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Created July 8, 2019 16:44
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LaTeX diff for Manubot
import subprocess as sp
import argparse
import os
import shutil
import glob
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("--format", required=True, help="Manuscript diff output format.")
ap.add_argument("--first_commit", required=True, help="First commit for `diff`.")
ap.add_argument("--second_commit", required=False, help="Second commit for `diff` (can be '').")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
fmt = args['format']
first_commit = args["first_commit"]
if args["second_commit"]:
second_commit = args["second_commit"]
second_commit = "now"
def prepare():
if not os.path.exists("diff/content/"):
def checkout_commit(commit, file):
Find the line numbers in a file (in the second commit) that are changed relative to the first commit,
by checking out two copies of the same file on-the-fly, then calling `diff` and capturing the output.
This will work best with semantic line feeds.
base = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
command = f"git show {commit}:{file} > diff/{base}-{commit[0:7]}.md"
print(f"Runing {command}"), shell=True)
def build_latex(commit):
Write a slightly modified build script (based off ``) that will create
`manuscript_diff.html` and `manuscript_diff.pdf` in the output directory. In the future,
this I imagine this can be a flag, like we currently have for `$BUILD_DOCX` to automatically
create a manuscript `diff` when desired.
for file in ["citation-tags.tsv", "manual-references.json", "metadata.yaml"]:
shutil.copy(f"content/{file}", "diff/content")
build_script = f"""
set -o errexit
# Set timezone used by Python for setting the manuscript's date
export TZ=Etc/UTC
# Default Python to read/write text files using UTF-8 encoding
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
# Generate reference information
echo "Retrieving and processing reference metadata"
manubot \
--content-directory=diff/content/ \
--output-directory=diff/output \
--cache-directory=ci/cache \
mv diff/output/ diff/output/manuscript-{commit[0:7]}.md
# Make output directory
mkdir -p output
cp -r content/images diff/content/images
pandoc \
--from=markdown \
--filter=pandoc-eqnos \
--filter=pandoc-tablenos \
--filter=pandoc-img-glob \
--filter=pandoc-chemfig \
--filter=pandoc-fignos \
--bibliography=$BIBLIOGRAPHY_PATH \
--csl=$CSL_PATH \
--template=build/assets/nih4.tex \
--metadata link-citations=true \
--number-sections \
--resource-path=.:content:../content \
--pdf-engine=xelatex \
--variable mainfont="${{FONT}}" \
--variable sansfont="${{FONT}}" \
--variable colorlinks="${{COLORLINKS}}" \
--output=diff/output/manuscript-{commit[0:7]}.tex \
echo "Build complete"
rm diff/content/*.md
with open("build/", "w") as f:
f.write(build_script)"bash build/", cwd=".", shell=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
paths = sorted(glob.glob("content/[0-9]*.md"))
for commit in [first_commit, second_commit]:
for path in paths:
if commit != "now":
checkout_commit(first_commit, path)
else:"cp {path} diff/{path}", shell=True)
build_latex(commit)"latexdiff diff/output/manuscript-{first_commit[0:7]} diff/output/manuscript-{second_commit[0:7]} > diff/output/diff.tex", shell=True)"xelatex diff/output/diff.tex", shell=True)
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