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Forked from vittorioromeo/FastFunc.hpp
Created February 20, 2018 12:44
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Don Clugston's fast delegate C++11 implementation
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
namespace ssvu
namespace Internal
class AnyClass;
using AnyPtrThis = AnyClass*;
using AnyPtrFunc = void(AnyClass::*)();
template<typename TReturn = void, typename... TArgs> using AnyPtrFuncT = TReturn(AnyClass::*)(TArgs...);
template<typename TReturn = void, typename... TArgs> using AnyPtrStaticFuncT = TReturn(*)(TArgs...);
constexpr std::size_t SingleMemFuncPtrSize{sizeof(void(AnyClass::*)())};
template<class TOut, class TIn> union HorribleUnion { TOut out; TIn in; };
template<class TOut, class TIn> inline TOut horrible_cast(TIn mIn) noexcept { HorribleUnion<TOut, TIn> u; static_assert(sizeof(TIn) == sizeof(u) && sizeof(TIn) == sizeof(TOut), "Cannot use horrible_cast<>"); = mIn; return u.out; }
template<class TOut, class TIn> inline TOut unsafe_horrible_cast(TIn mIn) noexcept { HorribleUnion<TOut, TIn> u; = mIn; return u.out; }
template<std::size_t TN> struct SimplifyMemFunc
template<class TThis, class TFunc> inline static AnyPtrThis convert(const TThis*, TFunc, AnyPtrFunc&) noexcept
static_assert(TN - 100, "Unsupported member function pointer on this compiler");
return 0;
template<> struct SimplifyMemFunc<SingleMemFuncPtrSize>
template<class TThis, class TFunc> inline static AnyPtrThis convert(const TThis* mThis, TFunc mFunc, AnyPtrFunc& mFuncOut) noexcept
mFuncOut = reinterpret_cast<AnyPtrFunc>(mFunc);
return reinterpret_cast<AnyPtrThis>(const_cast<TThis*>(mThis));
template<typename TReturn, typename... TArgs> struct Closure
using PtrFuncT = AnyPtrFuncT<TReturn, TArgs...>;
using PtrStaticFuncT = AnyPtrStaticFuncT<TReturn, TArgs...>;
AnyPtrThis ptrThis{nullptr};
AnyPtrFunc ptrFunction{nullptr};
template<class TThis, class TFunc> inline void bind(TThis* mThis, TFunc mFunc) noexcept { ptrThis = SimplifyMemFunc<sizeof(mFunc)>::convert(mThis, mFunc, ptrFunction); }
template<class TThis, class TInvoker> inline void bind(TThis* mThis, TInvoker mInvoker, PtrStaticFuncT mFunc) noexcept
if(mFunc == nullptr) ptrFunction = nullptr; else bind(mThis, mInvoker);
ptrThis = horrible_cast<AnyPtrThis>(mFunc);
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return ptrThis == nullptr && ptrFunction == nullptr; }
inline bool operator==(const Closure& mRhs) const noexcept { return ptrThis == mRhs.ptrThis && ptrFunction == mRhs.ptrFunction; }
inline bool operator==(PtrStaticFuncT mPtr) const noexcept { return mPtr == nullptr ? *this == nullptr : mPtr == reinterpret_cast<PtrStaticFuncT>(getStaticFunc()); }
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return !operator==(nullptr); }
inline bool operator!=(const Closure& mRhs) const noexcept { return !operator==(mRhs); }
inline bool operator!=(PtrStaticFuncT mPtr) const noexcept { return !operator==(mPtr); }
inline bool operator<(const Closure& mRhs) const { return ptrThis != mRhs.ptrThis ? ptrThis < mRhs.ptrThis : std::memcmp(&ptrFunction, &mRhs.ptrFunction, sizeof(ptrFunction)) < 0; }
inline bool operator>(const Closure& mRhs) const { return !operator<(mRhs); }
inline std::size_t getHash() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(ptrThis) ^ Internal::unsafe_horrible_cast<std::size_t>(ptrFunction); }
inline AnyPtrThis getPtrThis() const noexcept { return ptrThis; }
inline PtrFuncT getPtrFunction() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<PtrFuncT>(ptrFunction); }
inline PtrStaticFuncT getStaticFunc() const noexcept { return horrible_cast<PtrStaticFuncT>(this); }
template<typename TReturn, typename... TArgs> class FastFuncImpl
using PtrStaticFuncT = AnyPtrStaticFuncT<TReturn, TArgs...>;
Closure<TReturn, TArgs...> closure;
inline TReturn invokeStaticFunc(TArgs... mArgs) const { return (*(closure.getStaticFunc()))(std::forward<TArgs>(mArgs)...); }
template<class TThis, class TFunc> inline void bind(TThis* mThis, TFunc mFunc) noexcept { closure.bind(mThis, mFunc); }
template<class TFunc> inline void bind(TFunc mFunc) noexcept { closure.bind(this, &FastFuncImpl::invokeStaticFunc, mFunc); }
inline FastFuncImpl() noexcept = default;
inline FastFuncImpl(std::nullptr_t) noexcept { }
inline FastFuncImpl(PtrStaticFuncT mFunc) noexcept { bind(mFunc); }
template<typename X, typename Y> inline FastFuncImpl(X* mThis, Y mFunc) noexcept { bind(mThis, mFunc); }
inline FastFuncImpl& operator=(PtrStaticFuncT mFunc) noexcept { bind(mFunc); }
inline TReturn operator()(TArgs... mArgs) const { return (closure.getPtrThis()->*(closure.getPtrFunction()))(std::forward<TArgs>(mArgs)...); }
inline bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return closure == nullptr; }
inline bool operator==(const FastFuncImpl& mImpl) const noexcept { return closure == mImpl.closure; }
inline bool operator==(PtrStaticFuncT mFuncPtr) const noexcept { return closure == mFuncPtr; }
inline bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept { return !operator==(nullptr); }
inline bool operator!=(const FastFuncImpl& mImpl) const noexcept { return !operator==(mImpl); }
inline bool operator!=(PtrStaticFuncT mFuncPtr) const noexcept { return !operator==(mFuncPtr); }
inline bool operator<(const FastFuncImpl& mImpl) const { return closure < mImpl.closure; }
inline bool operator>(const FastFuncImpl& mImpl) const { return !operator<(mImpl); }
template<typename T> struct MemFuncToFunc;
template<typename TReturn, typename TThis, typename... TArgs> struct MemFuncToFunc<TReturn(TThis::*)(TArgs...) const> { using Type = TReturn(*)(TArgs...); };
#define ENABLE_IF_CONV_TO_FUN_PTR(x) typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<typename MemFuncToFunc<decltype(&std::decay<x>::type::operator())>::Type, x>::value>::type* = nullptr
#define ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONV_TO_FUN_PTR(x) typename std::enable_if<!std::is_constructible<typename MemFuncToFunc<decltype(&std::decay<x>::type::operator())>::Type, x>::value>::type* = nullptr
#define ENABLE_IF_SAME_TYPE(x, y) typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<x, typename std::decay<y>::type>{}>::type
template<typename T> class FastFunc;
template<typename TReturn, typename... TArgs> class FastFunc<TReturn(TArgs...)> : public Internal::FastFuncImpl<TReturn, TArgs...>
using BaseType = Internal::FastFuncImpl<TReturn, TArgs...>;
std::shared_ptr<void> storage;
template<typename T> inline static void funcDeleter(void* mPtr) { static_cast<T*>(mPtr)->~T(); operator delete(mPtr); }
using BaseType::BaseType;
inline FastFunc() noexcept = default;
template<typename TFunc, ENABLE_IF_SAME_TYPE(FastFunc, TFunc)> inline FastFunc(TFunc&& mFunc, ENABLE_IF_CONV_TO_FUN_PTR(TFunc))
using FuncType = typename std::decay<TFunc>::type;
this->bind(&mFunc, &FuncType::operator());
template<typename TFunc, ENABLE_IF_SAME_TYPE(FastFunc, TFunc)> inline FastFunc(TFunc&& mFunc, ENABLE_IF_NOT_CONV_TO_FUN_PTR(TFunc))
: storage(operator new(sizeof(TFunc)), funcDeleter<typename std::decay<TFunc>::type>)
using FuncType = typename std::decay<TFunc>::type;
new (storage.get()) FuncType(std::forward<TFunc>(mFunc));
this->bind(storage.get(), &FuncType::operator());
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