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Created August 21, 2017 23:02
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# Externally accessible URL for this node (this is what's advertised)
url = ""
# Port to listen on for the public API
port = 9001
# Socket file to use for the private API / IPC
# socket = "foo.ipc"
# Initial (not necessarily complete) list of other nodes in the network.
# Constellation will automatically connect to other nodes not in this list
# that are advertised by the nodes below, thus these can be considered the
# "boot nodes."
# othernodes = [""]
# The set of public keys this node will host
publickeys = ["/Users/s.matthew.english/ConsenSys/PegaSys/clients/quorum/constellation/0.2_constellation/constellation/"]
# The corresponding set of private keys
privatekeys = ["/Users/s.matthew.english/ConsenSys/PegaSys/clients/quorum/constellation/0.2_constellation/constellation/test.key"]
# Optional comma-separated list of paths to public keys to add as recipients
# for every transaction sent through this node, e.g. for backup purposes.
# These keys must be advertised by some Constellation node on the network, i.e.
# be in a node's publickeys/privatekeys lists.
# alwayssendto = []
# Optional file containing the passwords to unlock the given privatekeys
# (one password per line -- add an empty line if one key isn't locked.)
passwords = "password"
# Where to store payloads and related information
storage = "/Users/s.matthew.english/ConsenSys/PegaSys/clients/quorum/0.0_quorum/quorum/garbage"
# Optional IP whitelist for the public API. If unspecified/empty,
# connections from all sources will be allowed (but the private API remains
# accessible only via the IPC socket above.) To allow connections from
# localhost when a whitelist is defined, e.g. when running multiple
# Constellation nodes on the same machine, add "" and "::1" to
# this list.
# ipwhitelist = ["", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"]
# Verbosity level (each level includes all prior levels)
# - 0: Only fatal errors
# - 1: Warnings
# - 2: Informational messages
# - 3: Debug messages
verbosity = 3
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