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DTR: Define the Relationship

Team PupDates: Andrew Johnson, Matt Malone, Sam Coleman, Sara Karsh

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
  • We’re all here to learn new languages and frameworks and we all want to know all the parts of the code base
  • Have a polished project to hopefully present at Demo Comp
  • Treat it like it’s a job

Things to install:


npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/node

--> then create a file called .babelrc in the root of your project

--> INSIDE the .babelrc file, add this:

export const fetchCoWorkers = async () => {
  const url = 'http://localhost:3001/api/v1/coworkers'
  const response = await fetch(url);
  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error('There was an error getting your co-workers.');
  const coWorkers = await response.json();
  return coWorkers

install after react:

npm i redux react-redux redux-devtools-extension -S

Add the correct imports to index.js

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

Agile & Feedback Reflection Guidelines

In interviews, you'll be asked about how you approach working in projects, and being able to describe how you utilize agile processes is a great way to help you stand out as a junior developer candidate. This reflection is meant to help you develop this skill.

With that in mind, please answer the following questions in your own gist about your group project:

What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?

Waterfall is really not the most efficient or even feasible way to approach software projects. Waterfall is a great way to find out that there is something wrong with your project, whether that be bugs, missing crucial data, or even just not being something a consumer wants anymore, way too late in the process to really be able to do much about it. Agile is more about the smaller wins, and attacking a project in small but cumulative phases. In the case of our most recent project, it helped us especially approaching check-ins. O

slkarsh /
Created July 16, 2019 17:33 — forked from khalidwilliams/
1904 JSON / localStorage Review

JSON and Local Storage Review

It's important to remember why we use JSON and localStorage -- formatting and saving data on the user's computer, via the WebStorage API.

Using localStorage

localStorage gives us access to a storage object in the browser (go ahead and try calling localStorage in the console. We get an object back!)

This object gives us access to a few methods, such as:

  • localStorage.setItem([key],[value]) => undefined
  • localStorage.getItem([key]) => "[value]" (as a string)

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

According to the survey results, my greatest strength is entrepreneurialism. I can spot potential and opportunities that can benefit me and people at large, especially when I am able to bounce ideas off of other people. Per the description, I am creative and good at forming connections, good at problem solving, and have a good degree of curiosity. This honestly surprises me, I would never have cnonsidered myself to be entrepreneurial.

How do you work best?

I work best in a collaborative, supportive environment. In addition, I am comfortable taking on a leadership role if I know other people are looking to me to do so; otherwise, I am happy to be a team player. In addition, I work hard to accomplish tasks but benefit from time away to refresh myself. While I can be self-motivated, at other times I require an external push to accomplish what I need to do.

What is your greatest area of improvement?

Gear Up Pre-Work

Turing Culture: Developing Empathetic Programmers

Directions: Submit your Gear Up Pre-Work reflections on the pre-work google doc.

Our mission is to unlock human potential by training a diverse, inclusive student body to succeed in high-fulfillment technical careers.

Why Empathy?

  • Interpersonal skills (including empathy) have a direct, significant impact on your professional success.
  • Empathy is a foundational interpersonal skill. Other skills, such as collaboration, communication, compromise all hinge on your ability to demonstrate empathy.

Reading Responses: HTML & CSS Chapters 1 &2

1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?

HTML provides structure to a webpage

2. What is the difference between an element and a tag?

Element is comprised of the opening and closing tags and the content between them. Tags tell you about the information between them. However, the terms are often used interchangeably.