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Last active January 29, 2016 21:20
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Recursive If-Then-Else in R
#' Recursive If-Then-Else Evaluation.
#' This function will recursively evaluate conditions, element-by-element, and
#' apply specified actions for the elements that satisfy the conditions. Each
#' \code{condition~action} pair is specified by a formula, with the condition as
#' left-hand side and action as right-hand side. Each condition is evaluated
#' sequentially and only to the relevant elements. This means that if an element
#' satisfies an early condition, it will never reach a later condition test.
#' The final argument is a one-sided formula with only an action applied to the
#' elements that do not satisfy any of the conditions (a default).
#' @param . An atomic vector or a list, on which the condition tests and actions
#' are performed.
#' @param fst The first \code{condition ~ action} pair. Both condition and
#' action are specified as expressions of the dot (\code{.}).
#' @param ... The remaining \code{condition ~ action} pairs.
#' @return A vector or a list, depending on the input.
#' @examples
#' rifelse(1:10, . < 5 ~ "less", . == 5 ~ "equal", ~"greater")
#' rifelse(1:10, . < 3 ~ sin(.), . < 6 ~ cos(.), ~ .)
#' list_test <- list(a = head(iris), b = tail(iris), c = 1:10, d = rnorm(10))
#' rifelse(list_test, ~ TRUE, ~ FALSE)
rifelse <- function(., fst, ...)
if (!inherits(fst, "formula"))
stop("Expected a formula specification.")
dotarg <- as.pairlist(alist(.=))
value_part <- fst[[length(fst)]]
value_fun <- eval.parent(call("function", dotarg, value_part))
if (length(fst) == 2) {
`if`(is.list(.), lapply(., value_fun), value_fun(.))
} else {
len <- length(.)
out <-
`if`(is.list(.), vector("list", len), vector(length = len))
condition_part <- fst[[2L]]
condition_fun <- eval.parent(call("function", dotarg, condition_part))
passed <-
`if`(is.list(.), vapply(., condition_fun, logical(1)), condition_fun(.))
missings <-
if (any(missings)) {
out[missings] <- NA
passed[missings] <- FALSE
if (any(passed))
out[passed & !missings] <- value_fun(.[passed & !missings])
if (any(!passed & !missings))
out[!passed & !missings] <- Recall(.[!passed & !missings], ...)
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