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Created December 10, 2010 12:33
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Example code to split and plot a data.frame
if (!require(RColorBrewer)){
### Generate a random data set
data <- data.frame(names=c("Type1","Type2")[as.numeric((runif(n=100)>=0.5))+1],data=rnorm(100,100,sd=25))
### Use the aggregate function to split and get the mean of the data
### Use the sapply and split functions to do the same thing
s <- split(data$data,list(data$names))
# Or the same thing in one line
### Below is a function which is just a group of commands used to stop
### you having to type the same code in again for another dataset
plotData <- function(data,cols){
### Draw a box plot of the data
plot(data$data ~ data$names,col=cols,pch=20)
### Run a t-test on the split data
pval <- t.test(data$data ~ data$names)$p.value
### Are they significantly different ?
areSig <- c("Not Significant","Significant")[as.numeric(pval<=0.05)+1]
### Calculate the density of the data, after splitting
dens <- lapply(split(data$data,data$names),density)
### Draw an empty figure with the correct x and y limits of the data
plot(1,xlim=c(0,max(sapply(dens,function(x) max(x$x)))),ylim=c(0,max(sapply(dens,function(x) max(x$y)))))
### Draw the density plots for each data type
lapply(1:length(dens),function(x) lines(dens[[x]],col=cols[x],lwd=3))
### Add a legens
### Add a title with the p-value and wether it is significant or not
### Draw figures in a 2 x 2 grid
### Run the plotData function on the data object
### Make a new version of the data object, which should be significantly different, as they have different means
data <- data.frame(names=rep(c("Type3","Type4"),each=50),data=c(rnorm(50,100,sd=20),rnorm(50,50,sd=10)))
### Plot the new version of the data
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