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Created October 28, 2016 19:26
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ui <- fluidPage(
h2("insertUI demo"),
selectInput("dataset", "Pick Dataset", choices = c("mtcars", "iris"), selected = "iris"),
# This will hold column dropdowns and "Add plot" button
# This <div> will hold all of the plots we're going to
# dynamically add. It's going to be super fun!
div(id = "plot_container")
# Disable fading effect when processing
tags$style(".recalculating { opacity: 1; }")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# pick the dataset
dataset <- reactive({
eval(parse(text = input$dataset))
# Let user choose columns, and add plot.
output$column_ui <- renderUI({
choices <- c("Choose one" = "", names(dataset()))
selectInput("xvar", "X variable", choices),
selectInput("yvar", "Y variable", choices),
conditionalPanel("input.xvar && input.yvar",
actionButton("addplot", "Add plot")
# One of the very few times you'll see me create a non-reactive
# session-level variable, and mutate it from within an observer
plot_count <- 0
# Add a plot when addplot is clicked
observeEvent(input$addplot, {
plot_count <<- plot_count + 1
id <- paste0("plot", plot_count)
# Take a static snapshot of xvar/yvar; the renderPlot we're
# creating here cares only what their values are now, not in
# the future.
xvar <- input$xvar
yvar <- input$yvar
output[[id]] <- renderPlot({
df <- brushedPoints(dataset(), input$brush, allRows = TRUE)
ggplot(df, aes_string(xvar, yvar, color = "selected_")) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.6) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "green")) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
xlab(xvar) + ylab(yvar)
insertUI("#plot_container", where = "beforeEnd",
ui = div(style = css(display = "inline-block"),
plotOutput(id, brush = "brush", width = 275, height = 275)
# Whenever the dataset changes, clear all plots
observeEvent(dataset(), {
removeUI("#plot_container *")
shinyApp(ui, server)
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