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slvrtrn/out Secret

Created November 1, 2023 22:20
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inserting test data 0
inserting test data 1
inserting test data 2
inserting test data 3
inserting test data 4
inserting test data 5
inserting test data 6
inserting test data 7
inserting test data 8
inserting test data 9
streaming in test data
streaming in test data
inserting test data 0
inserting test data 1
inserting test data 2
inserting test data 3
inserting test data 4
inserting test data 5
inserting test data 6
inserting test data 7
inserting test data 8
inserting test data 9
inserting test data 0
inserting test data 1
inserting test data 2
inserting test data 3
inserting test data 4
inserting test data 5
inserting test data 6
inserting test data 7
inserting test data 8
inserting test data 9
count rows in test_table [ { 'count()': '2030' } ]
clickhouse cleanup
clickhouse cleanup done
import {
} from '@clickhouse/client'
import process from 'node:process'
import Stream from 'node:stream'
export class ClickHouse {
#insertPromise: Promise<InsertResult> | undefined
#client: ClickHouseClient<Stream.Readable>
#stream: Stream.Readable
constructor() {
this.#stream = this.createStream()
this.#client = createClient({
host: process.env.CLICKHOUSE_HOST,
username: 'default',
password: process.env.CLICKHOUSE_SECRET,
keep_alive: {
enabled: false,
// socket_ttl: 2500,
// retry_on_expired_socket: true,
async init() {
await this.#client
query: `
id UInt32,
name String,
time DateTime64
) ENGINE = Memory
.catch((error) => console.error('⚠️ clickhouse init error:', error))
async createPromise(table: string) {
if (this.#insertPromise !== undefined) {
await this.#insertPromise
this.#stream = this.createStream()
this.#insertPromise = this.#client
values: this.#stream,
format: 'JSONEachRow',
.catch(async (error) => {
createStream() {
return new Stream.Readable({
objectMode: true,
read() {},
async streamTestData() {
console.log('streaming in test data')
for (let index = 0; index < 1000; index++) {
id: index,
name: 'test',
// insert data using INSERT (not stream) with 5 sec sleep in between
async insertTestData() {
for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
console.log('inserting test data', index)
await this.#client
table: 'test_table',
values: [
id: index,
name: 'test',
format: 'JSONEachRow',
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5_000))
async closeStreams() {
// count rows in test_table
const { data } = await (
await this.#client.query({ query: 'SELECT count(*) FROM test_table' })
).json<{ data: unknown }>()
console.log('count rows in test_table', data)
// close stream
console.log('clickhouse cleanup')
// stream.destroy()
// when the stream is closed, the insert stream can be awaited
if (this.#insertPromise !== undefined) {
await this.#insertPromise
await this.#client.close()
console.log('clickhouse cleanup done')
void (async () => {
// this passes
const test1 = async () => {
// await clickhouse.createPromise('test_table')
// await clickhouse.streamTestData()
await clickhouse.insertTestData()
// this passes
const test2 = async () => {
await clickhouse.createPromise('test_table')
await clickhouse.streamTestData()
// await clickhouse.insertTestData()
// this fails with SOCKET_TIMEOUT
const test3 = async () => {
await clickhouse.createPromise('test_table')
await clickhouse.streamTestData()
await clickhouse.insertTestData()
// this fails with Error: socket hang up ECONNRESET
const test4 = async () => {
await clickhouse.createPromise('test_table')
// await clickhouse.streamTestData()
await clickhouse.insertTestData()
const clickhouse = new ClickHouse()
await clickhouse.init()
await test1()
await test2()
await test3()
await test4()
await clickhouse.closeStreams()
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