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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Function Get-VMInfo {
Gather general information about a group of VMs.
This function returns general information gathered from a set of one or more VMs.
Data returned - Folder, Name, PowerState, FullName, GuestOS, IP, NumCPU, MemoryGB, DiskGB, DiskUsedGB, DiskFreeGB, Notes
VM object (Get-VM)
Get-VM | Get-VMInfo
Returns info for all VMs
Get-Folder Servers | Get-VM | Get-VMInfo
Returns info for all VMs located within the Servers folder
Author: Shawn Masterson
Created: Aug 2014
Version: 1.0
Begin {
$output = @()
Process {
Foreach ($VM in $VMs) {
Write-Verbose "Processing $VM"
$tempvm = @{}
$tempvm.Folder = $VM.Folder
$tempvm.Name = $VM.Name
$tempvm.PowerState = $VM.PowerState
$tempvm.NumCPU = $VM.NumCPU
[int]$tempvm.MemoryGB = $VM.MemoryGB
$tempvm.DiskGB = [Math]::Round((($vm.HardDisks | Measure-Object -Property CapacityKB -Sum).Sum * 1KB / 1GB),2)
$tempvm.DiskFreeGB = If (![Math]::Round((($vm.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object -Property FreeSpace -Sum).Sum / 1GB),2)) `
{"Tools Not Running\Unknown"} Else {[Math]::Round((($vm.Guest.Disks | Measure-Object -Property FreeSpace -Sum).Sum / 1GB),2)}
$tempvm.DiskUsedGB = If ($tempvm.DiskFreeGB -eq "Tools Not Running\Unknown") `
{"Tools Not Running\Unknown"} Else {$tempvm.DiskGB - $tempvm.DiskFreeGB}
$tempvm.Notes = $VM.Notes
$tempvm.GuestOS = If (!$VM.Guest.OSFullName) {"Tools Not Running\Unknown"} Else {$VM.Guest.OSFullName}
$tempvm.IP = If (!$VM.Guest.IPAddress[0]) {"Tools Not Running\Unknown"} Else {$VM.Guest.IPAddress[0]}
$tempvm.FullName = If (!$VM.Guest.hostname) {"Tools Not Running\Unknown"} Else {$VM.Guest.hostname}
$temp = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop $tempvm
$output += $temp
End {
$output | Select Folder, Name, PowerState, FullName, GuestOS, IP, NumCPU, MemoryGB, DiskGB, DiskUsedGB, DiskFreeGB, Notes | Sort Folder, Name
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