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Created September 12, 2016 09:16
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#!/usr/bin/env planck
(ns colorblock.core
(:require [planck.core :refer [*command-line-args* slurp]]
[ :refer [sh]]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(def usage-str "USAGE:\ncolorblock example.clj SomeTagName\ncolorblock example.clj SomeTagName [OUTPUT FORMAT]\n")
(def pygmentize-opts "style=friendly,fontface=Inconsolata,fontsize=62")
(def command (if (= 0 (:exit (sh "type" "-a" "pbcopy")))
["xclip" "-selection" "clipboard"]))
(defn find-contents [tag contents]
(->> contents
(drop-while #(not= (str ";;START " tag ) %))
(take-while #(not= (str ";;END " tag) %))
(s/join "\n")))
(defn do-format [file tag command format]
(->> file
(find-contents tag)
(sh "pygmentize" "-f" format "-O" pygmentize-opts "-l" "clojure" :in)
(conj command :in)
(apply sh)
(defn usage [args]
(when (or (not (seq args))
(seq (filter #(or (= "-h" %) (= "--help" %)) args)))
(println usage-str)
(planck.core/exit 1)))
(defn -main [args]
(usage args)
(let [format (if (= 3 (count *command-line-args*))
(nth *command-line-args* 2)
(planck.core/exit (apply do-format (conj args command format)))))
(-main (vec *command-line-args*))
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