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slwu89 / discourse_jump.jl
Last active December 8, 2023 19:45
acset vs dicts for jump model generation
# from question:
using Catlab, JuMP
using BenchmarkTools
@present NetSch(FreeSchema) begin
slwu89 / stochAD.jl
Last active July 11, 2023 19:29
sandbox for SIR particle filter
using StochasticAD, Distributions, StaticArrays, Plots
using Zygote, ForwardDiff
# map rates to probabilities
function rate_to_proportion(r, t)
# dynamic part of SIR model
function sir_dyn_mod(x, u0, p, δt)
slwu89 / pwexp.R
Created March 16, 2023 18:27
piecewise exp firing time sampling
rpwexp <- function(n, failRates) {
end_time <- cumsum(failRates$duration)
n_rate <- nrow(failRates)
t <- 0
tau <- Tk <- rep(0, n)
Pk <- rexp(n = n)
notfired <- rep(TRUE, n)
for (i in 1:n_rate) {
delta_tk <- (Pk[notfired] - Tk[notfired]) / failRates$rate[i]
tau[notfired] <- t + delta_tk
slwu89 / counting_mc.jl
Created February 26, 2023 18:51
counting up and down in the most extravagant way possible
using MeasureTheory
using Plots
using Random
function counting(x)
Dirac([x[1]+1, x[2]-1])
mc = Chain(x -> counting(x), Dirac([0,0]))
r = rand(mc)
slwu89 / secrets.jl
Created January 17, 2023 02:25
julia tricks and useful things
# 1. ----------
# "guess what an appropriate container eltype would be for storing results of `f`..."
f() = true
# 2. ----------
# take apart whatever comes in
slwu89 / foward_ad.R
Last active October 19, 2022 18:11
foward mode autodiff in R, completing the unfinished example in Simon Wood's "Core Statistics" 5.5.3
ad <- function(x,diff = c(1,1)) {
## create class "ad" object. diff[1] is length of grad
## diff[2] is element of grad to set to 1.
grad <- rep(0,diff[1])
if (diff[2]>0 && diff[2]<=diff[1]) grad[diff[2]] <- 1
attr(x,"grad") <- grad
class(x) <- "ad"
slwu89 / urchins.jl
Last active December 12, 2022 20:15
the Simon Wood urchin example in Julia; using the Laplace approximation to fit models with random effects, needs Julia version >= 1.8 for typed globals (
using Distributions
using ForwardDiff
using Optim
using LineSearches #
# logdet
using LinearAlgebra
# get the data
slwu89 / cubicspline.jl
Last active October 15, 2022 23:17
penalized cubic splines in julia
using Random, Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using Plots
using JuMP, Ipopt
using RCall
# initial fixup and optional (not here) scaling
# scaling here:
function penalty_cr(D,B)
slwu89 / pcls.jl
Last active September 16, 2022 00:25
pcls in Julia with JuMP
using JuMP
using HiGHS
using LinearAlgebra
using RCall
using Plots
# example from pcls help, see
slwu89 / container.cpp
Last active February 24, 2022 19:11
class with a container whose type is a template parameter and the thing it stores is also a template parameter
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
// if we needed containers that took > 2 template args (set?) we could use variadic templates.
template<typename T, template<typename, typename> class C>
struct MyVariable {
std::vector<C<T, std::allocator<T>>> values;