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Created April 1, 2016 19:10
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Maybe Find Greatest and Smallest File
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (print)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldl)
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
type FileSize = Int
data Path = Path FileSize | Missing
instance showPath :: Show (Path) where
show (Path a) = "Path " ++ show a
show Missing = "Missing"
size :: Path -> Maybe Int
size (Path a) = Just a
size Missing = Nothing
chooseFileWith :: (FileSize -> FileSize -> Boolean) -> Path -> Path -> Maybe Path
chooseFileWith cmpWith path1 path2 =
chooseBySize <$> size path1 <*> size path2
chooseBySize s1 s2 | s1 `cmpWith` s2 = path1 | otherwise = path2
findFileWith :: forall f. (Foldable f) => (Path -> Path -> Maybe Path) -> f Path -> Maybe Path
findFileWith choose = foldl acc Nothing
acc :: Maybe Path -> Path -> Maybe Path
acc Nothing p = const p <$> size p -- keep Nothing until there is a file having a size
acc mp1@(Just p1) p2 = choose p1 p2 <|> mp1 -- if p2 doesnt have a size fallback to p1
findGreatest :: forall f. (Foldable f) => f Path -> Maybe Path
findGreatest = findFileWith $ chooseFileWith (>)
findSmallest :: forall f. (Foldable f) => f Path -> Maybe Path
findSmallest = findFileWith $ chooseFileWith (<)
main = do
print $ findSmallest paths
print $ findGreatest paths
paths = [Missing, Path 3, Missing, Path 6, Path 2, Missing, Path 1, Missing]
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