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Last active August 27, 2018 02:33
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Determine # of New Connections through ALB
use IisLogs
AWS ALB DIMENSION: New Connections
declare @dateStart varchar(10) = '2018-07-18',
@dateEnd varchar(10) = '2018-08-19',
@intervalInSeconds int = 1
create table #data
[date] date,
[time] time,
[type] varchar(25),
[sum] int
insert into #data
select [date], [time], [type], [sum]
from (
select [date], [time], [type], count(*) [sum]
from (
select convert(date, EntryTime) [date]
,format(datepart(hour, EntryTime), '0#') + ':00:00' [time]
,min(EntryTime) [Start]
,'not services conns' [type]
,count(*) [cnt]
from dbo.IisLog
where EntryTime >= @dateStart and EntryTime < @dateEnd
and not (
csUriStem like '/webservices/%'
or (
SiteName in ('', '')
and csUriStem like '/services/%'
group by convert(date, EntryTime),
datepart(hour, EntryTime),
datepart(minute, EntryTime),
datepart(second, EntryTime) / @intervalInSeconds,
) f
group by [date], [time], [type]
select convert(date, EntryTime) [date]
,format(datepart(hour, EntryTime), '0#') + ':00:00' [time]
,'services conns' [type]
,count(*) [sum]
from dbo.IisLog
where EntryTime >= @dateStart and EntryTime < @dateEnd
and (
csUriStem like '/webservices/%'
or (
SiteName in ('', '')
and csUriStem like '/services/%'
group by convert(date, EntryTime),
datepart(hour, EntryTime)
) d;
insert into #data
select [date], [time], 'total conns', sum([sum]) [sum]
from #data
group by [date], [time];
insert into #data
select [date], [time], 'total conns per second', ([sum] / 3600) [sum] -- 60 m * 60 s = 3600 s
from #data
where [type] = 'total conns'
select [date], [time], [type], [sum]
from #data
where [type] = 'total conns per second'
order by [date], [time], [type]
select [sum], count(*) [cnt]
from #data
where [type] = 'total conns per second'
group by [sum]
order by [sum] asc
--drop table #data;
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