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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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trigger function
#' Trigger an action associated with first matched/valid condition.
#' trigger is a flavour of pattern matching (or an if-else abstraction) in which a
#' value is matched against a sequence of condition-action sets. When a valid
#' match/condition is found the action is triggered and the result of the action
#' is returned. The trigger function is designed to particularly useful in pipelines
#' ala magrittr.
#' @param value the value to match agaist
#' @param ... a set of formulas containing a condition as LHS and an action as RHS.
#' named arguments will define additional values, and an unnamed argument which
#' is not a formula will be treated as the sure match, see details and examples.
#' @return the value resulting from the action of the first valid match/condition is returned.
#' If no matches are found, and no default is given, NULL will be returned.
#' @details condition-action sets are written as formulas with conditions as left-hand
#' sides and actions as right-hand sides. If only an action is given (i.e. not as a formula)
#' it is treated as a condition-action pair where the condition is always satisfied.
#' Any named argument will be made available in all conditions and actions, which is useful
#' in avoiding repeated temporary computations or temporary assignments.
#' Validity of the conditions are tested with \code{isTRUE}, or equivalently with
#' `identical(condition, TRUE)`. In other words conditions resulting in more than
#' one logical will never be valid.
#' @examples
#' 1:10 %>%
#' trigger(
#' sum(.) <= 50 ~ sum(.),
#' sum(.) <= 100 ~ sum(.)/2,
#' 0
#' )
#' 1:10 %>%
#' trigger(
#' sum(.) <= x ~ sum(.),
#' sum(.) <= 2*x ~ sum(.)/2,
#' 0,
#' x = 60
#' )
#' iris %>%
#' subset(Sepal.Length > 10) %>%
#' trigger(
#' nrow(.) > 0 ~ .
#' iris %>% head(10)
#' )
#' @export
trigger <- function(value, ...)
dots <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
names <- names(dots)
named <- if (is.null(names)) rep(FALSE, length(dots)) else names != ""
if (sum(!named) == 0)
stop("At least one matching condition is needed.", call. = FALSE)
is_formula <-
vapply(dots, function(cl) && identical(cl[[1L]], quote(`~`)),
env <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
env[["."]] <- value
if (sum(named) > 0)
for (i in which(named))
assign(names[i], eval(dots[[i]], env, env), env)
result <- NULL
for (i in which(!named))
if (is_formula[i]) {
if (isTRUE(eval(dots[[i]][[2]], env, env))) {
result <- eval(dots[[i]][[3]], env, env)
} else {
result <- eval(dots[[i]], env, env)
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