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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Convolve a FITS data cube with a Gaussian beam
#!/usr/bin/env python
# convolve - convolve a FITS cube with a gaussian beam
import sys
import os
import getopt
import gzip
from numpy import *
from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft, Gaussian2DKernel
from import fits as pyfits
VERSION = "0.2"
global filein, hpbw
def usage():
"""Display usage"""
print("""Usage: convolve [fitsfile] [beamsize]
convolve [batchfile]
Compute the convolution of a fits image or cube with a Gaussian beam.
fitsfile fits image or cube to convolve
beamsize HPBW of the gaussian beam in arcsec
batchfile file containing the fits file to convolve
and the beamsizes (one per line).
-h,--help display this help
-V,--version display plroute version information
-s,--spectra=x,y if the input file is a cube, do not create a
convolved cube but only extract a spectra
from it at a given offset, expressed in
pixels from the cube center
-d,--delete delete original file
def version():
"""Display version number"""
print("This is convolve, version %s" % VERSION)
print("""Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Sebastien Maret
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms
of the GNU General Public License. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by law.""")
def readfits (filein):
"""Read a fits file and return a tuple of arrays
containing the data, RA, DEC and channels."""
fits = (filein)
# Get the RA, DEC and channel values from the header
# The axis 1 is the RA, the axis 2 is the DEC and the
# axis 3 is the velocity channels
header = fits[0].header # Primary HDU header
naxis1 = header['naxis1'] # Number of values in each axis
naxis2 = header['naxis2'] # naxis1 and naxis2 should be equal
naxis3 = header['naxis3']
cdelt1 = header['cdelt1'] # Difference between two pixel
cdelt2 = header['cdelt2'] # cdelt1 and cdelt2 should be opposite
cdelt3 = header['cdelt3'] # cdelt1 negative
crpix1 = header['crpix1'] # Reference pixel
crpix2 = header['crpix2'] # All of them should be 0.
crpix3 = header['crpix3']
crval1 = header['crval1'] # Value at the reference pixel
crval2 = header['crval2']
crval3 = header['crval3']
# Compute the values of RA and DEC
ra = arange(naxis1, dtype = double)
dec = arange(naxis2, dtype = double)
veloc = arange(naxis3, dtype = double)
for i in range(naxis1):
ra[i] = (i + 1 - crpix1) * cdelt1 + crval1
for i in range(naxis2):
dec[i] = (i + 1 - crpix2) * cdelt2 + crval2
for i in range(naxis3):
veloc[i] = (i + 1 - crpix3) * cdelt3 + crval3
# The values of RA and DEC are in degrees in the fits file
# Velocities are in m/s. We convert them in arcsec and km/s
ra = ra * 3600
dec = dec * 3600
veloc = veloc / 1e3
# Fix keyword for velocity
header['ctype3'] = 'VELO-LSR'
# Now read the brightness temperatures
tb = fits[0].data
return (ra, dec, veloc, tb, header)
def writefits (fileout, tb, header):
"""Write the convolved datacube in a fits file."""
hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU (tb, header = header)
hdu.writeto (fileout)
def main ():
"""Main program for convolve"""
extract_spectra = False
delete = False
# Parse command line options and arguments
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvs:d",
["help", "version", "spectra=","delete"])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print("convolve: error: unknown option", file=sys.stderr)
print("Type 'convolve --help' for more information", file=sys.stderr)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help") :
if opt in ("-v", "--version"):
if opt in ("-s", "--spectra"):
extract_spectra = True
offset = arg.split(",")
offset = list(map(int, offset))
print("convolve: error: incorrect argument for option spectra", file=sys.stderr)
print("Type 'convolve --help' for more information", file=sys.stderr)
if opt in ("-d", "--delete"):
delete = True
if len(args) == 1:
batchfile = args[0]
fitsfile = []
hpbw = []
elif len(args) == 2:
batchfile = None
fitsfile = [args[0]]
hpbw = [float(args[1])]
print("convolve: error: incorrect number of arguments", file=sys.stderr)
print("Type 'convolve --help' for more information", file=sys.stderr)
# If we are in batch mode, read the batch file
if batchfile:
bf = open (batchfile)
for line in bf:
if line[0] == "#":
f, h = line.split()
fitsfile.append (f)
hpbw.append (float (h))
# Now convolve each file
for i in range (len (fitsfile)):
sys.stdout.write ("Reading %s\n" % fitsfile[i])
(ra, dec, veloc, tb, header) = readfits (fitsfile[i])
# Get the normalized beam power pattern
resol = ra[0] - ra[1]
stdev = hpbw / (2 * sqrt (2 * log(2)))
beam = Gaussian2DKernel (stddev = stdev / resol)
# FixMe: We should check that the fits image is big enough (i.e. bigger
# than the kernel) before doing the convolution, and pad the image
# if not. Having a beam size and image size that are a power of two
# would speed up convolution computation (if FFT is used)
# Convolve the brightness temperature by the beam pattern
# in each channel
dim_ra = len (ra)
dim_dec = len (dec)
dim_veloc = len (veloc)
ta = zeros (dim_ra * dim_dec * dim_veloc, dtype = double)
ta = reshape (ta, (dim_veloc, dim_ra, dim_dec))
sys.stdout.write ("Convoluting with Gaussian beam... ")
sys.stdout.flush ()
# Compute the convolution using the fft
for k in range(dim_veloc):
ta[k,:,:] = convolve_fft(tb[k,:,:], beam)
sys.stdout.write ("done\n")
# Extract a spectra from the convolved cube and update the
# header accordingly
if extract_spectra:
sys.stdout.write ("Extracting spectra at offset (%i,%i) from the cube center\n" % \
(offset[0], offset[1]))
ra_index = (dim_ra - 1) / 2 + int(offset[0])
dec_index = (dim_dec -1) / 2 + int(offset[1])
ta_extract = ta[:,dec_index,ra_index]
ta = ta_extract
header['ctype1'] = header['ctype3']
header['cdelt1'] = header['cdelt3']
header['crval1'] = header['crval3']
header['crpix1'] = header['crpix3']
del header['ctype2']
del header['cdelt2']
del header['crval2']
del header['crpix2']
del header['ctype3']
del header['cdelt3']
del header['crval3']
del header['crpix3']
except IndexError:
print("convolve: error: offset is out of cube bounds", file=sys.stderr)
# Write the results in the fits file
# does not support writing gziped fits files, so if the
# original file was gziped, we first create a temporary fits
# file, and then we gzip it.
if fitsfile[i][-7:] == 'fits.gz':
fileout = fitsfile[i][:-8] + '_conv.fits'
gziped = True
fileout = fitsfile[i][:-5] + '_conv.fits'
gziped = False
sys.stdout.write ( "Writing results in %s\n" % fileout)
if os.path.exists (fileout):
os.unlink (fileout)
writefits(fileout, ta, header)
if gziped:
sys.stdout.write ( "Compressing file... ")
sys.stdout.flush ()
gzfileout = fileout + '.gz'
if os.path.exists (gzfileout):
os.unlink (gzfileout)
gzf = (gzfileout, 'w')
f = open (fileout, 'r')
gzf.write ( ())
f.close ()
gzf.close ()
sys.stdout.write ( "done\n")
os.unlink (fileout)
# Delete original file, if requested
if delete:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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