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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Concatenate FITS spectra together
#!/usr/bin/env python
# fitscat -- concatenate several FITS spectra together
import sys
import os
import getopt
from import fits as pyfits
from numpy import *
from scipy import interpolate
speed_of_light = 299792458. # m/s
VERSION = "0.1"
def usage():
Display usage
print """Usage: fitscat [option] fitsfile1 fitsfile2 [fitsfile3 [...]]
Contatenate several FITS cubes
fitsfile1 a FITS cube
-h,--help display this help
-V,--version display version
-o,--output=filename output file name (default cat.fits)
-l,--vlsr=v source velocity in the LSR frame in km/s (default 0)
-d,--delete delete original files
-v,--verbose verbose mode
def version():
Display version number
print "This is fitscat, version %s" % VERSION
print """Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Sebastien Maret
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by law."""
def readfitscube(fitsfile, vlsr = 0):
Read a FITS cube file
This function reads a cube in FITS format. The 3rd axis units
should be in velocity units. The velocity is converted into rest
frequency, after taking into account the source VLSR.
fitsfile -- fits file name
vlsr -- source velocity in the LSR frame in km/s (default 0)
vlsr *= 1e3 # m/s -> km/s
fits =
header = fits[0].header# Primary HDU header
# Check that we have a valid fits file
if header['naxis'] != 3:
raise ValueError, "%s does not have 3 axis" % fitsfile
if header['ctype3'] != 'VELO-LSR':
raise ValueError, "%s has an invalid type for axis 3" % fitsfile
rest_freq = header['restfreq']
raise ValueError, "%s has no RESTFREQ keyword" % fitsfile
# Compute the frequency values
naxis3 = header['naxis3']
cdelt3 = header['cdelt3']
crpix3 = header['crpix3']
crval3 = header['crval3']
freq = arange(naxis3, dtype = float32)
for i in range(naxis3):
veloc = (i + 1 - crpix3) * cdelt3 + crval3 + vlsr
freq[i] = rest_freq * (1 - veloc / speed_of_light) # Hz -- check formulae !
# Now read the brightness temperatures
tb = fits[0].data
# Reverse the frequency axis
freq = freq[::-1]
tb = tb[::-1,:,:]
return (freq, tb, header)
def main ():
Main program for fitscat
# Parse command line options and arguments
verbose = False
fileout = "cat.fits"
vlsr = 0.
delete = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvVo:l:d",
["help", "version", "verbose", "output", "vlsr", "delete"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print >> sys.stderr, "fitscat: error: unknown option"
print >> sys.stderr, "Type 'fitscat --help' for more information"
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help") :
if opt in ("-v", "--version"):
if opt in ("-V", "--verbose"):
verbose = True
if opt in ("-o", "--output"):
fileout = arg
if opt in ("-l", "--vlsr"):
vlsr = float(arg)
except ValueError:
print >> sys.stderr, "fitscat: error: incorrect value for %s option" % opt
print >> sys.stderr, "Type 'fitscat --help' for more information"
if opt in ("-d", "--delete"):
delete = True
if len(args) < 2:
print >> sys.stderr, "fitscat: error: incorrect number of arguments"
print >> sys.stderr, "Type 'fitscat --help' for more information"
fitsfile = args
# We need to know the frequency range that is covered by the
# cubes, so we need to read them all first
input_cubes = []
header = None
min_freq, max_freq, min_freq_step = 1e99, 0., 1e99
for f in fitsfile:
if verbose:
print "Reading %s..." % f
freq, tb, hdr = readfitscube(f, vlsr = vlsr)
except ValueError, err:
print >> sys.stderr, "fitscat: error: %s" % err
# Save the first header as well as the minimum frequency,
if not(header): header = hdr
if min(freq) < min_freq: min_freq = min(freq)
if max(freq) > max_freq: max_freq = max(freq)
if abs(freq[1] - freq[0]) < min_freq_step: min_freq_step = abs(freq[1] - freq[0])
input_cubes.append([freq, tb])
# Remove the continuum on each cubes
cont = input_cubes[0][1][0] # assumes that all cubes have the same continuum
for c in input_cubes:
c[1] -= cont
# Create an output cube covering the entire frequency range
# and with the smallest frequency sampling
freq_step = min_freq_step
output_freq = arange(min_freq, max_freq, freq_step, dtype = float32)
npix1, npix2 = len(cont[0]), len (cont[1])
output_tb = zeros((len(output_freq), npix1, npix2), dtype = float32)
# Resample each FITS cube on the frequency grid and sum them
if verbose:
print "Concatenating cubes..."
for c in input_cubes:
for i in range(npix1):
for j in range(npix2):
tb_interp = interpolate.interp1d(c[0], c[1][:,i,j], bounds_error = False, fill_value = 0.)
output_tb[:,i,j] += tb_interp(output_freq)
# Add the continuum
output_tb += cont
# Write the FITS
central_freq = (output_freq[-1] + output_freq[0])/2.
crpix3 = len(output_freq)/2. + 1.
header['ctype3'] = "FREQ"
header['crval3'] = 0.
header['crpix3'] = crpix3
header['cdelt3'] = output_freq[1] - output_freq[0]
header['restfreq'] = central_freq
if os.path.exists(fileout):
hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(output_tb, header = header)
if verbose:
print "%s created." % fileout
if delete:
for f in fitsfile:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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smaret commented Mar 11, 2015

The last version should work with cubes. I'm not 100% that the frequency scale is correct thought.

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