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Created May 6, 2016 10:35
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Adapt State and Actions
module ClickCounter where
import Prelude
import Component as C
import Pux.Html as H
import Pux.Html.Events as E
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
type State = Int
data Action = Click
derive instance genericAction :: Generic Action
initialState :: State
initialState = 0
component :: ∀ e. C.PuxComponent Action State e
component = C.Simple update view
update Click s = s + 1
view s = H.div [] [
H.strong [] [H.text "Count your clicks"],
H.div [] [H.text $ "you have clicked " ++ show s ++ " times."],
H.button [E.onClick $ const Click] [H.text "click"]
module Component where
import Prelude
import Pux as Pux
import Pux.Html as H
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Generic (class Generic, GenericSpine(..), fromSpine, toSpine)
import Data.Array (length, (!!), head)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldl)
data PuxComponent action state eff =
Stateless (H.Html action)
| Simple (action -> state -> state) (state -> H.Html action)
| Effectful (action -> state -> Pux.EffModel state action eff) (state -> H.Html action)
adaptState :: ∀ s1 s2 a e. (s2 -> s1 -> s2) -> (s2 -> s1) -> PuxComponent a s1 e -> PuxComponent a s2 e
adaptState _ _ (Stateless html) = Stateless html
adaptState updateInS2 toS1 (Simple update view) =
Simple (\a s -> updateInS2 s $ update a $ toS1 s) (view <<< toS1)
adaptState updateInS2 toS1 (Effectful update view) =
Effectful updateEff (view <<< toS1)
updateEff :: a -> s2 -> Pux.EffModel s2 a e
updateEff a s =
let updatedState = update a $ toS1 s in
updatedState{state = updateInS2 s updatedState.state}
adaptAction :: ∀ a1 a2 s e. (a1 -> a2) -> (a2 -> Maybe a1) -> PuxComponent a1 s e -> PuxComponent a2 s e
adaptAction toa2 _ (Stateless html) = Stateless $ toa2 <$> html
adaptAction toa2 toa1 (Simple update view) =
Simple maybeUpdate (\s -> toa2 <$> (view s))
maybeUpdate a s = fromMaybe s $ update <$> toa1 a <*> Just s
adaptAction toa2 toa1 (Effectful update view) =
Effectful maybeUpdateEff (\s -> toa2 <$> (view s))
maybeUpdateEff :: a2 -> s -> Pux.EffModel s a2 e
maybeUpdateEff a s = case toa1 a of
Just action -> let updated = update action s
effects = (map toa2) <$> updated.effects
updated{effects = effects}
Nothing -> Pux.noEffects s
gFrom :: ∀ a b. (Generic a, Generic b) => a -> Maybe b
gFrom a = case toSpine a of
SProd constr ar | length ar == 1 ->
(head ar) <*> Just unit >>= fromSpine
_ -> Nothing
gFromTagged :: ∀ a b t. (Generic a, Generic b, Generic t) => t -> a -> Maybe b
gFromTagged t a = case toSpine a of
SProd _ ar | length ar == 2 -> do
gtag <- (ar !! 0) <*> Just unit
gval <- (ar !! 1) <*> Just unit
if gtag == toSpine t then fromSpine gval else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
gAdaptAction :: ∀ a1 a2 s e. (Generic a1, Generic a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> PuxComponent a1 s e -> PuxComponent a2 s e
gAdaptAction toa2 = adaptAction toa2 gFrom
gAdaptTaggedAction :: ∀ a1 a2 s t e. (Generic t, Generic a1, Generic a2) => (t -> a1 -> a2) -> t -> PuxComponent a1 s e -> PuxComponent a2 s e
gAdaptTaggedAction toTaggeda2 tag = adaptAction (toTaggeda2 tag) (gFromTagged tag)
wrapWith :: ∀ a s e. (H.Html a -> H.Html a) -> PuxComponent a s e -> PuxComponent a s e
wrapWith wrapper (Stateless html) = Stateless $ wrapper html
wrapWith wrapper (Simple update view) = Simple update (wrapper <<< view)
wrapWith wrapper (Effectful update view) = Effectful update (wrapper <<< view)
wrapManyWith :: ∀ a s f e. (Foldable f, Functor f) => (f (H.Html a) -> H.Html a) -> f (PuxComponent a s e) -> PuxComponent a s e
wrapManyWith wrapper m = Effectful (updateManyComponents m) (viewManyComponents m wrapper)
viewComponent :: ∀ a s e. PuxComponent a s e -> s -> H.Html a
viewComponent (Stateless html) = const html
viewComponent (Simple _ view) = view
viewComponent (Effectful _ view) = view
infixl 9 viewComponent as <:
updateComponent :: ∀ a s e. PuxComponent a s e -> a -> s -> Pux.EffModel s a e
updateComponent (Stateless _) _ s = Pux.noEffects s
updateComponent (Simple update _ ) a s = Pux.noEffects $ update a s
updateComponent (Effectful update _ ) a s = update a s
updateManyComponents :: ∀ a s f e. (Foldable f) => f (PuxComponent a s e) -> a -> s -> Pux.EffModel s a e
updateManyComponents m a s =
foldl go (Pux.noEffects s) m
go {state,effects} comp =
updated{effects = effects <> updated.effects}
updated = updateComponent comp a state
viewManyComponents :: ∀ a s f e. (Functor f) => f (PuxComponent a s e) -> (f (H.Html a) -> H.Html a) -> s -> H.Html a
viewManyComponents m wrapper s = wrapper $ flip viewComponent s <$> m
module Console where
import Prelude
import Component as C
import Pux as Pux
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, print)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
import Pux.Html as H
import Pux.Html.Events as E
import Pux.Html.Attributes as A
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
data Action = TextChanged String
| Print
| Clear
derive instance genericAction :: Generic Action
type State = String
component :: ∀ e. C.PuxComponent Action State (console :: CONSOLE | e)
component = C.Effectful update view
update (TextChanged txt) _ = Pux.noEffects txt
update Print s = {state: s, effects: [liftEff $ print s <#> const Clear]}
update Clear _ = Pux.noEffects ""
view txt = H.div [] [
H.input [A.value txt, E.onChange $ TextChanged <<< _.value <<<] [],
H.button [E.onClick $ const Print] [H.text "print"]
module ConsoleAndCounter where
import Prelude
import Component as C
import Component ((<:))
import Pux.Html as H
import Console as Console
import Counter as Counter
import ClickCounter as ClickCounter
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE)
type State = {
console :: Console.State,
counterTop :: Counter.State,
counterBottom :: Counter.State,
clickCounter :: ClickCounter.State
data CounterTag = Top | Bottom
derive instance genericCounterTag :: Generic CounterTag
data Action = Console Console.Action
| Counter CounterTag Counter.Action
| ClickCounter ClickCounter.Action
derive instance genericAction :: Generic Action
initialState :: State
initialState = {console : "hello", counterTop: 0, counterBottom: 100, clickCounter: 0}
component :: ∀ e. C.PuxComponent Action State (console :: CONSOLE | e)
component = C.Effectful update view
counterTop = Counter.component # C.adaptState _{counterTop=_} _.counterTop >>> C.gAdaptTaggedAction Counter Top
counterBottom = Counter.component # C.adaptState _{counterBottom=_} _.counterBottom >>> C.gAdaptTaggedAction Counter Bottom
console = Console.component # C.adaptState _{console=_} _.console >>> C.gAdaptAction Console
clickCounter = ClickCounter.component # C.adaptState _{clickCounter=_} _.clickCounter >>> C.gAdaptAction ClickCounter
update = C.updateManyComponents [counterTop, console, clickCounter, counterBottom]
view state = H.div [] [
H.h4 [] [H.text "This is a counter"],
H.div [] [
counterTop <: state
H.h4 [] [H.text "and this one logs to the console"],
H.div [] [
console <: state
H.h4 [] [H.text "and finally you can click"],
H.div [] [
clickCounter <: state
H.h4 [] [H.text "This is another counter"],
H.div [] [
counterBottom <: state
module Counter where
import Prelude
import Component as C
import Pux.Html as H
import Pux.Html.Attributes as A
import Pux.Html.Events as E
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
data Action =  Increment | Decrement
derive instance genericAction :: Generic Action
type State = Int
component :: ∀ e. C.PuxComponent Action State e
component = C.Simple update view
update action s = case action of
Increment -> s + 1
Decrement -> s - 1
view s = H.div [A.className "counter"] [
H.div [] [H.text $ show s],
H.div [A.className "counter-actions"] [
H.button [E.onClick $ const Increment] [H.text "+"],
H.button [E.onClick $ const Decrement] [H.text "-"]
module Main where
import Prelude
import Pux as Pux
import Pux.Html as H
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Component as C
import ConsoleAndCounter as ConsoleAndCounter
import Counter as Counter
import Tab as Tab
import Tab (TabContent(..))
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE)
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
type AppEff e = (console :: CONSOLE | e)
data MyTab = Static String String | Counter1 | Counter2 | Interactive
derive instance eqMyTab :: Eq MyTab
derive instance genericMyTalb :: Generic MyTab
data MyTabContentAction = Counter MyTab Counter.Action
| ConsoleAndCounter ConsoleAndCounter.Action
derive instance genericMyTabContentAction :: Generic MyTabContentAction
type MyTabAction = Tab.Action MyTab MyTabContentAction
type MyTabState = {
counter1 :: Counter.State,
counter2 :: Counter.State,
consoleAndCounter :: ConsoleAndCounter.State,
activeTab :: MyTab
myTabComponent :: ∀ e. C.PuxComponent MyTabAction MyTabState (AppEff e)
myTabComponent = Tab.component componentForTab [
Static "foo" "lorem ipsum",
Static "HAL" "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.",
componentForTab Counter1 =
TabContent "A counter" $
Counter.component #
C.adaptState _{counter1=_} _.counter1 >>> C.gAdaptTaggedAction Counter Counter1
componentForTab Counter2 =
TabContent "Another counter" $
Counter.component #
C.adaptState _{counter2=_} _.counter2 >>> C.gAdaptTaggedAction Counter Counter2
componentForTab (Static t txt) =
TabContent t $
C.Stateless $ H.div [] [H.text txt]
componentForTab Interactive =
TabContent "Interactive" $
ConsoleAndCounter.component #
C.adaptState _{consoleAndCounter=_} _.consoleAndCounter >>> C.gAdaptAction ConsoleAndCounter
main :: Eff _ Unit
main = do
app <- Pux.start {
initialState: {
counter1: 0,
counter2: 0,
consoleAndCounter: ConsoleAndCounter.initialState,
activeTab: Counter1
update: C.updateComponent myTabComponent,
view: C.viewComponent myTabComponent,
inputs: []
Pux.renderToDOM "#app" app.html
module Tab (
) where
import Prelude
import Pux.Html as H
import Pux as Pux
import Pux.Html.Attributes as A
import Pux.Html.Events as E
import Component as C
import Data.Generic (class Generic)
data Action tab a = Activate tab | ActionInTab tab a
derive instance genericAction :: (Generic tab, Generic a) => Generic (Action tab a)
data TabContent a s e = TabContent String (C.PuxComponent a s e)
viewTab :: ∀ a s e. TabContent a s e -> s -> H.Html a
viewTab (TabContent _ c) = C.viewComponent c
updateTab :: ∀ a s e. TabContent a s e -> a -> s -> Pux.EffModel s a e
updateTab (TabContent _ c) = C.updateComponent c
tabTitle :: ∀ a s e. TabContent a s e -> String
tabTitle (TabContent t _) = t
type TabState t s = {activeTab :: t | s}
component :: ∀ t a s e. (Eq t) => (t -> TabContent a (TabState t s) e) -> Array t -> C.PuxComponent (Action t a) (TabState t s) e
component componentForTab tabs = C.Effectful update view
update :: Action t a -> TabState t s -> Pux.EffModel (TabState t s) (Action t a) e
update (Activate tab) s = Pux.noEffects s{activeTab = tab}
update (ActionInTab tab a) s =
updated{effects = (map $ ActionInTab tab) <$> updated.effects}
updated = updateTab (componentForTab tab) a s
view :: TabState t s -> H.Html (Action t a)
view state =
H.div [A.className "tabs"] [
H.div [A.className "tab-label"] (tabLabel <$> tabs), [] [],
H.div [A.className "tab-content-wrapper"] [tabContent]
activeTab = state.activeTab
tabLabel tab
| activeTab == tab = H.strong [] [H.text $ tabTitle $ componentForTab tab]
| otherwise =
H.button [A.className "tab-label", E.onClick $ const $ Activate tab] [
H.text $ tabTitle $ componentForTab tab
tabContent =
H.div [A.className "tab-content"] [
ActionInTab activeTab <$> viewTab (componentForTab activeTab) state
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