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Created July 31, 2015 11:33
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// User code:
// "Extract" still has return type "os.GetHeader, err"
c, err := containers.Get(client, "foo").Extract()
if err != nil {
if gophercloud.HasErrorCode(err, gophercloud.ErrNotFound) {
// ...
switch gophercloud.ErrorCode(err) {
case gophercloud.ErrNotFound:
case containers.BadContainerName:
// Here's a quick sketch of the utility methods in gophercloud:
// These are *not* methods on BaseError, because then you'd have to either
// return _, gophercloud.BaseError from everything, or make the user cast
// all the time.
func ErrorCode(err error) CodeType {
if casted, ok := err.(BaseError); ok {
return casted.Code;
return nil;
func HasErrorCode(err error, code CodeType) bool {
return ErrorCode(err) == code;
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