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Last active December 24, 2019 15:58
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Code to geocode courthouse list
# 1. Scrape tables. You can do that with the Table Capture Chrome extension, or you can do it with R.
# Download the entire html document so I don't need to keep hammering the Wikipedia server
url <- ""
download.file(url, "federalcourthouses.html")
# 2. Get all the table headlines by using SelectorGadget to find the right css, and then use the rvest package to scrape that. I cleaned up a couple of issues with the results -- Georgia had multiple headlines and Guam had two (one saying "United States territories" and the second saying "Guam"), as well as headers for things like references and external links.
header_css <- ".mw-headline"
my_headers <- read_html("federalcourthouses.html") %>%
html_nodes(header_css) %>%
my_headers <- my_headers[1:58]
my_headers[12:15] <- "Georgia"
my_headers <- my_headers[-56]
my_headers <- my_headers[-11]
# 3. I now know there are 57 tables I want (based on my number of headers). I'll create a function to use the htmltab package's htmbtab() function to scrape a table and add the state column based on the headline for that table. I'm also accounting for a few situations where the city or street address are missing.
get_table <- function(tablenum, headervec = my_headers, htmlfile = "federalcourthouses.html"){
tabledata <- htmltab(htmlfile, tablenum)
table_cols <- names(tabledata)
'%ni%' <- Negate('%in%')
if ("City" %ni% table_cols){
tabledata$City <- tabledata$Location
tabledata <- tabledata %>%
State = headervec[tablenum],
Place = paste0(`Street address`, ", ", City, ", ", State),
Place = ifelse(`Street address` == "?", paste0(Courthouse, ", ", City, ", ", State), Place)
# 4. Now I'll iterate over the html file using purrr's map_df(), running my function on each of the headers to get the corresponding tables and creating a single data frame:
my_tables <- purrr::map_df(1:length(my_headers), get_table)
# 5. Create a new data frame with lon and lat columns using rgeocodio's gio_batch_geocode() function:
my_geocoded_data <- rgeocodio::gio_batch_geocode(my_tables$Place)
# I know there's an easier way to deal with list columns within a data frame, but this worked for me:
# Write a function to extract what I want
get_lat_or_lng <- function(mynum, latlon, mydf = my_geocoded_data) {
if(latlon == "lat") {
myval <- mydf$response_results[[mynum]]$[1]
if(latlon == "lng") {
myval <- mydf$response_results[[mynum]]$location.lng[1]
if(is.null(myval)) {
myval <- NA
# Get vectors for address, lon and lat:
my_geocoded_addresses <- my_geocoded_data$query
my_lons <- purrr::map_dbl(1:nrow(my_geocoded_data), get_lat_or_lng, latlon = "lng")
my_lats <- purrr::map_dbl(1:nrow(my_geocoded_data), get_lat_or_lng, latlon = "lat")
# Create a new data frame with address, lon, and lat
my_geocoded_df <- data.frame(Place = my_geocoded_addresses, lon = my_lons, lat = my_lats, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Join the geospatial data to the original my_tables data frame:
my_results <- left_join(my_tables, my_geocoded_df)
# Export results
rio::export(my_results, file = "courthouses.xlsx")
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