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Created February 16, 2021 22:57
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Hex/RGB Color Functions
import { PaletteColor, RgbString } from "../Theme";
export type RGB = [number, number, number];
type BackgroundColor = string;
export function getRedGreenBlue(rgbStr: string): RGB {
const [r, g, b] = /rgba?\((.+)\)/
.map((c) => Number(c.trim()));
return [r, g, b];
export function getRgbFromHex(hex: string): `rgb(${string})` {
const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
if (!result.length) {
console.warn(`Can not convert "${hex}" to rgb.`);
return `rgb(0,0,0)`;
return `rgb(${parseInt(result[1])},${parseInt(result[2])},${parseInt(
)})` as any;
* @param rgb {RGB} Takes the RGB tuple
* @param percentWhole {number} a whole number to convert to a decimal and multiply by.
export function calculate([r, g, b]: RGB, percent: number): RGB {
const arr: RGB = [
(r * (100 + percent)) / 100,
(g * (100 + percent)) / 100,
(b * (100 + percent)) / 100,
return => (val > 255 ? 255 : val)) as any;
export function getRgbString([r, g, b]: RGB) {
return `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`;
export function getRgbValuesFromString(color: PaletteColor): RGB {
if (color.startsWith("#")) {
const rgbStr = getRgbFromHex(color);
return getRedGreenBlue(rgbStr);
if (color.startsWith("rgb")) {
return getRedGreenBlue(color);
export function lighten(color: PaletteColor, percent: number): RgbString {
const rgb = getRgbValuesFromString(color);
return getRgbString(calculate(rgb, percent));
export function darken(color: PaletteColor, percent: number): RgbString {
const rgb = getRgbValuesFromString(color);
return getRgbString(calculate(rgb, percent * -1));
export function shadeFromRgbString(rgbStr: string, percent: number): string {
const rgb = getRedGreenBlue(rgbStr);
const [r, g, b] = calculate(rgb, percent);
return `rgb(${r},${g},${b})`;
export function convertRgbToHex(rgbStr: string, percent: number): string {
const rgb = getRedGreenBlue(rgbStr);
const [r, g, b] = calculate(rgb, percent).map((val) => {
const hex = val.toString(16);
return hex.length === 1 ? 0 + hex : hex;
return "#" + r + g + b;
export function getContrastingFontColor<
L extends string = string,
D extends string = string
>(bgColor: BackgroundColor, lightText: L = "" as any, darkText: D): L | D {
const color: string = bgColor.startsWith("rgb")
? bgColor
: getRgbFromHex(bgColor);
const [r, g, b] = getRedGreenBlue(color);
const brightness = Math.round((r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000);
return brightness > 125 ? darkText : lightText;
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