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Last active February 24, 2023 17:34
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package main
import (
const ALPHABET = "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769"
func generate_zb32_string(length uint8) string {
chars := make([]string, length)
var i uint8 = 0
for ; i < length; i++ {
chars[i] = string(ALPHABET[rand.Intn(32)])
return strings.Join(chars, "")
func main() {
usage := `Z-Base-32 random string generator.
zb32 [--seed SEED] [--length LENGTH] [--count COUNT]
zb32 -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen.
-s --seed SEED Use a specific random seed
-l --length LENGTH Length of each generated string [default: 16]
-c --count COUNT Count of strings to generate [default: 1]`
arguments, _ := docopt.Parse(usage, nil, true, "ZB32 1.0", false)
if arguments["--help"].(bool) {
if arguments["--seed"] != nil {
seed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(arguments["--seed"].(string), 0, 64)
} else {
tempCount, _ := strconv.ParseInt(arguments["--count"].(string), 0, 32)
var count int = int(tempCount)
tempLength, _ := strconv.ParseUint(arguments["--length"].(string), 0, 8)
var length uint8 = uint8(tempLength)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
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As of newer Golang versions a go.mod file is required to compile this. A minimal such file is something like:

module zb32
go 1.20

Put that in a directory together with zb32.go, run go get, then go build, and you'll have your executable.

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