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Last active October 1, 2022 18:59
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lambda function to track data lake inventory
# If you have a data lake, you will often want to be able to ask questions about what's in it, and prefix-based listings of
# objects, as provided by S3 and all S3-alikes, tightly constrain your ability to do so. Using a simple Lambda function like
# this (which can be adapted to the FaaS platform of your choice) together with an RDBMS gives you a much more flexible way of
# asking meta questions about what's in your lake.
# Relevant table schema, adjust names as you like...
# create table lake.inventory
# (
# inventory_id bigserial primary key
# , created timestamptz not null default now()
# , bucket varchar(64) not null
# , key text not null
# , size bigint not null
# , event_time timestamptz not null
# );
# create unique index uidx_inventory_bucketkey on lake.inventory(bucket, key) ;
import boto3
import psycopg2
from urllib.parse import unquote
insert into lake.inventory
( bucket
, key
, size
, event_time
( %(bucket)s
, %(key)s
, %(size)s
, cast(%(event_time)s as timestamptz)
on conflict (bucket, key)
do update set size = excluded.size
, event_time = excluded.event_time
DELETE_SQL = "delete from lake.inventory where ( bucket, key ) = ( %(bucket)s, %(key)s )"
# Could pull these from env vars of course, but we treated them as Well Known constants that didn't need to be configurable.
# You may be tempted to put ALL of these in the secret. Don't! Hostnames and usernames are not secrets!
DBUSER = 'dont_connect_as_a_superuser'
DBPW = None
def get_db_password():
global DBPW
if DBPW is not None:
return DBPW
client = boto3.client('secretsmanager')
response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId='YourSecretKeyNameHere')
DBPW = response['SecretString']
return DBPW
def get_connection():
global DBCONN
if DBCONN is not None:
return DBCONN
DBCONN = psycopg2.connect(
DBCONN.autocommit = True
return DBCONN
# set the Lambda entry point to this function
def handler(event, context):
for r in event['Records']:
if r['eventName'].startswith('ObjectCreated'):
elif r['eventName'].startswith('ObjectRemoved'):
return True
def handle_put(record):
connection = get_connection()
with connection.cursor() as cur:
bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = unquote(record['s3']['object']['key'])
size = record['s3']['object']['size']
event_time = record['eventTime']
cur.execute(INSERT_SQL, dict(bucket=bucket, key=key, size=size, event_time=event_time))
def handle_delete(record):
connection = get_connection()
with connection.cursor() as cur:
bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = unquote(record['s3']['object']['key'])
cur.execute(DELETE_SQL, dict(bucket=bucket, key=key))
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