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slimsag/ecs.zig Secret

Last active December 25, 2023 10:27
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"Let's build an Entity Component System (part 2): databases" PARTIAL code (creating entities and adding components)
const std = @import("std");
const testing = std.testing;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
/// An entity ID uniquely identifies an entity globally within an Entities set.
pub const EntityID = u64;
pub const void_archetype_hash = std.math.maxInt(u64);
/// Represents the storage for a single type of component within a single type of entity.
/// Database equivalent: a column within a table.
pub fn ComponentStorage(comptime Component: type) type {
return struct {
/// A reference to the total number of entities with the same type as is being stored here.
total_rows: *usize,
/// The actual densely stored component data.
data: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Component) = .{},
const Self = @This();
pub fn deinit(storage: *Self, allocator: Allocator) void {;
// If the storage of this component is sparse, it is turned dense as calling this method
// indicates that the caller expects to set this component for most entities rather than
// sparsely.
pub fn set(storage: *Self, allocator: Allocator, row_index: u32, component: Component) !void {
if ( <= row_index) try, undefined, + 1 - row_index);[row_index] = component;
/// Removes the given row index.
pub fn remove(storage: *Self, row_index: u32) void {
if ( > row_index) {
_ =;
/// Gets the component value for the given entity ID.
pub inline fn get(storage: Self, row_index: u32) Component {
pub inline fn copy(dst: *Self, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src: *Self) !void {
try dst.set(allocator, dst_row, src.get(src_row));
/// A type-erased representation of ComponentStorage(T) (where T is unknown).
pub const ErasedComponentStorage = struct {
ptr: *anyopaque,
deinit: fn (erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator) void,
remove: fn (erased: *anyopaque, row: u32) void,
cloneType: fn (erased: ErasedComponentStorage, total_entities: *usize, allocator: Allocator, retval: *ErasedComponentStorage) error{OutOfMemory}!void,
copy: fn (dst_erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src_erased: *anyopaque) error{OutOfMemory}!void,
// Casts this `ErasedComponentStorage` into `*ComponentStorage(Component)` with the given type
// (unsafe).
pub fn cast(ptr: *anyopaque, comptime Component: type) *ComponentStorage(Component) {
var aligned = @alignCast(@alignOf(*ComponentStorage(Component)), ptr);
return @ptrCast(*ComponentStorage(Component), aligned);
pub const ArchetypeStorage = struct {
allocator: Allocator,
/// The hash of every component name in this archetype, i.e. the name of this archetype.
hash: u64,
/// A mapping of rows in the table to entity IDs.
/// Doubles as the counter of total number of rows that have been reserved within this
/// archetype table.
entity_ids: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(EntityID) = .{},
/// A string hashmap of component_name -> type-erased *ComponentStorage(Component)
components: std.StringArrayHashMapUnmanaged(ErasedComponentStorage),
/// Calculates the storage.hash value. This is a hash of all the component names, and can
/// effectively be used to uniquely identify this table within the database.
pub fn calculateHash(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
storage.hash = 0;
var iter = storage.components.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
const component_name = entry.key_ptr.*;
storage.hash ^= std.hash_map.hashString(component_name);
pub fn deinit(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
for (storage.components.values()) |erased| {
erased.deinit(erased.ptr, storage.allocator);
/// New reserves a row for storing an entity within this archetype table.
pub fn new(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, entity: EntityID) !u32 {
// Return a new row index
const new_row_index = storage.entity_ids.items.len;
try storage.entity_ids.append(storage.allocator, entity);
return @intCast(u32, new_row_index);
/// Undoes the last call to the new() operation, effectively unreserving the row that was last
/// reserved.
pub fn undoNew(storage: *ArchetypeStorage) void {
_ = storage.entity_ids.pop();
/// Sets the value of the named component (column) for the given row in the table. Realizes the
/// deferred allocation of column storage for N entities (storage.counter) if it is not already.
pub fn set(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, row_index: u32, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
var component_storage_erased = storage.components.get(name).?;
var component_storage = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(component_storage_erased.ptr, @TypeOf(component));
try component_storage.set(storage.allocator, row_index, component);
/// Removes the specified row. See also the `Entity.delete()` helper.
/// This merely marks the row as removed, the same row index will be recycled the next time a
/// new row is requested via `new()`.
pub fn remove(storage: *ArchetypeStorage, row_index: u32) !void {
_ = storage.entity_ids.swapRemove(row_index);
for (storage.components.values()) |component_storage| {
component_storage.remove(component_storage.ptr, row_index);
pub const Entities = struct {
allocator: Allocator,
/// TODO!
counter: EntityID = 0,
/// A mapping of entity IDs (array indices) to where an entity's component values are actually
/// stored.
entities: std.AutoHashMapUnmanaged(EntityID, Pointer) = .{},
/// A mapping of archetype hash to their storage.
/// Database equivalent: table name -> tables representing entities.
archetypes: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(u64, ArchetypeStorage) = .{},
/// Points to where an entity is stored, specifically in which archetype table and in which row
/// of that table. That is, the entity's component values are stored at:
/// ```
/// Entities.archetypes[ptr.archetype_index].rows[ptr.row_index]
/// ```
pub const Pointer = struct {
archetype_index: u16,
row_index: u32,
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) !Entities {
var entities = Entities{ .allocator = allocator };
try entities.archetypes.put(allocator, void_archetype_hash, ArchetypeStorage{
.allocator = allocator,
.components = .{},
.hash = void_archetype_hash,
return entities;
pub fn deinit(entities: *Entities) void {
var iter = entities.archetypes.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
pub fn initErasedStorage(entities: *const Entities, total_rows: *usize, comptime Component: type) !ErasedComponentStorage {
var new_ptr = try entities.allocator.create(ComponentStorage(Component));
new_ptr.* = ComponentStorage(Component){ .total_rows = total_rows };
return ErasedComponentStorage{
.ptr = new_ptr,
.deinit = (struct {
pub fn deinit(erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator) void {
var ptr = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(erased, Component);
.remove = (struct {
pub fn remove(erased: *anyopaque, row: u32) void {
var ptr = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(erased, Component);
.cloneType = (struct {
pub fn cloneType(erased: ErasedComponentStorage, _total_rows: *usize, allocator: Allocator, retval: *ErasedComponentStorage) !void {
var new_clone = try allocator.create(ComponentStorage(Component));
new_clone.* = ComponentStorage(Component){ .total_rows = _total_rows };
var tmp = erased;
tmp.ptr = new_clone;
retval.* = tmp;
.copy = (struct {
pub fn copy(dst_erased: *anyopaque, allocator: Allocator, src_row: u32, dst_row: u32, src_erased: *anyopaque) !void {
var dst = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(dst_erased, Component);
var src = ErasedComponentStorage.cast(src_erased, Component);
return dst.copy(allocator, src_row, dst_row, src);
/// Returns a new entity.
pub fn new(entities: *Entities) !EntityID {
const new_id = entities.counter;
entities.counter += 1;
var void_archetype = entities.archetypes.getPtr(void_archetype_hash).?;
const new_row = try;
const void_pointer = Pointer{
.archetype_index = 0, // void archetype is guaranteed to be first index
.row_index = new_row,
entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, new_id, void_pointer) catch |err| {
return err;
return new_id;
/// Returns the archetype storage for the given entity.
pub inline fn archetypeByID(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID) *ArchetypeStorage {
const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
return &entities.archetypes.values()[ptr.archetype_index];
/// Sets the named component to the specified value for the given entity,
/// moving the entity from it's current archetype table to the new archetype
/// table if required.
pub fn setComponent(entities: *Entities, entity: EntityID, name: []const u8, component: anytype) !void {
var archetype = entities.archetypeByID(entity);
// Determine the old hash for the archetype.
const old_hash = archetype.hash;
// Determine the new hash for the archetype + new component
var have_already = archetype.components.contains(name);
const new_hash = if (have_already) old_hash else old_hash ^ std.hash_map.hashString(name);
// Find the archetype storage for this entity. Could be a new archetype storage table (if a
// new component was added), or the same archetype storage table (if just updating the
// value of a component.)
var archetype_entry = try entities.archetypes.getOrPut(entities.allocator, new_hash);
if (!archetype_entry.found_existing) {
archetype_entry.value_ptr.* = ArchetypeStorage{
.allocator = entities.allocator,
.components = .{},
.hash = 0,
var new_archetype = archetype_entry.value_ptr;
// Create storage/columns for all of the existing components on the entity.
var column_iter = archetype.components.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
var erased: ErasedComponentStorage = undefined;
entry.value_ptr.cloneType(entry.value_ptr.*, &new_archetype.entity_ids.items.len, entities.allocator, &erased) catch |err| {
return err;
new_archetype.components.put(entities.allocator, entry.key_ptr.*, erased) catch |err| {
return err;
// Create storage/column for the new component.
const erased = entities.initErasedStorage(&new_archetype.entity_ids.items.len, @TypeOf(component)) catch |err| {
return err;
new_archetype.components.put(entities.allocator, name, erased) catch |err| {
return err;
// Either new storage (if the entity moved between storage tables due to having a new
// component) or the prior storage (if the entity already had the component and it's value
// is merely being updated.)
var current_archetype_storage = archetype_entry.value_ptr;
if (new_hash == old_hash) {
// Update the value of the existing component of the entity.
const ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
try current_archetype_storage.set(ptr.row_index, name, component);
// Copy to all component values for our entity from the old archetype storage
// (archetype) to the new one (current_archetype_storage).
const new_row = try;
const old_ptr = entities.entities.get(entity).?;
// Update the storage/columns for all of the existing components on the entity.
var column_iter = archetype.components.iterator();
while ( |entry| {
var old_component_storage = entry.value_ptr;
var new_component_storage = current_archetype_storage.components.get(entry.key_ptr.*).?;
new_component_storage.copy(new_component_storage.ptr, entities.allocator, new_row, old_ptr.row_index, old_component_storage.ptr) catch |err| {
return err;
current_archetype_storage.entity_ids.items[new_row] = entity;
// Update the storage/column for the new component.
current_archetype_storage.set(new_row, name, component) catch |err| {
return err;
var swapped_entity_id = archetype.entity_ids.items[archetype.entity_ids.items.len - 1];
archetype.remove(old_ptr.row_index) catch |err| {
return err;
try entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, swapped_entity_id, old_ptr);
try entities.entities.put(entities.allocator, entity, Pointer{
.archetype_index = @intCast(u16, archetype_entry.index),
.row_index = new_row,
test "ecs" {
const allocator = testing.allocator;
var world = try Entities.init(allocator);
defer world.deinit();
const player = try;
// Define component types, any Zig type will do!
// A location component.
const Location = struct {
x: f32 = 0,
y: f32 = 0,
z: f32 = 0,
try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "jane"); // add Name component
try world.setComponent(player, "Location", Location{}); // add Location component
try world.setComponent(player, "Name", "joe"); // update Name component
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Hey, first thx for the really good devlog on this.

I was just wondering if there is a reason for creating an ArchetypeStorage with hash = 0 at line 270 and later calling calculateHash instead of using the new_hash from line 260 directly

I haven't checked the code in mach to compare tho

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