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Bootstrap AN(C)OVA with Pairwise Post Hoc Comparisons
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Project: Bootstrap AN(C)OVA with Posthoc Pairwise Comparisons
# Coded by: Sam Mancuso
# Mail:
# Date: 27 May 2015
# Version: 2.0
# Revision Date: 2 June 2015
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load Libraries ----------------------------------------------------------
if (!require("car")) {install.packages("car"); library("car")}
if (!require("boot")) {install.packages("boot"); library("boot")}
if (!require("lsmeans")) {install.packages("lsmeans"); library("lsmeans")}
# Bootstrapped AN(C)OVA Options -------------------------------------------
# formula: Formula for AN(C)OVA model
# Confidence intervals (default = 0.95)
# dec: Number of decimal places (default = 3)
# reps: Number of bootstrap replications (default = 1000)
# pw.comp: List of variables for pairwise comparisons (default = NULL)
# seed: Seed to replicate results (default = 1234)
# Bootstrap statistic -----------------------------------------------------
anboot <- function(formula, data, pw.comp, i){
dataResamp <- data[i,] # Resample rows
lmFit <- lm(formula, dataResamp)
FCoef <- Anova(lmFit, type = 3)[["F value"]] # Extract F-values
FCoef <- FCoef[1:length(FCoef) - 1] # Removes NA entry
if(is.null(pw.comp) == TRUE) {
return <- c(FCoef)
# If pairwise comparisons have been specified
} else {
postHocCoeff <- NULL # To prevent errors
for(i in 1:length(pw.comp)) {
# Parses expression to be passed to lsmeans()
exprString <- paste("pairwise ~", pw.comp[i])
exprEval <- eval(parse(text = exprString))
suppressMessages(lsmFit <- lsmeans(lmFit, exprEval, data = dataResamp))
suppressMessages(postHocTemp<- summary(lsmFit))
# Get comparison coeffecient(s)
postHocCoeff <- c(postHocCoeff, as.numeric(postHocTemp$contrasts[["estimate"]]))
return <- c(FCoef, postHocCoeff)
# Function to run bootstrap and provide output ----------------------------
boot.anova <- function(data, formula, = 0.95, dec = 2, reps = 1000,
pw.comp = NULL, seed = 1234) {
# Set seed (for replication)
# Fit non-bootstrapped ANOVA to obtain Sum Sq and df
lmFit <- lm(formula, data = data)
# Get DV name
dvName <- colnames(model.frame(lmFit))[1]
# Get IV names
ivNames <- attr(lmFit$terms, "term.labels")
# Fit ANOVA model with Type III Sum of Squares
anovaFit <- Anova(lmFit, type = 3)
# Extract F
Fssq <- anovaFit[["Sum Sq"]] # Sum of Squares (Type III)
FValues <- anovaFit[["F value"]] # F-values
Fdf <- anovaFit[["Df"]] # df
# Additional information for use later
FLength <- length(FValues) - 1 # Number of F-statistics - Residual
# Pairwise comparisons (if requested)
if(is.null(pw.comp) == FALSE) {
# Initialise variables to prevent errors
postHocNames <- NULL
postHocCoeff <- NULL
postHocComparisons <- NULL
postHocDF <- NULL
CompName <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(pw.comp)) {
# Parses expression to be passed to lsmeans()
exprString <- paste("pairwise ~", pw.comp[i])
exprEval <- eval(parse(text = exprString))
suppressMessages(postHocRes <- summary(lsmeans(lmFit, exprEval, data = data)))
# If interaction term specified
if(grepl("|", pw.comp[i], fixed = TRUE) == FALSE) {
CompName <- as.character(postHocRes$contrasts[, 1])
} else {
# Comparison name: "A: B"
CompName <- paste(as.character(postHocRes$contrasts[, 1]),
as.character(postHocRes$contrasts[, 2]),
sep = ": ")
# Comparison(s) name(s)
postHocNames <- c(postHocNames, CompName)
# Get comparison coeffecient(s)
postHocCoeff <- c(postHocCoeff, as.numeric(postHocRes$contrasts[["estimate"]]))
# Get number of comparisons (to adjust confidence interval for
# multiple comparisons)
postHocComparisons <- c(postHocComparisons,
# Get df
postHocDF <- c(postHocDF, as.numeric(postHocRes$contrasts[["df"]]))
# Call anboot function
anbootRes <- boot(statistic = anboot, formula = formula,
data = data, R = reps, pw.comp = pw.comp)
# Get F coefficients (Fvalue from above)
FSE <- summary(anbootRes)$bootSE[1:FLength] # Bootstrap SE
FZval <- FValues[1:FLength]/FSE # z-values
FZp <- 2*pnorm(-abs(FZval)) # Pr(>|z|)
# Critical F-Value (excludes the 'Residuals' term)
Fcrit <- NULL # To prevent errors
ResidDf <- Fdf[length(Fdf)] # Get Residual df (last df)
for(i in 1:FLength) {
Fcrit <- c(Fcrit, qf(, Fdf[i], ResidDf))
# Get Bootstrapped confidence intervals
FCILower <- NULL
FCIUpper <- NULL
for(i in 1:FLength){
FbootBca <-, index = i, type = "bca", conf =$bca
FCILower <- c(FCILower, FbootBca[4])
FCIUpper <- c(FCIUpper, FbootBca[5])
# p-value stars
FZstar <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(FZp)) {
if(FZp[i] < .001) {
FZstar[i] <- "***"
} else if(FZp[i] < .01) {
FZstar[i] <- "**"
} else if(FZp[i] < .05) {
FZstar[i] <- "*"
} else if(FZp[i] < .10){
FZstar[i] <- "."
} else {
FZstar[i] <- ""
# Create a Data Table for Anova Table
# Column names
cnames <- c("Sum Sq", "Df", "F value", "SE", "LB", "UB", "Crit F", "z", "Pr(>|z|)", "")
# Row names
rnames <- c("(Intercept)", ivNames, "Residuals")
# Turn warnings off as the variables are not equal length when creating output.df
options(warn = -1)
# Create data frame to use as output
outputAnova <-, dec),
format(round(FValues, dec), dec),
format(round(FSE, dec), dec),
format(round(FCILower, dec), dec),
format(round(FCIUpper, dec), dec),
format(round(Fcrit, dec), dec),
format(round(FZval, dec), dec),
signif(FZp, 3),
# Remove redundant values for the Residuals row
outputAnova[nrow(outputAnova), 3:10] <- NA
# Set column and row names
colnames(outputAnova) <- cnames
rownames(outputAnova) <- rnames
# Print results
cat("BCa Bootstrap Anova Table (Type III tests)",
"\n", "Response: ", dvName,
sep ="")
print(outputAnova, justify = "right", na.print = "" , quote = FALSE )
"\n", "Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1",
sep = "")
# Turn warnings on
options(warn = 0)
# Multiple Comparisons if requested
if(is.null(pw.comp) == FALSE) {
# Get Multiple comparison information
BootSE <- summary(anbootRes)$bootSE
MDiffStart <- FLength + 1
MDiffLength <- length(BootSE)
MDiffSE <- BootSE[MDiffStart:MDiffLength]
# Calculate t value
MDifft <- abs(postHocCoeff/MDiffSE)
MDifftp <- 2*pt(-abs(MDifft),df = postHocDF)
# Create a vector of confidence intervals
confIntAlpha <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(postHocComparisons)){
confIntAlpha <- c(confIntAlpha,
rep((1 -[i], length = postHocComparisons[i]))
confIntList <- 1 - confIntAlpha
# Contrasts star
MDiffStar <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(MDifftp)) {
if(MDifftp[i] < confIntAlpha[i]) {
MDiffStar[i] <- "*"
} else {
MDiffStar[i] = ""
MDiffCILower <- NULL
MDiffCIUpper <- NULL
# If single comparison
if(MDiffStart == MDiffLength) {
MDiffbootBca <-, index = i, type = "bca", conf = confIntList[1])$bca
MDiffCILower <- MDiffbootBca[4]
MDiffCIUpper <- MDiffbootBca[5]
} else {
j <- 1
for(i in MDiffStart:MDiffLength) {
MDiffbootBca <-, index = i, type = "bca", conf = confIntList[j])$bca
MDiffCILower <- c(MDiffCILower, MDiffbootBca[4])
MDiffCIUpper <- c(MDiffCIUpper, MDiffbootBca[5])
j <- j + 1
# Create data table for pairwise comparisons
# Turn warnings off as the variables are not equal length when creating output.df
options(warn = -1)
# Create data frame to use as output
"Post hoc Pairwise Contrasts with Bonferroni Adjustment",
sep ="")
# Output each specified contrast
startVal <- 0
endVal <- 0
for(i in 1:length(pw.comp)) {
cat("\n", "Contrast: ", pw.comp[i],
"\n", sep = "")
if(i == 1) {
startVal <- 1
} else {
startVal <- endVal + 1
endVal <- endVal + postHocComparisons[i]
outputPH <-[startVal:endVal], dec),
format(round(MDiffSE[startVal:endVal], dec), dec),
format(round(MDiffCILower[startVal:endVal], dec), dec),
format(round(MDiffCIUpper[startVal:endVal], dec), dec),
format(round(confIntList[startVal:endVal]*100, dec), dec),
format(round(MDifft[startVal:endVal], dec), dec),
signif(MDifftp[startVal:endVal], 3),
signif(confIntAlpha[startVal:endVal], 3),
# Column Names
cnames <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LB", "UB", "% CI", "t value", "Df", "Pr(>|t|)", "Adj. Alpha", "")
# Row names
rnames <- postHocNames[startVal:endVal]
colnames(outputPH) <- cnames
rownames(outputPH) <- rnames
# Turn warnings on
options(warn = 0)
print(outputPH, justify = "left", na.print = "" , quote = FALSE )
"\n", "Signif. codes: ‘*’ Adj. p ‘ ’ 1",
sep = "")
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