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puts "C-3P0, Human-Cyborg Relations"
puts "What is your name?"
name = gets.chomp
puts "It's a pleasure to meet you #{name}. Have you ever met a protocol droid before?"
user_answer = gets.chomp
puts " #{user_answer}? How Interesting, for someone from around these parts."
puts "I'm terribly sorry for prying, but you don't by any chance go by the alias of Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you?"
mkdir -p GeneralAssembly/Homework/week01/day01
mkdir -p GeneralAssembly/Notes/week01/day01
mkdir -p GeneralAssembly/Projects
mkdir -p GeneralAssembly/Outcomes
touch GeneralAssembly/
echo "Hey there, student! Welcome to WDI6! I just set up this directory tree for you:"
tree GeneralAssembly