event query args.
* @param array $filters The filters for this listing.
* @return array The new event query args.
function add_venue_filter_events_query($args, $filters) {
if ( $filters['venue'] ) {
$args['meta_query'][] = array(
'key' => 'venue',
'value' => $filters[ 'venue' ],
return $args;
add_filter( 'wpt/events/get/args', __NAMESPACE__.'\add_venue_filter_events_query', 10, 2 );
function add_venue_shortcode_atts( $out, $pairs, $atts, $shortcode ) {
if ( empty( $atts[ 'venue' ] ) ) {
return $out;
global $wp_theatre;
$events_args = array(
'venue' => $atts[ 'venue' ],
$events = $wp_theatre->events->get( $events_args );
$post__in = array();
if ( empty( $events ) ) {
$post__in = array( -1 );
} else {
foreach( $events as $event ) {
if ( $production = $event->get_production() ) {
$post__in[] = $event->get_production()->ID;
$out[ 'post__in' ] = implode( ',', $post__in );
return $out;
add_filter( 'shortcode_atts_wpt_productions', __NAMESPACE__.'\add_venue_shortcode_atts', 10, 4 );
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