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Created August 24, 2017 00:21
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{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Constellation.Node.Main where
import ClassyPrelude hiding (getArgs, log)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Logging
( LogLevel(LevelDebug, LevelInfo, LevelWarn, LevelError)
, setLogLevel, withStderrLogging, log', errorL'
import Data.Text.Format (Shown(Shown))
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors)
import Network.Socket
( Family(AF_UNIX), SocketType(Stream), SockAddr(SockAddrUnix)
, socket, bind, listen, maxListenQueue, close
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import Constellation.Enclave
(newEnclave', enclaveEncryptPayload, enclaveDecryptPayload)
import Constellation.Enclave.Key (mustLoadKeyPairs, mustLoadPublicKeys)
import Constellation.Enclave.Keygen.Main (generateKeyPair)
import Constellation.Node (newNode, runNode)
import Constellation.Node.Storage.BerkeleyDb (berkeleyDbStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Storage.Directory (directoryStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Storage.LevelDb (levelDbStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Storage.Memory (memoryStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Storage.Sqlite (sqliteStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Types
( Node(nodeStorage)
, Crypt(Crypt, encryptPayload, decryptPayload)
, Storage(closeStorage)
import Constellation.Node.Config (Config(..), extractConfig)
import Constellation.Util.AtExit (registerAtExit, withAtExit)
import Constellation.Util.Logging (debugf', logf', warnf)
import qualified Constellation.Node.Api as NodeApi
version :: Text
version = "0.1.0"
defaultMain :: IO ()
defaultMain = do
args <- getArgs
(cfg, _) <- extractConfig args
if cfgJustShowVersion cfg
then putStrLn ("Constellation Node " ++ version)
else case cfgJustGenerateKeys cfg of
[] -> withStderrLogging $ run cfg
ks -> mapM_ generateKeyPair ks
run :: Config -> IO ()
run cfg@Config{..} = do
let logLevel = case cfgVerbosity of
0 -> LevelError
1 -> LevelWarn
2 -> LevelInfo
3 -> LevelDebug
_ -> LevelDebug
logf' "Log level is {}" [show logLevel]
setLogLevel logLevel
debugf' "Configuration: {}" [show cfg]
ncpus <- getNumProcessors
logf' "Utilizing {} core(s)" [ncpus]
setNumCapabilities ncpus
pwds <- case cfgPasswords of
Just passPath -> do
checkForAFile passPath
(map (Just . T.unpack) . lines) <$> readFileUtf8 passPath
Nothing -> return $ replicate (length cfgPublicKeys) Nothing
when (length cfgPublicKeys /= length cfgPrivateKeys) $
errorL' "The same amount of public keys and private keys must be specified"
when (length cfgPublicKeys /= length pwds) $
errorL' "The same amount of passwords must be included in the passwords file as the number of private keys. (If a private key has no password, include a blank line.)"
when (cfgPort == 0) $
errorL' "A listening port must be specified with 'port' in the configuration file or --port at runtime"
let kps = zip3 cfgPublicKeys cfgPrivateKeys pwds
logf' "Constructing Enclave using keypairs {}"
[show $ zip cfgPublicKeys cfgPrivateKeys]
ks <- mustLoadKeyPairs kps
e <- newEnclave' ks
let crypt = Crypt
{ encryptPayload = enclaveEncryptPayload e
, decryptPayload = enclaveDecryptPayload e
ast <- mustLoadPublicKeys cfgAlwaysSendTo
logf' "Initializing storage {}" [cfgStorage]
let experimentalStorageCaveat s = warnf "The {} storage engine is experimental. It may be removed or changed at any time. Please see the discussion at" [s :: Text]
storage <- case break (== ':') cfgStorage of
("bdb", ':':path) -> berkeleyDbStorage path
("dir", ':':path) -> directoryStorage path
("leveldb", ':':path) -> experimentalStorageCaveat "LevelDB"
>> levelDbStorage path
("memory", _ ) -> memoryStorage
("sqlite", ':':path) -> experimentalStorageCaveat "SQLite"
>> sqliteStorage path
_ -> berkeleyDbStorage cfgStorage -- Default
nvar <- newTVarIO =<<
newNode crypt storage cfgUrl (map fst ks) ast cfgOtherNodes
_ <- forkIO $ do
let mwl = if null cfgIpWhitelist
then Nothing
else Just $ NodeApi.whitelist cfgIpWhitelist
logf' "Public API listening on port {} with whitelist: {}"
( cfgPort
, Shown $ if isNothing mwl then ["Disabled"] else cfgIpWhitelist
) cfgPort $ mwl NodeApi.Public nvar
_ <- case cfgSocket of
Just sockPath -> void $ forkIO $ do
logf' "Internal API listening on {}" [sockPath]
resetSocket sockPath
sock <- socket AF_UNIX Stream 0
bind sock $ SockAddrUnix sockPath
listen sock maxListenQueue
Warp.runSettingsSocket Warp.defaultSettings sock $ Nothing NodeApi.Private nvar
close sock
Nothing -> return ()
registerAtExit $ do
log' "Shutting down... (Interrupting this will cause the next startup to take longer)"
case cfgSocket of
Just sockPath -> resetSocket sockPath
Nothing -> return ()
readTVarIO nvar >>= closeStorage . nodeStorage
log' "Node started"
withAtExit $ runNode nvar
resetSocket :: FilePath -> IO ()
resetSocket sockPath = doesFileExist sockPath >>= \exists ->
when exists $ removeFile sockPath
checkForAFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
checkForAFile path = do
validFile <- doesFileExist path
if validFile
then putStrLn $ path ++ " is a file that exists"
else putStrLn $ path ++ " is not a file that exists"
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A few things happening here.
One is that the indentation on the line calling readFileUtf8 is all screwy. It's a little bit too far to the right. Line it up so that the parens beginning that line is in the same column as the c beginning checkForAFile.

The way it's spaced currently, GHC thinks you're trying to pass that whole line as an argument to checkForAFile, which only has one arg, so it gets confused and you get a type error.

The second error is because passPath is of type String, and something expects type Text. I think you're running into this error because the author hid the default prelude and imported Classy Prelude instead, which has some compat issues that creep up, like this one.

Not a big deal, you can use the pack function from Data.Text to convert, as it has type String -> Text. In this code, Data.Text has been imported as a qualified import to T, so you can get to it's functions by prefixing them with T..

There is a cool haskell search engine called hoogle that let's you search for things by type signature that you can use if you run into that sort of problem.

On mobile right now, so can't post examples, hopefully that's enough for you to go on.

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