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Last active December 29, 2017 17:01
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From J to K
// Write Once Read Never
Map<Double , Tuple2<Star , StationaryType>> map = stars
.flatMap(star -> {
List<Tuple2<Double , StationaryType>> list = getPeriodStationary(star, fromGmt, toGmt, starPositionImpl);
return -> Tuple.tuple(t.v1() , star , t.v2()));
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(Tuple3::v1, t -> Tuple.tuple(t.v2() , t.v3()) , (v1, v2) -> v1 , TreeMap::new));
return map.entrySet().stream()
.map(entry -> Tuple.tuple(entry.getKey() , entry.getValue().v1() , entry.getValue().v2()))
// Translated by IntelliJ
// convert Tuple2/Tuple3 to Pair/Triple
val map = stars
.flatMap { star ->
val list = getPeriodStationary(star, fromGmt, toGmt, starPositionImpl) { (first, second) -> Triple(first, star, second) }
}.collect<TreeMap<Double, Pair<Star, StationaryType>>, Any>(Collectors.toMap(Function<Triple<Double, Star, StationaryType>, Double> { it.getFirst() }, { (_, second, third) -> Pair(second, third) }, { v1, (first, second) -> v1 }, Supplier<TreeMap<Double, Pair<Star, StationaryType>>> { TreeMap() }))
.map { entry -> Triple(entry.key, entry.value.first, entry.value.second) }
.collect<List<Triple<Double, Star, StationaryType>>, Any>(Collectors.toList())
// Concise & Slick
return stars.flatMap { star ->
getPeriodStationary(star , fromGmt , toGmt , starPositionImpl)
.map { (gmt , type) -> Triple(gmt , star , type) }
}.sortedBy { triple -> triple.first }
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