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Created February 2, 2017 04:14
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import groovy.json.*
def deploy(phase, version, user, branch, status = 'Success', region = 'Oregon', channel = 'none', repoer = 'true', repo_host, repo_owner) {
def slack_info = slack_info.load()
def http_client = new com.droi.pipeline.jenkins.httpRequest(slack_info.hook_protocol, slack_info.hook_fqdn, slack_info.hook_port.toInteger())
def header = ["Content-Type": "application/json"]
def url = "${slack_info.hook_protocol}://${slack_info.hook_fqdn}/${slack_info.hook_uri}"
def response = [:]
def color = (status == 'Success') ? 'good' : 'danger'
def deliver_channel = (channel == 'none') ? : channel
def payload = [:]
payload['channel'] = deliver_channel
payload['username'] = slack_info.user_name
payload['icon_emoji'] = slack_info.icon
payload['attachments'] = []
payload['attachments'][0] = [:]
payload['attachments'][0]['pretext'] = 'Deploymemt Information as Below:'
payload['attachments'][0]['color'] = color
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'] = []
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Job:', 'value': JOB_NAME, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Region:', 'value': region, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Phase:', 'value': phase, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Version:', 'value': version, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Started By:', 'value': user, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Status:', 'value': status, "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add(['title': 'Detail:', 'value': "<${BUILD_URL}|Jenkins Job URL>", "short": true])
payload['attachments'][0]['fields'].add( (repoer == 'true') ? ['title': 'Change Log:', 'value': "<http://${repo_host}/${repo_owner}/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/blob/${branch}/| URL>", "short": true] : ['title': 'Change Log:', 'value': 'None', "short": true] )
payload_json = new JsonBuilder( payload ).toPrettyString()
response = http_client.postRequest(url, payload_json, header)
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