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Created September 17, 2011 14:34
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Conway's Game of Life
(:use [clojure.test])
(:use [midje.sweet])
(unfinished )
(defn neighbours [cell]
(map (fn [offset] (map + cell offset)) [[-1 -1] [-1 0] [-1 1] [0 -1] [0 1] [1 -1] [1 0] [1 1] ]))
(defn is-dying? [cell generation]
(let [living-neighbours (count (filter (set generation) (neighbours cell)))]
(not (or (= 2 living-neighbours) (= 3 living-neighbours)))))
(defn is-newborn? [cell generation]
(= 3 (count (filter (set generation) (neighbours cell)))))
(defn bordering [generation]
(remove (set generation) (set (mapcat neighbours generation))))
(defn newborns [generation]
(filter (fn [cell] (is-newborn? cell generation)) (bordering generation)))
(defn survivors [generation]
(remove (fn [cell] (is-dying? cell generation)) generation))
(defn tick [generation]
(concat (survivors generation) (newborns generation)))
(defn generations [generation]
(rest (reductions (fn [x y] (tick x)) generation (repeat 1))))
(deftest wrapper
(fact "integration test"
(tick [[2 1] [1 1] [0 1]]) => (just [[1 2] [1 1] [1 0]] :in-any-order))
(fact "integration test"
(tick (tick [[2 1] [1 1] [0 1]])) => (just [[2 1] [1 1] [0 1]] :in-any-order))
(fact "A cell should have 8 neighbours"
(neighbours [1 1]) => (just [[2 2] [1 2] [0 2]
[2 1] [0 1]
[2 0] [1 0] [0 0]] :in-any-order))
(fact "A cell lives if it has three neighbours"
(is-dying? [ ...first-living-neighbour... ...second-living-neighbour... ...third...]) => false
(neighbours => [...first-living-neighbour... ...second-living-neighbour... ...third...]))
(fact "A cell lives if it has two neighbours"
(is-dying? [ ...first-living-neighbour... ...second-living-neighbour...]) => false
(neighbours => [...first-living-neighbour... ...second-living-neighbour...]))
(fact "A cell is not born if it does not 3 living neighbours"
(is-newborn? ...dead-cell... []) => false
(neighbours ...dead-cell...) => [ ...another-dead-cell... ...third-dead-cell...]))
(fact "A cell will be born if it has 3 living neighbours"
(is-newborn? ...dead-cell... [ ...2-living-cell... ...3-living-cell...]) => true
(neighbours ...dead-cell...) => [ ...2-living-cell... ...3-living-cell...]))
(fact "Bordering cells are neighbourcells that are dead"
(bordering [...alive-cell... ...another-alive-cell...]) => [...dead-cell...]
(neighbours ...alive-cell...) => [...another-alive-cell... ...dead-cell...]
(neighbours ...another-alive-cell...) => [...alive-cell... ...dead-cell...]))
(fact "Newborn cells can only be bordering cells"
(newborns ...generation...) => [...newborn-cell...]
(bordering ...generation...) => [...border-cell... ...newborn-cell...]
(is-newborn? ...newborn-cell... ...generation...) => true
(is-newborn? ...border-cell... ...generation...) => false))
(fact "Survivors are the cells that are not dying"
(survivors [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => [...normal-cell...]
(is-dying? ...dying-cell... [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => true
(is-dying? ...normal-cell... [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => false))
(fact "Each tick should remove dying cells and add newborn cells"
(tick [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => [...normal-cell... ...newborn-cell...]
(survivors [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => [...normal-cell...]
(newborns [...dying-cell... ...normal-cell...]) => [...newborn-cell...]))
(fact "Should create new generation for each tick"
(second (generations ...initial-generation...)) => ...second-generation...
(tick ...initial-generation...) => ...first-generation...
(tick ...first-generation...) => ...second-generation...))
) (run-tests)
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