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Created July 31, 2023 20:11
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Implements an educational version of the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Scheme. This is not cryptographically secure code, do not use for anything beyond learning purposes.
# Sam A. Markelon
# 6/21/23
# Implements an educational version of the Unbalanced Oil and Vinegar Scheme
# This version sets linear and constant terms always to 0, only leaving random homogenous terms of degree 2
# See:
# Section 10 Remark
# Remark 1
# pip3 install numpy
import numpy as np
# pip3 install galois
import galois
GF256 = galois.GF(2**8)
# helper functions
def generate_random_polynomial(o,v):
f_i = np.vstack(
(np.hstack((np.zeros((o,o),dtype=np.uint8),np.random.randint(256, size=(o,v), dtype=np.uint8))),
np.random.randint(256, size=(v,v+o),dtype=np.uint8))
f_i_triu = np.triu(f_i)
return GF256(f_i_triu)
def generate_central_map(o,v):
F = []
for _ in range(o):
return F
def generate_affine_L(o,v):
found = False
while not found:
L_n = np.random.randint(256, size=(o+v,o+v), dtype=np.uint8)
L = GF256(L_n)
L_inv = np.linalg.inv(L)
found = True
found = False
return L, L_inv
def generate_random_vinegar(v):
vv = np.random.randint(256, size=v, dtype=np.uint8)
rvv = GF256(vv)
return rvv
def sub_vinegar_aux(rvv,f,o,v):
coeffs = GF256([0]* (o+1))
# oil variables are in 0 <= i < o
# vinegar variables are in o <= i < n
for i in range(o+v):
for j in range(i,o+v):
# by cases
# oil and oil do not mix
if i < o and j < o:
# vinegar and vinegar contribute to a constant
elif i >=o and j >= o:
ij = GF256(f[i,j])
vvi = GF256(rvv[i-o])
vvj = GF256(rvv[j-o])
coeffs[-1] += np.multiply(np.multiply(ij,vvi), vvj)
# have mixed oil and vinegar variables that contribute to o_i coeff
elif i < o and j >= o:
ij = GF256(f[i,j])
vvj = GF256(rvv[j-o])
coeffs[i] += np.multiply(ij,vvj)
# condition is not hit as we have covered all combos
return coeffs
def sub_vinegar(rvv,F,o,v):
subbed_rvv_F = []
for f in F:
los = GF256(subbed_rvv_F)
return los
# main functions
def generate_private_key(o,v):
F = generate_central_map(o,v)
L, L_inv = generate_affine_L(o,v)
return F, L, L_inv
def generate_public_key(F,L):
L_T = np.transpose(L)
P = []
for f in F:
s1 = np.matmul(L_T,f)
s2 = np.matmul(s1,L)
return P
def sign(F,L_inv,o,v,m):
signed = False
while not signed:
rvv = generate_random_vinegar(v)
los = sub_vinegar(rvv,F,o,v)
M = GF256(los[:, :-1])
c = GF256(los[:, [-1]])
y = np.subtract(m,c)
x = np.vstack((np.linalg.solve(M,y), rvv.reshape(v,1)))
s = np.matmul(L_inv, x)
signed = True
signed = False
return s
def verify(P,s,m):
cmparts= []
s_T = np.transpose(s)
for f_p in P:
cmp1 = np.matmul(s_T,f_p)
cmp2 = np.matmul(cmp1,s)
computed_m = GF256(cmparts)
return computed_m, np.array_equal(computed_m,m)
# test over the entire space of messages for small parameters
def test():
o = 2
v = 4
F, L, L_inv = generate_private_key(o,v)
P = generate_public_key(F,L)
total_tests = 0
tests_passed =0
for m1 in range(256):
for m2 in range(256):
m = GF256([[m1],[m2]])
s = sign(F,L_inv,o,v,m)
computed_m,verified = verify(P,s,m)
if verified:
print(f"Test: {total_tests}\nMessage:\n{m}\nSignature:\n{s}\nVerified:\n{verified}\n")
print(f"{tests_passed} out of {total_tests} messages verified.")
# illustrative example
def example():
# field information
# parameters
o = 3
v = 6
print(f"The parameters are o={o} and v={v}.\n")
# generate keys
# private key
F, L, L_inv = generate_private_key(o,v)
print("Private Key:\n")
print("Central Map:")
for i,f in enumerate(F):
print(f"{i}:\n {f}\n")
print(f"Secret Transformation L=:\n{L}\n")
print(f"Secret Inverse Transformation L_inv=:\n{L_inv}\n")
print(f"Confirming L is invertible as L*L_inv is I=:\n {np.matmul(L,L_inv)}\n")
# public key
P = generate_public_key(F,L)
print("Public Key = F ∘ L = \n")
for i,f_p in enumerate(P):
# message
m = GF256([[10],[25],[11]])
print(f"Message m (Évariste Galois's Birthday - 1811 that is!):\n{m}\n")
# signing
# generate random vinegar variables
rvv = generate_random_vinegar(v)
print(f"Random vinegar values:\n{rvv}\n")
# sub vinegar variables
los = sub_vinegar(rvv,F,o,v)
print(f"Substituted random vinegar variables:\n{los}\n")
# subtract constant terms from message to get linear system
M = GF256(los[:, :-1])
c = GF256(los[:, [-1]])
y = np.subtract(m,c)
print("We separate out the constant terms of the linear oil system and subtract them from the message values to solve the linear system using Gaussian elimination.")
print(f"y = m-c =\n {m} \n-\n {c}\n =\n {y}\n")
print(f"f(o1,o2,o3) =\n {M}|{y}\n")
# solve the linear system
x_o = np.linalg.solve(M,y)
x = np.vstack((x_o, rvv.reshape(v,1)))
print(f"This yields the solution o1,o2,o3 =\n {x_o}\n")
print(f"We stack this solution with our random vinegar variables to form a complete solution to the non-linear multivariate polynomial system of equations:\n {x}\n")
# checking out solution
print("We can check out solution by plugging them into the central map.")
x_T = np.transpose(x)
cmpartsc = []
for f in F:
cmcp1 = np.matmul(x_T,f)
cmcp2 = np.matmul(cmcp1,x)
computed_mc = GF256(cmpartsc)
print(f"m = x_T F x =\n {computed_mc}\n")
# compute signature
s = np.matmul(L_inv,x)
print(f"Finally we compute our signature as:")
print(f"sig = L_inv * x =\n {s}\n")
# verification
print("Now let's see if our signature correctly given our public_key and message:")
s_T = np.transpose(s)
cmparts= []
for f_p in P:
cmp1 = np.matmul(s_T,f_p)
cmp2 = np.matmul(cmp1,s)
computed_m = GF256(cmparts)
print(f"computed message = sig_T pub_key sig =\n{computed_m}\n")
print(f"computed message == message is {np.array_equal(computed_m,m)}")
# main
if __name__ == "__main__":
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