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Created January 12, 2021 06:58
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SDadjP.lm <- function(model, B = 10000, seed = 1, rob = FALSE) {
# Stop if model not 'lm' object
stopifnot(class(model)[1] == "lm")
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Set robust estimator
est <- ifelse(rob == TRUE, "HC3", "const")
# Set covariance matrix
covMat <- vcovHC(model, est)
# Get observed t-values
tObs <- as.vector(abs(coeftest(model, vcov. = covMat)[-1, 3]))
# Sort observed t-values
tObsSort <- as.vector(sort(tObs))
# Save order of the observed t-values
tOrder <- order(tObs)
# Get observed p-values
pObs <- as.vector(coeftest(model, vcov. = covMat)[-1, 4])
# Sort observed p-values in descending order
pObsSort <- as.vector(sort(pObs, decreasing = TRUE))
# Save order of the observed p-values
pOrder <- order(pObs)
# Number of terms
nPred <- length(pObs)
# Create blank matrices
tResample <- matrix(
nrow = B,
ncol = nPred
pResample <- matrix(
nrow = B,
ncol = nPred
# Number of observations
nObs <- nrow(model$model)
# Resampling loop
for (i in 1:B) {
# Resample residuals
Ystar <- sample(
size = nObs,
replace = TRUE
# Run model with resampled residuals as DV
ModResample <- lm(
as.formula(paste0("Ystar~", paste0(labels(terms(model)), collapse = "+"))),
data = model$model[, -1]
# Covariance matrix of resampled data
covResample <- vcovHC(ModResample, est)
# Get resampled t-values based on order of the observed
# t-values and store in matrix
tResample[i, ] <- as.vector(
abs(coeftest(ModResample, vcov. = covResample)[-1, 3])[tOrder]
# Get resampled p-values based on order of the observed
# p-values and store in matrix
pResample[i, ] <- as.vector(
coeftest(ModResample, vcov. = covResample)[-1, 4][pOrder])
# Get the cumulative maxima
Qtmat <- t(apply(tResample, 1, cummax))
# Get the cumulative minima
QPmat <- t(apply(pResample, 1, cummin))
# Compute adjusted p-values:
# maxT
p.maxT <- apply(t(matrix(rep(tObsSort, B), nPred)) < Qtmat, 2, mean)
# minP
p.minP <- apply(t(matrix(rep(pObsSort, B), nPred)) > QPmat, 2, mean)
# Turn off scientific notation
options(scipen = 999)
# Sort the p-values
p.order.maxT <- match(tObs, tObsSort)
p.order.minP <- match(pObs, pObsSort)
# Get predictor names
varnames <- labels(terms(model))
# Outputs the raw and adjusted p-values
# Create data.frame to output
adjP <- data.frame(
p.raw = pObs,
p.maxT = p.maxT[p.order.maxT],
p.minP = p.minP[p.order.minP],
row.names = varnames
# Print data.frame
cat("\n", "Step-down residuals-based resampling p-value adjustment (Westfall & Young, 1993)",
"\n", "Number of bootstrapped resamples: ", B,
sep = ""
# Turn back on scientific notation
options(scipen = 0)
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