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Created August 24, 2020 11:37
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(ns src.core)
(def regex #"(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|([().^*\/+-])")
(def presedence {'+ 1
'- 1
'* 2
'/ 2})
(defn tokenize [expr]
(let [matches (re-seq regex expr)]
(map first matches)))
(defn shunt* [{:keys [queue stack] :as m} t]
(cond (= "(" t)
(update m :stack conj "(")
(= ")" t)
(-> m
(update :queue into (take-while (partial not= "(") stack))
(assoc :stack (rest (drop-while (partial not= "(") stack))))
(let [v (read-string t)]
(number? v)
(update m :queue conj v)
(< (presedence v) (presedence (peek stack) -1))
(-> m
(update :queue into stack)
(assoc :stack (list v)))
(update m :stack conj v)))))
(defn shunt [tokens]
(let [{:keys [queue stack] :as state} (reduce shunt* {:queue []
:stack '()} tokens)]
(into queue stack)))
(defn calculate [queue]
(reduce (fn [stack s]
(if (number? s)
(conj stack s)
(let [fst (first stack)
snd (second stack)
result (eval (list s snd fst))]
(conj (rest (rest stack)) result)))) '() queue))
(->> "(5 + 3) * (4 - 3) - 1 * 5"
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