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Last active September 18, 2016 16:58
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-- Docker machine commands
docker-machine ls
docker-machine -v
docker-machine env
docker-machine env staging
$(docker-machine env staging) -- sets the environment variables
eval "$(docker-machine env staging)" -- load the Machine configuration into your shell
docker-machine env dev
docker run busybox echo hello world
docker-machine ip
docker-machine stop
docker-machine start
docker-machine stop dev
docker-machine start dev
docker-machine create \
--driver digitalocean \
--digitalocean-access-token $DOTOKEN \
~/.docker/machines -- client's directory
docker-machine active dev
docker-machine rm dev staging
docker-machine create --url=tcp://xx.xx.xx.xx:2376 custombox -- adding host without driver but just url
docker-machine ssh staging
echo 'bob_the_container dameon_dave dameon.dave' | xargs sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .Name }} {{ .State.Running }}'
sudo docker stats `sudo docker ps -a -q`
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