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Created February 14, 2016 07:44
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[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR.
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_72, running on Linux:amd64:3.19.0-49-generic, installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java classpath at launch is /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/forge-
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java library path at launch is /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/natives
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enabling runtime deobfuscation
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLForgePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class net.minecraftforge.transformers.ForgeAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLForgePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: All fundamental core mods are successfully located
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load commandline specified mods, relative to /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Discovering coremods
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class SpaceCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.SpaceCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod SpaceCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy advgenerators.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in advgenerators.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ae2stuff.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ae2stuff.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AgriCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in AgriCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AncientTrees.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in AncientTrees.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy AppleCore-mc.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in AppleCore-mc.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class AppleCore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod squeek.applecore.AppleCore requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod AppleCore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy appliedenergistics2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in appliedenergistics2.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class AppEngCore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod appeng.transformer.AppEngCore requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [FML/]: [AppEng] Core Init
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class appeng.transformer.asm.ASMTweaker to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod AppEngCore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ArmorStatusHUD.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ArmorStatusHUD.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Aura.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Aura.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy autopackager.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in autopackager.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Backpack.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Backpack.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Baubles-1.7.10-
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Baubles-1.7.10-
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy bdlib.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in bdlib.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BiblioCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BiblioCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy BigReactors.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in BigReactors.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy boilerplate.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in boilerplate.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy buildcraft-compat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in buildcraft-compat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy buildcraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in buildcraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Carnivora.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Carnivora.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CarpentersBlocks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CarpentersBlocks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy chisel.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in chisel.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CodeChickenCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding CodeChickenCore.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CodeChickenCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:436]: Warning: version of ForgeMultipart, is newer than request
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:436]: Warning: version of bspkrsCore, 6.16 is newer than request 6.15
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod CodeChickenCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CoFHCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in CoFHCore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class cofh.asm.CoFHAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy cookingbook.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in cookingbook.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy coroutil.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in coroutil.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CraftingTableIV.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CraftingTableIV.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CustomChestLoot.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CustomChestLoot.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy customnpcs.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in customnpcs.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CustomOreGen.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CustomOreGen.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy D3Core.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in D3Core.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Decocraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Decocraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy deepresonance.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in deepresonance.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy DummyCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in DummyCore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DCLoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod DummyCore.ASM.DCLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DCLoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy DynamicLights.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in DynamicLights.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DLFMLCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLFMLCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DLFMLCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy e-mobile.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in e-mobile.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ElecCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ElecCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy enchantingplus.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in enchantingplus.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Enchiridion2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Enchiridion2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy endercore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in endercore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class EnderCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod EnderCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy EnderIO.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in EnderIO.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy EnderStorage.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in EnderStorage.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy EnderZoo.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in EnderZoo.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy etfuturum.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in etfuturum.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ExtrabiomesXL.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ExtrabiomesXL.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy extracells.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in extracells.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Farseek.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Farseek.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FarseekCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FarseekCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy FloodLights.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in FloodLights.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy fluxpads.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in fluxpads.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ForbiddenMagic.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ForbiddenMagic.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Forestry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Loading tweaker forestry.shade.javacheck.Java7Checker from Forestry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy GardenContainers.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in GardenContainers.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy gendustry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in gendustry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy GraveStone.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in GraveStone.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy GreenThumb.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in GreenThumb.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy headcrumbs.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in headcrumbs.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy herdCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in herdCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ImmersiveEngineering.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ImmersiveEngineering.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy immersiveintegration.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in immersiveintegration.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ImmibisCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ImmibisCore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ICCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod mods.immibis.core.ICCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod ICCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ImmibisMicroblocks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding ImmibisMicroblocks.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class MicroblocksCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod MicroblocksCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy InvTweaks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in InvTweaks.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class invtweaks.forge.asm.ITAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy IronChest.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in IronChest.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy IvToolkit.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding IvToolkit.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class IvToolkitLoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named 1.2 is loading
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod 1.2
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy JABBA.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in JABBA.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy journeymap.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in journeymap.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy koresample.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in koresample.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy LanteaCraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in LanteaCraft.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LCCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LCCoreMod/]: LCCoreMod ready for action!
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LCCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy lantern.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in lantern.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy lootbags.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in lootbags.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy LunatriusCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in LunatriusCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy magicaldecorations.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in magicaldecorations.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MagicBees.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MagicBees.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy malisiscore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in malisiscore.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class MalisisCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCoreAccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod MalisisCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy malisisdoors.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in malisisdoors.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Mantle.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Mantle.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Mariculture.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Mariculture.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class VanillaOverride
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod mariculture.fishery.VanillaOverride does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class mariculture.core.AccessTransformers to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod VanillaOverride
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy mcjtylib.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in mcjtylib.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy MineTweaker3.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in MineTweaker3.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy moarcarts.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in moarcarts.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ModularPowersuits.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ModularPowersuits.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NEI.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding NEI.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class NEICorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod NEICorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NEIAddons.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in NEIAddons.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy neiintegration.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in neiintegration.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy NotEnoughWands.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in NotEnoughWands.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy numina.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in numina.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ObsidianBoat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ObsidianBoat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenBlocks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenBlocks.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class OpenBlocksCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod OpenBlocksCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenComputers.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenComputers.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class TransformerLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod TransformerLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy openeye.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Adding openeye.jar to the list of known coremods, it will not be examined again
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named OpenEyePlugin is loading
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod openeye.CorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod OpenEyePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy openfm.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in openfm.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy openlights.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in openlights.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenMods.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in OpenMods.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class OpenModsCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin.<init>( <OpenModsLib 0.9.1>\o
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod OpenModsCorePlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy openmodularturrets.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in openmodularturrets.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy openprinter.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in openprinter.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy opensecurity.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in opensecurity.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy PetBat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in PetBat.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Pistronics2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Pistronics2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy pressure.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in pressure.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy progressiveautomation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in progressiveautomation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy quantumflux.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in quantumflux.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy QuantumStorage.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in QuantumStorage.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Railcraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Railcraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy reccomplex.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in reccomplex.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Reconstructor.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Reconstructor.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy RedLogic.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy redstonic.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in redstonic.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy RefinedRelocation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in RefinedRelocation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ResourceLoader.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ResourceLoader.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy rftools.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in rftools.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy RIO.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in RIO.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod remoteio.core.LoadingPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod LoadingPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy RopesPlus.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy scottstweaks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in scottstweaks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy shipsMod-v.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in shipsMod-v.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class CoreModPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named cuchaz.ships.core is loading
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod cuchaz.ships.core.CoreModPlugin requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod cuchaz.ships.core
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy simplyjetpacks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in simplyjetpacks.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SirenMod.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SirenMod.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SolarFlux.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SolarFlux.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy SpiceOfLife.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in SpiceOfLife.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy StorageDrawers.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in StorageDrawers.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy StorageDrawersForestry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in StorageDrawersForestry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy StorageDrawersMisc.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in StorageDrawersMisc.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Streams.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Streams.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class StreamsCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod streams.core.StreamsCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod StreamsCoreMod
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy supercraftingframe.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in supercraftingframe.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Thaumcarpentry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Thaumcarpentry.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Thaumcraft.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in Thaumcraft.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy thaumcraftgates.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in thaumcraftgates.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThaumicBases.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThaumicBases.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy thaumicenergistics.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in thaumicenergistics.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ThECore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod thaumicenergistics.fml.ThECore requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod ThECore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThaumicExploration.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ThaumicExploration.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThaumicHorizons.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThaumicHorizons.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy thaumicinfusion.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in thaumicinfusion.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ThaumicInfusionPlugin
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: coremod named thaumicinfusion is loading
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: The coremod drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.asm.ThaumicInfusionPlugin requested minecraft version 1.7.10 and minecraft is 1.7.10. It will be loaded.
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [TI Transformer/]: Thaumic Infusion has detected an Obfuscated environment!
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod thaumicinfusion
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThaumicTinkerer.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in ThaumicTinkerer.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class ThaumicTLoaderContainer
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.ThaumicTLoaderContainer does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod ThaumicTLoaderContainer
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy thermalcasting.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in thermalcasting.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThermalDynamics.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThermalDynamics.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThermalExpansion.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThermalExpansion.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThermalFoundation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThermalFoundation.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThermalRecycling.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThermalRecycling.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy ThermalSmeltery.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in ThermalSmeltery.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy TinkersWorkshop.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in TinkersWorkshop.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy UsefulFood.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in UsefulFood.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy VeinMiner.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in VeinMiner.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Vending.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Vending.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy waila.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in waila.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy WailaHarvestability.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in WailaHarvestability.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy Wawla.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in Wawla.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy weather2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in weather2.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Found FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod marker in WirelessRedstone.jar, it will be examined later for regular @Mod instances
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/WARN] [FML/]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod DepLoader
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining for coremod candidacy WoodenBucket.jar
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Not found coremod data in WoodenBucket.jar
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name forestry.shade.javacheck.Java7Checker
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod AppleCore {squeek.applecore.AppleCore} class transformers
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer squeek.applecore.asm.TransformerModuleHandler
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for AppleCore {squeek.applecore.AppleCore}
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin AppleCore
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class AppleCore run successfully
[01:34:55] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLCorePlugin {cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.MarkerTransformer
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer
[01:34:55] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.EventSubscriptionTransformer
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLCorePlugin {cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLCorePlugin}
[01:34:55] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLCorePlugin
[01:34:56] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Read 527 binary patches
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.minecraftforge.classloading.FluidIdTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLForgePlugin {net.minecraftforge.classloading.FMLForgePlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLForgePlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLForgePlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CCCDeobfPlugin {codechicken.core.asm.MCPDeobfuscationTransformer$LoadPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CCCDeobfPlugin {codechicken.core.asm.MCPDeobfuscationTransformer$LoadPlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CCCDeobfPlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadPlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod SpaceCorePlugin {com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.SpaceCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.block.BlockDestructionTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.render.TextureInterceptTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.mcp.LoaderModInfoTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.mod.ModInitTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.config.GuiFactoryTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for SpaceCorePlugin {com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.asm.SpaceCorePlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin SpaceCorePlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Setting runtime deobfuscation to true
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Reading MCP data...
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class SpaceCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod AppEngCore {appeng.transformer.AppEngCore} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer appeng.transformer.asm.ASMIntegration
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for AppEngCore {appeng.transformer.AppEngCore}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin AppEngCore
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class AppEngCore run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod CodeChickenCorePlugin {codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.lib.asm.ClassHeirachyManager
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.core.asm.InterfaceDependancyTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.core.asm.TweakTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.core.asm.DelegatedTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.core.asm.DefaultImplementationTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for CodeChickenCorePlugin {codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin CodeChickenCorePlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CodeChickenCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DCLoadingPlugin {DummyCore.ASM.DCLoadingPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer DummyCore.ASM.DCASMManager
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DCLoadingPlugin {DummyCore.ASM.DCLoadingPlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DCLoadingPlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DCLoadingPlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DLFMLCorePlugin {atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLFMLCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DLFMLCorePlugin {atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLFMLCorePlugin}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DLFMLCorePlugin
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DLFMLCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:57] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod MicroblocksCoreMod {mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod} class transformers
[01:34:57] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblockSupporterTransformer
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for MicroblocksCoreMod {mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod}
[01:34:57] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin MicroblocksCoreMod
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class MicroblocksCoreMod run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FMLPlugin {invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer invtweaks.forge.asm.ContainerTransformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FMLPlugin {invtweaks.forge.asm.FMLPlugin}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FMLPlugin
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FMLPlugin run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod 1.2 {ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for 1.2 {ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitLoadingPlugin}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin 1.2
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class IvToolkitLoadingPlugin run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LCCoreMod {} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [LCCoreMod/]: Instantiated transformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LCCoreMod {}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LCCoreMod
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LCCoreMod run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod VanillaOverride {mariculture.fishery.VanillaOverride} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mariculture.fishery.VanillaOverride
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for VanillaOverride {mariculture.fishery.VanillaOverride}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin VanillaOverride
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class VanillaOverride run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod NEICorePlugin {codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer codechicken.nei.asm.NEITransformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for NEICorePlugin {codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin NEICorePlugin
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class NEICorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod TransformerLoader {li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer li.cil.oc.common.asm.ClassTransformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for TransformerLoader {li.cil.oc.common.launch.TransformerLoader}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin TransformerLoader
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class TransformerLoader run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod OpenEyePlugin {openeye.CorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer openeye.asm.MultiTransformer
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for OpenEyePlugin {openeye.CorePlugin}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin OpenEyePlugin
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:DepLoader:450]: DepLoader... loaded
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:441]: Warning: version of ForgeMultipart, is newer than request
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [pcl.OpenFM.misc.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:441]: Warning: version of bspkrsCore, 6.16 is newer than request 6.15
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:DepLoader:431]: DepLoader... loaded
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:addDep:554]: BLEH klaxon1 Version 1
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:addDep:554]: BLEH klaxon2 Version 2
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:419]: klaxon2.ogg
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:load:470]: Skipping Dep, already exists
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:419]: klaxon2.ogg
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [pcl.opensecurity.util.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:download:348]: Download complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LoadingPlugin {remoteio.core.LoadingPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer remoteio.core.transform.CoreTransformer
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [RemoteIO:ASM/]: Adding transformer for: [net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator]
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LoadingPlugin {remoteio.core.LoadingPlugin}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LoadingPlugin
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadingPlugin run successfully
[01:34:58] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader}
[01:34:58] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:459]: Warning: version of ForgeMultipart, is newer than request
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [thaumcraft.codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader$DepLoadInst:checkExisting:459]: Warning: version of bspkrsCore, 6.16 is newer than request 6.15
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod ThECore {thaumicenergistics.fml.ThECore} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer thaumicenergistics.fml.ASMTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for ThECore {thaumicenergistics.fml.ThECore}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin ThECore
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class ThECore run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod thaumicinfusion {drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.asm.ThaumicInfusionPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.asm.BlockTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.asm.WorldTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for thaumicinfusion {drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.asm.ThaumicInfusionPlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin thaumicinfusion
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class ThaumicInfusionPlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod ThaumicTLoaderContainer {thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.ThaumicTLoaderContainer} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.AccessTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 13 rules from AccessTransformer config file ThaumicTinkerer_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for ThaumicTLoaderContainer {thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.ThaumicTLoaderContainer}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin ThaumicTLoaderContainer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class ThaumicTLoaderContainer run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for DepLoader {codechicken.core.launch.DepLoader}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin DepLoader
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class DepLoader run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class forestry.shade.javacheck.Java7Checker
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod OpenModsCorePlugin {openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for OpenModsCorePlugin {openmods.core.OpenModsCorePlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin OpenModsCorePlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.config.simple.ConfigProcessor.process( Parsing config file '/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/config/OpenModsLibCore.json'
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of gl_capabilities_hook updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of player_render_hook updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of map_gen_fix updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of movement_callback updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of stencil_patches updated from DISABLED to ENABLED
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class OpenModsCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod OpenBlocksCorePlugin {openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer openblocks.asm.OpenBlocksClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for OpenBlocksCorePlugin {openblocks.OpenBlocksCorePlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin OpenBlocksCorePlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class OpenBlocksCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 89 rules from AccessTransformer config file forge_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 57 rules from AccessTransformer config file fml_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer config file invtweaks_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 5 rules from AccessTransformer config file malisiscore_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 12 rules from AccessTransformer config file mariculture_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 13 rules from AccessTransformer config file ThaumicTinkerer_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 3 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/numina.jar!META-INF/numina_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 8 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ImmersiveEngineering.jar!META-INF/ImmersiveEngineering_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 1 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ResourceLoader.jar!META-INF/ResourceLoader_At.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 20 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Enchiridion2.jar!META-INF/enchiridion_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/WirelessRedstone.jar!META-INF/wrcbe_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 1 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Decocraft.jar!META-INF/decocraft_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 9 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Aura.jar!META-INF/aura_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 11 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/NEI.jar!META-INF/nei_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 5 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Farseek.jar!META-INF/farseek_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 31 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/TinkersWorkshop.jar!META-INF/TConstruct_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 6 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ThermalDynamics.jar!META-INF/tdynamics_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 3 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ModularPowersuits.jar!META-INF/numina_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 14 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/RefinedRelocation.jar!META-INF/RefinedRelocation_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Streams.jar!META-INF/streams_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 5 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/simplyjetpacks.jar!META-INF/simplyjetpacks_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/D3Core.jar!META-INF/D3Core_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 8 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/OpenComputers.jar!META-INF/oc_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Loaded 2 rules from AccessTransformer mod jar file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/InGameInfoXML.jar!META-INF/igi_at.cfg
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Validating minecraft
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft validated, launching...
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LoadingPlugin {cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cofh.asm.CoFHClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LoadingPlugin {cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LoadingPlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadingPlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod MalisisCorePlugin {net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.util.chunkcollision.ChunkCollisionTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkCollisionTransformer] Hook registered for
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer net.malisis.core.util.chunkblock.ChunkBlockTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: [ChunkBlockTransformer] Hook registered for
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for MalisisCorePlugin {net.malisis.core.asm.MalisisCorePlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin MalisisCorePlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class MalisisCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod LoadingPlugin {lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer lumien.resourceloader.asm.ClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for LoadingPlugin {lumien.resourceloader.asm.LoadingPlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin LoadingPlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class LoadingPlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod cuchaz.ships.core {cuchaz.ships.core.CoreModPlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer cuchaz.ships.core.CoreModTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for cuchaz.ships.core {cuchaz.ships.core.CoreModPlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin cuchaz.ships.core
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class CoreModPlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod ICCoreMod {mods.immibis.core.ICCoreMod} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mods.immibis.core.impl.MultiInterfaceClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mods.immibis.core.impl.TraitTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer mods.immibis.core.multipart.MultipartCoreHookTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for ICCoreMod {mods.immibis.core.ICCoreMod}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin ICCoreMod
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class ICCoreMod run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod FarseekCoreMod {farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer farseek.core.FarseekClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for FarseekCoreMod {farseek.core.FarseekCoreMod}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin FarseekCoreMod
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class FarseekCoreMod run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod StreamsCoreMod {streams.core.StreamsCoreMod} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer streams.core.StreamsClassTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for StreamsCoreMod {streams.core.StreamsCoreMod}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin StreamsCoreMod
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class StreamsCoreMod run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting coremod EnderCorePlugin {com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin} class transformers
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCoreTransformer
[01:34:59] [main/TRACE] [FML/]: Registering transformer com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCoreTransformerClient
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injection complete
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin for EnderCorePlugin {com.enderio.core.common.transform.EnderCorePlugin}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Running coremod plugin EnderCorePlugin
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Coremod plugin class EnderCorePlugin run successfully
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[01:34:59] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper/]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [ResourceLoader/]: Found Minecraft Class: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [ResourceLoader/]: - Found refreshResources 1/2
[01:34:59] [main/DEBUG] [ResourceLoader/]: - Patched refreshResources 2/2
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLTransformer:handleWorldTransform:70]: **************** Dynamic Lights transform running on World, obf: true ***********************
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLTransformer:handleWorldTransform:83]: In target method! Patching!
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLTransformer:handleWorldTransform:106]: Bytecode ISTORE 6 case!
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [atomicstryker.dynamiclights.common.DLTransformer:handleWorldTransform:166]: Patching Complete!
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [TI Transformer/]: Injecting interface into World Class
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [TI Transformer/]: Injected interface into World Class
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for (ahb)
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [farseek.core/]: Patching method handleMaterialAcceleration/func_72918_a on class net/minecraft/world/World
[01:35:00] [main/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Renaming original method net/minecraft/world/World.func_72918_a to REPLACED_handleMaterialAcceleration
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.asm.OpenBlocksClassTransformer$1.createVisitor( Trying to patch EntityPlayer.isInBed (class: yz)
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openblocks.asm.EntityPlayerVisitor$HookMethodVisitor.visitCode( isInBed patch applied. Enabling sleeping bags
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$2$1.createVisitor( Trying to apply movement callback (class: blk)
[01:35:00] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of movement_callback updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.movement.MovementPatcher$CallInjector.visitMethodInsn( Callback inserted. Using new movement handler.
[01:35:00] [main/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of movement_callback updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Inserted super call into [bfo.e()V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.a(Lbao;II)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.l()V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.l()V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.l()V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.k()V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.public_func_73869_a(CI)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.public_func_146984_a(Laay;III)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [bex.a(IIF)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting after method [bex.a(IIF)V] @ 138 - 140
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting after method [bex.a(IIF)V] @ 220 - 225
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(IIF)V] @ 444 - 470
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(Ladd;IILjava/lang/String;)V] @ 9 - 10
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(Ladd;IILjava/lang/String;)V] @ 14 - 15
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(Laay;)V] @ 298 - 323
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [bex.a(III)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(III)V] @ 259 - 260
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(III)V] @ 331 - 332
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(IIIJ)V] @ 98 - 99
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(IIIJ)V] @ 107 - 108
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(IIIJ)V] @ 118 - 119
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 158 - 159
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 168 - 169
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 287 - 288
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 295 - 296
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 314 - 315
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 424 - 425
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 454 - 455
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 468 - 469
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 497 - 498
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(III)V] @ 557 - 559
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(CI)V] @ 54 - 55
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(CI)V] @ 84 - 85
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.b(I)Z] @ 41 - 42
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [bex.managerHandleMouseClick(Laay;III)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting after method [bex.a(IIIJ)V] @ 14 - 15
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [bex.b(III)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: NEI: Injecting mouseUp call
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bex.a(Laay;III)V] @ 10 - 26
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [bex.a(CI)V]
[01:35:00] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting after method [bex.e()V] @ 0 - 4
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [AE2-CORE/]: func_146977_a(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;)V - Transformed
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [AE2-CORE/]: func_146977_a_original(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;)V - New Method
[01:35:00] [main/INFO] [AE2-CORE/]: func_146977_a(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;)V - Invoke Virtual
[01:35:01] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:01] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:01] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:01] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [aji.canBeReplacedByLeaves(Lahl;III)Z]
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [TI Transformer/]: Found the Block Class
[01:35:01] [main/DEBUG] [farseek.core/]: Patching method getFlowDirection/func_149802_a on class net/minecraft/block/BlockLiquid
[01:35:01] [main/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Renaming original method net/minecraft/block/BlockLiquid.func_149802_a to REPLACED_getFlowDirection
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [Mariculture/]: Patching the vanilla class: adb
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [Mariculture/]: Succesfully replaced Vanilla Fishing Rod and Fish
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod( Applying method transformer tile_entity_load for method c((Ldh;)Laor;)
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler( Adding handler for 'tile_entity_construct'
[01:35:01] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler( Adding handler for 'tile_entity_read'
[01:35:02] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Writing method [ama.a(Lahb;IIILsv;Ladd;)V]
[01:35:02] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.item.ItemStack], Method [func_77953_t]
[01:35:02] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.item.ItemStack Finished.
[01:35:02] [main/INFO] [OpenComputers/]: Successfully patched sw.recreateLeash.
[01:35:02] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [dh.toString()Ljava/lang/String;] @ 51 - 55
[01:35:03] [main/INFO] [malisiscore/]: Found hooks for net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock (abh)
[01:35:03] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow], Method [func_70071_h_]
[01:35:03] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow Finished.
[01:35:03] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Injecting before method [dq.toString()Ljava/lang/String;] @ 56 - 60
[01:35:03] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:03] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:03] [main/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [FML/]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.Container
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [FML/]: InvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming Class [net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace], Method [func_82846_b]
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [EnderCore/]: Transforming net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerFurnace Finished.
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod( Applying method transformer entity_load for method a((Ldh;Lahb;)Lsa;)
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler( Adding handler for 'entity_construct'
[01:35:04] [main/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.injectors.ExceptionHandlerInjector.addHandler( Adding handler for 'entity_read'
[01:35:04] [main/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [xz.ce()V] @ 6 - 13
[01:35:05] [main/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [net.minecraft.client.main.Main:main:144]: Completely ignored arguments: []
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Examining class
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$6$1.createVisitor( Trying to patch OpenGlHelper (class: buu)
[01:35:05] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of gl_capabilities_hook updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$5$1.createVisitor( Trying to patch Framebuffer (class: bmg)
[01:35:05] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of stencil_patches updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.stencil.FramebufferInjector$CreateFramebufferInjector.visitLdcInsn( Found GL constant, replacing method
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.stencil.FramebufferInjector$CreateFramebufferInjector.visitMethodInsn( Injecting allocate and attach methods
[01:35:05] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of stencil_patches updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: openmods.stencil.CapabilitiesHookInjector$MethodInjector.visitInsn( Injecting call into OpenGLHelper.init()
[01:35:05] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of gl_capabilities_hook updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[01:35:05] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [tv.twitch.StandardCoreAPI:<init>:16]: If on Windows, make sure to provide all of the necessary dll's as specified in the twitchsdk README. Also, make sure to set the PATH environment variable to point to the directory containing the dll's.
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CCL ASM/]: Replacing method [bny.a(IIIII)V] @ 7 - 16
[01:35:05] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: Loading Resource - LanguageManager took 0.053s
[01:35:05] [Client thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge/]: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization
[01:35:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: MinecraftForge v10.13.4.1614 Initialized
[01:35:05] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Replaced 183 ore recipies
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenEye/]: openeye.asm.SingleClassTransformer.visitMethod( Applying method transformer crash_handler for method a((Ljava/io/File;)Z)
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [MinecraftForge/]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: File /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/config/injectedDependencies.json not found. No dependencies injected
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Building injected Mod Containers [cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLContainer, net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer, appeng.transformer.AppEngCore, codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCoreModContainer, mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksModContainer, ivorius.ivtoolkit.IvToolkitCoreContainer,, mariculture.fishery.VanillaOverride, codechicken.nei.NEIModContainer, li.cil.oc.common.launch.CoreModContainer, openeye.Mod, thaumicenergistics.fml.ThECore, thaumic.tinkerer.preloader.ThaumicTLoaderContainer, openmods.core.OpenModsCore, cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin$CoFHDummyContainer, cuchaz.ships.core.ShipsCore]
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [farseek.core/]: Patching method readData/readData on class cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLContainer
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Renaming original method cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLContainer.readData to REPLACED_readData
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Patching method readData/readData on possible subclass of cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLContainer: net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeModContainer
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Renaming original method net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeModContainer.readData to REPLACED_readData
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: [AppEng] Core Init
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Patching method readData/readData on possible subclass of cpw/mods/fml/common/FMLContainer: mods/immibis/microblocks/coremod/MicroblocksModContainer
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/]: Renaming original method mods/immibis/microblocks/coremod/MicroblocksModContainer.readData to REPLACED_readData
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/forge-, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/launchwrapper.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/asm.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-lib.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-compiler.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-actors-migration.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-continuations-library.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-continuations-plugin.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-parser-combinators.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-reflect.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-swing.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/scala-xml.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/akka-actor.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/typesafe-config.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/lzma.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/realms-1.3.5.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/commons-compress-1.8.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/httpclient-4.3.3.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/httpcore-4.3.2.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/vecmath-1.3.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/trove4j-3.0.3.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/jopt-simple-4.5.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/codecjorbis-20101023.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/codecwav-20101023.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/libraryjavasound-20101123.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/soundsystem-20120107.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/netty-all-4.0.10.Final.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/guava-16.0.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/commons-lang3-3.2.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/commons-io-2.4.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/commons-codec-1.9.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/jinput-2.0.5.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/jutils-1.0.0.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/authlib-1.5.21.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/lwjgl-2.9.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/lwjgl_util-2.9.1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/lib/twitch-5.16.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/bin/minecraft.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/AppleCore-mc.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/appliedenergistics2.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/CodeChickenCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/CoFHCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/DummyCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/endercore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Farseek.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Forestry.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ImmibisCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ImmibisMicroblocks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/InvTweaks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/IvToolkit.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/LanteaCraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/malisiscore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Mariculture.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/NEI.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/OpenBlocks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/OpenComputers.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/openeye.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/openfm.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/OpenMods.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/opensecurity.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ResourceLoader.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/RIO.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/shipsMod-v.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Streams.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/Thaumcraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/thaumicenergistics.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ThaumicExploration.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/thaumicinfusion.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ThaumicTinkerer.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping known library file /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a minecraft related file at /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10/mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar, examining for mod candidates
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Searching /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods for mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate mod directory 1.7.10
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file advgenerators.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ae2stuff.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AgriCraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AncientTrees.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file AppleCore-mc.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file appliedenergistics2.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ArmorStatusHUD.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Aura.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file autopackager.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Backpack.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file bdlib.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BiblioCraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file BigReactors.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file boilerplate.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file buildcraft-compat.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file buildcraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Carnivora.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate mod directory carpentersblocks
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CarpentersBlocks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file chisel.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker CodeChickenCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CoFHCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file cookingbook.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file coroutil.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CraftingTableIV.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CustomChestLoot.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file customnpcs.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CustomOreGen.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file D3Core.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Decocraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file deepresonance.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DummyCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file e-mobile.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ElecCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file enchantingplus.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Enchiridion2.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file endercore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderIO.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderStorage.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file EnderZoo.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file etfuturum.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ExtrabiomesXL.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file extracells.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Farseek.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file FloodLights.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file fluxpads.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ForbiddenMagic.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Forestry.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file gendustry.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file GraveStone.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file GreenThumb.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file headcrumbs.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file herdCraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ImmersiveEngineering.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file immersiveintegration.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ImmibisCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker ImmibisMicroblocks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file InvTweaks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file IronChest.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker IvToolkit.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file JABBA.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file journeymap.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file koresample.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file LanteaCraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file lantern.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file lootbags.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file LunatriusCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file magicaldecorations.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MagicBees.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file malisiscore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file malisisdoors.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Mantle.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Mariculture.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file mcjtylib.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file MineTweaker3.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file moarcarts.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ModularPowersuits.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker NEI.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file neiintegration.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file NotEnoughWands.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file numina.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ObsidianBoat.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenBlocks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenComputers.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Skipping already parsed coremod or tweaker openeye.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file openfm.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file openlights.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenMods.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file openmodularturrets.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file openprinter.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate mod directory OpenSecurity
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file opensecurity.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file PetBat.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Pistronics2.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file pressure.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file progressiveautomation.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file quantumflux.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file QuantumStorage.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate mod directory railcraft
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Railcraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file reccomplex.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Reconstructor.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file RedLogic.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file redstonic.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file RefinedRelocation.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ResourceLoader.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file rftools.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file RIO.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file RopesPlus.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file scottstweaks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file shipsMod-v.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file simplyjetpacks.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SirenMod.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SolarFlux.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file SpiceOfLife.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file StorageDrawers.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file StorageDrawersForestry.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file StorageDrawersMisc.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Streams.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file supercraftingframe.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Thaumcarpentry.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Thaumcraft.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file thaumcraftgates.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThaumicBases.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file thaumicenergistics.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThaumicExploration.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThaumicHorizons.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file thaumicinfusion.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThaumicTinkerer.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file thermalcasting.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalDynamics.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalExpansion.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalFoundation.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalRecycling.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ThermalSmeltery.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file TinkersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file UsefulFood.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file VeinMiner.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Vending.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file waila.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file WailaHarvestability.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Wawla.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file weather2.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file WoodenBucket.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Also searching /home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/1.7.10 for mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file Baubles-1.7.10-
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10-
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found a candidate zip or jar file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file forge- for potential mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container forge- appears to be missing an file
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file launchwrapper.jar for potential mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container launchwrapper.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file asm.jar for potential mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container asm.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-lib.jar for potential mods
[01:35:06] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-lib.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:07] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-compiler.jar for potential mods
[01:35:07] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-compiler.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-actors-migration.jar for potential mods
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-actors-migration.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-continuations-library.jar for potential mods
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-continuations-library.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-continuations-plugin.jar for potential mods
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-continuations-plugin.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-parser-combinators.jar for potential mods
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-parser-combinators.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-reflect.jar for potential mods
[01:35:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-reflect.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-swing.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-swing.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scala-xml.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container scala-xml.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file akka-actor.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container akka-actor.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file typesafe-config.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container typesafe-config.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file lzma.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container lzma.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file realms-1.3.5.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container realms-1.3.5.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file commons-compress-1.8.1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container commons-compress-1.8.1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file httpclient-4.3.3.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container httpclient-4.3.3.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file commons-logging-1.1.3.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container commons-logging-1.1.3.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file httpcore-4.3.2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container httpcore-4.3.2.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file vecmath-1.3.1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container vecmath-1.3.1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file trove4j-3.0.3.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container trove4j-3.0.3.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file jopt-simple-4.5.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container jopt-simple-4.5.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file codecjorbis-20101023.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container codecjorbis-20101023.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file codecwav-20101023.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container codecwav-20101023.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file libraryjavasound-20101123.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container libraryjavasound-20101123.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file soundsystem-20120107.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container soundsystem-20120107.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file netty-all-4.0.10.Final.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container netty-all-4.0.10.Final.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file guava-16.0.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container guava-16.0.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file commons-lang3-3.2.1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container commons-lang3-3.2.1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file commons-io-2.4.jar for potential mods
[01:35:09] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container commons-io-2.4.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file commons-codec-1.9.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container commons-codec-1.9.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file jinput-2.0.5.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container jinput-2.0.5.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file jutils-1.0.0.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container jutils-1.0.0.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file gson-2.2.4.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container gson-2.2.4.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file authlib-1.5.21.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container authlib-1.5.21.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file lwjgl-2.9.1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container lwjgl-2.9.1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file lwjgl_util-2.9.1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container lwjgl_util-2.9.1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file twitch-5.16.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container twitch-5.16.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file minecraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container minecraft.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining directory 1.7.10 for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: No file found in directory 1.7.10
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.spacechase0.minecraft.spacecore.SpaceCore) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Attempting to load the file from 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar to locate a version number for SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:10] [Client thread/WARN] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Mod SC0_SpaceCore is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 0.7.14
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.spacechase0.minecraft.usefulpets.UsefulPets) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_UsefulPets/]: Parsed dependency info : [SC0_SpaceCore] [SC0_SpaceCore] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_UsefulPets/]: Attempting to load the file from 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar to locate a version number for SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:10] [Client thread/WARN] [SC0_UsefulPets/]: Mod SC0_UsefulPets is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.3
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file advgenerators.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file advgenerators.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.generators.Generators) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [advgenerators/]: Parsed dependency info : [bdlib] [pressure, BuildCraft|energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, IC2, CoFHCore, ThermalExpansion, eng_toolbox, minechem, bdlib] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ae2stuff.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ae2stuff.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.ae2stuff.AE2Stuff) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [ae2stuff/]: Parsed dependency info : [bdlib@[,), appliedenergistics2] [appliedenergistics2, bdlib@[,)] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AgriCraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file AgriCraft.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.AgriCraft) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [AgriCraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AncientTrees.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file AncientTrees.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.scottkillen.mod.dendrology.TheMod) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [dendrology/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, koresample@[1.7.10-1.3.2,1.7.10-2.0.0)] [Forge, koresample@[1.7.10-1.3.2,1.7.10-2.0.0), Forestry, minechem, chisel@[,), StorageDrawers@[1.7.10-1.5.6,)] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file AppleCore-mc.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container AppleCore-mc.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.applecore.AppleCore) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/INFO] [AppleCore/]: Mod AppleCore is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting AppleCore
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file appliedenergistics2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file appliedenergistics2.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (appeng.core.AppEng) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [appliedenergistics2-core, Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ArmorStatusHUD.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ArmorStatusHUD.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (bspkrs.armorstatushud.fml.ArmorStatusHUDMod) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [ArmorStatusHUD/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [bspkrsCore@[6.15,)] [bspkrsCore@[6.15,)] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file armourersWorkshop.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (riskyken.plushieWrapper.PlushieWrapper) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [plushieWrapper/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (riskyken.armourersWorkshop.ArmourersWorkshop) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [armourersWorkshop/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Aura.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Aura.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (pixlepix.auracascade.AuraCascade) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [aura/]: Parsed dependency info : [Baubles] [Baubles] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file autopackager.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file autopackager.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (org.mcupdater.autopackager.AutoPackager) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [autopackager/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [CoFHAPI, CoFHLib] [CoFHAPI, CoFHLib] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [autopackager/]: Attempting to load the file from autopackager.jar to locate a version number for autopackager
[01:35:10] [Client thread/WARN] [autopackager/]: Mod autopackager is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.5.8
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Backpack.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Backpack.jar
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (de.eydamos.backpack.Backpack) - loading
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [Backpack/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file bdlib.jar for potential mods
[01:35:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file bdlib.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.lib.BdLib) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [bdlib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BiblioCraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file BiblioCraft.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (jds.bibliocraft.BiblioCraft) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BiblioCraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file BigReactors.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file BigReactors.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.BRLoader) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BigReactors/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,), CoFHCore] [Forge@[,), CoFHCore, ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file boilerplate.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file boilerplate.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (boilerplate.common.Boilerplate) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [boilerplate/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [] [SteamCraft2, MoarCarts, BrassUtils]
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file buildcraft-compat.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file buildcraft-compat.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftCompat) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Compat/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core, Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), BuildCraft|Core, Forestry, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Builders, ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file buildcraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file buildcraft.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftBuilders) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Builders/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftTransport) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Transport/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftEnergy) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Energy/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftSilicon) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Silicon/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftRobotics) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Robotics/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftCore) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Core/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (buildcraft.BuildCraftFactory) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Factory/]: Parsed dependency info : [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] [BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Carnivora.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Carnivora.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (org.mcupdater.carnivora.Carnivora) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Carnivora/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining directory carpentersblocks for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: No file found in directory carpentersblocks
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CarpentersBlocks.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file CarpentersBlocks.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.carpentersblocks.CarpentersBlocks) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CarpentersBlocks/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file chisel.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file chisel.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.cricketcraft.chisel.Chisel) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [chisel/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [EE3, ForgeMultipart, Thaumcraft, appliedenergistics2, Railcraft, AWWayofTime, TwilightForest] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CoFHCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file CoFHCore.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cofh.CoFHCore) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,10.14)] [Forge@[,10.14)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file cookingbook.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file cookingbook.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.blay09.mods.cookingbook.CookingBook) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [cookingbook/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [cookingbook/]: Attempting to load the file from cookingbook.jar to locate a version number for cookingbook
[01:35:11] [Client thread/WARN] [cookingbook/]: Mod cookingbook is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.0.134
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file coroutil.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file coroutil.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (build.BuildMod) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildMod/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (CoroPets.CoroPets) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroPets/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (CoroUtil.forge.CoroAI) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroAI/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (extendedrenderer.ExtendedRenderer) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtendedRenderer/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (modconfig.ConfigMod) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [ConfigMod/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CraftingTableIV.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file CraftingTableIV.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (elec332.craftingtableiv.CraftingTableIV) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CraftingTableIV/]: Parsed dependency info : [ElecCore@[1.4.161,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), ElecCore@[1.4.161,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/INFO] [CraftingTableIV/]: Mod CraftingTableIV is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting CraftingTableIV
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CraftingTableIV/]: Attempting to load the file from CraftingTableIV.jar to locate a version number for CraftingTableIV
[01:35:11] [Client thread/WARN] [CraftingTableIV/]: Mod CraftingTableIV is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.1Beta.62
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CustomChestLoot.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file CustomChestLoot.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (toast.customChestLoot._CustomChestLoot) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomChestLoot/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file customnpcs.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file customnpcs.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (noppes.npcs.CustomNpcs) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [customnpcs/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CustomOreGen.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file CustomOreGen.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (CustomOreGen.FMLInterface) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomOreGen/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CustomOreGen/]: Attempting to load the file from CustomOreGen.jar to locate a version number for CustomOreGen
[01:35:11] [Client thread/WARN] [CustomOreGen/]: Mod CustomOreGen is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.2.24
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cyano.lootable.LootableBodies) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootablebodies/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file D3Core.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file D3Core.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.doubledoordev.d3core.D3Core) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [D3Core/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [D3Core/]: Attempting to load the file from D3Core.jar to locate a version number for D3Core
[01:35:11] [Client thread/WARN] [D3Core/]: Mod D3Core is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Decocraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Decocraft.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.mia.craftstudio.minecraft.forge.CSLibMod) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [PTRModelLib/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.mia.props.Props) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [props/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [PTRModelLib@[1.0.0,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file deepresonance.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file deepresonance.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mcjty.deepresonance.DeepResonance) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [deepresonance/]: Parsed dependency info : [ElecCore@[1.4.176,), McJtyLib@[1.8.1,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), McJtyLib@[1.8.1,), ElecCore@[1.4.176,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DummyCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container DummyCore.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (DummyCore.Core.CoreInitialiser) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DummyCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file DynamicLights.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.DynamicLights) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.BurningEntitiesLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_onFire/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.ChargingCreeperLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_creepers/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.DroppedItemsLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_dropItems/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.EntityClassLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.EntityLivingEquipmentLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.FlameEnchantedArrowLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.FloodLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_floodLights/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.PlayerOthersLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.modules.PlayerSelfLightSource) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/]: Parsed dependency info : [DynamicLights] [DynamicLights] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file e-mobile.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file e-mobile.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (tonius.emobile.EMobile) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [emobile/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [emobile/]: Attempting to load the file from e-mobile.jar to locate a version number for emobile
[01:35:11] [Client thread/WARN] [emobile/]: Mod emobile is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.2.1
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ElecCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ElecCore.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (elec332.core.main.ElecCore) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [ElecCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/INFO] [ElecCore/]: Mod ElecCore is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting ElecCore
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file enchantingplus.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file enchantingplus.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.aesireanempire.eplus.EnchantingPlus) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [eplus/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Enchiridion2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Enchiridion2.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (enchiridion.Enchiridion) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (joshie.enchiridion.Enchiridion) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion2/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file endercore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file endercore.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.enderio.core.EnderCore) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [endercore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ttCore] []
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file EnderIO.jar for potential mods
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file EnderIO.jar
[01:35:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (crazypants.enderio.EnderIO) - loading
[01:35:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/]: Parsed dependency info : [endercore@[1.7.10-,), Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), endercore@[1.7.10-,), MineFactoryReloaded, Waila@[1.5.10,), Thaumcraft, appliedenergistics2@[rv2-beta-8,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file EnderStorage.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file EnderStorage.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorage) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderStorage/]: Parsed dependency info : [CodeChickenCore@[1.0.5,)] [CodeChickenCore@[1.0.5,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [EnderStorage/]: Attempting to load the file from EnderStorage.jar to locate a version number for EnderStorage
[01:35:12] [Client thread/WARN] [EnderStorage/]: Mod EnderStorage is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file EnderZoo.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file EnderZoo.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (crazypants.enderzoo.EnderZoo) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderZoo/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@,)] [Forge@,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file etfuturum.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file etfuturum.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (ganymedes01.etfuturum.EtFuturum) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [etfuturum/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ExtrabiomesXL.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ExtrabiomesXL.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (extrabiomes.Extrabiomes) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtrabiomesXL/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file extracells.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file extracells.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (extracells.Extracells) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [extracells/]: Parsed dependency info : [appliedenergistics2] [LogisticsPipes|Main, Waila, appliedenergistics2] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [extracells/]: Attempting to load the file from extracells.jar to locate a version number for extracells
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [extracells/]: Found version 2.3.9 for mod extracells in, using
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Farseek.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Farseek.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (farseek.FarseekMod) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), terrafirmacraft@[0.79.23,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/INFO] [farseek/]: Mod farseek is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting farseek
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file FloodLights.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file FloodLights.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (de.keridos.floodlights.FloodLights) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FloodLights/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [IC2] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file fluxpads.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file fluxpads.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (exter.fluxpads.ModFluxPads) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [fluxpads/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThermalFoundation, Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), ThermalFoundation] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ForbiddenMagic.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ForbiddenMagic.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (fox.spiteful.forbidden.Forbidden) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForbiddenMagic/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft@[,)] [Thaumcraft@[,), ThaumicTinkerer, AWWayofTime, Botania] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForbiddenMagic/]: Attempting to load the file from ForbiddenMagic.jar to locate a version number for ForbiddenMagic
[01:35:12] [Client thread/WARN] [ForbiddenMagic/]: Mod ForbiddenMagic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-0.572
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Forestry.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Forestry.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (forestry.Forestry) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forestry/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), Buildcraft|Core@[6.1.7,), ExtrabiomesXL, BiomesOPlenty, IC2@[2.0.140,), Natura@[2.2.0,), HardcoreEnderExpansion] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file GardenContainers.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencontainers.GardenContainers) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenContainers/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [] [AgriCraft] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencore.GardenCore) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardenstuff.GardenStuff) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenStuff/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [] [Thaumcraft] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardentrees.GardenTrees) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenTrees/]: Parsed dependency info : [GardenCore] [GardenCore] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file gendustry.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file gendustry.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.gendustry.Gendustry) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [gendustry/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forestry@[,), bdlib@[,)] [Forestry@[,), BuildCraft|energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, IC2, CoFHCore, BinnieCore, ExtraBees, ExtraTrees, MineFactoryReloaded, MagicBees, bdlib@[,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file GraveStone.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container GraveStone.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (gravestone.ModGraveStone) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GraveStone/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file GreenThumb.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file GreenThumb.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.doubledoordev.greenThumb.GreenThumb) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [GreenThumb/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, D3Core] [D3Core] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GreenThumb/]: Attempting to load the file from GreenThumb.jar to locate a version number for GreenThumb
[01:35:12] [Client thread/WARN] [GreenThumb/]: Mod GreenThumb is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file headcrumbs.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file headcrumbs.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (ganymedes01.headcrumbs.Headcrumbs) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [headcrumbs/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file herdCraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file herdCraft.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.HerdCraft.common.HerdCraft) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [herdCraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ImmersiveEngineering.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ImmersiveEngineering.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (blusunrize.immersiveengineering.ImmersiveEngineering) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmersiveEngineering/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Railcraft, ThermalFoundation, Avaritia] [TConstruct]
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file immersiveintegration.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file immersiveintegration.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (unwrittenfun.minecraft.immersiveintegration.ImmersiveIntegration) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [immersiveintegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge, ImmersiveEngineering] [Forge, ImmersiveEngineering, appliedenergistics2] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ImmibisCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ImmibisCore.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mods.immibis.core.ICNonCoreMod) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisCore/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [] [IC2] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file InGameInfoXML.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.ingameinfo.InGameInfoXML) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,), LunatriusCore@[,)] [Forge@[,), LunatriusCore@[,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.ingameinfo.integration.bloodmagic.BloodMagic) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [InGameInfoXML, AWWayofTime] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.ingameinfo.integration.simplyjetpacks.SimplyJetpacks) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [InGameInfoXML, simplyjetpacks] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.ingameinfo.integration.terrafirmacraft.TerraFirmaCraft) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [InGameInfoXML, terrafirmacraft] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.ingameinfo.integration.thaumcraft.Thaumcraft) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [InGameInfoXML, Thaumcraft] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file InvTweaks.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file InvTweaks.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (invtweaks.forge.InvTweaksMod) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [inventorytweaks/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.12.1,), FML@[7.2.0,)] [FML@[7.2.0,), Forge@[10.12.1,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [inventorytweaks/]: Attempting to load the file from InvTweaks.jar to locate a version number for inventorytweaks
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [inventorytweaks/]: Found version 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263 for mod inventorytweaks in, using
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file IronChest.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file IronChest.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cpw.mods.ironchest.IronChest) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [IronChest/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.10,), FML@[7.2,)] [Forge@[10.10,), FML@[7.2,)] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [IronChest/]: Attempting to load the file from IronChest.jar to locate a version number for IronChest
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [IronChest/]: Found version for mod IronChest in, using
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file JABBA.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file JABBA.jar
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mcp.mobius.betterbarrels.BetterBarrels) - loading
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [JABBA/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Waila, NotEnoughItems] []
[01:35:12] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file journeymap.jar for potential mods
[01:35:12] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file journeymap.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (journeymap.common.Journeymap) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [journeymap/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file koresample.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file koresample.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.scottkillen.mod.koresample.TheMod) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [koresample/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file LanteaCraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file LanteaCraft.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; ( - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [ComputerCraft, OpenComputers] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file lantern.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file lantern.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.reaper.lantern.Lantern) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [reaper_lantern/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file lootbags.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file lootbags.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mal.lootbags.LootBags) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootbags/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file LunatriusCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file LunatriusCore.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.github.lunatrius.core.LunatriusCore) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [LunatriusCore/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file magicaldecorations.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file magicaldecorations.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (jhary.mods.mdeco.ModTCModels) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [mdeco/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft@[,)] [Thaumcraft@[,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MagicBees.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file MagicBees.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (magicbees.main.MagicBees) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [MagicBees/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forestry@[4.2.5,)] [Forestry@[4.2.5,), Thaumcraft, ExtraBees, EE3, ArsMagica, TConstruct, Railcraft, ThermalFoundation, ThermalExpansion, RedstoneArsenal, AWWayofTime, Botania, appliedenergistics2] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file malisiscore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file malisiscore.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.malisis.core.MalisisCore) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file malisisdoors.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file malisisdoors.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.malisis.doors.MalisisDoors) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/]: Parsed dependency info : [malisiscore] [malisiscore] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Mantle.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Mantle.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mantle.Mantle) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mantle/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.13,)] [Forge@[10.13,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Mariculture.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Mariculture.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mariculture.Mariculture) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mariculture/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), Forestry, AWWayofTime@[v1.0.1,), BiomesOPlenty@[2.0.0,), HardcoreEnderExpansion, TConstruct, ThermalFoundation] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Mariculture/]: Attempting to load the file from Mariculture.jar to locate a version number for Mariculture
[01:35:13] [Client thread/WARN] [Mariculture/]: Mod Mariculture is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.7.10-
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (maritech.MariTech) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [MariTech/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Mariculture] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MariTech/]: Attempting to load the file from Mariculture.jar to locate a version number for MariTech
[01:35:13] [Client thread/WARN] [MariTech/]: Mod MariTech is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mcjtylib.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file mcjtylib.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file MineTweaker3.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file MineTweaker3.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (minetweaker.mc1710.MineTweakerMod) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file moarcarts.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file moarcarts.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (moarcarts.MoarCarts) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [moarcarts/]: Parsed dependency info : [boilerplate@[1.7.10-,)] [boilerplate@[1.7.10-,), railcraft, Avaritia, ImmersiveEngineering@[0.6.5,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ModularPowersuits.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ModularPowersuits.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.machinemuse.powersuits.common.ModularPowersuits) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [powersuits/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, numina] [Mekanism, EnderIO, ProjRed|Core, bluepower, Forestry, Railcraft, MineFactoryReloaded, CoFHCore, BuildCraft|Core, appliedenergistics2, IC2, Thaumcraft, GalacticraftCore, numina, chisel] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [powersuits/]: Attempting to load the file from ModularPowersuits.jar to locate a version number for powersuits
[01:35:13] [Client thread/WARN] [powersuits/]: Mod powersuits is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file NEIAddons.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.NEIAddons) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NotEnoughItems] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.developer.AddonDeveloper) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Developer/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NEIAddons] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.appeng.AddonAppeng) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|AppEng/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NEIAddons, appliedenergistics2] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.botany.AddonBotany) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Botany/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NEIAddons, Botany] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.forestry.AddonForestry) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Forestry/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NEIAddons, Forestry] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.crafting.AddonCraftingTables) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NEIAddons] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.neiaddons.exnihilo.AddonExnihilo) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [exnihilo] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file neiintegration.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file neiintegration.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (tonius.neiintegration.NEIIntegration) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [neiintegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file NotEnoughWands.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file NotEnoughWands.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (romelo333.notenoughwands.NotEnoughWands) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughWands/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file numina.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file numina.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.machinemuse.numina.basemod.Numina) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [numina/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [numina/]: Attempting to load the file from numina.jar to locate a version number for numina
[01:35:13] [Client thread/WARN] [numina/]: Mod numina is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ObsidianBoat.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ObsidianBoat.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.zilulil.obsidianboat.ObsidianBoat) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [ObsidianBoat/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenBlocks.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file OpenBlocks.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openblocks.OpenBlocks) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenBlocks/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10)] [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10)] []
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenComputers.jar for potential mods
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file OpenComputers.jar
[01:35:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (li.cil.oc.OpenComputers) - loading
[01:35:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [BuildCraft|Core, ComputerCraft, EnderStorage, ForgeMultipart, IC2, MineFactoryReloaded, ProjRed|Transmission, RedLogic, StargateTech2, Thaumcraft, ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file openfm.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file openfm.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (pcl.OpenFM.OpenFM) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [openfm/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [OpenComputers] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file openlights.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file openlights.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (pcl.openlights.OpenLights) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [openlights/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [OpenComputers] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenMods.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file OpenMods.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openmods.OpenMods) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenModsCore] [OpenModsCore] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file openmodularturrets.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file openmodularturrets.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openmodularturrets.ModularTurrets) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [openmodularturrets/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ThermalFoundation, ThermalExpansion, OpenComputers, ComputerCraft, Mekanism, EnderIO, Thaumcraft] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file OpenPeripheralCore.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openperipheral.addons.OpenPeripheralAddons) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheral/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10), OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2] [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10), OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2, ComputerCraft@[1.70,]] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openperipheral.OpenPeripheralCore) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralCore/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10)] [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10), ComputerCraft@[1.70,], OpenComputers@[1.5.0,]] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (openperipheral.integration.OpenPeripheralIntegration) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralIntegration/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2, OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10)] [OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10), OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2, ComputerCraft@[1.70,], appliedEnergistics-2, IC2, EnderStorage, BuildCraft|Core, Forestry, Mystcraft, Railcraft, Thaumcraft, ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file openprinter.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file openprinter.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (pcl.openprinter.OpenPrinter) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [openprinter/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge] [OpenComputers] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining directory OpenSecurity for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: No file found in directory OpenSecurity
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Recursing into package sounds
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Recursing into package sounds.alarms
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file opensecurity.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file opensecurity.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (pcl.opensecurity.OpenSecurity) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [opensecurity/]: Parsed dependency info : [OpenComputers] [OpenComputers] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file PetBat.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file PetBat.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.petbat.common.PetBatMod) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [PetBat/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Pistronics2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Pistronics2.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (letiu.modbase.core.ModClass) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [Pistronics2/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file pressure.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file pressure.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.bdew.pressure.Pressure) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [pressure/]: Parsed dependency info : [bdlib] [ForgeMultipart, ComputerCraft, bdlib] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file progressiveautomation.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file progressiveautomation.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.vanhal.progressiveautomation.ProgressiveAutomation) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [progressiveautomation/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [CoFHAPI|energy, CoFHCore] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file quantumflux.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file quantumflux.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (jotato.quantumflux.QuantumFlux) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [quantumflux/]: Parsed dependency info : [CoFHAPI] [CoFHAPI] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file QuantumStorage.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file QuantumStorage.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (QuantumStorage.QuantumStorage) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [QuantumStorage/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining directory railcraft for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: No file found in directory railcraft
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Recursing into package emblems
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Railcraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Railcraft.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mods.railcraft.common.core.Railcraft) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), BuildCraft|Core[6.1.7,), BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraftAPI|statements[1.0,), BuildCraftAPI|transport[1.0,), Forestry[3,), Thaumcraft, IC2@[2.2,)] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file reccomplex.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file reccomplex.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (ivorius.reccomplex.RecurrentComplex) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [reccomplex/]: Parsed dependency info : [ivtoolkit] [ivtoolkit] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Reconstructor.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Reconstructor.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (org.mcupdater.reconstructor.Reconstructor) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [Reconstructor/]: Parsed dependency info : [CoFHCore] [CoFHCore] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file RedLogic.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file RedLogic.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mods.immibis.redlogic.RedLogicMod) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [RedLogic/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [ImmibisCore@[59.1.0,]] [ImmibisCore@[59.1.0,]] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file redstonic.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file redstonic.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.raizunne.redstonic.Redstonic) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [Redstonic/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ThermalExpansion, EnderIO] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/INFO] [Redstonic/]: Mod Redstonic is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting Redstonic
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file RefinedRelocation.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file RefinedRelocation.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.dynious.refinedrelocation.RefinedRelocation) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [RefinedRelocation/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [IronChest, BuildCraft|Transport@[6.2.5,), IC2, CoFHCore, JABBA, EE3@[0.2.271,), appliedenergistics2@[rv3-beta-5,), Waila@[1.5.6,)] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ResourceLoader.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ResourceLoader.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (lumien.resourceloader.ResourceLoader) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [ResourceLoader/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file rftools.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file rftools.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mcjty.rftools.RFTools) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [rftools/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,), McJtyLib@[1.8.1,), CoFHLib@[1.0.3,)] [Forge@[,), CoFHLib@[1.0.3,), McJtyLib@[1.8.1,)] []
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file RIO.jar for potential mods
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file RIO.jar
[01:35:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (remoteio.common.RemoteIO) - loading
[01:35:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [RIO/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), Waila] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file RopesPlus.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file RopesPlus.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (atomicstryker.ropesplus.common.RopesPlusCore) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [RopesPlus/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file scottstweaks.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file scottstweaks.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.scottkillen.mod.scottstweaks.TheMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [scottstweaks/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, koresample@[1.7.10-1.3.2,2.0.0)] [Forge, koresample@[1.7.10-1.3.2,2.0.0)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file shipsMod-v.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container shipsMod-v.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cuchaz.cuchazinteractive.CuchazInteractive) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.cuchazinteractive/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cuchaz.ships.Ships) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships/]: Parsed dependency info : [cuchaz.cuchazinteractive, cuchaz.ships.core, Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), cuchaz.ships.core, cuchaz.cuchazinteractive] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file simplyjetpacks.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file simplyjetpacks.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (tonius.simplyjetpacks.SimplyJetpacks) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [simplyjetpacks/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), ThermalExpansion, RedstoneArsenal, RArm, EnderIO@[1.7.10-,), BuildCraft|Core@[6.4.15,7.0.0),[7.0.4,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SirenMod.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file SirenMod.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (TheRealMcrafter.SirenMod.common.SirenMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [SirenMod/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SolarFlux.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file SolarFlux.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.nauktis.solarflux.SolarFluxMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [SolarFlux/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file SpiceOfLife.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file SpiceOfLife.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.spiceoflife.ModSpiceOfLife) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/]: Parsed dependency info : [AppleCore] [AppleCore] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file StorageDrawers.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file StorageDrawers.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.StorageDrawers) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawers/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [waila] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file StorageDrawersForestry.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file StorageDrawersForestry.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.packs.forestry.StorageDrawersPack) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersForestry/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, StorageDrawers] [StorageDrawers] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file StorageDrawersMisc.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file StorageDrawersMisc.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.packs.misc.StorageDrawersPack) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersMisc/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge, StorageDrawers] [StorageDrawers] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Streams.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Streams.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (streams.StreamsMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [streams/]: Parsed dependency info : [farseek@[1.0.4,2.0)] [farseek@[1.0.4,2.0)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [streams/]: Mod streams is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting streams
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file supercraftingframe.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file supercraftingframe.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (edgarallen.mod.scf.SuperCraftingFrame) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [supercraftingframe/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Thaumcarpentry.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Thaumcarpentry.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (zotmc.thaumcarpentry.Thaumcarpentry) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcarpentry/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [Thaumcraft] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Thaumcraft.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Thaumcraft.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (thaumcraft.common.Thaumcraft) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [Thaumcraft/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.13.2,), Baubles@[,)] [Forge@[10.13.2,), Baubles@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file thaumcraftgates.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file thaumcraftgates.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (ganymedes01.thaumcraftgates.ThaumcraftGates) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcraftgates/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft, Forge@[,), BuildCraft|Transport] [Forge@[,), Thaumcraft, BuildCraft|Transport] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThaumicBases.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container ThaumicBases.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (tb.core.TBCore) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicbases/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft@[,), Baubles@[,), DummyCore@[1.6,)] [Thaumcraft@[,), Baubles@[,), DummyCore@[1.6,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file thaumicenergistics.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file thaumicenergistics.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (thaumicenergistics.common.ThaumicEnergistics) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicenergistics/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThE-core, appliedenergistics2@[rv3-beta-1,), Thaumcraft@[,)] [ThE-core, appliedenergistics2@[rv3-beta-1,), Thaumcraft@[,), Waila, extracells] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThaumicExploration.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThaumicExploration.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (flaxbeard.thaumicexploration.ThaumicExploration) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicExploration/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft] [Thaumcraft, ThaumicTinkerer] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThaumicHorizons.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThaumicHorizons.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.kentington.thaumichorizons.common.ThaumicHorizons) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicHorizons/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.13.2,), Thaumcraft@[,)] [Forge@[10.13.2,), Thaumcraft@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file thaumicinfusion.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file thaumicinfusion.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (drunkmafia.thaumicinfusion.common.ThaumicInfusion) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicinfusion/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.13.2,), Thaumcraft@[,)] [Forge@[10.13.2,), Thaumcraft@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThaumicTinkerer.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThaumicTinkerer.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (thaumic.tinkerer.common.ThaumicTinkerer) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer/]: Parsed dependency info : [Thaumcraft@[,], Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,), Thaumcraft@[,], IC2, ThaumicTinkererKami, Waila, ForgeMultipart, ComputerCraft] [MagicBees, advthaum]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file thermalcasting.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file thermalcasting.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.insane.thermalcasting.ThermalCasting) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalCasting/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThermalExpansion, TConstruct] [ThermalExpansion, TConstruct] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThermalDynamics.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThermalDynamics.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cofh.thermaldynamics.ThermalDynamics) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalDynamics/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.0,)] [ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.0,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThermalExpansion.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThermalExpansion.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cofh.thermalexpansion.ThermalExpansion) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalExpansion/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.2,1.7.10R1.3.0), CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0)] [CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0), ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.2,1.7.10R1.3.0)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThermalFoundation.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThermalFoundation.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (cofh.thermalfoundation.ThermalFoundation) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalFoundation/]: Parsed dependency info : [CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0)] [CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThermalRecycling.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ThermalRecycling.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (org.blockartistry.mod.ThermalRecycling.ThermalRecycling) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [recycling/]: Parsed dependency info : [ThermalExpansion] [ThermalExpansion, *] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ThermalSmeltery.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container ThermalSmeltery.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (us.drullk.thermalsmeltery.ThermalSmeltery) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalSmeltery/]: Parsed dependency info : [TConstruct] [BigReactors, TConstruct, ThermalExpansion] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalSmeltery/]: Attempting to load the file from ThermalSmeltery.jar to locate a version number for ThermalSmeltery
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalSmeltery/]: Found version null for mod ThermalSmeltery in, using
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [ThermalSmeltery/]: Mod ThermalSmeltery is missing the required element 'version' and no fallback can be found. Substituting '1.0'.
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file TinkersWorkshop.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file TinkersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (tconstruct.TConstruct) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [TConstruct/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[,11.14), Mantle@[1.7.10-0.3.2,)] [Forge@[,11.14), Mantle@[1.7.10-0.3.2,), MineFactoryReloaded@[1.7.10R2.8.0RC7,), ThermalExpansion@[1.7.10R4.0.0RC2,), ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.0.0RC3,), armourersWorkshop@[1.7.10-0.28.0,), CoFHAPI|energy, CoFHCore, battlegear2, ZeldaItemAPI, DynamicSkillsAPI, NotEnoughItems, Waila] [UndergroundBiomes]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file UsefulFood.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file UsefulFood.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a class mods.usefulfood.mod_usefulfood following modloader naming convention but not directly a BaseMod or currently seen subclass
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mods.usefulfood.mod_usefulfood) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [UsefulFood/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Attempting to reparse the mod container UsefulFood.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file UsefulFood.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file UsefulFood.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a class mods.usefulfood.mod_usefulfood following modloader naming convention but not directly a BaseMod or currently seen subclass
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mods.usefulfood.mod_usefulfood) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [UsefulFood/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file VeinMiner.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file VeinMiner.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (portablejim.veinminer.VeinMiner) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMiner/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMiner/]: Attempting to load the file from VeinMiner.jar to locate a version number for VeinMiner
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMiner/]: Found version 0.30.2_build.unknown for mod VeinMiner in, using
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (portablejim.veinminermodsupport.VeinMinerModSupport) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMinerModSupport/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMinerModSupport/]: Attempting to load the file from VeinMiner.jar to locate a version number for VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMinerModSupport/]: Found version 0.30.2_build.unknown for mod VeinMinerModSupport in, using
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Vending.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Vending.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (info.jbcs.minecraft.vending.Vending) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [vending/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file waila.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file waila.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (mcp.mobius.waila.Waila) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [Waila/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [NotEnoughItems@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file WailaHarvestability.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file WailaHarvestability.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (squeek.wailaharvestability.ModWailaHarvestability) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [WailaHarvestability/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [TConstruct, ExtraTiC, TSteelworks, Mariculture] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Wawla.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container Wawla.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (net.darkhax.wawla.Wawla) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [wawla/]: Parsed dependency info : [Waila] [Waila] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file weather2.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file weather2.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (weather2.Weather) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [weather2/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file WirelessRedstone.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.wirelessredstone.core.WirelessRedstoneCore) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Core/]: Parsed dependency info : [CodeChickenCore@[1.0.4,), ForgeMultipart] [CodeChickenCore@[1.0.4,), ForgeMultipart] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Core/]: Attempting to load the file from WirelessRedstone.jar to locate a version number for WR-CBE|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [WR-CBE|Core/]: Mod WR-CBE|Core is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.WirelessRedstoneAddons) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Addons/]: Parsed dependency info : [WR-CBE|Core] [WR-CBE|Core] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Addons/]: Attempting to load the file from WirelessRedstone.jar to locate a version number for WR-CBE|Addons
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [WR-CBE|Addons/]: Mod WR-CBE|Addons is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.wirelessredstone.logic.WirelessRedstoneLogic) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Logic/]: Parsed dependency info : [WR-CBE|Core, ForgeMultipart] [WR-CBE|Core, ForgeMultipart] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Logic/]: Attempting to load the file from WirelessRedstone.jar to locate a version number for WR-CBE|Logic
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [WR-CBE|Logic/]: Mod WR-CBE|Logic is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file WoodenBucket.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container WoodenBucket.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (com.builtbroken.woodenbucket.WoodenBucket) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [woodenbucket/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (bspkrs.bspkrscore.fml.bspkrsCoreMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [bspkrsCore/]: Using mcmod dependency info : [Forge@[,)] [Forge@[,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file Baubles-1.7.10- for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file Baubles-1.7.10-
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (baubles.common.Baubles) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [Baubles/]: Parsed dependency info : [Forge@[10.13.2,)] [Forge@[10.13.2,)] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Located file in file ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.microblock.handler.MicroblockMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Parsed dependency info : [ForgeMultipart] [ForgeMultipart, *] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for ForgeMicroblock
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.handler.MultipartMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for ForgeMultipart
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [ForgeMultipart/]: Mod ForgeMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Identified a mod of type Lcpw/mods/fml/common/Mod; (codechicken.multipart.minecraft.MinecraftMultipartMod) - loading
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [McMultipart/]: Attempting to load the file from ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- to locate a version number for McMultipart
[01:35:15] [Client thread/WARN] [McMultipart/]: Mod McMultipart is missing the required element 'version' and a file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Examining file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar for potential mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: The mod container vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar appears to be missing an file
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 209 mods to load
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.gui (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|gui) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API boilerplate.api (owned by Boilerplate providing Boilerplate|API) embedded in boilerplate
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.crafting (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|crafting) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.circuits (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|circuits) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.fs (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.genetics (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|genetics) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.addons.api (owned by OpenPeripheralAddons providing OpenPeripheralAddonsApi) embedded in OpenPeripheral
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.addons.api (owned by OpenPeripheralAddons providing OpenPeripheralAddonsApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.addons.api (owned by OpenPeripheralAddons providing OpenPeripheralAddonsApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.api.example (owned by AgriCraft providing AgriCraftAPI) embedded in AgriCraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.apiculture.hives (owned by ForestryAPI|apiculture providing ForestryAPI|hives) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mcjty.deepresonance.api.fluid (owned by eee providing DR-API) embedded in deepresonance
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API elec332.core.effects.api.util (owned by ElecCore providing ElecCore|Abilities) embedded in ElecCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.event (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|event) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.robots (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|robotics) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.tileentity (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|tileentity) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.block (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|block) embedded in boilerplate
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blocks (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blocks) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thaumcraft.api (owned by Thaumcraft providing Thaumcraft|API) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.farming (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|farming) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.farming (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|farming) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.items (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|items) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.genetics (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|genetics) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.component (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Component) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.peripheral (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheral
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.peripheral (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.peripheral (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.core (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|core) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api (owned by ImmersiveEngineering providing ImmersiveEngineering|API) embedded in ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|item) embedded in boilerplate
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in fluxpads
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in boilerplate
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API elec332.core.effects.api.ability (owned by ElecCore providing ElecCore|Abilities) embedded in ElecCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.filler (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|filler) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.api (owned by AgriCraft providing AgriCraftAPI) embedded in AgriCraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib (owned by CoFHCore providing CoFHLib) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.event (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Event) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in endercore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.struct (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API appeng.api (owned by appliedenergistics2 providing appliedenergistics2|API) embedded in ThaumicTinkerer
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.meta (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.fuel (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|fuel) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|recipes) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.inventory (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|inventory) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|storage) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|recipes) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|world|feature) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|events) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.mail (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|mail) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.carts.locomotive (owned by RailcraftAPI|carts providing RailcraftAPI|locomotive) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.fuels (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|fuels) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in plushieWrapper
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.transport (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|transport) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.transport (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|transport) embedded in endercore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.mail (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|mail) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Network) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in openmodularturrets
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.pack (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|pack) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|audio) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thaumcraft.api (owned by Thaumcraft providing Thaumcraft|API) embedded in Thaumcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API ic2.api.util (owned by IC2 providing IC2API) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in boilerplate
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.apiculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|apiculture) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tablet (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tablet) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.library (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|library) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.dynious.refinedrelocation.api (owned by RefinedRelocation providing RefinedRelocationAPI) embedded in RefinedRelocation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.util.position (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|util|position) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|world) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.cricketcraft.chisel.api.carving (owned by Chisel providing ChiselAPI|Carving) embedded in chisel
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mcp.mobius.waila.api (owned by Waila providing WailaAPI) embedded in Waila
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.apiculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|apiculture) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|food) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.inventory (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|inventory) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API elec332.core.effects.api (owned by ElecCore providing ElecCore|Abilities) embedded in ElecCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.core (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.render.particle (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|render|particle) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.block (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|block) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openblocks.api (owned by OpenBlocks providing OpenBlocks|API) embedded in OpenBlocks
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.crops (owned by BuildCraftAPI|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|crops) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.gui.slot (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|gui|slot) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.internal (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Internal) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.transport (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|transport) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.fuels (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|fuels) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API baubles.api (owned by Baubles providing Baubles|API) embedded in fluxpads
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|storage) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.mia.craftstudio (owned by CSLib providing CSLib|API) embedded in PTRModelLib
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.mia.craftstudio (owned by CSLib providing CSLib|API) embedded in props
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.tileentity (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|tileentity) embedded in progressiveautomation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|world) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|item) embedded in ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.api.v0 (owned by AgriCraft providing AgriCraftAPI) embedded in AgriCraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.tileentity (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|tileentity) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|storage) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in Mariculture
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in MariTech
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.prefab (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Prefab) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in FloodLights
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.render (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|render) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.circuits (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|circuits) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.architecture.oc (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in fluxpads
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.carts.bore (owned by RailcraftAPI|carts providing RailcraftAPI|bore) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thaumcraft.api (owned by Thaumcraft providing Thaumcraft|API) embedded in ThaumicHorizons
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.helpers (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|helpers) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.crafting (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|crafting) embedded in ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.machine (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Machine) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API moarcarts.api (owned by moarcarts providing moarcarts|API) embedded in moarcarts
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.gui.element.listbox (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Core) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api (owned by StorageDrawers providing StorageDrawersAPI) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Redstone) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api.tool (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Tools) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.apiculture.hives (owned by ForestryAPI|apiculture providing ForestryAPI|hives) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.transport (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.core (owned by Railcraft providing RailcraftAPI|core) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thaumicenergistics.api (owned by thaumicenergistics providing thaumicenergistics|API) embedded in thaumicenergistics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.helpers (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.util.helpers (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|util|helpers) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in FloodLights
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API net.bdew.gendustry.api (owned by gendustry providing gendustryAPI) embedded in gendustry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.power (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|power) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.block (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|block) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API baubles.api (owned by Baubles providing Baubles|API) embedded in ThermalFoundation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.tracks (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|tracks) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.driver.item (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencore.api (owned by gardencore providing GardenCoreAPI) embedded in GardenContainers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencore.api (owned by gardencore providing GardenCoreAPI) embedded in GardenCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencore.api (owned by gardencore providing GardenCoreAPI) embedded in GardenStuff
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.gardencore.api (owned by gardencore providing GardenCoreAPI) embedded in GardenTrees
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.core.items (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|items) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api.common.painting (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api (owned by BuildCraft|Core providing BuildCraftAPI|core) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.lists (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|lists) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.inventory (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|inventory) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.gates (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|gates) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api.client (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.api.v1 (owned by AgriCraft providing AgriCraftAPI) embedded in AgriCraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|item) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry providing ForestryAPI|core) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.electricity (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|electricity) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.render (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|render) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API thaumcraft.api (owned by Thaumcraft providing Thaumcraft|API) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.blueprints (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|blueprints) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API baubles.api (owned by Baubles providing Baubles|API) embedded in Baubles
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.modhelpers (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|modhelpers) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.lepidopterology (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|lepidopterology) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in RIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|food) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API portablejim.veinminer.api (owned by VeinMiner providing VeinMinerApi) embedded in VeinMiner
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API portablejim.veinminer.api (owned by VeinMiner providing VeinMinerApi) embedded in VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|events) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in emobile
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|recipes) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in Redstonic
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.adapter.method (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.statements (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|statements) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.config (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|config) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.boards (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|boards) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.util (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|util) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.arboriculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|arboriculture) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.block (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|block) embedded in progressiveautomation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tools) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.lepidopterology (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|lepidopterology) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.signals (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|signals) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|world) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API baubles.api (owned by Baubles providing Baubles|API) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in Redstonic
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.adapter (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.arboriculture (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|arboriculture) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API crazypants.enderio.api.teleport (owned by EnderIO providing EnderIOAPI|Teleport) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.inventory (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|inventory) embedded in BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.driver (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Driver) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.multiblock (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|multiblock) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.core (owned by Forestry providing ForestryAPI|core) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.inventory (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|inventory) embedded in EnderIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API mods.railcraft.api.carts (owned by RailcraftAPI|core providing RailcraftAPI|carts) embedded in Railcraft
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API net.bdew.pressure.api (owned by pressure providing pressureAPI) embedded in pressure
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.converter (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api.client.render (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in openmodularturrets
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.carpentersblocks.api (owned by CarpentersBlocks providing CarpentersBlocks|API) embedded in CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API forestry.api.fuels (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|fuels) embedded in Forestry
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by ForestryAPI|core providing ForestryAPI|world) embedded in GraveStone
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API de.npe.gameanalytics (owned by dimensionalPockets providing GameAnalyticsAPI) embedded in aura
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in progressiveautomation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.jaquadro.minecraft.storagedrawers.api.registry (owned by StorageDrawersAPI providing StorageDrawersAPI|registry) embedded in StorageDrawers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.cricketcraft.chisel.api.rendering (owned by Chisel providing ChiselAPI|Rendering) embedded in chisel
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.item (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|item) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api.common (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.facades (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|facades) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in RIO
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API buildcraft.api.tiles (owned by BuildCraftAPI|core providing BuildCraftAPI|tiles) embedded in BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API elec332.craftingtableiv.api (owned by CraftingTableIV providing CraftingTableIV-API) embedded in CraftingTableIV
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API riskyken.armourersWorkshop.api.common.lib (owned by armourersWorkshop providing armourersWorkshopAPI) embedded in armourersWorkshop
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.transport (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|transport) embedded in BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in Mariculture
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHAPI) embedded in MariTech
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API squeek.applecore.api (owned by AppleCore providing AppleCoreAPI) embedded in AppleCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|energy) embedded in progressiveautomation
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API li.cil.oc.api.manual (owned by OpenComputers|Core providing OpenComputersAPI|Manual) embedded in OpenComputers
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API appeng.api (owned by appliedenergistics2 providing appliedenergistics2|API) embedded in appliedenergistics2
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.api.fluid (owned by CoFHAPI providing CoFHAPI|fluid) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.gui.container (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|gui|container) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API cofh.lib.gui.element (owned by CoFHLib providing CoFHLib|gui|element) embedded in CoFHCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API openperipheral.api.architecture (owned by OpenPeripheralCore providing OpenPeripheralApi) embedded in OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found API com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by chisel providing ChiselAPI) embedded in chisel
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API thaumicenergistics|API: owner: thaumicenergistics, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|registry:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|registry: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|core:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|core:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|core: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|storage:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|storage: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent RailcraftAPI|core from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|locomotive:1.0.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|locomotive:1.0.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|locomotive: owner: RailcraftAPI|carts, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent ForestryAPI|core from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|hives:4.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|hives:4.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|hives: owner: ForestryAPI|apiculture, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|inventory:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|inventory: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|storage:3.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|storage: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|world:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|world: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API WailaAPI: owner: Waila, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|carts:1.5.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|carts: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|core: owner: Forestry, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|events:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|events: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|util:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|util: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|mail:3.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|mail: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|tablet:1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|tablet: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|genetics:2.7.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|genetics: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|tools:1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|tools: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [Railcraft, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent RailcraftAPI|core from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|bore:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|bore:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|bore: owner: RailcraftAPI|carts, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|world|feature:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|world|feature: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CarpentersBlocks|API: owner: CarpentersBlocks, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|boards:2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|boards: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CraftingTableIV-API: owner: CraftingTableIV, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Network: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|items:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|items: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|recipes:3.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|recipes: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|tracks:2.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|tracks: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|robotics:3.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|robotics: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API Baubles|API: owner: Baubles, dependents: [fluxpads, ThermalFoundation, GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|lists:1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|lists: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|gates:4.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|gates: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API moarcarts|API: owner: moarcarts, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|gui|element:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|gui|element: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Core: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|pack:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|pack: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|facades:1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|facades: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenBlocks|API: owner: OpenBlocks, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [EnderIO] containing declared API package com.cricketcraft.chisel.api (owned by chisel) without associated API reference
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ChiselAPI: owner: chisel, dependents: [EnderIO]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|lepidopterology:1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|lepidopterology: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Driver: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API AppleCoreAPI: owner: AppleCore, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API AgriCraftAPI: owner: AgriCraft, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI: owner: StorageDrawers, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API McJtyLib: owner: McJty, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [emobile] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [ImmersiveEngineering] containing declared API package cofh.api (owned by CoFHLib) without associated API reference
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: [fluxpads, endercore, Railcraft, boilerplate, FloodLights, Forestry, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Compat, EnderIO, Redstonic, openmodularturrets, progressiveautomation, RIO, Mariculture, MariTech, emobile, ImmersiveEngineering]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|gui|container:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|gui|container: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API appliedenergistics2|API: owner: appliedenergistics2, dependents: [ThaumicTinkerer]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API gendustryAPI: owner: gendustry, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|events:2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|events: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|library:2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|library: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|blueprints:1.5}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|blueprints: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|recipes:2.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|recipes: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|event:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|event: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|modhelpers:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|modhelpers:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|modhelpers: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ElecCore|Abilities: owner: ElecCore, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API armourersWorkshopAPI: owner: armourersWorkshop, dependents: [plushieWrapper]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|crops: owner: BuildCraftAPI|Core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Prefab: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|util|helpers:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|util|helpers: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|block:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|block:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|block: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [boilerplate, EnderIO, progressiveautomation]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RefinedRelocationAPI: owner: RefinedRelocation, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|transport:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|transport:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|transport: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [endercore, EnderIO, BuildCraft|Compat]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|inventory:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|inventory: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenPeripheralAddonsApi: owner: OpenPeripheralAddons, dependents: [OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralCore, OpenPeripheralIntegration]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|helpers:1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|helpers: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|render:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|render: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|inventory:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|inventory:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|inventory: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [BuildCraft|Compat, EnderIO]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CSLib|API: owner: CSLib, dependents: [PTRModelLib, props]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API VeinMinerApi: owner: VeinMiner, dependents: [VeinMinerModSupport]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|fuel:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|fuel: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|gui|slot:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|gui|slot: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|energy:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|energy:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|energy: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [Forestry, Railcraft, boilerplate, openmodularturrets, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, EnderIO, Mariculture, MariTech, fluxpads, FloodLights, RIO, emobile, Redstonic, ImmersiveEngineering, progressiveautomation]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|audio:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|audio: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API GameAnalyticsAPI: owner: dimensionalPockets, dependents: [aura]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|signals:1.3.4}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|signals: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Teleport: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ChiselAPI|Rendering: owner: Chisel, dependents: [chisel]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Redstone: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI|Tools: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|item:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|item:1.7.10R1.0.2}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|item: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [boilerplate, ImmersiveEngineering, EnderIO]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Event: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ChiselAPI|Carving: owner: Chisel, dependents: [chisel]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|fuels:2.0.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|fuels: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|items:1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|items: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [Railcraft, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|farming:1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|farming: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API DR-API: owner: eee, dependents: [deepresonance]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|util|position:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|util|position: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|core: owner: BuildCraft|Core, dependents: [Railcraft, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|transport:4.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|transport: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [Railcraft, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Manual: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API Thaumcraft|API: owner: Thaumcraft, dependents: [GraveStone, ThaumicHorizons, Railcraft]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|core: owner: Railcraft, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Component: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Internal: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|power:1.3}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|power: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|circuits:1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|circuits: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|render:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|render: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|filler:4.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|filler: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|fuels:2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|fuels: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|electricity:1.6.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|electricity: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ImmersiveEngineering|API: owner: ImmersiveEngineering, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|world:2.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|world: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|world:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|world:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|world: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|render|particle:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|render|particle: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|tileentity:1.7.10R1.0.13}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|tileentity:1.7.10R1.0.13}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|tileentity: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: [EnderIO, progressiveautomation]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|blocks:1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|blocks: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|food:1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|food: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Railcraft from APIContainer{RailcraftAPI|crafting:1.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API RailcraftAPI|crafting: owner: RailcraftAPI|core, dependents: [ImmersiveEngineering]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|multiblock:3.0.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|multiblock: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|config:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|config: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|apiculture:4.8.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|apiculture: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API EnderIOAPI: owner: EnderIO, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenPeripheralApi: owner: OpenPeripheralCore, dependents: [OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralIntegration]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|tiles:1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|tiles: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [Railcraft, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API OpenComputersAPI|Machine: owner: OpenComputers|Core, dependents: [OpenComputers]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent BuildCraft|Core from APIContainer{BuildCraftAPI|statements:1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API BuildCraftAPI|statements: owner: BuildCraftAPI|core, dependents: [BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Factory, Railcraft]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API pressureAPI: owner: pressure, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHLib from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|fluid:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHAPI|fluid:1.7.10R1.1.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHAPI|fluid: owner: CoFHAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib: owner: CoFHCore, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent Forestry from APIContainer{ForestryAPI|arboriculture:2.3.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API ForestryAPI|arboriculture: owner: ForestryAPI|core, dependents: [GraveStone]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent CoFHCore from APIContainer{CoFHLib|gui:1.7.10R1.1.1}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API CoFHLib|gui: owner: CoFHLib, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API GardenCoreAPI: owner: gardencore, dependents: [GardenContainers, GardenCore, GardenStuff, GardenTrees]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Removing upstream parent StorageDrawers from APIContainer{StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute:1.7.10-1.2.0}
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute: owner: StorageDrawersAPI, dependents: []
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API Boilerplate|API: owner: Boilerplate, dependents: [boilerplate]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found mod(s) [powersuits] containing declared API package ic2.api.item (owned by IC2) without associated API reference
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Creating API container dummy for API IC2API: owner: IC2, dependents: [Railcraft, powersuits]
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Received a system property request ''
[01:35:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: System property request managing the state of 0 mods
[01:35:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: After merging, found state information for 0 mods
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in forge- [en_US, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, af_ZA, ar_SA, br_FR, ca_ES, cs_CZ, da_DK, el_GR, fa_IR, fi_FI, he_IL, hu_HU, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, lt_LT, nb_NO, nl_NL, nn_NO, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro_RO, sl_SI, sr_SP, sv_SE, tr_TR, uk_UA, vi_VN, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in forge- [en_US, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, af_ZA, ar_SA, br_FR, ca_ES, cs_CZ, da_DK, el_GR, fa_IR, fi_FI, he_IL, hu_HU, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, lt_LT, nb_NO, nl_NL, nn_NO, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro_RO, sl_SI, sr_SP, sv_SE, tr_TR, uk_UA, vi_VN, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ImmibisMicroblocks.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEI.jar [cs_CZ, fr_FR, et_EE, zh_CN, it_IT, zh_TW, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, pt_BR, sk_SK, ko_KR, pl_PL, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in openeye.jar [ru_RU, de_DE, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/]: Enabling mod SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_UsefulPets/]: Enabling mod SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [advgenerators/]: Enabling mod advgenerators
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in advgenerators.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, de_DE, ko_KR, ru_Ru]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ae2stuff/]: Enabling mod ae2stuff
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ae2stuff.jar [en_US, zh_CN, hu_HU, pt_BR, fr_FR, de_DE, ko_KR, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AgriCraft/]: Enabling mod AgriCraft
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in AgriCraft.jar [en_US, fr_CA, fr_FR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [dendrology/]: Enabling mod dendrology
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in AncientTrees.jar [de_DE, en_GB, en_PT, en_US, eo_UY]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AppleCore/]: Enabling mod AppleCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [appliedenergistics2/]: Enabling mod appliedenergistics2
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in appliedenergistics2.jar [it_IT, ro_RO, ja_JP, de_DE, ko_KR, ru_RU, pt_BR, zh_TW, en_US, en_GB, cs_CZ, fr_FR, es_ES, zh_CN, hu_HU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ArmorStatusHUD/]: Enabling mod ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ArmorStatusHUD.jar [en_US, cs_CZ]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [plushieWrapper/]: Enabling mod plushieWrapper
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in armourersWorkshop.jar [en_US, zh_CN, de_DE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [armourersWorkshop/]: Enabling mod armourersWorkshop
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in armourersWorkshop.jar [en_US, zh_CN, de_DE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [aura/]: Enabling mod aura
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Aura.jar [zh_CN, fr_FR, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [autopackager/]: Enabling mod autopackager
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in autopackager.jar [en_US, pl_PL, pt_BR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Backpack/]: Enabling mod Backpack
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Backpack.jar [de_DE, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/]: Enabling mod bdlib
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in bdlib.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BiblioCraft/]: Enabling mod BiblioCraft
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in BiblioCraft.jar [en_US, ko_KR, es_ES, fr_FR, nl_NL, sv_SE, bg_BG, fr_CA, it_IT, no_NO, da_DK, es_AR, ar_SA, zh_TW, zh_HK, pt_BR, pt_PT, pl_PL, es_MX, es_UY, tr_TR, fi_FI, gr_EL, lt_LT, lv_LV, cs_CZ, de_DE, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BigReactors/]: Enabling mod BigReactors
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in BigReactors.jar [sv_SE, pt_BR, zh_CN, ru_RU, es_SP, pl_PL, fr_CA, nl_NL, en_US, da_DK, de_DE, ko_KR, cs_CZ]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [boilerplate/]: Enabling mod boilerplate
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in boilerplate.jar [en_us]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Compat/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft-compat.jar [de_DE, pt_BR, fr_FR, uk_UA, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Builders/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Transport/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Energy/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Silicon/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Robotics/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Core/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft|Factory/]: Enabling mod BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in buildcraft.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_TW, et_EE, de_DE, fr_CA, hr_HR, pl_PL, sv_SE, da_DK, es_MX, pt_PT, hu_HU, es_ES, pt_BR, fr_FR, cs_CZ, es_UY, lt_LT, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_US, zh_CN, ja_JP, fi_FI, sr_SP, sk_SK, no_NO, es_AR, ru_RU, es_VE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Carnivora/]: Enabling mod Carnivora
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Carnivora.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CarpentersBlocks/]: Enabling mod CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in CarpentersBlocks.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_AU, en_PT, en_US, es_ES, fr_CA, fr_FR, it_IT, ko_KR, nl_NL, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [chisel/]: Enabling mod chisel
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in chisel.jar [ko_KR, fr_FR, en_PT, ru_RU, en_US, zh_CN, de_DE, en_GB]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFHCore/]: Enabling mod CoFHCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in CoFHCore.jar [de_DE, zh_CN, fr_FR, es_ES, ko_KR, pl_PL, ru_RU, ja_JP, zh_TW, fr_CA, en_US, hu_HU, it_IT, cs_CZ]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [cookingbook/]: Enabling mod cookingbook
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in cookingbook.jar [zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildMod/]: Enabling mod BuildMod
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoroPets/]: Enabling mod CoroPets
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoroAI/]: Enabling mod CoroAI
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtendedRenderer/]: Enabling mod ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ConfigMod/]: Enabling mod ConfigMod
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CraftingTableIV/]: Enabling mod CraftingTableIV
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in CraftingTableIV.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CustomChestLoot/]: Enabling mod CustomChestLoot
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [customnpcs/]: Enabling mod customnpcs
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in customnpcs.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_US, es_AR, es_MX, fr_FR, hu_HU, id_ID, ko_KR, nl_NL, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CustomOreGen/]: Enabling mod CustomOreGen
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [lootablebodies/]: Enabling mod lootablebodies
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar [de_DE, en_AU, en_CA, en_EN, en_GB, en_PT, en_US, es_ES, es_MX, it_IT, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [D3Core/]: Enabling mod D3Core
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in D3Core.jar [ru_RU, en_US, zh_CN, pl_PL]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PTRModelLib/]: Enabling mod PTRModelLib
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Decocraft.jar [de_DE, en_US, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [props/]: Enabling mod props
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Decocraft.jar [de_DE, en_US, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [deepresonance/]: Enabling mod deepresonance
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in deepresonance.jar [en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DummyCore/]: Enabling mod DummyCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_onFire/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_onFire
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_creepers/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_creepers
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_dropItems/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_floodLights/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/]: Enabling mod DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [emobile/]: Enabling mod emobile
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in e-mobile.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ElecCore/]: Enabling mod ElecCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ElecCore.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [eplus/]: Enabling mod eplus
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in enchantingplus.jar [de_DE, en_US, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Enchiridion/]: Enabling mod Enchiridion
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Enchiridion2.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, ru_RU, sk_SK, zh_CN, en_US, fr_FR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Enchiridion2/]: Enabling mod Enchiridion2
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Enchiridion2.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, ru_RU, sk_SK, zh_CN, en_US, fr_FR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [endercore/]: Enabling mod endercore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in endercore.jar [ko_KR, pt_PT, ru_RU, zh_TW, pt_BR, de_DE, cs_CZ, fr_FR, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [EnderIO/]: Enabling mod EnderIO
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in EnderIO.jar [pl_PL, es_MX, es_VE, ko_KR, en_US, ru_RU, de_DE, fr_FR, zh_TW, zh_CN, es_AR, pt_BR, es_ES, es_UY, pt_PT, cs_CZ]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [EnderStorage/]: Enabling mod EnderStorage
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in EnderStorage.jar [sv_SV, fr_FR, cz_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, pt_PT, zh_TW, de_DE, tr_TR, fr_CA, ru_RU, pt_BR, sk_SK, ko_KR, pl_PL, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [EnderZoo/]: Enabling mod EnderZoo
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in EnderZoo.jar [ru_RU, pt_BR, fr_CA, de_DE, fr_FR, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [etfuturum/]: Enabling mod etfuturum
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in etfuturum.jar [en_US, pt_BR, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/]: Enabling mod ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ExtrabiomesXL.jar [de_DE, en_US, es_AR, es_ES, es_MX, es_UY, es_VE, fr_CA, fr_FR, it_IT, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [extracells/]: Enabling mod extracells
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in extracells.jar [zh_TW, hu_HU, es_ES, zh_CN, de_DE, en_US, ja_JP, fr_FR, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [farseek/]: Enabling mod farseek
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FloodLights/]: Enabling mod FloodLights
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in FloodLights.jar [de_DE, ru_RU, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [fluxpads/]: Enabling mod fluxpads
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in fluxpads.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForbiddenMagic/]: Enabling mod ForbiddenMagic
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ForbiddenMagic.jar [en_US, fr_FR, ja_JP, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/]: Enabling mod Forestry
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Forestry.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_US, es_AR, es_ES, es_MX, es_UY, es_VE, et_EE, fi_FI, fr_FR, he_IL, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, tr_TR, uk_UA, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GardenContainers/]: Enabling mod GardenContainers
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GardenContainers.jar [en_US, fr_FR, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GardenCore/]: Enabling mod GardenCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GardenContainers.jar [en_US, fr_FR, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GardenStuff/]: Enabling mod GardenStuff
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GardenContainers.jar [en_US, fr_FR, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GardenTrees/]: Enabling mod GardenTrees
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GardenContainers.jar [en_US, fr_FR, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [gendustry/]: Enabling mod gendustry
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in gendustry.jar [en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, zh_TW, de_DE, ko_KR, fr_CA, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GraveStone/]: Enabling mod GraveStone
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GraveStone.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, pt_BR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GreenThumb/]: Enabling mod GreenThumb
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in GreenThumb.jar [zh_CN, en_US, pl_PL, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [headcrumbs/]: Enabling mod headcrumbs
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in headcrumbs.jar [en_US, fr_FR, it_IT, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [herdCraft/]: Enabling mod herdCraft
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ImmersiveEngineering/]: Enabling mod ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ImmersiveEngineering.jar [de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, ja_JP, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [immersiveintegration/]: Enabling mod immersiveintegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in immersiveintegration.jar [en_GB, en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ImmibisCore/]: Enabling mod ImmibisCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ImmibisCore.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [InGameInfoXML/]: Enabling mod InGameInfoXML
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InGameInfoXML.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, no_NO, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration/]: Enabling mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InGameInfoXML.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, no_NO, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration/]: Enabling mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InGameInfoXML.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, no_NO, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration/]: Enabling mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InGameInfoXML.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, no_NO, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration/]: Enabling mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InGameInfoXML.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, no_NO, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [inventorytweaks/]: Enabling mod inventorytweaks
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in InvTweaks.jar [da_DK, de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_CA, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, lt_LT, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, sl_SI, sv_SE, tr_TR, uk_UA, zh_CN, zh_TW, et_EE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [IronChest/]: Enabling mod IronChest
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in IronChest.jar [sv_SE, pl_PL, da_DK, en_US, et_EE, cs_CZ, pt_BR, en_PT, tr_TR, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, nb_NO, el_GR, de_DE, zh_TW, it_IT, ko_KR, pt_PT, zh_CN, nl_NL]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [JABBA/]: Enabling mod JABBA
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in JABBA.jar [de_DE, ru_RU, en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [journeymap/]: Enabling mod journeymap
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in journeymap.jar [ar_SA, ca_ES, de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fi_FI, fr_CA, fr_FR, hu_HU, ja_JP, ko_KR, nl_NL, no_NO, pt_BR, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [koresample/]: Enabling mod koresample
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [LanteaCraft/]: Enabling mod LanteaCraft
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in LanteaCraft.jar [en_US, cs_CZ, de_DE, zh_CN, es_ES]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [reaper_lantern/]: Enabling mod reaper_lantern
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in lantern.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [lootbags/]: Enabling mod lootbags
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in lootbags.jar [en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [LunatriusCore/]: Enabling mod LunatriusCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in LunatriusCore.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [mdeco/]: Enabling mod mdeco
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in magicaldecorations.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MagicBees/]: Enabling mod MagicBees
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in MagicBees.jar [de_DE, en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [malisiscore/]: Enabling mod malisiscore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in malisiscore.jar [en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [malisisdoors/]: Enabling mod malisisdoors
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in malisisdoors.jar [de_DE, en_US, es_AR, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Mantle/]: Enabling mod Mantle
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Mariculture/]: Enabling mod Mariculture
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Mariculture.jar [en_PT, en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW, en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MariTech/]: Enabling mod MariTech
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Mariculture.jar [en_PT, en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW, en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MineTweaker3/]: Enabling mod MineTweaker3
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [moarcarts/]: Enabling mod moarcarts
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in moarcarts.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [powersuits/]: Enabling mod powersuits
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ModularPowersuits.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, he_IL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|Developer/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|Developer
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|AppEng/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|AppEng
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|Botany/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|Botany
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|Forestry/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|Forestry
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo/]: Enabling mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NEIAddons.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, zh_CN, fr_FR, fr_CA, ru_RU, it_IT]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [neiintegration/]: Enabling mod neiintegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in neiintegration.jar [cs_CZ, en_US, es_ES, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NotEnoughWands/]: Enabling mod NotEnoughWands
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in NotEnoughWands.jar [zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [numina/]: Enabling mod numina
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ObsidianBoat/]: Enabling mod ObsidianBoat
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ObsidianBoat.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenBlocks/]: Enabling mod OpenBlocks
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenBlocks.jar [es_UY, ru_RU, et_EE, it_IT, de_DE, es_AR, fr_FR, pl_PL, pt_BR, zh_CN, nl_NL, es_VE, es_MX, ko_KR, es_ES, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenComputers/]: Enabling mod OpenComputers
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenComputers.jar [zh_TW, it_IT, ru_RU, zh_CN, pt_PT, fr_FR, en_US, de_DE]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [openfm/]: Enabling mod openfm
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in openfm.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [openlights/]: Enabling mod openlights
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in openlights.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/]: Enabling mod OpenMods
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenMods.jar [ru_RU, zh_CN, es_ES, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [openmodularturrets/]: Enabling mod openmodularturrets
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in openmodularturrets.jar [de_DE, zh_CN, ru_RU, en_US, de_DE, zh_CN, ru_RU, en_GB, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenPeripheral/]: Enabling mod OpenPeripheral
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenPeripheralCore.jar [de_DE, en_US, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenPeripheralCore/]: Enabling mod OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenPeripheralCore.jar [de_DE, en_US, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenPeripheralIntegration/]: Enabling mod OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in OpenPeripheralCore.jar [de_DE, en_US, zh_CN, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [openprinter/]: Enabling mod openprinter
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in openprinter.jar [en_US, de_DE, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [opensecurity/]: Enabling mod opensecurity
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in opensecurity.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PetBat/]: Enabling mod PetBat
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in PetBat.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Pistronics2/]: Enabling mod Pistronics2
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Pistronics2.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [pressure/]: Enabling mod pressure
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in pressure.jar [de_DE, hr_HR, zh_CN, en_US, ko_KR, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [progressiveautomation/]: Enabling mod progressiveautomation
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in progressiveautomation.jar [nl_NL, de_DE, pl_PL, en_US, pt_BR, zh_CN, fr_FR, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [quantumflux/]: Enabling mod quantumflux
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in quantumflux.jar [de_DE, en_US, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [QuantumStorage/]: Enabling mod QuantumStorage
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in QuantumStorage.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/]: Enabling mod Railcraft
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Railcraft.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_GB, en_US, es_AR, es_ES, es_MX, es_UY, es_VE, fr_FR, hr_HR, hu_HU, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, sr_SP, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [reccomplex/]: Enabling mod reccomplex
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in reccomplex.jar [en_US, pt_BR, fr_FR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Reconstructor/]: Enabling mod Reconstructor
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Reconstructor.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RedLogic/]: Enabling mod RedLogic
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in RedLogic.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Redstonic/]: Enabling mod Redstonic
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in redstonic.jar [en_US, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RefinedRelocation/]: Enabling mod RefinedRelocation
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in RefinedRelocation.jar [de_DE, en_US, nl_NL, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ResourceLoader/]: Enabling mod ResourceLoader
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [rftools/]: Enabling mod rftools
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in rftools.jar [zh_CN, pt_BR, zh_TW, ru_RU, en_US, de_DE, tr_TR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RIO/]: Enabling mod RIO
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in RIO.jar [fr_FR, en_US, zh_CN, ko_KR]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RopesPlus/]: Enabling mod RopesPlus
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in RopesPlus.jar [de_DE, en_US, ru_RU]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [scottstweaks/]: Enabling mod scottstweaks
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in scottstweaks.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [cuchaz.cuchazinteractive/]: Enabling mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in shipsMod-v.jar [en_US, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [cuchaz.ships/]: Enabling mod cuchaz.ships
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in shipsMod-v.jar [en_US, en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [simplyjetpacks/]: Enabling mod simplyjetpacks
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in simplyjetpacks.jar [en_US, ko_KR, nl_NL, pl_PL, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SirenMod/]: Enabling mod SirenMod
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SolarFlux/]: Enabling mod SolarFlux
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in SolarFlux.jar [de_DE, en_US, ko_KR, pl_PL, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SpiceOfLife/]: Enabling mod SpiceOfLife
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in SpiceOfLife.jar [de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, ko_KR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [StorageDrawers/]: Enabling mod StorageDrawers
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in StorageDrawers.jar [de_DE, en_US, es_AR, fr_FR, he_IL, ko_KR, pl_PL, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [StorageDrawersForestry/]: Enabling mod StorageDrawersForestry
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in StorageDrawersForestry.jar [en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [StorageDrawersMisc/]: Enabling mod StorageDrawersMisc
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in StorageDrawersMisc.jar [en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [streams/]: Enabling mod streams
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [supercraftingframe/]: Enabling mod supercraftingframe
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in supercraftingframe.jar [en_US]
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [thaumcarpentry/]: Enabling mod thaumcarpentry
[01:35:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumcraft/]: Enabling mod Thaumcraft
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Thaumcraft.jar [ca_ES, cs_CZ, de_DE, en_US, es_AR, es_ES, es_MX, es_UY, es_VE, et_EE, fi_FI, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, nl_NL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, sv_SE, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [thaumcraftgates/]: Enabling mod thaumcraftgates
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in thaumcraftgates.jar [en_US, fr_FR, it_IT, ko_KR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [thaumicbases/]: Enabling mod thaumicbases
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThaumicBases.jar [en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [thaumicenergistics/]: Enabling mod thaumicenergistics
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in thaumicenergistics.jar [de_DE, en_US, ko_KR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThaumicExploration/]: Enabling mod ThaumicExploration
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThaumicExploration.jar [en_US, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThaumicHorizons/]: Enabling mod ThaumicHorizons
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThaumicHorizons.jar [en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [thaumicinfusion/]: Enabling mod thaumicinfusion
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in thaumicinfusion.jar [en_US, fr_FR, ru_RU]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThaumicTinkerer/]: Enabling mod ThaumicTinkerer
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThaumicTinkerer.jar [en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN, de_DE, fr_Fr, ko_KR]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalCasting/]: Enabling mod ThermalCasting
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in thermalcasting.jar [en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalDynamics/]: Enabling mod ThermalDynamics
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThermalDynamics.jar [it_IT, zh_TW, ko_KR, en_US, fr_FR, de_DE, pt_BR, zh_CN, nl_NL, cs_CZ, en_GB, ru_RU]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalExpansion/]: Enabling mod ThermalExpansion
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThermalExpansion.jar [en_GB, ko_KR, pt_BR, en_US, de_DE, cs_CZ, nl_NL, it_IT, zh_TW, ja_JP, ru_RU, en_PT, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalFoundation/]: Enabling mod ThermalFoundation
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThermalFoundation.jar [tr_TR, it_IT, zh_CN, de_DE, pl_PL, ja_JP, pt_BR, en_GB, en_US, nl_NL, ko_KR, en_PT, ru_RU, sk_SK, zh_TW, cs_CZ]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [recycling/]: Enabling mod recycling
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThermalRecycling.jar [de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, nl_BE, pt_BR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ThermalSmeltery/]: Enabling mod ThermalSmeltery
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ThermalSmeltery.jar [en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [TConstruct/]: Enabling mod TConstruct
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in TinkersWorkshop.jar [cs_CZ, de_DE, en_GB, en_PT, en_US, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pl_PL, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [UsefulFood/]: Enabling mod UsefulFood
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in UsefulFood.jar [en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMiner/]: Enabling mod VeinMiner
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in VeinMiner.jar [fr_FR, zh_CN, hu_HU, en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [VeinMinerModSupport/]: Enabling mod VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in VeinMiner.jar [fr_FR, zh_CN, hu_HU, en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [vending/]: Enabling mod vending
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Vending.jar [pl_PL, en_US, zh_CN, ru_RU]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Waila/]: Enabling mod Waila
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in waila.jar [de_DE, ru_RU, en_US, it_IT, zh_CN, fr_FR, et_EE, nl_NL]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WailaHarvestability/]: Enabling mod WailaHarvestability
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in WailaHarvestability.jar [de_DE, en_US, it_IT, ko_KR, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [wawla/]: Enabling mod wawla
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Wawla.jar [en_US, ru_RU, zh_CN]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [weather2/]: Enabling mod weather2
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Core/]: Enabling mod WR-CBE|Core
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in WirelessRedstone.jar [cs_CZ, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Addons/]: Enabling mod WR-CBE|Addons
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in WirelessRedstone.jar [cs_CZ, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE|Logic/]: Enabling mod WR-CBE|Logic
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in WirelessRedstone.jar [cs_CZ, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US, cs_CZ, zh_CN, it_IT, de_DE, tr_TR, ru_RU, en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [woodenbucket/]: Enabling mod woodenbucket
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in WoodenBucket.jar [en_US]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bspkrsCore/]: Enabling mod bspkrsCore
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar [en_US, cs_CZ, pl_PL, de_DE, ru_RU]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Baubles/]: Enabling mod Baubles
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in Baubles-1.7.10- [ar_SA, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_DE, en_US, et_EE, fi_FI, fr_FR, it_IT, ko_KR, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_BR, ru_RU, zh_CN, zh_TW]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMicroblock/]: Enabling mod ForgeMicroblock
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- [pl_PL, en_US, fr_CA, cs_CZ, pt_BR, hr_HR, tr_TR, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, zh_TW, it_IT, ko_KR, zh_CN, nl_NL]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/]: Enabling mod ForgeMultipart
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- [pl_PL, en_US, fr_CA, cs_CZ, pt_BR, hr_HR, tr_TR, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, zh_TW, it_IT, ko_KR, zh_CN, nl_NL]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [McMultipart/]: Enabling mod McMultipart
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Found translations in ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- [pl_PL, en_US, fr_CA, cs_CZ, pt_BR, hr_HR, tr_TR, es_ES, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, zh_TW, it_IT, ko_KR, zh_CN, nl_NL]
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Verifying mod requirements are satisfied
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: All mod requirements are satisfied
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Sorting mods into an ordered list
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/]: Mod sorting completed successfully
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod sorting data
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SC0_SpaceCore(SpaceCore:0.7.14): 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SC0_UsefulPets(Useful Pets:1.3): 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar (required-after:SC0_SpaceCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: bdlib(BD Lib: bdlib.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHCore(CoFH Core:1.7.10R3.1.1): CoFHCore.jar (required-after:Forge@[,10.14);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib(API: CoFHLib:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI(API: CoFHAPI:1.7.10R1.1.0): fluxpads.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|crops(API: BuildCraftAPI|crops:1.1): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|energy(API: CoFHAPI|energy:1.7.10R1.0.2): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Core(BuildCraft:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|core(API: BuildCraftAPI|core:1.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|tablet(API: BuildCraftAPI|tablet:1.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|tools(API: BuildCraftAPI|tools:1.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|boards(API: BuildCraftAPI|boards:2.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|recipes(API: BuildCraftAPI|recipes:3.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|robotics(API: BuildCraftAPI|robotics:3.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|lists(API: BuildCraftAPI|lists:1.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|gates(API: BuildCraftAPI|gates:4.1): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|facades(API: BuildCraftAPI|facades:1.1): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|events(API: BuildCraftAPI|events:2.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|library(API: BuildCraftAPI|library:2.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|blueprints(API: BuildCraftAPI|blueprints:1.5): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|items(API: BuildCraftAPI|items:1.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|transport(API: BuildCraftAPI|transport:4.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|power(API: BuildCraftAPI|power:1.3): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|filler(API: BuildCraftAPI|filler:4.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|fuels(API: BuildCraftAPI|fuels:2.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|blocks(API: BuildCraftAPI|blocks:1.0): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|tiles(API: BuildCraftAPI|tiles:1.1): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraftAPI|statements(API: BuildCraftAPI|statements:1.1): buildcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Silicon(BC Silicon:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMultipart(Forge Multipart: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: pressure(Pressure Pipes: pressure.jar (after:ForgeMultipart;after:ComputerCraft;required-after:bdlib)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Baubles(Baubles: Baubles-1.7.10- (required-after:Forge@[10.13.2,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Baubles|API(API: Baubles|API: fluxpads.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalFoundation(Thermal Foundation:1.7.10R1.2.2): ThermalFoundation.jar (required-after:CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalExpansion(Thermal Expansion:1.7.10R4.1.1): ThermalExpansion.jar (required-after:CoFHCore@[1.7.10R3.1.0,1.7.10R3.2.0);required-after:ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.2,1.7.10R1.3.0);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: advgenerators(Advanced Generators: advgenerators.jar (after:pressure;after:BuildCraft|energy;after:BuildCraft|Silicon;after:IC2;after:CoFHCore;after:ThermalExpansion;after:eng_toolbox;after:minechem;required-after:bdlib)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: appliedenergistics2(Applied Energistics 2:rv3-beta-5): appliedenergistics2.jar (after:appliedenergistics2-core;required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ae2stuff(AE2 Stuff: ae2stuff.jar (required-after:appliedenergistics2;required-after:bdlib@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AgriCraft(AgriCraft:1.7.10-1.4.6-hotfix): AgriCraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Builders(BC Builders:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Energy(BC Energy:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Factory(BC Factory:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Thaumcraft(Thaumcraft: Thaumcraft.jar (required-after:Forge@[10.13.2,);required-after:Baubles@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Thaumcraft|API(API: Thaumcraft|API: GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: IC2API(API: IC2API:1.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Railcraft(Railcraft: Railcraft.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:BuildCraft|Core[6.1.7,);after:BuildCraft|Energy;after:BuildCraft|Builders;after:BuildCraft|Factory;after:BuildCraftAPI|statements[1.0,);after:BuildCraftAPI|transport[1.0,);after:Forestry[3,);after:Thaumcraft;after:IC2@[2.2,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ChiselAPI|Rendering(API: ChiselAPI|Rendering:0.1.0): chisel.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ChiselAPI|Carving(API: ChiselAPI|Carving:0.1.0): chisel.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: chisel(Chisel 2: chisel.jar (after:EE3;after:ForgeMultipart;after:Thaumcraft;after:appliedenergistics2;after:Railcraft;after:AWWayofTime;after:TwilightForest)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ExtrabiomesXL(ExtrabiomesXL:3.16.4): ExtrabiomesXL.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Forestry(Forestry for Minecraft: Forestry.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:Buildcraft|Core@[6.1.7,);after:ExtrabiomesXL;after:BiomesOPlenty;after:IC2@[2.0.140,);after:Natura@[2.2.0,);after:HardcoreEnderExpansion;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: koresample(Kore Sample:1.7.10-1.3.2): koresample.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawers(Storage Drawers:1.7.10-1.7.8): StorageDrawers.jar (after:waila;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: dendrology(Ancient Trees:1.7.10-1.6.4): AncientTrees.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AppleCore(AppleCore:1.1.0): AppleCore-mc.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: bspkrsCore(bspkrsCore:6.16): [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ArmorStatusHUD(ArmorStatusHUD:1.28): ArmorStatusHUD.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: armourersWorkshop(Armourer's Workshop:1.7.10- armourersWorkshop.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: armourersWorkshopAPI(API: armourersWorkshopAPI:1.7.10- armourersWorkshop.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: plushieWrapper(Plushie Wrapper:0.0.0): armourersWorkshop.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GameAnalyticsAPI(API: GameAnalyticsAPI:1.1): Aura.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: aura(Aura Cascade:unspecified): Aura.jar (required-after:Baubles)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: autopackager(AutoPackager:1.5.8): autopackager.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Backpack(Backpack:2.0.1): Backpack.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BiblioCraft(BiblioCraft:1.11.4): BiblioCraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BigReactors(Big Reactors:0.4.3A): BigReactors.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:CoFHCore;after:ThermalExpansion)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|block(API: CoFHAPI|block:1.7.10R1.0.2): boilerplate.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|item(API: CoFHAPI|item:1.7.10R1.0.2): boilerplate.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Boilerplate|API(API: Boilerplate|API:1): boilerplate.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: boilerplate(Boilerplate: boilerplate.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Transport(BC Transport:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|transport(API: CoFHAPI|transport:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|inventory(API: CoFHAPI|inventory:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Compat(BuildCraft Compat:7.1.3): buildcraft-compat.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:BuildCraft|Core;after:Forestry;after:BuildCraft|Transport;after:BuildCraft|Builders;after:ThermalExpansion)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Robotics(BC Robotics:7.1.14): buildcraft.jar (required-after:BuildCraft|Core@7.1.14)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Carnivora(Carnivora:0.1.3): Carnivora.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CarpentersBlocks(Carpenter's Blocks:3.3.7): CarpentersBlocks.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cookingbook(Cooking for Blockheads:1.0.134): cookingbook.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildMod(Build Mod:v1.0): coroutil.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoroPets(CoroPets:v1.0): coroutil.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoroAI(CoroAI:v1.0): coroutil.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ExtendedRenderer(Extended Renderer:v1.0): coroutil.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ConfigMod(Extended Mod Config:v1.0): coroutil.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ElecCore(ElecCore:1.4.176): ElecCore.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CraftingTableIV(CraftingTableIV:1.1Beta.62): CraftingTableIV.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:ElecCore@[1.4.161,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CustomChestLoot(Custom Chest Loot:1.1.1): CustomChestLoot.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: customnpcs(CustomNpcs:1.7.10d): customnpcs.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CustomOreGen(Custom Ore Generation:1.2.24): CustomOreGen.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: lootablebodies(DrCyano's Lootable Bodies:1.3.6): CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: D3Core(D3Core: D3Core.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CSLib|API(API: CSLib|API:1.0): Decocraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: PTRModelLib(PTRModelLib:1.0.0): Decocraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: props(Decocraft:2.2.1): Decocraft.jar (after:PTRModelLib@[1.0.0,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: McJtyLib(API: McJtyLib:1.8.1): mcjtylib.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DR-API(API: DR-API:1.0.4-Beta): deepresonance.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: deepresonance(DeepResonance:1.1.4): deepresonance.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:McJtyLib@[1.8.1,);required-after:ElecCore@[1.4.176,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DummyCore(DummyCore:1.13): DummyCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights(Dynamic Lights:1.3.9): DynamicLights.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_onFire(Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module:1.0.5): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_creepers(Dynamic Lights Creeper Module:1.0.4): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_dropItems(Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module:1.0.8): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_entityClasses(Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module:1.0.1): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_mobEquipment(Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module:1.0.8): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_flameArrows(Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module:1.0.0): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_floodLights(Dynamic Lights Flood Light:1.0.2): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_otherPlayers(Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module:1.0.8): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_thePlayer(Dynamic Lights Player Light Module:1.1.4): DynamicLights.jar (required-after:DynamicLights)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: emobile(E-Mobile:1.2.1): e-mobile.jar (after:ThermalExpansion)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: eplus(Enchanting Plus:3.0.2-d): enchantingplus.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enchiridion(Enchiridion:1.3): Enchiridion2.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enchiridion2(Enchiridion 2:2.0.2a): Enchiridion2.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: endercore(EnderCore:1.7.10- endercore.jar (after:ttCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Waila(Waila:1.5.10): waila.jar (after:NotEnoughItems@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ChiselAPI(API: ChiselAPI:0.1.0): chisel.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|tileentity(API: CoFHAPI|tileentity:1.7.10R1.0.13): EnderIO.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIO(Ender IO:1.7.10- EnderIO.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:endercore@[1.7.10-,);after:MineFactoryReloaded;after:Waila@[1.5.10,);after:Thaumcraft;after:appliedenergistics2@[rv2-beta-8,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderStorage(EnderStorage: EnderStorage.jar (required-after:CodeChickenCore@[1.0.5,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderZoo(Ender Zoo:1.7.10- EnderZoo.jar (required-after:Forge@,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: etfuturum(Et Futurum:1.5.4): etfuturum.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: extracells(Extra Cells 2:2.3.9): extracells.jar (after:LogisticsPipes|Main;after:Waila;required-after:appliedenergistics2)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: farseek(farseek:1.0.10): Farseek.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:terrafirmacraft@[0.79.23,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: FloodLights(Flood Lights:1.1.1-120): FloodLights.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: fluxpads(FluxPads: fluxpads.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:ThermalFoundation;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: appliedenergistics2|API(API: appliedenergistics2|API:rv2): ThaumicTinkerer.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicTinkerer(Thaumic Tinkerer:unspecified): ThaumicTinkerer.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:Thaumcraft@[,];before:MagicBees;before:advthaum;after:IC2;after:ThaumicTinkererKami;after:Waila;after:ForgeMultipart;after:ComputerCraft)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForbiddenMagic(Forbidden Magic:1.7.10-0.572): ForbiddenMagic.jar (required-after:Thaumcraft@[,);after:ThaumicTinkerer;after:AWWayofTime;after:Botania)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenCoreAPI(API: GardenCoreAPI:1.0.0): GardenContainers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenContainers(Garden Containers:1.7.10-1.7.0): GardenContainers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenCore(Garden Core:1.7.10-1.7.0): GardenContainers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenStuff(Garden Stuff:1.7.10-1.7.0): GardenContainers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenTrees(Garden Trees:1.7.10-1.7.0): GardenContainers.jar (required-after:GardenCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|core(API: RailcraftAPI|core:1.4.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|crafting(API: RailcraftAPI|crafting:1.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmersiveEngineering(Immersive Engineering: ImmersiveEngineering.jar (after:Railcraft;before:TConstruct;after:ThermalFoundation;after:Avaritia)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mantle(Mantle:1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191): Mantle.jar (required-after:Forge@[10.13,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: TConstruct(Tinkers' Construct:1.7.10-1.8.8.build988): TinkersWorkshop.jar (required-after:Forge@[,11.14);required-after:Mantle@[1.7.10-0.3.2,);after:MineFactoryReloaded@[1.7.10R2.8.0RC7,);after:ThermalExpansion@[1.7.10R4.0.0RC2,);after:ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.0.0RC3,);after:armourersWorkshop@[1.7.10-0.28.0,);after:CoFHAPI|energy;after:CoFHCore;after:battlegear2;after:ZeldaItemAPI;after:DynamicSkillsAPI;after:NotEnoughItems;after:Waila;before:UndergroundBiomes)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MagicBees(Magic Bees:2.4.2): MagicBees.jar (required-after:Forestry@[4.2.5,);after:Thaumcraft;after:ExtraBees;after:EE3;after:ArsMagica;after:TConstruct;after:Railcraft;after:ThermalFoundation;after:ThermalExpansion;after:RedstoneArsenal;after:AWWayofTime;after:Botania;after:appliedenergistics2)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: gendustry(GenDustry: gendustry.jar (required-after:Forestry@[,);after:BuildCraft|energy;after:BuildCraft|Silicon;after:IC2;after:CoFHCore;after:BinnieCore;after:ExtraBees;after:ExtraTrees;after:MineFactoryReloaded;after:MagicBees;required-after:bdlib@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|core(API: ForestryAPI|core:2.6.1): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|apiculture(API: ForestryAPI|apiculture:4.8.0): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|hives(API: ForestryAPI|hives:4.1.0): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|storage(API: ForestryAPI|storage:3.0.0): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|mail(API: ForestryAPI|mail:3.0.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|genetics(API: ForestryAPI|genetics:2.7.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|lepidopterology(API: ForestryAPI|lepidopterology:1.1): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|recipes(API: ForestryAPI|recipes:2.1.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|fuels(API: ForestryAPI|fuels:2.0.1): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|farming(API: ForestryAPI|farming:1.1.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|circuits(API: ForestryAPI|circuits:1.1.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|world(API: ForestryAPI|world:2.1.0): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|food(API: ForestryAPI|food:1.1.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|arboriculture(API: ForestryAPI|arboriculture:2.3.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GraveStone(GraveStone:2.16.0): GraveStone.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GreenThumb(GreenThumb: GreenThumb.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: headcrumbs(Headcrumbs:1.6.2): headcrumbs.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: herdCraft(HerdCraft:1.1): herdCraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: immersiveintegration(Immersive Integration:0.6.6): immersiveintegration.jar (required-after:Forge;required-after:ImmersiveEngineering;after:appliedenergistics2)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmibisCore(Immibis Core:59.1.4): ImmibisCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: LunatriusCore(LunatriusCore: LunatriusCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML(InGame Info XML: InGameInfoXML.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration(InGame Info XML - Blood Magic Integration: InGameInfoXML.jar (after:InGameInfoXML;after:AWWayofTime)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: simplyjetpacks(Simply Jetpacks:1.5.3): simplyjetpacks.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:ThermalExpansion;after:RedstoneArsenal;after:RArm;after:EnderIO@[1.7.10-,);after:BuildCraft|Core@[6.4.15,7.0.0),[7.0.4,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration(InGame Info XML - Simply Jetpacks Integration: InGameInfoXML.jar (after:InGameInfoXML;after:simplyjetpacks)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration(InGame Info XML - TerraFirmaCraft Integration: InGameInfoXML.jar (after:InGameInfoXML;after:terrafirmacraft)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration(InGame Info XML - Thaumcraft Integration: InGameInfoXML.jar (after:InGameInfoXML;after:Thaumcraft)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: inventorytweaks(Inventory Tweaks:1.59-dev-152-cf6e263): InvTweaks.jar (required-after:FML@[7.2.0,);required-after:Forge@[10.12.1,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: IronChest(Iron Chest: IronChest.jar (required-after:Forge@[10.10,);required-after:FML@[7.2,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: JABBA(JABBA:1.2.1): JABBA.jar (after:Waila;after:NotEnoughItems)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: journeymap(JourneyMap:5.1.3): journeymap.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RedLogic(RedLogic:59.1.11): RedLogic.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item(API: OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Network(API: OpenComputersAPI|Network:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Core(API: OpenComputersAPI|Core:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Driver(API: OpenComputersAPI|Driver:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Prefab(API: OpenComputersAPI|Prefab:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem(API: OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Event(API: OpenComputersAPI|Event:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Manual(API: OpenComputersAPI|Manual:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Component(API: OpenComputersAPI|Component:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Internal(API: OpenComputersAPI|Internal:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputersAPI|Machine(API: OpenComputersAPI|Machine:5.6.4): OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputers(OpenComputers: OpenComputers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: LanteaCraft(LanteaCraft:1.0.0-70): LanteaCraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: reaper_lantern(Lantern mod:1.47): lantern.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: lootbags(Loot Bags:1.8.1): lootbags.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: mdeco(Magical Decorations:0.3.5): magicaldecorations.jar (required-after:Thaumcraft@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: malisiscore(MalisisCore:1.7.10-0.14.0): malisiscore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: malisisdoors(Malisis' Doors:1.7.10-1.13.0): malisisdoors.jar (required-after:malisiscore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mariculture(Mariculture:1.7.10- Mariculture.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:Forestry;after:AWWayofTime@[v1.0.1,);after:BiomesOPlenty@[2.0.0,);after:HardcoreEnderExpansion;after:TConstruct;after:ThermalFoundation)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MariTech(Marine Technlogy:1.0): Mariculture.jar (after:Mariculture)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MineTweaker3(MineTweaker 3:3.0.10): MineTweaker3.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: moarcarts(MoarCarts:1.1.1-48): moarcarts.jar (required-after:boilerplate@[1.7.10-,);after:railcraft;after:Avaritia;after:ImmersiveEngineering@[0.6.5,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: numina(Numina: numina.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: powersuits(MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits: ModularPowersuits.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons(NEI Addons: NEIAddons.jar (after:NotEnoughItems)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Developer(NEI Addons: Developer Tools: NEIAddons.jar (after:NEIAddons)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|AppEng(NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2: NEIAddons.jar (after:NEIAddons;after:appliedenergistics2)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Botany(NEI Addons: Botany: NEIAddons.jar (after:NEIAddons;after:Botany)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Forestry(NEI Addons: Forestry: NEIAddons.jar (after:NEIAddons;after:Forestry)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|CraftingTables(NEI Addons: Crafting Tables: NEIAddons.jar (after:NEIAddons)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|ExNihilo(NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo: NEIAddons.jar (after:exnihilo)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: neiintegration(NEI Integration:1.1.0): neiintegration.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NotEnoughWands(Not Enough Wands:1.2.3): NotEnoughWands.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ObsidianBoat(Obsidian Boat:v1.3.2): ObsidianBoat.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenMods(OpenMods:0.9.1): OpenMods.jar (required-after:OpenModsCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenBlocks(OpenBlocks:1.5.1): OpenBlocks.jar (required-after:OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openfm(OpenFM: openfm.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openlights(OpenLights: openlights.jar (after:OpenComputers)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openmodularturrets(Open Modular Turrets:2.1.8-199): openmodularturrets.jar (after:ThermalFoundation;after:ThermalExpansion;after:OpenComputers;after:ComputerCraft;after:Mekanism;after:EnderIO;after:Thaumcraft)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralAddonsApi(API: OpenPeripheralAddonsApi:1.0): OpenPeripheralCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralCore(OpenPeripheralCore:1.3): OpenPeripheralCore.jar (required-after:OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10);after:ComputerCraft@[1.70,];after:OpenComputers@[1.5.0,];)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralApi(API: OpenPeripheralApi:3.4): OpenPeripheralCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheral(OpenPeripheralAddons:0.5.1): OpenPeripheralCore.jar (required-after:OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10);required-after:OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2;after:ComputerCraft@[1.70,])
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralIntegration(OpenPeripheralIntegration:0.5): OpenPeripheralCore.jar (required-after:OpenMods@[0.9.1,0.10);required-after:OpenPeripheralApi@3.3.2;after:ComputerCraft@[1.70,];after:appliedEnergistics-2;after:IC2;after:EnderStorage;after:BuildCraft|Core;after:Forestry;after:Mystcraft;after:Railcraft;after:Thaumcraft;after:ThermalExpansion;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openprinter(OpenPrinter: openprinter.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: opensecurity(OpenSecurity:1.0.90): opensecurity.jar (required-after:OpenComputers)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: PetBat(Pet Bat:1.3.6): PetBat.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Pistronics2(Pistronics 2:0.6.3): Pistronics2.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: progressiveautomation(Progressive Automation:1.6.32): progressiveautomation.jar (after:CoFHAPI|energy;after:CoFHCore;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: quantumflux(QuantumFlux:1.7.10-1.3.4): quantumflux.jar (required-after:CoFHAPI)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: QuantumStorage(QuantumStorage:1.2.1): QuantumStorage.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: reccomplex(Recurrent Complex: reccomplex.jar (required-after:ivtoolkit)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Reconstructor(Reconstructor:2.3): Reconstructor.jar (required-after:CoFHCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Redstonic(Redstonic:1.4.10): redstonic.jar (after:ThermalExpansion;after:EnderIO)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RefinedRelocation(Refined Relocation:1.1.21): RefinedRelocation.jar (after:IronChest;after:BuildCraft|Transport@[6.2.5,);after:IC2;after:CoFHCore;after:JABBA;after:EE3@[0.2.271,);after:appliedenergistics2@[rv3-beta-5,);after:Waila@[1.5.6,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResourceLoader(Resource Loader:1.2): ResourceLoader.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: rftools(RFTools:4.20): rftools.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:CoFHLib@[1.0.3,);required-after:McJtyLib@[1.8.1,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RIO(Remote IO:2.4.0): RIO.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);after:Waila)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RopesPlus(Ropes+:1.6.4): RopesPlus.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: scottstweaks(Scott's Tweaks:1.7.10-1.3.1): scottstweaks.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cuchaz.cuchazinteractive(Cuchaz Interactive:1.7.10-1.0): shipsMod-v.jar (required-after:Forge@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cuchaz.ships(Ships Mod:1.7.10-1.0.3): shipsMod-v.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:cuchaz.ships.core;required-after:cuchaz.cuchazinteractive)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SirenMod(TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0):2.2.01): SirenMod.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SolarFlux(Solar Flux:1.7.10-0.8b): SolarFlux.jar (after:ThermalExpansion;after:ThermalFoundation)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SpiceOfLife(The Spice of Life:1.3.0): SpiceOfLife.jar (required-after:AppleCore)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersForestry(Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack:1.7.10-1.1.0): StorageDrawersForestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersMisc(Storage Drawers: Misc Pack:1.7.10-1.1.0): StorageDrawersMisc.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: streams(streams:0.1.6): Streams.jar (required-after:farseek@[1.0.4,2.0))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: supercraftingframe(Super Crafting Frame: supercraftingframe.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumcarpentry(Thaumcarpentry: Thaumcarpentry.jar (after:Thaumcraft)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumcraftgates(Thaumcraft Gates:1.4.2): thaumcraftgates.jar (required-after:Forge@[,);required-after:Thaumcraft;required-after:BuildCraft|Transport)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicbases(Thaumic Bases:1.3.1710.2): ThaumicBases.jar (required-after:Thaumcraft@[,);required-after:Baubles@[,);required-after:DummyCore@[1.6,);)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicenergistics(Thaumic Energistics: thaumicenergistics.jar (required-after:ThE-core;required-after:appliedenergistics2@[rv3-beta-1,);required-after:Thaumcraft@[,);after:Waila;after:extracells)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicExploration(Thaumic Exploration:0.6.0): ThaumicExploration.jar (required-after:Thaumcraft;after:ThaumicTinkerer)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicHorizons(Thaumic Horizons:1.1.9): ThaumicHorizons.jar (required-after:Forge@[10.13.2,);required-after:Thaumcraft@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicinfusion(Thaumic Infusion:4.27): thaumicinfusion.jar (required-after:Forge@[10.13.2,);required-after:Thaumcraft@[,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalCasting(Thermal Casting:0.0.3): thermalcasting.jar (required-after:ThermalExpansion;required-after:TConstruct)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalDynamics(Thermal Dynamics:1.7.10R1.1.0): ThermalDynamics.jar (required-after:ThermalFoundation@[1.7.10R1.2.0,))
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalSmeltery(Thermal Smeltery:1.0): ThermalSmeltery.jar (after:BigReactors;required-after:TConstruct;after:ThermalExpansion)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: UsefulFood(UsefulFood:1.4.5): UsefulFood.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: VeinMiner(Vein Miner:0.30.2_build.unknown): VeinMiner.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: VeinMinerApi(API: VeinMinerApi:0.1): VeinMiner.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: VeinMinerModSupport(Mod Support:0.30.2_build.unknown): VeinMiner.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: vending(vending:1.2.3): Vending.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WailaHarvestability(Waila Harvestability:1.1.2): WailaHarvestability.jar (after:TConstruct;after:ExtraTiC;after:TSteelworks;after:Mariculture)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: wawla(What Are We Looking At:1.1.1): Wawla.jar (required-after:Waila)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: weather2(Localized Weather & Storms:v2.3.10): weather2.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Core(WR-CBE Core: WirelessRedstone.jar (required-after:CodeChickenCore@[1.0.4,);required-after:ForgeMultipart)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Addons(WR-CBE Addons: WirelessRedstone.jar (required-after:WR-CBE|Core)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Logic(WR-CBE Logic: WirelessRedstone.jar (required-after:WR-CBE|Core;required-after:ForgeMultipart)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: woodenbucket(Wooden Bucket: WoodenBucket.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: McMultipart(Minecraft Multipart Plugin: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicenergistics|API(API: thaumicenergistics|API:1.1): thaumicenergistics.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI(API: StorageDrawersAPI:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|registry(API: StorageDrawersAPI|registry:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|core(API: CoFHAPI|core:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|storage(API: StorageDrawersAPI|storage:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|carts(API: RailcraftAPI|carts:1.5.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|locomotive(API: RailcraftAPI|locomotive:1.0.1): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|inventory(API: StorageDrawersAPI|inventory:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|world(API: CoFHLib|world:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WailaAPI(API: WailaAPI:1.2): waila.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|events(API: RailcraftAPI|events:1.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|util(API: CoFHLib|util:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|bore(API: RailcraftAPI|bore:1.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|world|feature(API: CoFHLib|world|feature:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CarpentersBlocks|API(API: CarpentersBlocks|API:3.3.7): CarpentersBlocks.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CraftingTableIV-API(API: CraftingTableIV-API:1.0.2): CraftingTableIV.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|items(API: RailcraftAPI|items:1.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|tracks(API: RailcraftAPI|tracks:2.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: moarcarts|API(API: moarcarts|API:1.0): moarcarts.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|gui|element(API: CoFHLib|gui|element:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|pack(API: StorageDrawersAPI|pack:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenBlocks|API(API: OpenBlocks|API:1.1): OpenBlocks.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AppleCoreAPI(API: AppleCoreAPI:1.1.0): AppleCore-mc.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AgriCraftAPI(API: AgriCraftAPI:1.0): AgriCraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|gui|container(API: CoFHLib|gui|container:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: gendustryAPI(API: gendustryAPI:2.3.0): gendustry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|event(API: StorageDrawersAPI|event:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|modhelpers(API: CoFHAPI|modhelpers:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ElecCore|Abilities(API: ElecCore|Abilities:#API_VER#): ElecCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|util|helpers(API: CoFHLib|util|helpers:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RefinedRelocationAPI(API: RefinedRelocationAPI:1.0.0): RefinedRelocation.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|inventory(API: CoFHLib|inventory:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|helpers(API: RailcraftAPI|helpers:1.1.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|render(API: CoFHLib|render:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|fuel(API: RailcraftAPI|fuel:1.0.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|gui|slot(API: CoFHLib|gui|slot:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|audio(API: CoFHLib|audio:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|signals(API: RailcraftAPI|signals:1.3.4): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIOAPI|Teleport(API: EnderIOAPI|Teleport:0.0.2): EnderIO.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIOAPI|Redstone(API: EnderIOAPI|Redstone:0.0.2): EnderIO.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIOAPI|Tools(API: EnderIOAPI|Tools:0.0.2): EnderIO.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|util|position(API: CoFHLib|util|position:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|render(API: StorageDrawersAPI|render:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RailcraftAPI|electricity(API: RailcraftAPI|electricity:1.6.0): Railcraft.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmersiveEngineering|API(API: ImmersiveEngineering|API:1.0): ImmersiveEngineering.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|world(API: CoFHAPI|world:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|render|particle(API: CoFHLib|render|particle:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox(API: CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForestryAPI|multiblock(API: ForestryAPI|multiblock:3.0.0): Forestry.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|config(API: StorageDrawersAPI|config:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIOAPI(API: EnderIOAPI:0.0.2): EnderIO.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: pressureAPI(API: pressureAPI: pressure.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHAPI|fluid(API: CoFHAPI|fluid:1.7.10R1.1.0): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHLib|gui(API: CoFHLib|gui:1.7.10R1.1.1): CoFHCore.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute(API: StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute:1.7.10-1.2.0): StorageDrawers.jar ()
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: recycling(Thermal Recycling: ThermalRecycling.jar (required-after:ThermalExpansion;after:*;)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMicroblock(Forge Microblocks: ForgeMultipart-1.7.10- (required-after:ForgeMultipart;after:*)
[01:35:17] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file mcjtylib.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[01:35:17] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[01:35:17] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file mp3spi-1.9.5-1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[01:35:17] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: FML has found a non-mod file vorbisspi-1.0.3-1.jar in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mcp
[01:35:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Coder Pack took 0.002s
[01:35:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
[01:35:18] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Mod FML is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
[01:35:18] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Testing mod FML to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:18] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: The mod FML accepts its own version (
[01:35:18] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, ImmibisMicroblocks, ivtoolkit, LanteaCraft-Core, MCVanillaTweaks, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, OpenEye, ThE-core, ThaumicTinkerer-preloader, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, cuchaz.ships.core, SC0_SpaceCore, SC0_UsefulPets, advgenerators, ae2stuff, AgriCraft, dendrology, AppleCore, appliedenergistics2, ArmorStatusHUD, plushieWrapper, armourersWorkshop, aura, autopackager, Backpack, bdlib, BiblioCraft, BigReactors, boilerplate, BuildCraft|Compat, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, Carnivora, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, CoFHCore, cookingbook, BuildMod, CoroPets, CoroAI, ExtendedRenderer, ConfigMod, CraftingTableIV, CustomChestLoot, customnpcs, CustomOreGen, lootablebodies, D3Core, PTRModelLib, props, deepresonance, DummyCore, DynamicLights, DynamicLights_onFire, DynamicLights_creepers, DynamicLights_dropItems, DynamicLights_entityClasses, DynamicLights_mobEquipment, DynamicLights_flameArrows, DynamicLights_floodLights, DynamicLights_otherPlayers, DynamicLights_thePlayer, emobile, ElecCore, eplus, Enchiridion, Enchiridion2, endercore, EnderIO, EnderStorage, EnderZoo, etfuturum, ExtrabiomesXL, extracells, farseek, FloodLights, fluxpads, ForbiddenMagic, Forestry, GardenContainers, GardenCore, GardenStuff, GardenTrees, gendustry, GraveStone, GreenThumb, headcrumbs, herdCraft, ImmersiveEngineering, immersiveintegration, ImmibisCore, InGameInfoXML, InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration, InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration, InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration, InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration, inventorytweaks, IronChest, JABBA, journeymap, koresample, LanteaCraft, reaper_lantern, lootbags, LunatriusCore, mdeco, MagicBees, malisiscore, malisisdoors, Mantle, Mariculture, MariTech, MineTweaker3, moarcarts, powersuits, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NotEnoughWands, numina, ObsidianBoat, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, openfm, openlights, OpenMods, openmodularturrets, OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralCore, OpenPeripheralIntegration, openprinter, opensecurity, PetBat, Pistronics2, pressure, progressiveautomation, quantumflux, QuantumStorage, Railcraft, reccomplex, Reconstructor, RedLogic, Redstonic, RefinedRelocation, ResourceLoader, rftools, RIO, RopesPlus, scottstweaks, cuchaz.cuchazinteractive, cuchaz.ships, simplyjetpacks, SirenMod, SolarFlux, SpiceOfLife, StorageDrawers, StorageDrawersForestry, StorageDrawersMisc, streams, supercraftingframe, thaumcarpentry, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftgates, thaumicbases, thaumicenergistics, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicHorizons, thaumicinfusion, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalCasting, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, TConstruct, UsefulFood, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, vending, Waila, WailaHarvestability, wawla, weather2, WR-CBE|Core, WR-CBE|Addons, WR-CBE|Logic, woodenbucket, bspkrsCore, Baubles, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart] at CLIENT
[01:35:18] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, CodeChickenCore, ImmibisMicroblocks, ivtoolkit, LanteaCraft-Core, MCVanillaTweaks, NotEnoughItems, OpenComputers|Core, OpenEye, ThE-core, ThaumicTinkerer-preloader, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, cuchaz.ships.core, SC0_SpaceCore, SC0_UsefulPets, advgenerators, ae2stuff, AgriCraft, dendrology, AppleCore, appliedenergistics2, ArmorStatusHUD, plushieWrapper, armourersWorkshop, aura, autopackager, Backpack, bdlib, BiblioCraft, BigReactors, boilerplate, BuildCraft|Compat, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, Carnivora, CarpentersBlocks, chisel, CoFHCore, cookingbook, BuildMod, CoroPets, CoroAI, ExtendedRenderer, ConfigMod, CraftingTableIV, CustomChestLoot, customnpcs, CustomOreGen, lootablebodies, D3Core, PTRModelLib, props, deepresonance, DummyCore, DynamicLights, DynamicLights_onFire, DynamicLights_creepers, DynamicLights_dropItems, DynamicLights_entityClasses, DynamicLights_mobEquipment, DynamicLights_flameArrows, DynamicLights_floodLights, DynamicLights_otherPlayers, DynamicLights_thePlayer, emobile, ElecCore, eplus, Enchiridion, Enchiridion2, endercore, EnderIO, EnderStorage, EnderZoo, etfuturum, ExtrabiomesXL, extracells, farseek, FloodLights, fluxpads, ForbiddenMagic, Forestry, GardenContainers, GardenCore, GardenStuff, GardenTrees, gendustry, GraveStone, GreenThumb, headcrumbs, herdCraft, ImmersiveEngineering, immersiveintegration, ImmibisCore, InGameInfoXML, InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration, InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration, InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration, InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration, inventorytweaks, IronChest, JABBA, journeymap, koresample, LanteaCraft, reaper_lantern, lootbags, LunatriusCore, mdeco, MagicBees, malisiscore, malisisdoors, Mantle, Mariculture, MariTech, MineTweaker3, moarcarts, powersuits, NEIAddons, NEIAddons|Developer, NEIAddons|AppEng, NEIAddons|Botany, NEIAddons|Forestry, NEIAddons|CraftingTables, NEIAddons|ExNihilo, neiintegration, NotEnoughWands, numina, ObsidianBoat, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, openfm, openlights, OpenMods, openmodularturrets, OpenPeripheral, OpenPeripheralCore, OpenPeripheralIntegration, openprinter, opensecurity, PetBat, Pistronics2, pressure, progressiveautomation, quantumflux, QuantumStorage, Railcraft, reccomplex, Reconstructor, RedLogic, Redstonic, RefinedRelocation, ResourceLoader, rftools, RIO, RopesPlus, scottstweaks, cuchaz.cuchazinteractive, cuchaz.ships, simplyjetpacks, SirenMod, SolarFlux, SpiceOfLife, StorageDrawers, StorageDrawersForestry, StorageDrawersMisc, streams, supercraftingframe, thaumcarpentry, Thaumcraft, thaumcraftgates, thaumicbases, thaumicenergistics, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicHorizons, thaumicinfusion, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalCasting, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, ThermalSmeltery, TConstruct, UsefulFood, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, vending, Waila, WailaHarvestability, wawla, weather2, WR-CBE|Core, WR-CBE|Addons, WR-CBE|Logic, woodenbucket, bspkrsCore, Baubles, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart] at SERVER
[01:35:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/FML]: Examining class
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FML
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Mod Loader took 2.099s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Mod Forge is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: Testing mod Forge to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forge]: The mod Forge accepts its own version (
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forge
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Forge took 0.022s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2-core/appliedenergistics2-core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod appliedenergistics2-core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2-core/appliedenergistics2-core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod appliedenergistics2-core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Applied Energistics 2 Core took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CodeChicken Core took 0.003s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisMicroblocks/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmibisMicroblocks
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisMicroblocks/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmibisMicroblocks
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immibis's Microblocks took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ivtoolkit/ivtoolkit]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ivtoolkit
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ivtoolkit/ivtoolkit]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ivtoolkit
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - 1.2 took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft-Core/LanteaCraft-Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LanteaCraft-Core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft-Core/LanteaCraft-Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LanteaCraft-Core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - LanteaCraft Core took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [MCVanillaTweaks/MCVanillaTweaks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MCVanillaTweaks
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [MCVanillaTweaks/MCVanillaTweaks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MCVanillaTweaks
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mariculture - Vanilla Tweaks took 0.000s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughItems/NotEnoughItems]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughItems/NotEnoughItems]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Not Enough Items took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenComputers (Core) took 0.000s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenEye
[01:35:19] [OpenEye mod meta collector/INFO] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.<init>( Starting mod metadatadata collection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenEye
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenEye took 0.015s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThE-core/ThE-core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThE-core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThE-core/ThE-core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThE-core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Energistics Core took 0.000s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer-preloader/ThaumicTinkerer-preloader]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer-preloader
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer-preloader/ThaumicTinkerer-preloader]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer-preloader
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Tinkerer Core took 0.000s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenModsCore/OpenModsCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenModsCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenModsCore/OpenModsCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenModsCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenModsCore took 0.009s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [<CoFH ASM>/<CoFH ASM>]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod <CoFH ASM>
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/<CoFH ASM>]: Scraping data
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/<CoFH ASM>]: Found 3 @Implementable; 11 @Strippable; 0 @Substitutable
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [<CoFH ASM>/<CoFH ASM>]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod <CoFH ASM>
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CoFH ASM took 0.001s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships.core/cuchaz.ships.core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.ships.core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships.core/cuchaz.ships.core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.ships.core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ships Mod Core took 0.000s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Adding artificial preInit to com/spacechase0/minecraft/spacecore/SpaceCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Adding artificial postInit to com/spacechase0/minecraft/spacecore/SpaceCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_SpaceCore]: Mod SC0_SpaceCore is using network checker : Accepting version 0.7.14
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_SpaceCore]: Testing mod SC0_SpaceCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_SpaceCore]: The mod SC0_SpaceCore accepts its own version (0.7.14)
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/SC0_SpaceCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - SpaceCore took 0.087s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_UsefulPets/SC0_UsefulPets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Adding artificial preInit to com/spacechase0/minecraft/usefulpets/UsefulPets
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_UsefulPets]: Mod SC0_UsefulPets is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_UsefulPets]: Testing mod SC0_UsefulPets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SC0_UsefulPets]: The mod SC0_UsefulPets accepts its own version (1.3)
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/SC0_UsefulPets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:19] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/SC0_UsefulPets]: Successfully patched bok.func_110827_b.
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_UsefulPets/SC0_UsefulPets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Useful Pets took 0.152s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [bdlib/bdlib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bdlib
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bdlib]: Mod bdlib is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bdlib]: Testing mod bdlib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bdlib]: The mod bdlib accepts its own version (
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/bdlib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into bdlib
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [bdlib/bdlib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bdlib
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BD Lib took 0.020s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/CoFHCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoFHCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoFHCore]: Mod CoFHCore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10R3.1.1
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoFHCore]: Testing mod CoFHCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoFHCore]: The mod CoFHCore accepts its own version (1.7.10R3.1.1)
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CoFHCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CoFHCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/CoFHCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoFHCore
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CoFH Core took 0.092s
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Core/BuildCraft|Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Core]: Mod BuildCraft|Core is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Core]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Core to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:19] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Core]: The mod BuildCraft|Core accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:19] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Core]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Core/BuildCraft|Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BuildCraft took 1.490s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Silicon/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Mod BuildCraft|Silicon is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Silicon to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Silicon]: The mod BuildCraft|Silicon accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Silicon/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Silicon took 0.005s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Mod ForgeMultipart is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Testing mod ForgeMultipart to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: The mod ForgeMultipart accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ForgeMultipart]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ForgeMultipart
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Multipart took 0.011s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [pressure/pressure]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod pressure
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/pressure]: Mod pressure is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/pressure]: Testing mod pressure to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/pressure]: The mod pressure accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/pressure]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into pressure
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [pressure/pressure]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod pressure
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pressure Pipes took 0.055s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [Baubles/Baubles]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Baubles
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Baubles]: Mod Baubles is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Baubles]: Testing mod Baubles to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Baubles]: The mod Baubles accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Baubles]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Baubles
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [Baubles/Baubles]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Baubles
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Baubles took 0.031s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalFoundation
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalFoundation]: Mod ThermalFoundation is using network checker : Invoking method networkCheck
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalFoundation]: Testing mod ThermalFoundation to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalFoundation]: The mod ThermalFoundation accepts its own version (1.7.10R1.2.2)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThermalFoundation]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThermalFoundation
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalFoundation
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Foundation took 0.097s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalExpansion
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalExpansion]: Mod ThermalExpansion is using network checker : Invoking method networkCheck
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalExpansion]: Testing mod ThermalExpansion to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalExpansion]: The mod ThermalExpansion accepts its own version (1.7.10R4.1.1)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThermalExpansion]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThermalExpansion
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalExpansion
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Expansion took 0.099s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod advgenerators
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/advgenerators]: Mod advgenerators is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/advgenerators]: Testing mod advgenerators to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/advgenerators]: The mod advgenerators accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/advgenerators]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into advgenerators
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod advgenerators
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Advanced Generators took 0.042s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2/appliedenergistics2]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod appliedenergistics2
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Mod appliedenergistics2 is using network checker : Accepting version rv3-beta-5
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Testing mod appliedenergistics2 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: The mod appliedenergistics2 accepts its own version (rv3-beta-5)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into appliedenergistics2
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2/appliedenergistics2]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod appliedenergistics2
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Applied Energistics 2 took 0.285s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ae2stuff/ae2stuff]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ae2stuff
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ae2stuff]: Mod ae2stuff is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ae2stuff]: Testing mod ae2stuff to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ae2stuff]: The mod ae2stuff accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ae2stuff]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ae2stuff
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [ae2stuff/ae2stuff]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ae2stuff
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AE2 Stuff took 0.022s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AgriCraft
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AgriCraft]: Mod AgriCraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.4.6-hotfix
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AgriCraft]: Testing mod AgriCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AgriCraft]: The mod AgriCraft accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.4.6-hotfix)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/AgriCraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into AgriCraft
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AgriCraft
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AgriCraft took 0.023s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Builders/BuildCraft|Builders]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Builders]: Mod BuildCraft|Builders is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Builders]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Builders to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Builders]: The mod BuildCraft|Builders accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Builders]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Builders/BuildCraft|Builders]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Builders took 0.005s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Energy/BuildCraft|Energy]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Energy]: Mod BuildCraft|Energy is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Energy]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Energy to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Energy]: The mod BuildCraft|Energy accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Energy]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Energy/BuildCraft|Energy]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Energy took 0.003s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Factory/BuildCraft|Factory]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Factory]: Mod BuildCraft|Factory is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Factory]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Factory to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Factory]: The mod BuildCraft|Factory accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Factory]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Factory/BuildCraft|Factory]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Factory took 0.011s
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [Thaumcraft/Thaumcraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Thaumcraft
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Thaumcraft]: Mod Thaumcraft is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Thaumcraft]: Testing mod Thaumcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:21] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Thaumcraft]: The mod Thaumcraft accepts its own version (
[01:35:21] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Thaumcraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Thaumcraft
[01:35:22] [Client thread/INFO] [ThE-Core/Thaumcraft]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft/client/renderers/entity/RenderGolemBase)
[01:35:22] [OpenEye mod meta collector/INFO] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: openeye.logic.ModMetaCollector.<init>( Collection of mod metadata finished. Duration: 3522.8005 ms
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [Thaumcraft/Thaumcraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Thaumcraft
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumcraft took 1.129s
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Railcraft
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Mod Railcraft is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Testing mod Railcraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: The mod Railcraft accepts its own version (
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Railcraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Railcraft
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Railcraft
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Railcraft took 0.537s
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chisel
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Mod chisel is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Testing mod chisel to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: The mod chisel accepts its own version (
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/chisel]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into chisel
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod chisel
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Chisel 2 took 0.158s
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtrabiomesXL]: Mod ExtrabiomesXL is using network checker : Accepting version 3.16.4
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtrabiomesXL]: Testing mod ExtrabiomesXL to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtrabiomesXL]: The mod ExtrabiomesXL accepts its own version (3.16.4)
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtrabiomesXL]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ExtrabiomesXL took 0.031s
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forestry/Forestry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forestry
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forestry]: Mod Forestry is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forestry]: Testing mod Forestry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:23] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Forestry]: The mod Forestry accepts its own version (
[01:35:23] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Forestry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Forestry
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forestry/Forestry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Forestry
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forestry for Minecraft took 0.495s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [koresample/koresample]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod koresample
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/koresample]: Mod koresample is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.3.2
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/koresample]: Testing mod koresample to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/koresample]: The mod koresample accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.3.2)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/koresample]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into koresample
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [koresample/koresample]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod koresample
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Kore Sample took 0.006s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawers/StorageDrawers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawers
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawers]: Mod StorageDrawers is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.7.8
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawers]: Testing mod StorageDrawers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawers]: The mod StorageDrawers accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.7.8)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/StorageDrawers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into StorageDrawers
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawers/StorageDrawers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawers
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Storage Drawers took 0.297s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [dendrology/dendrology]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dendrology
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/dendrology]: Mod dendrology is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.6.4
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/dendrology]: Testing mod dendrology to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/dendrology]: The mod dendrology accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.6.4)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/dendrology]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into dendrology
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [dendrology/dendrology]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod dendrology
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ancient Trees took 0.194s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AppleCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: Mod AppleCore is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: Testing mod AppleCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/AppleCore]: The mod AppleCore accepts its own version (1.1.0)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/AppleCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into AppleCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod AppleCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AppleCore took 0.001s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [bspkrsCore/bspkrsCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bspkrsCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bspkrsCore]: Mod bspkrsCore is using network checker : Accepting version 6.16
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bspkrsCore]: Testing mod bspkrsCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/bspkrsCore]: The mod bspkrsCore accepts its own version (6.16)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/bspkrsCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into bspkrsCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [bspkrsCore/bspkrsCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod bspkrsCore
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - bspkrsCore took 0.030s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [ArmorStatusHUD/ArmorStatusHUD]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ArmorStatusHUD]: Mod ArmorStatusHUD is using network checker : Accepting version 1.28
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ArmorStatusHUD]: Testing mod ArmorStatusHUD to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ArmorStatusHUD]: The mod ArmorStatusHUD accepts its own version (1.28)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ArmorStatusHUD]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [ArmorStatusHUD/ArmorStatusHUD]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ArmorStatusHUD took 0.010s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [armourersWorkshop/armourersWorkshop]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod armourersWorkshop
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/armourersWorkshop]: Mod armourersWorkshop is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/armourersWorkshop]: Testing mod armourersWorkshop to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/armourersWorkshop]: The mod armourersWorkshop accepts its own version (1.7.10-
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/armourersWorkshop]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into armourersWorkshop
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [armourersWorkshop/armourersWorkshop]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod armourersWorkshop
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Armourer's Workshop took 0.102s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [plushieWrapper/plushieWrapper]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod plushieWrapper
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/plushieWrapper]: Mod plushieWrapper is using network checker : Accepting version 0.0.0
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/plushieWrapper]: Testing mod plushieWrapper to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/plushieWrapper]: The mod plushieWrapper accepts its own version (0.0.0)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/plushieWrapper]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into plushieWrapper
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [plushieWrapper/plushieWrapper]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod plushieWrapper
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Plushie Wrapper took 0.002s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [aura/aura]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod aura
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/aura]: Mod aura is using network checker : Accepting version unspecified
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/aura]: Testing mod aura to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/aura]: The mod aura accepts its own version (unspecified)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/aura]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into aura
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [aura/aura]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod aura
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Aura Cascade took 0.067s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [autopackager/autopackager]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod autopackager
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/autopackager]: Mod autopackager is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.8
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/autopackager]: Testing mod autopackager to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/autopackager]: The mod autopackager accepts its own version (1.5.8)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/autopackager]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into autopackager
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [autopackager/autopackager]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod autopackager
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - AutoPackager took 0.013s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [Backpack/Backpack]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Backpack
[01:35:24] [Client thread/ERROR] [Backpack/Backpack]: The mod Backpack is expecting signature @FINGERPRINT@ for source Backpack.jar, however there is no signature matching that description
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Backpack]: Mod Backpack is using network checker : Accepting version 2.0.1
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Backpack]: Testing mod Backpack to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Backpack]: The mod Backpack accepts its own version (2.0.1)
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Backpack]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Backpack
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [Backpack/Backpack]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Backpack
[01:35:24] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Backpack took 0.022s
[01:35:24] [Client thread/TRACE] [BiblioCraft/BiblioCraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiblioCraft
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BiblioCraft]: Mod BiblioCraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.11.4
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BiblioCraft]: Testing mod BiblioCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BiblioCraft]: The mod BiblioCraft accepts its own version (1.11.4)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BiblioCraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BiblioCraft
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BiblioCraft/BiblioCraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BiblioCraft
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BiblioCraft took 0.207s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BigReactors/BigReactors]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BigReactors
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BigReactors]: Mod BigReactors is using network checker : Accepting version 0.4.3A
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BigReactors]: Testing mod BigReactors to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BigReactors]: The mod BigReactors accepts its own version (0.4.3A)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BigReactors]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BigReactors
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BigReactors/BigReactors]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BigReactors
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Big Reactors took 0.035s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [boilerplate/boilerplate]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod boilerplate
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/boilerplate]: Mod boilerplate is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/boilerplate]: Testing mod boilerplate to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/boilerplate]: The mod boilerplate accepts its own version (
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/boilerplate]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into boilerplate
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [boilerplate/boilerplate]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod boilerplate
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Boilerplate took 0.018s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Transport/BuildCraft|Transport]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Transport]: Mod BuildCraft|Transport is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Transport]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Transport to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Transport]: The mod BuildCraft|Transport accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Transport]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Transport/BuildCraft|Transport]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Transport took 0.010s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Compat/BuildCraft|Compat]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Compat]: Mod BuildCraft|Compat is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.3
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Compat]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Compat to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Compat]: The mod BuildCraft|Compat accepts its own version (7.1.3)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Compat]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Compat/BuildCraft|Compat]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BuildCraft Compat took 0.067s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Robotics/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Mod BuildCraft|Robotics is using network checker : Accepting version 7.1.14
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Testing mod BuildCraft|Robotics to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Robotics]: The mod BuildCraft|Robotics accepts its own version (7.1.14)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Robotics/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - BC Robotics took 0.002s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [Carnivora/Carnivora]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Carnivora
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Carnivora]: Mod Carnivora is using network checker : Accepting version 0.1.3
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Carnivora]: Testing mod Carnivora to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Carnivora]: The mod Carnivora accepts its own version (0.1.3)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Carnivora]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Carnivora
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [Carnivora/Carnivora]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Carnivora
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Carnivora took 0.005s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CarpentersBlocks/CarpentersBlocks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CarpentersBlocks]: Mod CarpentersBlocks is using network checker : Accepting version 3.3.7
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CarpentersBlocks]: Testing mod CarpentersBlocks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CarpentersBlocks]: The mod CarpentersBlocks accepts its own version (3.3.7)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CarpentersBlocks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CarpentersBlocks/CarpentersBlocks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Carpenter's Blocks took 0.017s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [cookingbook/cookingbook]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cookingbook
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingbook]: Mod cookingbook is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.134
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingbook]: Testing mod cookingbook to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cookingbook]: The mod cookingbook accepts its own version (1.0.134)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/cookingbook]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cookingbook
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [cookingbook/cookingbook]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cookingbook
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Cooking for Blockheads took 0.087s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildMod/BuildMod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildMod]: Mod BuildMod is using network checker : Accepting version v1.0
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildMod]: Testing mod BuildMod to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildMod]: The mod BuildMod accepts its own version (v1.0)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BuildMod]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into BuildMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildMod/BuildMod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod BuildMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Build Mod took 0.058s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroPets/CoroPets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoroPets
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroPets]: Mod CoroPets is using network checker : Accepting version v1.0
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroPets]: Testing mod CoroPets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroPets]: The mod CoroPets accepts its own version (v1.0)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CoroPets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CoroPets
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroPets/CoroPets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoroPets
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CoroPets took 0.001s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroAI/CoroAI]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoroAI
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroAI]: Mod CoroAI is using network checker : Accepting version v1.0
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroAI]: Testing mod CoroAI to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CoroAI]: The mod CoroAI accepts its own version (v1.0)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CoroAI]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CoroAI
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroAI/CoroAI]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CoroAI
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CoroAI took 0.001s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtendedRenderer/ExtendedRenderer]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtendedRenderer]: Mod ExtendedRenderer is using network checker : Accepting version v1.0
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtendedRenderer]: Testing mod ExtendedRenderer to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtendedRenderer]: The mod ExtendedRenderer accepts its own version (v1.0)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ExtendedRenderer]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtendedRenderer/ExtendedRenderer]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extended Renderer took 0.001s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ConfigMod/ConfigMod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ConfigMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ConfigMod]: Mod ConfigMod is using network checker : Accepting version v1.0
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ConfigMod]: Testing mod ConfigMod to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ConfigMod]: The mod ConfigMod accepts its own version (v1.0)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ConfigMod]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ConfigMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ConfigMod/ConfigMod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ConfigMod
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extended Mod Config took 0.001s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ElecCore/ElecCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ElecCore
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ElecCore]: Mod ElecCore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.176
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ElecCore]: Testing mod ElecCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ElecCore]: The mod ElecCore accepts its own version (1.4.176)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ElecCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ElecCore
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [ElecCore/ElecCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ElecCore
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - ElecCore took 0.039s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CraftingTableIV/CraftingTableIV]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CraftingTableIV
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CraftingTableIV]: Mod CraftingTableIV is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1Beta.62
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CraftingTableIV]: Testing mod CraftingTableIV to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CraftingTableIV]: The mod CraftingTableIV accepts its own version (1.1Beta.62)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CraftingTableIV]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CraftingTableIV
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CraftingTableIV/CraftingTableIV]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CraftingTableIV
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CraftingTableIV took 0.023s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomChestLoot/CustomChestLoot]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomChestLoot
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomChestLoot]: Mod CustomChestLoot is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.1
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomChestLoot]: Testing mod CustomChestLoot to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomChestLoot]: The mod CustomChestLoot accepts its own version (1.1.1)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CustomChestLoot]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CustomChestLoot
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomChestLoot/CustomChestLoot]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomChestLoot
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Custom Chest Loot took 0.004s
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [customnpcs/customnpcs]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod customnpcs
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Mod customnpcs is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10d
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Testing mod customnpcs to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:25] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: The mod customnpcs accepts its own version (1.7.10d)
[01:35:25] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/customnpcs]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into customnpcs
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [customnpcs/customnpcs]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod customnpcs
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - CustomNpcs took 0.558s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomOreGen
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomOreGen]: Mod CustomOreGen is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.24
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomOreGen]: Testing mod CustomOreGen to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/CustomOreGen]: The mod CustomOreGen accepts its own version (1.2.24)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/CustomOreGen]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into CustomOreGen
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod CustomOreGen
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Custom Ore Generation took 0.010s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootablebodies/lootablebodies]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod lootablebodies
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootablebodies]: Mod lootablebodies is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.6
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootablebodies]: Testing mod lootablebodies to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootablebodies]: The mod lootablebodies accepts its own version (1.3.6)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/lootablebodies]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into lootablebodies
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootablebodies/lootablebodies]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod lootablebodies
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - DrCyano's Lootable Bodies took 0.024s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [D3Core/D3Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod D3Core
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/D3Core]: Mod D3Core is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/D3Core]: Testing mod D3Core to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/D3Core]: The mod D3Core accepts its own version (
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/D3Core]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into D3Core
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [D3Core/D3Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod D3Core
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - D3Core took 0.026s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [PTRModelLib/PTRModelLib]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod PTRModelLib
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PTRModelLib]: Mod PTRModelLib is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.0
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PTRModelLib]: Testing mod PTRModelLib to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PTRModelLib]: The mod PTRModelLib accepts its own version (1.0.0)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/PTRModelLib]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into PTRModelLib
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [PTRModelLib/PTRModelLib]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod PTRModelLib
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - PTRModelLib took 0.060s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [props/props]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod props
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/props]: Mod props is using network checker : Accepting version 2.2.1
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/props]: Testing mod props to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/props]: The mod props accepts its own version (2.2.1)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/props]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into props
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [props/props]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod props
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Decocraft took 0.001s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [deepresonance/deepresonance]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod deepresonance
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/deepresonance]: Mod deepresonance is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.4
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/deepresonance]: Testing mod deepresonance to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/deepresonance]: The mod deepresonance accepts its own version (1.1.4)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/deepresonance]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into deepresonance
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [deepresonance/deepresonance]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod deepresonance
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - DeepResonance took 0.042s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DummyCore/DummyCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DummyCore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DummyCore]: Mod DummyCore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.13
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DummyCore]: Testing mod DummyCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DummyCore]: The mod DummyCore accepts its own version (1.13)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DummyCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DummyCore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DummyCore/DummyCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DummyCore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - DummyCore took 0.015s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights/DynamicLights]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights]: Mod DynamicLights is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.9
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights]: Testing mod DynamicLights to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights]: The mod DynamicLights accepts its own version (1.3.9)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights/DynamicLights]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights took 0.006s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_onFire/DynamicLights_onFire]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_onFire
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_onFire]: Mod DynamicLights_onFire is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.5
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_onFire]: Testing mod DynamicLights_onFire to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_onFire]: The mod DynamicLights_onFire accepts its own version (1.0.5)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_onFire]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_onFire
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_onFire/DynamicLights_onFire]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_onFire
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module took 0.005s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_creepers/DynamicLights_creepers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_creepers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_creepers]: Mod DynamicLights_creepers is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.4
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_creepers]: Testing mod DynamicLights_creepers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_creepers]: The mod DynamicLights_creepers accepts its own version (1.0.4)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_creepers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_creepers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_creepers/DynamicLights_creepers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_creepers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Creeper Module took 0.003s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_dropItems/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Mod DynamicLights_dropItems is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.8
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Testing mod DynamicLights_dropItems to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_dropItems]: The mod DynamicLights_dropItems accepts its own version (1.0.8)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_dropItems/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module took 0.008s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Mod DynamicLights_entityClasses is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.1
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Testing mod DynamicLights_entityClasses to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: The mod DynamicLights_entityClasses accepts its own version (1.0.1)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module took 0.007s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.8
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Testing mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: The mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment accepts its own version (1.0.8)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module took 0.009s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Mod DynamicLights_flameArrows is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.0
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Testing mod DynamicLights_flameArrows to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: The mod DynamicLights_flameArrows accepts its own version (1.0.0)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module took 0.005s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_floodLights/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Mod DynamicLights_floodLights is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.2
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Testing mod DynamicLights_floodLights to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_floodLights]: The mod DynamicLights_floodLights accepts its own version (1.0.2)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_floodLights/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Flood Light took 0.012s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.8
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Testing mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: The mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers accepts its own version (1.0.8)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module took 0.007s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Mod DynamicLights_thePlayer is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.4
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Testing mod DynamicLights_thePlayer to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: The mod DynamicLights_thePlayer accepts its own version (1.1.4)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Dynamic Lights Player Light Module took 0.006s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [emobile/emobile]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod emobile
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/emobile]: Mod emobile is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.1
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/emobile]: Testing mod emobile to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/emobile]: The mod emobile accepts its own version (1.2.1)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/emobile]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into emobile
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [emobile/emobile]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod emobile
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - E-Mobile took 0.022s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [eplus/eplus]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod eplus
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/eplus]: Mod eplus is using network checker : Accepting version 3.0.2-d
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/eplus]: Testing mod eplus to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/eplus]: The mod eplus accepts its own version (3.0.2-d)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/eplus]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into eplus
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [eplus/eplus]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod eplus
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Enchanting Plus took 0.013s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Enchiridion
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion]: Mod Enchiridion is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion]: Testing mod Enchiridion to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion]: The mod Enchiridion accepts its own version (1.3)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Enchiridion]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Enchiridion
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Enchiridion
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Enchiridion took 0.027s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion2/Enchiridion2]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Enchiridion2
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion2]: Mod Enchiridion2 is using network checker : Accepting version 2.0.2a
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion2]: Testing mod Enchiridion2 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Enchiridion2]: The mod Enchiridion2 accepts its own version (2.0.2a)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Enchiridion2]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Enchiridion2
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion2/Enchiridion2]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Enchiridion2
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Enchiridion 2 took 0.001s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod endercore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: Mod endercore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: Testing mod endercore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/endercore]: The mod endercore accepts its own version (1.7.10-
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/endercore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into endercore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod endercore
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - EnderCore took 0.008s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Waila
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: Mod Waila is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: Testing mod Waila to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Waila]: The mod Waila accepts its own version (1.5.10)
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Waila]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Waila
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Waila
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Waila took 0.016s
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderIO
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: Mod EnderIO is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: Testing mod EnderIO to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:26] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderIO]: The mod EnderIO accepts its own version (1.7.10-
[01:35:26] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into EnderIO
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderIO
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ender IO took 0.741s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderStorage/EnderStorage]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderStorage
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderStorage]: Mod EnderStorage is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderStorage]: Testing mod EnderStorage to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderStorage]: The mod EnderStorage accepts its own version (
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderStorage]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into EnderStorage
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderStorage/EnderStorage]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderStorage
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - EnderStorage took 0.047s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderZoo/EnderZoo]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderZoo
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderZoo]: Mod EnderZoo is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderZoo]: Testing mod EnderZoo to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/EnderZoo]: The mod EnderZoo accepts its own version (1.7.10-
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into EnderZoo
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderZoo/EnderZoo]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod EnderZoo
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ender Zoo took 0.126s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [etfuturum/etfuturum]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod etfuturum
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/etfuturum]: Mod etfuturum is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.4
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/etfuturum]: Testing mod etfuturum to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/etfuturum]: The mod etfuturum accepts its own version (1.5.4)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/etfuturum]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into etfuturum
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [etfuturum/etfuturum]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod etfuturum
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Et Futurum took 0.071s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [extracells/extracells]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extracells
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/extracells]: Mod extracells is using network checker : Accepting version 2.3.9
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/extracells]: Testing mod extracells to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/extracells]: The mod extracells accepts its own version (2.3.9)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/extracells]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into extracells
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [extracells/extracells]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod extracells
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Extra Cells 2 took 0.025s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod farseek
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: Mod farseek is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.10
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: Testing mod farseek to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/farseek]: The mod farseek accepts its own version (1.0.10)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/farseek]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into farseek
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod farseek
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - farseek took 0.010s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FloodLights/FloodLights]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FloodLights
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FloodLights]: Mod FloodLights is using network checker : Invoking method matchModVersions
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FloodLights]: Testing mod FloodLights to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FloodLights]: The mod FloodLights accepts its own version (1.1.1-120)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/FloodLights]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into FloodLights
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FloodLights/FloodLights]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod FloodLights
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Flood Lights took 0.025s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [fluxpads/fluxpads]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fluxpads
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/fluxpads]: Mod fluxpads is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/fluxpads]: Testing mod fluxpads to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/fluxpads]: The mod fluxpads accepts its own version (
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/fluxpads]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into fluxpads
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [fluxpads/fluxpads]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod fluxpads
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - FluxPads took 0.009s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicTinkerer]: Mod ThaumicTinkerer is using network checker : Accepting version unspecified
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicTinkerer]: Testing mod ThaumicTinkerer to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicTinkerer]: The mod ThaumicTinkerer accepts its own version (unspecified)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThaumicTinkerer]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThaumicTinkerer
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Tinkerer took 0.046s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForbiddenMagic/ForbiddenMagic]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForbiddenMagic
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForbiddenMagic]: Mod ForbiddenMagic is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-0.572
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForbiddenMagic]: Testing mod ForbiddenMagic to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForbiddenMagic]: The mod ForbiddenMagic accepts its own version (1.7.10-0.572)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ForbiddenMagic]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ForbiddenMagic
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForbiddenMagic/ForbiddenMagic]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForbiddenMagic
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forbidden Magic took 0.024s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenContainers/GardenContainers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenContainers
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenContainers]: Mod GardenContainers is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.7.0
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenContainers]: Testing mod GardenContainers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenContainers]: The mod GardenContainers accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.7.0)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GardenContainers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GardenContainers
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenContainers/GardenContainers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenContainers
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Garden Containers took 0.361s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenCore/GardenCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenCore
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenCore]: Mod GardenCore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.7.0
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenCore]: Testing mod GardenCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenCore]: The mod GardenCore accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.7.0)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GardenCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GardenCore
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenCore/GardenCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenCore
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Garden Core took 0.001s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenStuff/GardenStuff]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenStuff
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenStuff]: Mod GardenStuff is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.7.0
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenStuff]: Testing mod GardenStuff to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenStuff]: The mod GardenStuff accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.7.0)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GardenStuff]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GardenStuff
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenStuff/GardenStuff]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenStuff
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Garden Stuff took 0.001s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenTrees/GardenTrees]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenTrees
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenTrees]: Mod GardenTrees is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.7.0
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenTrees]: Testing mod GardenTrees to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GardenTrees]: The mod GardenTrees accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.7.0)
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GardenTrees]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GardenTrees
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenTrees/GardenTrees]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GardenTrees
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Garden Trees took 0.001s
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmersiveEngineering]: Mod ImmersiveEngineering is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmersiveEngineering]: Testing mod ImmersiveEngineering to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:27] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmersiveEngineering]: The mod ImmersiveEngineering accepts its own version (
[01:35:27] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ImmersiveEngineering]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmersiveEngineering
[01:35:28] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immersive Engineering took 0.284s
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mantle/Mantle]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mantle
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mantle]: Mod Mantle is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mantle]: Testing mod Mantle to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mantle]: The mod Mantle accepts its own version (1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191)
[01:35:28] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Mantle]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Mantle
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mantle/Mantle]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mantle
[01:35:28] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mantle took 0.034s
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod TConstruct
[01:35:28] [Client thread/INFO] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preparing to take over the world
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/TConstruct]: Mod TConstruct is using network checker : Invoking method matchModVersions
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/TConstruct]: Testing mod TConstruct to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:28] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/TConstruct]: The mod TConstruct accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.8.8.build988)
[01:35:28] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/TConstruct]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into TConstruct
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod TConstruct
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Tinkers' Construct took 1.009s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MagicBees
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MagicBees]: Mod MagicBees is using network checker : Accepting version 2.4.2
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MagicBees]: Testing mod MagicBees to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MagicBees]: The mod MagicBees accepts its own version (2.4.2)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/MagicBees]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MagicBees
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MagicBees
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Magic Bees took 0.090s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [gendustry/gendustry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod gendustry
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/gendustry]: Mod gendustry is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/gendustry]: Testing mod gendustry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/gendustry]: The mod gendustry accepts its own version (
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/gendustry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into gendustry
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [gendustry/gendustry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod gendustry
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - GenDustry took 0.027s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [GraveStone/GraveStone]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GraveStone
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GraveStone]: Mod GraveStone is using network checker : Accepting version 2.16.0
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GraveStone]: Testing mod GraveStone to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GraveStone]: The mod GraveStone accepts its own version (2.16.0)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GraveStone]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GraveStone
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [GraveStone/GraveStone]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GraveStone
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - GraveStone took 0.133s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [GreenThumb/GreenThumb]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GreenThumb
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GreenThumb]: Mod GreenThumb is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GreenThumb]: Testing mod GreenThumb to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/GreenThumb]: The mod GreenThumb accepts its own version (
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/GreenThumb]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into GreenThumb
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [GreenThumb/GreenThumb]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod GreenThumb
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - GreenThumb took 0.009s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [headcrumbs/headcrumbs]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod headcrumbs
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/headcrumbs]: Mod headcrumbs is using network checker : Accepting version 1.6.2
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/headcrumbs]: Testing mod headcrumbs to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/headcrumbs]: The mod headcrumbs accepts its own version (1.6.2)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/headcrumbs]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into headcrumbs
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [headcrumbs/headcrumbs]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod headcrumbs
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Headcrumbs took 0.080s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [herdCraft/herdCraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod herdCraft
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/herdCraft]: Mod herdCraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/herdCraft]: Testing mod herdCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/herdCraft]: The mod herdCraft accepts its own version (1.1)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/herdCraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into herdCraft
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [herdCraft/herdCraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod herdCraft
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - HerdCraft took 0.041s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [immersiveintegration/immersiveintegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersiveintegration
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveintegration]: Mod immersiveintegration is using network checker : Accepting version 0.6.6
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveintegration]: Testing mod immersiveintegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/immersiveintegration]: The mod immersiveintegration accepts its own version (0.6.6)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/immersiveintegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into immersiveintegration
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [immersiveintegration/immersiveintegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod immersiveintegration
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immersive Integration took 0.029s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisCore/ImmibisCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmibisCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Found processPacket(...) for
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Injecting at beginning of method....
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/ImmibisCore]: Examining class
[01:35:29] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/ImmibisCore]: [mods.immibis.core.ImmibisCore:initPreferredEnergySystem:174]: [Immibis Core] Preferred energy system set to: redstoneFlux
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmibisCore]: Mod ImmibisCore is using network checker : Accepting version 59.1.4
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmibisCore]: Testing mod ImmibisCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ImmibisCore]: The mod ImmibisCore accepts its own version (59.1.4)
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ImmibisCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ImmibisCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisCore/ImmibisCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ImmibisCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Immibis Core took 0.263s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [LunatriusCore/LunatriusCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LunatriusCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LunatriusCore]: Mod LunatriusCore is using network checker : Invoking method checkModList
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LunatriusCore]: Testing mod LunatriusCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LunatriusCore]: The mod LunatriusCore accepts its own version (
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/LunatriusCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into LunatriusCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [LunatriusCore/LunatriusCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LunatriusCore
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - LunatriusCore took 0.013s
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML/InGameInfoXML]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML]: Mod InGameInfoXML is using network checker : Invoking method checkModList
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML]: Testing mod InGameInfoXML to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:29] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML]: The mod InGameInfoXML accepts its own version (
[01:35:29] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/InGameInfoXML]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into InGameInfoXML
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML/InGameInfoXML]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InGame Info XML took 0.058s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: Mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: Testing mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: The mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration/InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InGame Info XML - Blood Magic Integration took 0.003s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [simplyjetpacks/simplyjetpacks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod simplyjetpacks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/simplyjetpacks]: Mod simplyjetpacks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.3
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/simplyjetpacks]: Testing mod simplyjetpacks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/simplyjetpacks]: The mod simplyjetpacks accepts its own version (1.5.3)
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/simplyjetpacks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into simplyjetpacks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [simplyjetpacks/simplyjetpacks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod simplyjetpacks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Simply Jetpacks took 0.013s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: Mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: Testing mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: The mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration/InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InGame Info XML - Simply Jetpacks Integration took 0.002s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: Mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: Testing mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: The mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration/InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InGame Info XML - TerraFirmaCraft Integration took 0.002s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: Mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: Testing mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: The mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration/InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - InGame Info XML - Thaumcraft Integration took 0.002s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [inventorytweaks/inventorytweaks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod inventorytweaks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/inventorytweaks]: Mod inventorytweaks is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/inventorytweaks]: Testing mod inventorytweaks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/inventorytweaks]: The mod inventorytweaks accepts its own version (1.59-dev-152-cf6e263)
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/inventorytweaks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into inventorytweaks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [inventorytweaks/inventorytweaks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod inventorytweaks
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Inventory Tweaks took 0.014s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [IronChest/IronChest]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod IronChest
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/IronChest]: Mod IronChest is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/IronChest]: Testing mod IronChest to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/IronChest]: The mod IronChest accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/IronChest]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into IronChest
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [IronChest/IronChest]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod IronChest
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Iron Chest took 0.020s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [JABBA/JABBA]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod JABBA
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/JABBA]: Mod JABBA is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.1
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/JABBA]: Testing mod JABBA to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/JABBA]: The mod JABBA accepts its own version (1.2.1)
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/JABBA]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into JABBA
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [JABBA/JABBA]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod JABBA
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - JABBA took 0.117s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [journeymap/journeymap]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod journeymap
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/journeymap]: Mod journeymap is using network checker : Invoking method checkModLists
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/journeymap]: Testing mod journeymap to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/journeymap]: The mod journeymap accepts its own version (5.1.3)
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/journeymap]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into journeymap
[01:35:30] [Client thread/INFO] [RemoteIO:ASM/journeymap]: Beginning to transform 'net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator'
[01:35:30] [Client thread/INFO] [RemoteIO:ASM/journeymap]: Found method 'getVertexState'
[01:35:30] [Client thread/INFO] [RemoteIO:ASM/journeymap]: Found method 'addVertex'
[01:35:30] [Client thread/INFO] [RemoteIO:ASM/journeymap]: Found method 'setNormal'
[01:35:30] [Client thread/WARN] [RemoteIO:ASM/journeymap]: Successfully transformed Tessellator.class!
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [journeymap/journeymap]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod journeymap
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - JourneyMap took 0.450s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [RedLogic/RedLogic]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RedLogic
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RedLogic]: Mod RedLogic is using network checker : Accepting version 59.1.11
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RedLogic]: Testing mod RedLogic to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RedLogic]: The mod RedLogic accepts its own version (59.1.11)
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/RedLogic]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into RedLogic
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [RedLogic/RedLogic]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RedLogic
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - RedLogic took 0.244s
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: Mod OpenComputers is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: Testing mod OpenComputers to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:30] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenComputers]: The mod OpenComputers accepts its own version (
[01:35:30] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenComputers]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenComputers
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/OpenComputers]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenComputers
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenComputers took 0.152s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft/LanteaCraft]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LanteaCraft
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LanteaCraft]: Mod LanteaCraft is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.0-70
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LanteaCraft]: Testing mod LanteaCraft to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/LanteaCraft]: The mod LanteaCraft accepts its own version (1.0.0-70)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/LanteaCraft]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into LanteaCraft
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft/LanteaCraft]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod LanteaCraft
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - LanteaCraft took 0.079s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [reaper_lantern/reaper_lantern]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod reaper_lantern
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reaper_lantern]: Mod reaper_lantern is using network checker : Accepting version 1.47
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reaper_lantern]: Testing mod reaper_lantern to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reaper_lantern]: The mod reaper_lantern accepts its own version (1.47)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/reaper_lantern]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into reaper_lantern
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [reaper_lantern/reaper_lantern]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod reaper_lantern
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Lantern mod took 0.015s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootbags/lootbags]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod lootbags
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootbags]: Mod lootbags is using network checker : Accepting version 1.8.1
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootbags]: Testing mod lootbags to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/lootbags]: The mod lootbags accepts its own version (1.8.1)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/lootbags]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into lootbags
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootbags/lootbags]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod lootbags
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Loot Bags took 0.088s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [mdeco/mdeco]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mdeco
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/mdeco]: Mod mdeco is using network checker : Accepting version 0.3.5
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/mdeco]: Testing mod mdeco to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/mdeco]: The mod mdeco accepts its own version (0.3.5)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/mdeco]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into mdeco
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [mdeco/mdeco]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod mdeco
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Magical Decorations took 0.017s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisiscore
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: Mod malisiscore is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-0.14.0
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: Testing mod malisiscore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisiscore]: The mod malisiscore accepts its own version (1.7.10-0.14.0)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisiscore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into malisiscore
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisiscore/malisiscore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisiscore
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MalisisCore took 0.015s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisdoors
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: Mod malisisdoors is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.13.0
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: Testing mod malisisdoors to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/malisisdoors]: The mod malisisdoors accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.13.0)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/malisisdoors]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into malisisdoors
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [malisisdoors/malisisdoors]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod malisisdoors
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Malisis' Doors took 0.045s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mariculture/Mariculture]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mariculture
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mariculture]: Mod Mariculture is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mariculture]: Testing mod Mariculture to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Mariculture]: The mod Mariculture accepts its own version (1.7.10-
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Mariculture]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Mariculture
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mariculture/Mariculture]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Mariculture
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mariculture took 0.092s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [MariTech/MariTech]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MariTech
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MariTech]: Mod MariTech is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MariTech]: Testing mod MariTech to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MariTech]: The mod MariTech accepts its own version (1.0)
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/MariTech]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MariTech
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [MariTech/MariTech]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MariTech
[01:35:31] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Marine Technlogy took 0.318s
[01:35:31] [Client thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Mod MineTweaker3 is using network checker : Accepting version 3.0.10
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Testing mod MineTweaker3 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/MineTweaker3]: The mod MineTweaker3 accepts its own version (3.0.10)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/MineTweaker3]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into MineTweaker3
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [MineTweaker3/MineTweaker3]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod MineTweaker3
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MineTweaker 3 took 0.965s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [moarcarts/moarcarts]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod moarcarts
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/moarcarts]: Mod moarcarts is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.1-48
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/moarcarts]: Testing mod moarcarts to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/moarcarts]: The mod moarcarts accepts its own version (1.1.1-48)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/moarcarts]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into moarcarts
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [moarcarts/moarcarts]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod moarcarts
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MoarCarts took 0.074s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [numina/numina]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod numina
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/numina]: Mod numina is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/numina]: Testing mod numina to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/numina]: The mod numina accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/numina]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into numina
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [numina/numina]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod numina
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Numina took 0.017s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [powersuits/powersuits]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod powersuits
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/powersuits]: Mod powersuits is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/powersuits]: Testing mod powersuits to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/powersuits]: The mod powersuits accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/powersuits]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into powersuits
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [powersuits/powersuits]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod powersuits
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits took 0.090s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons/NEIAddons]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons]: Mod NEIAddons is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons]: Testing mod NEIAddons to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons]: The mod NEIAddons accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons/NEIAddons]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons took 0.028s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Developer/NEIAddons|Developer]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Developer
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Developer]: Mod NEIAddons|Developer is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Developer]: Testing mod NEIAddons|Developer to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Developer]: The mod NEIAddons|Developer accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|Developer]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|Developer
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Developer/NEIAddons|Developer]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Developer
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Developer Tools took 0.002s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|AppEng/NEIAddons|AppEng]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|AppEng
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|AppEng]: Mod NEIAddons|AppEng is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|AppEng]: Testing mod NEIAddons|AppEng to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|AppEng]: The mod NEIAddons|AppEng accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|AppEng]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|AppEng
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|AppEng/NEIAddons|AppEng]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|AppEng
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 took 0.001s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Botany/NEIAddons|Botany]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Botany
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Botany]: Mod NEIAddons|Botany is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Botany]: Testing mod NEIAddons|Botany to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Botany]: The mod NEIAddons|Botany accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|Botany]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|Botany
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Botany/NEIAddons|Botany]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Botany
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Botany took 0.001s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Forestry/NEIAddons|Forestry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Forestry
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Forestry]: Mod NEIAddons|Forestry is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Forestry]: Testing mod NEIAddons|Forestry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|Forestry]: The mod NEIAddons|Forestry accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|Forestry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|Forestry
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|Forestry/NEIAddons|Forestry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|Forestry
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Forestry took 0.001s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Testing mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: The mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|CraftingTables
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|CraftingTables/NEIAddons|CraftingTables]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|CraftingTables
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Crafting Tables took 0.005s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Testing mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: The mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo accepts its own version (
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NEIAddons|ExNihilo
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NEIAddons|ExNihilo/NEIAddons|ExNihilo]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NEIAddons|ExNihilo
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo took 0.001s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [neiintegration/neiintegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod neiintegration
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/neiintegration]: Mod neiintegration is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/neiintegration]: Testing mod neiintegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/neiintegration]: The mod neiintegration accepts its own version (1.1.0)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/neiintegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into neiintegration
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [neiintegration/neiintegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod neiintegration
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - NEI Integration took 0.005s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughWands/NotEnoughWands]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughWands
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NotEnoughWands]: Mod NotEnoughWands is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.3
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NotEnoughWands]: Testing mod NotEnoughWands to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/NotEnoughWands]: The mod NotEnoughWands accepts its own version (1.2.3)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/NotEnoughWands]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into NotEnoughWands
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughWands/NotEnoughWands]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod NotEnoughWands
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Not Enough Wands took 0.029s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [ObsidianBoat/ObsidianBoat]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ObsidianBoat
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianBoat]: Mod ObsidianBoat is using network checker : Accepting version v1.3.2
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianBoat]: Testing mod ObsidianBoat to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ObsidianBoat]: The mod ObsidianBoat accepts its own version (v1.3.2)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ObsidianBoat]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ObsidianBoat
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [ObsidianBoat/ObsidianBoat]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ObsidianBoat
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Obsidian Boat took 0.023s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/OpenMods]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenMods
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenMods]: Mod OpenMods is using network checker : Accepting version 0.9.1
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenMods]: Testing mod OpenMods to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenMods]: The mod OpenMods accepts its own version (0.9.1)
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenMods]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenMods
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/OpenMods]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenMods
[01:35:32] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenMods took 0.028s
[01:35:32] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenBlocks/OpenBlocks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenBlocks
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenBlocks]: Mod OpenBlocks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.5.1
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenBlocks]: Testing mod OpenBlocks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenBlocks]: The mod OpenBlocks accepts its own version (1.5.1)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenBlocks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenBlocks
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenBlocks/OpenBlocks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenBlocks
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenBlocks took 0.265s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openfm/openfm]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openfm
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openfm]: Mod openfm is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openfm]: Testing mod openfm to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openfm]: The mod openfm accepts its own version (
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/openfm]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openfm
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openfm/openfm]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openfm
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenFM took 0.023s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openlights/openlights]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openlights
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into pcl/openlights/tileentity/OpenLightTE.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Checking if class pcl/openlights/tileentity/OpenLightTE is a TileEntity...
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Found original implementation of 'readFromNBT', wrapping.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Found original implementation of 'writeToNBT', wrapping.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Injecting interface.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/openlights]: Successfully injected component logic into class pcl.openlights.tileentity.OpenLightTE.
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openlights]: Mod openlights is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openlights]: Testing mod openlights to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openlights]: The mod openlights accepts its own version (
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/openlights]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openlights
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openlights/openlights]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openlights
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenLights took 0.039s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openmodularturrets/openmodularturrets]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmodularturrets
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openmodularturrets]: Mod openmodularturrets is using network checker : Accepting version 2.1.8-199
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openmodularturrets]: Testing mod openmodularturrets to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openmodularturrets]: The mod openmodularturrets accepts its own version (2.1.8-199)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/openmodularturrets]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openmodularturrets
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openmodularturrets/openmodularturrets]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openmodularturrets
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Open Modular Turrets took 0.020s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralCore/OpenPeripheralCore]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralCore]: Mod OpenPeripheralCore is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralCore]: Testing mod OpenPeripheralCore to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralCore]: The mod OpenPeripheralCore accepts its own version (1.3)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenPeripheralCore]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:33] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenMods/OpenPeripheralCore]: openperipheral.ApiSetup.installProviderAccess( OPC API v. 3.4 provideded by OpenPeripheralCore, (ApiAccess source: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/OpenPeripheralCore.jar!/openperipheral/api/ApiAccess.class)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralCore/OpenPeripheralCore]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheralCore
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenPeripheralCore took 0.309s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheral/OpenPeripheral]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheral
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheral]: Mod OpenPeripheral is using network checker : Accepting version 0.5.1
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheral]: Testing mod OpenPeripheral to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheral]: The mod OpenPeripheral accepts its own version (0.5.1)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenPeripheral]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenPeripheral
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheral/OpenPeripheral]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheral
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenPeripheralAddons took 0.001s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralIntegration/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: Mod OpenPeripheralIntegration is using network checker : No network checking performed
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: Testing mod OpenPeripheralIntegration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: The mod OpenPeripheralIntegration accepts its own version (0.5)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenPeripheralIntegration/OpenPeripheralIntegration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod OpenPeripheralIntegration
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenPeripheralIntegration took 0.000s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openprinter/openprinter]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openprinter
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openprinter]: Mod openprinter is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openprinter]: Testing mod openprinter to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/openprinter]: The mod openprinter accepts its own version (
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/openprinter]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into openprinter
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [openprinter/openprinter]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod openprinter
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenPrinter took 0.019s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [opensecurity/opensecurity]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod opensecurity
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/opensecurity]: Mod opensecurity is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0.90
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/opensecurity]: Testing mod opensecurity to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/opensecurity]: The mod opensecurity accepts its own version (1.0.90)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/opensecurity]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into opensecurity
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [opensecurity/opensecurity]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod opensecurity
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - OpenSecurity took 0.019s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [PetBat/PetBat]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod PetBat
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PetBat]: Mod PetBat is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.6
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PetBat]: Testing mod PetBat to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/PetBat]: The mod PetBat accepts its own version (1.3.6)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/PetBat]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into PetBat
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [PetBat/PetBat]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod PetBat
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pet Bat took 0.038s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Pistronics2/Pistronics2]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Pistronics2
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Pistronics2]: Mod Pistronics2 is using network checker : Accepting version 0.6.3
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Pistronics2]: Testing mod Pistronics2 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Pistronics2]: The mod Pistronics2 accepts its own version (0.6.3)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Pistronics2]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Pistronics2
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Pistronics2/Pistronics2]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Pistronics2
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Pistronics 2 took 0.023s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [progressiveautomation/progressiveautomation]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod progressiveautomation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/INFO] [progressiveautomation/progressiveautomation]: Starting automation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/progressiveautomation]: Mod progressiveautomation is using network checker : Accepting version 1.6.32
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/progressiveautomation]: Testing mod progressiveautomation to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/progressiveautomation]: The mod progressiveautomation accepts its own version (1.6.32)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/progressiveautomation]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into progressiveautomation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [progressiveautomation/progressiveautomation]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod progressiveautomation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Progressive Automation took 0.027s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [quantumflux/quantumflux]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod quantumflux
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/quantumflux]: Mod quantumflux is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.3.4
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/quantumflux]: Testing mod quantumflux to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/quantumflux]: The mod quantumflux accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.3.4)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/quantumflux]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into quantumflux
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [quantumflux/quantumflux]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod quantumflux
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - QuantumFlux took 0.009s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [QuantumStorage/QuantumStorage]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod QuantumStorage
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/QuantumStorage]: Mod QuantumStorage is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.1
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/QuantumStorage]: Testing mod QuantumStorage to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/QuantumStorage]: The mod QuantumStorage accepts its own version (1.2.1)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/QuantumStorage]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into QuantumStorage
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [QuantumStorage/QuantumStorage]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod QuantumStorage
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - QuantumStorage took 0.003s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [reccomplex/reccomplex]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod reccomplex
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reccomplex]: Mod reccomplex is using network checker : Invoking method checkNetwork
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reccomplex]: Testing mod reccomplex to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/reccomplex]: The mod reccomplex accepts its own version (
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/reccomplex]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into reccomplex
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [reccomplex/reccomplex]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod reccomplex
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Recurrent Complex took 0.093s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Reconstructor/Reconstructor]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Reconstructor
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Reconstructor]: Mod Reconstructor is using network checker : Accepting version 2.3
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Reconstructor]: Testing mod Reconstructor to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Reconstructor]: The mod Reconstructor accepts its own version (2.3)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Reconstructor]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Reconstructor
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Reconstructor/Reconstructor]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Reconstructor
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Reconstructor took 0.007s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Redstonic/Redstonic]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Redstonic
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Redstonic]: Mod Redstonic is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.10
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Redstonic]: Testing mod Redstonic to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Redstonic]: The mod Redstonic accepts its own version (1.4.10)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Redstonic]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into Redstonic
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [Redstonic/Redstonic]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod Redstonic
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Redstonic took 0.031s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [RefinedRelocation/RefinedRelocation]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RefinedRelocation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RefinedRelocation]: Mod RefinedRelocation is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.21
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RefinedRelocation]: Testing mod RefinedRelocation to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RefinedRelocation]: The mod RefinedRelocation accepts its own version (1.1.21)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/RefinedRelocation]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into RefinedRelocation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [RefinedRelocation/RefinedRelocation]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RefinedRelocation
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Refined Relocation took 0.066s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResourceLoader
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ResourceLoader]: Mod ResourceLoader is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ResourceLoader]: Testing mod ResourceLoader to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ResourceLoader]: The mod ResourceLoader accepts its own version (1.2)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ResourceLoader]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ResourceLoader
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [ResourceLoader/ResourceLoader]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ResourceLoader
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Resource Loader took 0.005s
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rftools
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: Mod rftools is using network checker : Accepting version 4.20
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: Testing mod rftools to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:33] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/rftools]: The mod rftools accepts its own version (4.20)
[01:35:33] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/rftools]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into rftools
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [rftools/rftools]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod rftools
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - RFTools took 0.057s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [RIO/RIO]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RIO
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RIO]: Mod RIO is using network checker : Accepting version 2.4.0
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RIO]: Testing mod RIO to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RIO]: The mod RIO accepts its own version (2.4.0)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/RIO]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into RIO
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [RIO/RIO]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RIO
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Remote IO took 0.045s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [RopesPlus/RopesPlus]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RopesPlus
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RopesPlus]: Mod RopesPlus is using network checker : Accepting version 1.6.4
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RopesPlus]: Testing mod RopesPlus to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/RopesPlus]: The mod RopesPlus accepts its own version (1.6.4)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/RopesPlus]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into RopesPlus
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [RopesPlus/RopesPlus]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod RopesPlus
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ropes+ took 0.133s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [scottstweaks/scottstweaks]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod scottstweaks
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/scottstweaks]: Mod scottstweaks is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.3.1
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/scottstweaks]: Testing mod scottstweaks to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/scottstweaks]: The mod scottstweaks accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.3.1)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/scottstweaks]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into scottstweaks
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [scottstweaks/scottstweaks]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod scottstweaks
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Scott's Tweaks took 0.008s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.cuchazinteractive/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: Mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.0
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: Testing mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: The mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.0)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cuchaz.cuchazinteractive
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.cuchazinteractive/cuchaz.cuchazinteractive]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.cuchazinteractive
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Cuchaz Interactive took 0.626s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships/cuchaz.ships]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.ships
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.ships]: Mod cuchaz.ships is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.0.3
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.ships]: Testing mod cuchaz.ships to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/cuchaz.ships]: The mod cuchaz.ships accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.0.3)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/cuchaz.ships]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into cuchaz.ships
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships/cuchaz.ships]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod cuchaz.ships
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Ships Mod took 0.001s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SirenMod/SirenMod]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SirenMod
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SirenMod]: Mod SirenMod is using network checker : Accepting version 2.2.01
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SirenMod]: Testing mod SirenMod to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SirenMod]: The mod SirenMod accepts its own version (2.2.01)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/SirenMod]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SirenMod
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SirenMod/SirenMod]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SirenMod
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0) took 0.045s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SolarFlux/SolarFlux]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SolarFlux
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SolarFlux]: Mod SolarFlux is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-0.8b
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SolarFlux]: Testing mod SolarFlux to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SolarFlux]: The mod SolarFlux accepts its own version (1.7.10-0.8b)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/SolarFlux]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SolarFlux
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SolarFlux/SolarFlux]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SolarFlux
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Solar Flux took 0.007s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Mod SpiceOfLife is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.0
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Testing mod SpiceOfLife to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: The mod SpiceOfLife accepts its own version (1.3.0)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/SpiceOfLife]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into SpiceOfLife
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [SpiceOfLife/SpiceOfLife]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod SpiceOfLife
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - The Spice of Life took 0.006s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersForestry/StorageDrawersForestry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawersForestry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersForestry]: Mod StorageDrawersForestry is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.1.0
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersForestry]: Testing mod StorageDrawersForestry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersForestry]: The mod StorageDrawersForestry accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.1.0)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/StorageDrawersForestry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into StorageDrawersForestry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersForestry/StorageDrawersForestry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawersForestry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack took 0.014s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersMisc/StorageDrawersMisc]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawersMisc
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersMisc]: Mod StorageDrawersMisc is using network checker : Accepting version 1.7.10-1.1.0
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersMisc]: Testing mod StorageDrawersMisc to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/StorageDrawersMisc]: The mod StorageDrawersMisc accepts its own version (1.7.10-1.1.0)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/StorageDrawersMisc]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into StorageDrawersMisc
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawersMisc/StorageDrawersMisc]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod StorageDrawersMisc
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Storage Drawers: Misc Pack took 0.010s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod streams
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: Mod streams is using network checker : Accepting version 0.1.6
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: Testing mod streams to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/streams]: The mod streams accepts its own version (0.1.6)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/streams]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into streams
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [streams/streams]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod streams
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - streams took 0.007s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [supercraftingframe/supercraftingframe]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod supercraftingframe
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/supercraftingframe]: Mod supercraftingframe is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/supercraftingframe]: Testing mod supercraftingframe to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/supercraftingframe]: The mod supercraftingframe accepts its own version (
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/supercraftingframe]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into supercraftingframe
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [supercraftingframe/supercraftingframe]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod supercraftingframe
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Super Crafting Frame took 0.014s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcarpentry/thaumcarpentry]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumcarpentry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcarpentry]: Mod thaumcarpentry is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcarpentry]: Testing mod thaumcarpentry to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcarpentry]: The mod thaumcarpentry accepts its own version (
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/thaumcarpentry]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thaumcarpentry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcarpentry/thaumcarpentry]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumcarpentry
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumcarpentry took 0.036s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcraftgates/thaumcraftgates]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumcraftgates
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcraftgates]: Mod thaumcraftgates is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.2
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcraftgates]: Testing mod thaumcraftgates to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumcraftgates]: The mod thaumcraftgates accepts its own version (1.4.2)
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/thaumcraftgates]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thaumcraftgates
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumcraftgates/thaumcraftgates]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumcraftgates
[01:35:34] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumcraft Gates took 0.005s
[01:35:34] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicbases/thaumicbases]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicbases
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicbases]: Mod thaumicbases is using network checker : Accepting version 1.3.1710.2
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicbases]: Testing mod thaumicbases to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicbases]: The mod thaumicbases accepts its own version (1.3.1710.2)
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/thaumicbases]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thaumicbases
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicbases/thaumicbases]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicbases
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Bases took 0.036s
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicenergistics/thaumicenergistics]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicenergistics
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicenergistics]: Mod thaumicenergistics is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicenergistics]: Testing mod thaumicenergistics to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicenergistics]: The mod thaumicenergistics accepts its own version (
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/thaumicenergistics]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thaumicenergistics
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicenergistics/thaumicenergistics]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicenergistics
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Energistics took 0.020s
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicExploration/ThaumicExploration]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicExploration
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicExploration]: Mod ThaumicExploration is using network checker : Accepting version 0.6.0
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicExploration]: Testing mod ThaumicExploration to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicExploration]: The mod ThaumicExploration accepts its own version (0.6.0)
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThaumicExploration]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThaumicExploration
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicExploration/ThaumicExploration]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicExploration
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Exploration took 0.105s
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicHorizons/ThaumicHorizons]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicHorizons
[01:35:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ThE-Core/ThaumicHorizons]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft/common/entities/golems/ItemGolemPlacer)
[01:35:35] [Client thread/INFO] [ThE-Core/ThaumicHorizons]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft/common/entities/golems/ItemGolemBell)
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicHorizons]: Mod ThaumicHorizons is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.9
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicHorizons]: Testing mod ThaumicHorizons to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:35] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicHorizons]: The mod ThaumicHorizons accepts its own version (1.1.9)
[01:35:35] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThaumicHorizons]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThaumicHorizons
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicHorizons/ThaumicHorizons]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThaumicHorizons
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Horizons took 0.919s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicinfusion/thaumicinfusion]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicinfusion
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicinfusion]: Mod thaumicinfusion is using network checker : Accepting version 4.27
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicinfusion]: Testing mod thaumicinfusion to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/thaumicinfusion]: The mod thaumicinfusion accepts its own version (4.27)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/thaumicinfusion]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into thaumicinfusion
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [thaumicinfusion/thaumicinfusion]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod thaumicinfusion
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thaumic Infusion took 0.017s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalCasting/ThermalCasting]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalCasting
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalCasting]: Mod ThermalCasting is using network checker : Accepting version 0.0.3
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalCasting]: Testing mod ThermalCasting to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalCasting]: The mod ThermalCasting accepts its own version (0.0.3)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThermalCasting]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThermalCasting
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalCasting/ThermalCasting]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalCasting
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Casting took 0.012s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalDynamics/ThermalDynamics]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalDynamics
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalDynamics]: Mod ThermalDynamics is using network checker : Invoking method networkCheck
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalDynamics]: Testing mod ThermalDynamics to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalDynamics]: The mod ThermalDynamics accepts its own version (1.7.10R1.1.0)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThermalDynamics]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThermalDynamics
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalDynamics/ThermalDynamics]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalDynamics
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Dynamics took 0.142s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalSmeltery/ThermalSmeltery]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalSmeltery
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalSmeltery]: Mod ThermalSmeltery is using network checker : Accepting version 1.0
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalSmeltery]: Testing mod ThermalSmeltery to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThermalSmeltery]: The mod ThermalSmeltery accepts its own version (1.0)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ThermalSmeltery]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ThermalSmeltery
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalSmeltery/ThermalSmeltery]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ThermalSmeltery
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Smeltery took 0.009s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [UsefulFood/UsefulFood]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod UsefulFood
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/UsefulFood]: Mod UsefulFood is using network checker : Accepting version 1.4.5
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/UsefulFood]: Testing mod UsefulFood to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/UsefulFood]: The mod UsefulFood accepts its own version (1.4.5)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/UsefulFood]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into UsefulFood
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [UsefulFood/UsefulFood]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod UsefulFood
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - UsefulFood took 0.007s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMiner/VeinMiner]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod VeinMiner
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMiner]: Mod VeinMiner is using network checker : Invoking method checkClientModVersion
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMiner]: Testing mod VeinMiner to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMiner]: The mod VeinMiner accepts its own version (0.30.2_build.unknown)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/VeinMiner]: Check Version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/VeinMiner]: Check Version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/VeinMiner]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into VeinMiner
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMiner/VeinMiner]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod VeinMiner
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Vein Miner took 0.048s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMinerModSupport/VeinMinerModSupport]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMinerModSupport]: Mod VeinMinerModSupport is using network checker : Invoking method checkClientModVersion
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMinerModSupport]: Testing mod VeinMinerModSupport to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/VeinMinerModSupport]: The mod VeinMinerModSupport accepts its own version (0.30.2_build.unknown)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/VeinMinerModSupport]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [VeinMinerModSupport/VeinMinerModSupport]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod VeinMinerModSupport
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Mod Support took 0.005s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [vending/vending]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod vending
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/vending]: Mod vending is using network checker : Accepting version 1.2.3
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/vending]: Testing mod vending to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/vending]: The mod vending accepts its own version (1.2.3)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/vending]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into vending
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [vending/vending]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod vending
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - vending took 0.042s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WailaHarvestability/WailaHarvestability]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WailaHarvestability
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WailaHarvestability]: Mod WailaHarvestability is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.2
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WailaHarvestability]: Testing mod WailaHarvestability to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WailaHarvestability]: The mod WailaHarvestability accepts its own version (1.1.2)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/WailaHarvestability]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into WailaHarvestability
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WailaHarvestability/WailaHarvestability]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WailaHarvestability
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Waila Harvestability took 0.005s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [wawla/wawla]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wawla
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/wawla]: Mod wawla is using network checker : Accepting version 1.1.1
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/wawla]: Testing mod wawla to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/wawla]: The mod wawla accepts its own version (1.1.1)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/wawla]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into wawla
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [wawla/wawla]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod wawla
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - What Are We Looking At took 0.010s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [weather2/weather2]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod weather2
[01:35:36] [Client thread/ERROR] [weather2/weather2]: The mod weather2 appears to have an invalid event annotation EventHandler. This annotation can only apply to methods with recognized event arguments - it will not be called
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/weather2]: Mod weather2 is using network checker : Accepting version v2.3.10
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/weather2]: Testing mod weather2 to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/weather2]: The mod weather2 accepts its own version (v2.3.10)
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/weather2]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into weather2
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [weather2/weather2]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod weather2
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Localized Weather & Storms took 0.175s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Core/WR-CBE|Core]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Core
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Core]: Mod WR-CBE|Core is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Core]: Testing mod WR-CBE|Core to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Core]: The mod WR-CBE|Core accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/WR-CBE|Core]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into WR-CBE|Core
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Core/WR-CBE|Core]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Core
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - WR-CBE Core took 0.153s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Addons/WR-CBE|Addons]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Addons
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Addons]: Mod WR-CBE|Addons is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Addons]: Testing mod WR-CBE|Addons to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Addons]: The mod WR-CBE|Addons accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/WR-CBE|Addons]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into WR-CBE|Addons
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Addons/WR-CBE|Addons]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Addons
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - WR-CBE Addons took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Logic/WR-CBE|Logic]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Logic
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Logic]: Mod WR-CBE|Logic is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Logic]: Testing mod WR-CBE|Logic to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/WR-CBE|Logic]: The mod WR-CBE|Logic accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/WR-CBE|Logic]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into WR-CBE|Logic
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [WR-CBE|Logic/WR-CBE|Logic]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod WR-CBE|Logic
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - WR-CBE Logic took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [woodenbucket/woodenbucket]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod woodenbucket
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/woodenbucket]: Mod woodenbucket is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/woodenbucket]: Testing mod woodenbucket to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/woodenbucket]: The mod woodenbucket accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/woodenbucket]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into woodenbucket
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [woodenbucket/woodenbucket]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod woodenbucket
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Wooden Bucket took 0.020s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod McMultipart
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: Mod McMultipart is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: Testing mod McMultipart to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/McMultipart]: The mod McMultipart accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/McMultipart]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into McMultipart
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [McMultipart/McMultipart]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod McMultipart
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Minecraft Multipart Plugin took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [recycling/recycling]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod recycling
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/recycling]: Mod recycling is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/recycling]: Testing mod recycling to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/recycling]: The mod recycling accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/recycling]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into recycling
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [recycling/recycling]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod recycling
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Thermal Recycling took 0.029s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sending event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Mod ForgeMicroblock is using network checker : Accepting version
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Testing mod ForgeMicroblock to verify it accepts its own version in a remote connection
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: The mod ForgeMicroblock accepts its own version (
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/ForgeMicroblock]: Attempting to inject @SidedProxy classes into ForgeMicroblock
[01:35:36] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMicroblock/ForgeMicroblock]: Sent event FMLConstructionEvent to mod ForgeMicroblock
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Construction - Forge Microblocks took 0.006s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: Construction took 19.535s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mod signature data
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Valid Signatures:
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: (e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557) FML (Forge Mod Loader forge-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: (e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557) Forge (Minecraft Forge forge-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: (a0c255ac501b2749537d5824bb0f0588bf0320fa) Railcraft (Railcraft Railcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Missing Signatures:
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: mcp (Minecraft Coder Pack 9.05) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: appliedenergistics2-core (Applied Energistics 2 Core rv3-beta-5) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CodeChickenCore (CodeChicken Core minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmibisMicroblocks (Immibis's Microblocks 59.1.1) ImmibisMicroblocks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ivtoolkit (1.2 IvToolkit) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: LanteaCraft-Core (LanteaCraft Core 1.0) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MCVanillaTweaks (Mariculture - Vanilla Tweaks 1.0) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NotEnoughItems (Not Enough Items NEI.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputers|Core (OpenComputers (Core) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenEye (OpenEye 0.6) openeye.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThE-core (Thaumic Energistics Core minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicTinkerer-preloader (Thaumic Tinkerer Core 0.1) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenModsCore (OpenModsCore 0.9.1) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: <CoFH ASM> (CoFH ASM 000) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cuchaz.ships.core (Ships Mod Core 1.7.10-1.0.3) minecraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SC0_SpaceCore (SpaceCore 0.7.14) 1.7.10-_SpaceCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SC0_UsefulPets (Useful Pets 1.3) 1.7.10-_UsefulPets.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: bdlib (BD Lib bdlib.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoFHCore (CoFH Core 1.7.10R3.1.1) CoFHCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Core (BuildCraft 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Silicon (BC Silicon 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMultipart (Forge Multipart ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: pressure (Pressure Pipes pressure.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Baubles (Baubles Baubles-1.7.10-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalFoundation (Thermal Foundation 1.7.10R1.2.2) ThermalFoundation.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalExpansion (Thermal Expansion 1.7.10R4.1.1) ThermalExpansion.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: advgenerators (Advanced Generators advgenerators.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: appliedenergistics2 (Applied Energistics 2 rv3-beta-5) appliedenergistics2.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ae2stuff (AE2 Stuff ae2stuff.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AgriCraft (AgriCraft 1.7.10-1.4.6-hotfix) AgriCraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Builders (BC Builders 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Energy (BC Energy 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Factory (BC Factory 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Thaumcraft (Thaumcraft Thaumcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: chisel (Chisel 2 chisel.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ExtrabiomesXL (ExtrabiomesXL 3.16.4) ExtrabiomesXL.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Forestry (Forestry for Minecraft Forestry.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: koresample (Kore Sample 1.7.10-1.3.2) koresample.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawers (Storage Drawers 1.7.10-1.7.8) StorageDrawers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: dendrology (Ancient Trees 1.7.10-1.6.4) AncientTrees.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: AppleCore (AppleCore 1.1.0) AppleCore-mc.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: bspkrsCore (bspkrsCore 6.16) [1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ArmorStatusHUD (ArmorStatusHUD 1.28) ArmorStatusHUD.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: armourersWorkshop (Armourer's Workshop 1.7.10- armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: plushieWrapper (Plushie Wrapper 0.0.0) armourersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: aura (Aura Cascade unspecified) Aura.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: autopackager (AutoPackager 1.5.8) autopackager.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Backpack (Backpack 2.0.1) Backpack.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BiblioCraft (BiblioCraft 1.11.4) BiblioCraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BigReactors (Big Reactors 0.4.3A) BigReactors.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: boilerplate (Boilerplate boilerplate.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Transport (BC Transport 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Compat (BuildCraft Compat 7.1.3) buildcraft-compat.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildCraft|Robotics (BC Robotics 7.1.14) buildcraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Carnivora (Carnivora 0.1.3) Carnivora.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CarpentersBlocks (Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.7) CarpentersBlocks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cookingbook (Cooking for Blockheads 1.0.134) cookingbook.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: BuildMod (Build Mod v1.0) coroutil.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoroPets (CoroPets v1.0) coroutil.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CoroAI (CoroAI v1.0) coroutil.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ExtendedRenderer (Extended Renderer v1.0) coroutil.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ConfigMod (Extended Mod Config v1.0) coroutil.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ElecCore (ElecCore 1.4.176) ElecCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CraftingTableIV (CraftingTableIV 1.1Beta.62) CraftingTableIV.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CustomChestLoot (Custom Chest Loot 1.1.1) CustomChestLoot.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: customnpcs (CustomNpcs 1.7.10d) customnpcs.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: CustomOreGen (Custom Ore Generation 1.2.24) CustomOreGen.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: lootablebodies (DrCyano's Lootable Bodies 1.3.6) CyanosLootableBodies-..-backport.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: D3Core (D3Core D3Core.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: PTRModelLib (PTRModelLib 1.0.0) Decocraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: props (Decocraft 2.2.1) Decocraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: deepresonance (DeepResonance 1.1.4) deepresonance.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DummyCore (DummyCore 1.13) DummyCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights (Dynamic Lights 1.3.9) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_onFire (Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module 1.0.5) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_creepers (Dynamic Lights Creeper Module 1.0.4) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_dropItems (Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module 1.0.8) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_entityClasses (Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module 1.0.1) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_mobEquipment (Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module 1.0.8) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_flameArrows (Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module 1.0.0) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_floodLights (Dynamic Lights Flood Light 1.0.2) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_otherPlayers (Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module 1.0.8) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: DynamicLights_thePlayer (Dynamic Lights Player Light Module 1.1.4) DynamicLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: emobile (E-Mobile 1.2.1) e-mobile.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: eplus (Enchanting Plus 3.0.2-d) enchantingplus.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enchiridion (Enchiridion 1.3) Enchiridion2.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enchiridion2 (Enchiridion 2 2.0.2a) Enchiridion2.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: endercore (EnderCore 1.7.10- endercore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Waila (Waila 1.5.10) waila.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderIO (Ender IO 1.7.10- EnderIO.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderStorage (EnderStorage EnderStorage.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: EnderZoo (Ender Zoo 1.7.10- EnderZoo.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: etfuturum (Et Futurum 1.5.4) etfuturum.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: extracells (Extra Cells 2 2.3.9) extracells.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: farseek (farseek 1.0.10) Farseek.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: FloodLights (Flood Lights 1.1.1-120) FloodLights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: fluxpads (FluxPads fluxpads.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicTinkerer (Thaumic Tinkerer unspecified) ThaumicTinkerer.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForbiddenMagic (Forbidden Magic 1.7.10-0.572) ForbiddenMagic.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenContainers (Garden Containers 1.7.10-1.7.0) GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenCore (Garden Core 1.7.10-1.7.0) GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenStuff (Garden Stuff 1.7.10-1.7.0) GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GardenTrees (Garden Trees 1.7.10-1.7.0) GardenContainers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmersiveEngineering (Immersive Engineering ImmersiveEngineering.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mantle (Mantle 1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191) Mantle.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: TConstruct (Tinkers' Construct 1.7.10-1.8.8.build988) TinkersWorkshop.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MagicBees (Magic Bees 2.4.2) MagicBees.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: gendustry (GenDustry gendustry.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GraveStone (GraveStone 2.16.0) GraveStone.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: GreenThumb (GreenThumb GreenThumb.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: headcrumbs (Headcrumbs 1.6.2) headcrumbs.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: herdCraft (HerdCraft 1.1) herdCraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: immersiveintegration (Immersive Integration 0.6.6) immersiveintegration.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ImmibisCore (Immibis Core 59.1.4) ImmibisCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: LunatriusCore (LunatriusCore LunatriusCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML (InGame Info XML InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|AWWayofTimeIntegration (InGame Info XML - Blood Magic Integration InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: simplyjetpacks (Simply Jetpacks 1.5.3) simplyjetpacks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|simplyjetpacksIntegration (InGame Info XML - Simply Jetpacks Integration InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|terrafirmacraftIntegration (InGame Info XML - TerraFirmaCraft Integration InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: InGameInfoXML|ThaumcraftIntegration (InGame Info XML - Thaumcraft Integration InGameInfoXML.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: inventorytweaks (Inventory Tweaks 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263) InvTweaks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: IronChest (Iron Chest IronChest.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: JABBA (JABBA 1.2.1) JABBA.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: journeymap (JourneyMap 5.1.3) journeymap.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RedLogic (RedLogic 59.1.11) RedLogic.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenComputers (OpenComputers OpenComputers.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: LanteaCraft (LanteaCraft 1.0.0-70) LanteaCraft.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: reaper_lantern (Lantern mod 1.47) lantern.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: lootbags (Loot Bags 1.8.1) lootbags.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: mdeco (Magical Decorations 0.3.5) magicaldecorations.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: malisiscore (MalisisCore 1.7.10-0.14.0) malisiscore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: malisisdoors (Malisis' Doors 1.7.10-1.13.0) malisisdoors.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Mariculture (Mariculture 1.7.10- Mariculture.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MariTech (Marine Technlogy 1.0) Mariculture.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: MineTweaker3 (MineTweaker 3 3.0.10) MineTweaker3.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: moarcarts (MoarCarts 1.1.1-48) moarcarts.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: numina (Numina numina.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: powersuits (MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits ModularPowersuits.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons (NEI Addons NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Developer (NEI Addons: Developer Tools NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|AppEng (NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Botany (NEI Addons: Botany NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|Forestry (NEI Addons: Forestry NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|CraftingTables (NEI Addons: Crafting Tables NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NEIAddons|ExNihilo (NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo NEIAddons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: neiintegration (NEI Integration 1.1.0) neiintegration.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: NotEnoughWands (Not Enough Wands 1.2.3) NotEnoughWands.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ObsidianBoat (Obsidian Boat v1.3.2) ObsidianBoat.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenMods (OpenMods 0.9.1) OpenMods.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenBlocks (OpenBlocks 1.5.1) OpenBlocks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openfm (OpenFM openfm.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openlights (OpenLights openlights.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openmodularturrets (Open Modular Turrets 2.1.8-199) openmodularturrets.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralCore (OpenPeripheralCore 1.3) OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheral (OpenPeripheralAddons 0.5.1) OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: OpenPeripheralIntegration (OpenPeripheralIntegration 0.5) OpenPeripheralCore.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: openprinter (OpenPrinter openprinter.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: opensecurity (OpenSecurity 1.0.90) opensecurity.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: PetBat (Pet Bat 1.3.6) PetBat.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Pistronics2 (Pistronics 2 0.6.3) Pistronics2.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: progressiveautomation (Progressive Automation 1.6.32) progressiveautomation.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: quantumflux (QuantumFlux 1.7.10-1.3.4) quantumflux.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: QuantumStorage (QuantumStorage 1.2.1) QuantumStorage.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: reccomplex (Recurrent Complex reccomplex.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Reconstructor (Reconstructor 2.3) Reconstructor.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Redstonic (Redstonic 1.4.10) redstonic.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RefinedRelocation (Refined Relocation 1.1.21) RefinedRelocation.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ResourceLoader (Resource Loader 1.2) ResourceLoader.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: rftools (RFTools 4.20) rftools.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RIO (Remote IO 2.4.0) RIO.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: RopesPlus (Ropes+ 1.6.4) RopesPlus.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: scottstweaks (Scott's Tweaks 1.7.10-1.3.1) scottstweaks.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cuchaz.cuchazinteractive (Cuchaz Interactive 1.7.10-1.0) shipsMod-v.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: cuchaz.ships (Ships Mod 1.7.10-1.0.3) shipsMod-v.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SirenMod (TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0) 2.2.01) SirenMod.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SolarFlux (Solar Flux 1.7.10-0.8b) SolarFlux.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: SpiceOfLife (The Spice of Life 1.3.0) SpiceOfLife.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersForestry (Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack 1.7.10-1.1.0) StorageDrawersForestry.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: StorageDrawersMisc (Storage Drawers: Misc Pack 1.7.10-1.1.0) StorageDrawersMisc.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: streams (streams 0.1.6) Streams.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: supercraftingframe (Super Crafting Frame supercraftingframe.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumcarpentry (Thaumcarpentry Thaumcarpentry.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumcraftgates (Thaumcraft Gates 1.4.2) thaumcraftgates.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicbases (Thaumic Bases 1.3.1710.2) ThaumicBases.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicenergistics (Thaumic Energistics thaumicenergistics.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicExploration (Thaumic Exploration 0.6.0) ThaumicExploration.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThaumicHorizons (Thaumic Horizons 1.1.9) ThaumicHorizons.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: thaumicinfusion (Thaumic Infusion 4.27) thaumicinfusion.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalCasting (Thermal Casting 0.0.3) thermalcasting.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalDynamics (Thermal Dynamics 1.7.10R1.1.0) ThermalDynamics.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ThermalSmeltery (Thermal Smeltery 1.0) ThermalSmeltery.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: UsefulFood (UsefulFood 1.4.5) UsefulFood.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: VeinMiner (Vein Miner 0.30.2_build.unknown) VeinMiner.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: VeinMinerModSupport (Mod Support 0.30.2_build.unknown) VeinMiner.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: vending (vending 1.2.3) Vending.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WailaHarvestability (Waila Harvestability 1.1.2) WailaHarvestability.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: wawla (What Are We Looking At 1.1.1) Wawla.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: weather2 (Localized Weather & Storms v2.3.10) weather2.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Core (WR-CBE Core WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Addons (WR-CBE Addons WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: WR-CBE|Logic (WR-CBE Logic WirelessRedstone.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: woodenbucket (Wooden Bucket WoodenBucket.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: McMultipart (Minecraft Multipart Plugin ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: recycling (Thermal Recycling ThermalRecycling.jar
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: ForgeMicroblock (Forge Microblocks ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - Default took 0.006s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis's Microblocks took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Items took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenEye took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:SpaceCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Useful Pets took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Advanced Generators took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:AE2 Stuff took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:AgriCraft took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Ancient Trees took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:AppleCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Applied Energistics 2 took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:ArmorStatusHUD took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Plushie Wrapper took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Armourer's Workshop took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Aura Cascade took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:AutoPackager took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Backpack took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BD Lib took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BiblioCraft took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Big Reactors took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Boilerplate took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft Compat took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Builders took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Transport took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Energy took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Silicon took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Robotics took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BuildCraft took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:BC Factory took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Carnivora took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Carpenter's Blocks took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Chisel 2 took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:CoFH Core took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Cooking for Blockheads took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Build Mod took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:CoroPets took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:CoroAI took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Extended Renderer took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Extended Mod Config took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:CraftingTableIV took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Custom Chest Loot took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:CustomNpcs took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Custom Ore Generation took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:DrCyano's Lootable Bodies took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:D3Core took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:PTRModelLib took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Decocraft took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:DeepResonance took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:DummyCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Creeper Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Flood Light took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Dynamic Lights Player Light Module took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:E-Mobile took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:ElecCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Enchanting Plus took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Enchiridion took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Enchiridion 2 took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:EnderCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Ender IO took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:EnderStorage took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Ender Zoo took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Et Futurum took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:ExtrabiomesXL took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Extra Cells 2 took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:farseek took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Flood Lights took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:FluxPads took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Forbidden Magic took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Forestry for Minecraft took 0.003s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Garden Containers took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Garden Core took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Garden Stuff took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Garden Trees took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:GenDustry took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:GraveStone took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:GreenThumb took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Headcrumbs took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:HerdCraft took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Immersive Engineering took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Immersive Integration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Immibis Core took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:InGame Info XML took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:InGame Info XML - Blood Magic Integration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:InGame Info XML - Simply Jetpacks Integration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:InGame Info XML - TerraFirmaCraft Integration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:InGame Info XML - Thaumcraft Integration took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Iron Chest took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:JABBA took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:JourneyMap took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Kore Sample took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:LanteaCraft took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Lantern mod took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Loot Bags took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:LunatriusCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Magical Decorations took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Magic Bees took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:MalisisCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Malisis' Doors took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Mantle took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Mariculture took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Marine Technlogy took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:MineTweaker 3 took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:MoarCarts took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Developer Tools took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Botany took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Forestry took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Crafting Tables took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:NEI Integration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Not Enough Wands took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Numina took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Obsidian Boat took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenBlocks took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenComputers took 0.005s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenFM took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenLights took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenMods took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Open Modular Turrets took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenPeripheralAddons took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenPeripheralCore took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenPeripheralIntegration took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenPrinter took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:OpenSecurity took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Pet Bat took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Pistronics 2 took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Pressure Pipes took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Progressive Automation took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:QuantumFlux took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:QuantumStorage took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Railcraft took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Recurrent Complex took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Reconstructor took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:RedLogic took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Redstonic took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Refined Relocation took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Resource Loader took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:RFTools took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Remote IO took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Ropes+ took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Scott's Tweaks took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Cuchaz Interactive took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Ships Mod took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Simply Jetpacks took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0) took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Solar Flux took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:The Spice of Life took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Storage Drawers took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Storage Drawers: Misc Pack took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:streams took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Super Crafting Frame took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcarpentry took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft took 0.002s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumcraft Gates took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Bases took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Energistics took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Exploration took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Horizons took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Infusion took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thaumic Tinkerer took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Casting took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Dynamics took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Expansion took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Foundation took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Recycling took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Thermal Smeltery took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Tinkers' Construct took 0.005s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:UsefulFood took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Vein Miner took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Mod Support took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:vending took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Waila took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Waila Harvestability took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:What Are We Looking At took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Localized Weather & Storms took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Core took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Addons took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:WR-CBE Logic took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Wooden Bucket took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Baubles took 0.000s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Microblocks took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Multipart took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Multipart Plugin took 0.001s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: Reloading - LanguageManager took 0.113s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: Loading Resources - Reloading listeners took 0.113s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Finished: Loading Resources took 0.234s
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forge Mod Loader/]: Mod Forge Mod Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Minecraft Forge/]: Mod Minecraft Forge is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Immibis's Microblocks/]: Mod Immibis's Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Not Enough Items/]: Mod Not Enough Items is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenEye/]: Mod OpenEye is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SpaceCore/]: Mod SpaceCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Useful Pets/]: Mod Useful Pets is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Advanced Generators/]: Mod Advanced Generators is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AE2 Stuff/]: Mod AE2 Stuff is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AgriCraft/]: Mod AgriCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Ancient Trees/]: Mod Ancient Trees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AppleCore/]: Mod AppleCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ArmorStatusHUD/]: Mod ArmorStatusHUD is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Plushie Wrapper/]: Mod Plushie Wrapper is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Armourer's Workshop/]: Mod Armourer's Workshop is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Aura Cascade/]: Mod Aura Cascade is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [AutoPackager/]: Mod AutoPackager is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Backpack/]: Mod Backpack is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BD Lib/]: Mod BD Lib is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Big Reactors/]: Mod Big Reactors is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Boilerplate/]: Mod Boilerplate is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft Compat/]: Mod BuildCraft Compat is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Builders/]: Mod BC Builders is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Transport/]: Mod BC Transport is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Energy/]: Mod BC Energy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Silicon/]: Mod BC Silicon is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Robotics/]: Mod BC Robotics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BuildCraft/]: Mod BuildCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [BC Factory/]: Mod BC Factory is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Carnivora/]: Mod Carnivora is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Carpenter's Blocks/]: Mod Carpenter's Blocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH Core/]: Mod CoFH Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Cooking for Blockheads/]: Mod Cooking for Blockheads is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Build Mod/]: Mod Build Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoroPets/]: Mod CoroPets is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoroAI/]: Mod CoroAI is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Extended Renderer/]: Mod Extended Renderer is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Extended Mod Config/]: Mod Extended Mod Config is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CraftingTableIV/]: Mod CraftingTableIV is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Custom Chest Loot/]: Mod Custom Chest Loot is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CustomNpcs/]: Mod CustomNpcs is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Custom Ore Generation/]: Mod Custom Ore Generation is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DrCyano's Lootable Bodies/]: Mod DrCyano's Lootable Bodies is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:36] [Client thread/DEBUG] [D3Core/]: Mod D3Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PTRModelLib/]: Mod PTRModelLib is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Decocraft/]: Mod Decocraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [DummyCore/]: Mod DummyCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights/]: Mod Dynamic Lights is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Creeper Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Creeper Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Flood Light/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Flood Light is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Dynamic Lights Player Light Module/]: Mod Dynamic Lights Player Light Module is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ElecCore/]: Mod ElecCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Enchanting Plus/]: Mod Enchanting Plus is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Enchiridion/]: Mod Enchiridion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Enchiridion 2/]: Mod Enchiridion 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [EnderStorage/]: Mod EnderStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Ender Zoo/]: Mod Ender Zoo is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [farseek/]: Mod farseek is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Flood Lights/]: Mod Flood Lights is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FluxPads/]: Mod FluxPads is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry for Minecraft/]: Mod Forestry for Minecraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GenDustry/]: Mod GenDustry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GraveStone/]: Mod GraveStone is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [GreenThumb/]: Mod GreenThumb is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [HerdCraft/]: Mod HerdCraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Immersive Integration/]: Mod Immersive Integration is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Immibis Core/]: Mod Immibis Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Iron Chest/]: Mod Iron Chest is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [JABBA/]: Mod JABBA is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [JourneyMap/]: Mod JourneyMap is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Kore Sample/]: Mod Kore Sample is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Lantern mod/]: Mod Lantern mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Loot Bags/]: Mod Loot Bags is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Magical Decorations/]: Mod Magical Decorations is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Magic Bees/]: Mod Magic Bees is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Malisis' Doors/]: Mod Malisis' Doors is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Mantle/]: Mod Mantle is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Mariculture/]: Mod Mariculture is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Marine Technlogy/]: Mod Marine Technlogy is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MineTweaker 3/]: Mod MineTweaker 3 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [MoarCarts/]: Mod MoarCarts is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons/]: Mod NEI Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Developer Tools/]: Mod NEI Addons: Developer Tools is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2/]: Mod NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Botany/]: Mod NEI Addons: Botany is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Forestry/]: Mod NEI Addons: Forestry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables/]: Mod NEI Addons: Crafting Tables is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo/]: Mod NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Obsidian Boat/]: Mod Obsidian Boat is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenFM/]: Mod OpenFM is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenLights/]: Mod OpenLights is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Open Modular Turrets/]: Mod Open Modular Turrets is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenSecurity/]: Mod OpenSecurity is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Pet Bat/]: Mod Pet Bat is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Pistronics 2/]: Mod Pistronics 2 is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Pressure Pipes/]: Mod Pressure Pipes is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Progressive Automation/]: Mod Progressive Automation is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [QuantumFlux/]: Mod QuantumFlux is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [QuantumStorage/]: Mod QuantumStorage is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/]: Mod Railcraft is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Recurrent Complex/]: Mod Recurrent Complex is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Reconstructor/]: Mod Reconstructor is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [RedLogic/]: Mod RedLogic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Redstonic/]: Mod Redstonic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Resource Loader/]: Mod Resource Loader is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Ropes+/]: Mod Ropes+ is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Scott's Tweaks/]: Mod Scott's Tweaks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Cuchaz Interactive/]: Mod Cuchaz Interactive is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Ships Mod/]: Mod Ships Mod is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0)/]: Mod TheRealMcrafter's Siren Mod (Version 3.0.0) is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Solar Flux/]: Mod Solar Flux is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [The Spice of Life/]: Mod The Spice of Life is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Storage Drawers/]: Mod Storage Drawers is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack/]: Mod Storage Drawers: Forestry Pack is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Storage Drawers: Misc Pack/]: Mod Storage Drawers: Misc Pack is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [streams/]: Mod streams is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumcarpentry/]: Mod Thaumcarpentry is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumic Bases/]: Mod Thaumic Bases is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumic Energistics/]: Mod Thaumic Energistics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumic Exploration/]: Mod Thaumic Exploration is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumic Horizons/]: Mod Thaumic Horizons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thaumic Tinkerer/]: Mod Thaumic Tinkerer is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Casting/]: Mod Thermal Casting is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Dynamics/]: Mod Thermal Dynamics is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Expansion/]: Mod Thermal Expansion is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Foundation/]: Mod Thermal Foundation is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Recycling/]: Mod Thermal Recycling is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Thermal Smeltery/]: Mod Thermal Smeltery is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [UsefulFood/]: Mod UsefulFood is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [vending/]: Mod vending is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Waila/]: Mod Waila is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Waila Harvestability/]: Mod Waila Harvestability is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [What Are We Looking At/]: Mod What Are We Looking At is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Localized Weather & Storms/]: Mod Localized Weather & Storms is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE Core/]: Mod WR-CBE Core is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE Addons/]: Mod WR-CBE Addons is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [WR-CBE Logic/]: Mod WR-CBE Logic is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Wooden Bucket/]: Mod Wooden Bucket is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bspkrsCore/]: Mod bspkrsCore is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forge Microblocks/]: Mod Forge Microblocks is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forge Multipart/]: Mod Forge Multipart is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Minecraft Multipart Plugin/]: Mod Minecraft Multipart Plugin is missing a pack.mcmeta file, substituting a dummy one
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found 439 ObjectHolder annotations
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found 0 ItemStackHolder annotations
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [mcp/mcp]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod mcp
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Minecraft Coder Pack took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/FML]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FML
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Forge Mod Loader took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [FML/Forge]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forge/Forge]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forge
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Minecraft Forge took 0.035s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2-core/appliedenergistics2-core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod appliedenergistics2-core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2-core/appliedenergistics2-core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod appliedenergistics2-core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Applied Energistics 2 Core took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CodeChickenCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CodeChicken Core took 0.005s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisMicroblocks/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ImmibisMicroblocks
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [farseek.core/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Patching method generateWorld/generateWorld on class cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/GameRegistry
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek.core/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Renaming original method cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/GameRegistry.generateWorld to REPLACED_generateWorld
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmibisMicroblocks/ImmibisMicroblocks]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ImmibisMicroblocks
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Immibis's Microblocks took 0.061s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ivtoolkit/ivtoolkit]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ivtoolkit
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ivtoolkit/ivtoolkit]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ivtoolkit
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - 1.2 took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft-Core/LanteaCraft-Core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod LanteaCraft-Core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [LanteaCraft-Core/LanteaCraft-Core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod LanteaCraft-Core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - LanteaCraft Core took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [MCVanillaTweaks/MCVanillaTweaks]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MCVanillaTweaks
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [MCVanillaTweaks/MCVanillaTweaks]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MCVanillaTweaks
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Mariculture - Vanilla Tweaks took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughItems/NotEnoughItems]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [NotEnoughItems/NotEnoughItems]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod NotEnoughItems
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Not Enough Items took 0.074s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers|Core/OpenComputers|Core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenComputers|Core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - OpenComputers (Core) took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenEye
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenEye/OpenEye]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenEye
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - OpenEye took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThE-core/ThE-core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThE-core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThE-core/ThE-core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThE-core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thaumic Energistics Core took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer-preloader/ThaumicTinkerer-preloader]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer-preloader
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer-preloader/ThaumicTinkerer-preloader]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer-preloader
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thaumic Tinkerer Core took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenModsCore/OpenModsCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenModsCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenModsCore/OpenModsCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod OpenModsCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - OpenModsCore took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [<CoFH ASM>/<CoFH ASM>]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod <CoFH ASM>
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [<CoFH ASM>/<CoFH ASM>]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod <CoFH ASM>
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CoFH ASM took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships.core/cuchaz.ships.core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod cuchaz.ships.core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [cuchaz.ships.core/cuchaz.ships.core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod cuchaz.ships.core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Ships Mod Core took 0.000s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_SpaceCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SC0_SpaceCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - SpaceCore took 0.005s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_UsefulPets/SC0_UsefulPets]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Registering wand object...
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Registering goldClaws object...
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Registering ironClaws object...
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Registering diamondClaws object...
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/SC0_UsefulPets]: Registering domesticEgg object...
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [SC0_UsefulPets/SC0_UsefulPets]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod SC0_UsefulPets
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Useful Pets took 0.043s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [bdlib/bdlib]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod bdlib
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/bdlib]: bdlib loaded
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/bdlib]: List of loaded APIs: * AgriCraftAPI (1.0) from AgriCraft.jar
* AppleCoreAPI (1.1.0) from AppleCore-mc.jar
* appliedenergistics2|API (rv2) from ThaumicTinkerer.jar
* armourersWorkshopAPI (1.7.10- from armourersWorkshop.jar
* Baubles|API ( from fluxpads.jar
* Boilerplate|API (1) from boilerplate.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|blocks (1.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|blueprints (1.5) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|boards (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|core (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|crops (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|events (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|facades (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|filler (4.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|fuels (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|gates (4.1) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|items (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|library (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|lists (1.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|power (1.3) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|recipes (3.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|robotics (3.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|statements (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|tablet (1.0) from buildcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|tiles (1.1) from Railcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|tools (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
* BuildCraftAPI|transport (4.0) from Railcraft.jar
* CarpentersBlocks|API (3.3.7) from CarpentersBlocks.jar
* ChiselAPI (0.1.0) from chisel.jar
* ChiselAPI|Carving (0.1.0) from chisel.jar
* ChiselAPI|Rendering (0.1.0) from chisel.jar
* CoFHAPI (1.7.10R1.1.0) from fluxpads.jar
* CoFHAPI|block (1.7.10R1.0.2) from boilerplate.jar
* CoFHAPI|core (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHAPI|energy (1.7.10R1.0.2) from Forestry.jar
* CoFHAPI|fluid (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHAPI|inventory (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHAPI|item (1.7.10R1.0.2) from boilerplate.jar
* CoFHAPI|modhelpers (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHAPI|tileentity (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderIO.jar
* CoFHAPI|transport (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHAPI|world (1.7.10R1.1.0) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|audio (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|gui (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|gui|container (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|gui|element (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|gui|element|listbox (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|gui|slot (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|inventory (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|render (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|render|particle (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|util (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|util|helpers (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|util|position (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|world (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CoFHLib|world|feature (1.7.10R1.1.1) from CoFHCore.jar
* CraftingTableIV-API (1.0.2) from CraftingTableIV.jar
* CSLib|API (1.0) from Decocraft.jar
* DR-API (1.0.4-Beta) from deepresonance.jar
* ElecCore|Abilities (#API_VER#) from ElecCore.jar
* EnderIOAPI (0.0.2) from EnderIO.jar
* EnderIOAPI|Redstone (0.0.2) from EnderIO.jar
* EnderIOAPI|Teleport (0.0.2) from EnderIO.jar
* EnderIOAPI|Tools (0.0.2) from EnderIO.jar
* ForestryAPI|apiculture (4.8.0) from Forestry.jar
* ForestryAPI|arboriculture (2.3.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|circuits (1.1.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|core (2.6.1) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|farming (1.1.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|food (1.1.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|fuels (2.0.1) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|genetics (2.7.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|hives (4.1.0) from Forestry.jar
* ForestryAPI|lepidopterology (1.1) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|mail (3.0.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|multiblock (3.0.0) from Forestry.jar
* ForestryAPI|recipes (2.1.0) from GraveStone.jar
* ForestryAPI|storage (3.0.0) from Forestry.jar
* ForestryAPI|world (2.1.0) from Forestry.jar
* GameAnalyticsAPI (1.1) from Aura.jar
* GardenCoreAPI (1.0.0) from GardenContainers.jar
* gendustryAPI (2.3.0) from gendustry.jar
* IC2API (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
* ImmersiveEngineering|API (1.0) from ImmersiveEngineering.jar
* McJtyLib (1.8.1) from mcjtylib.jar
* moarcarts|API (1.0) from moarcarts.jar
* OpenBlocks|API (1.1) from OpenBlocks.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Component (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Core (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Driver (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Driver|Item (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Event (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|FileSystem (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Internal (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Machine (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Manual (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Network (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenComputersAPI|Prefab (5.6.4) from OpenComputers.jar
* OpenPeripheralAddonsApi (1.0) from OpenPeripheralCore.jar
* OpenPeripheralApi (3.4) from OpenPeripheralCore.jar
* pressureAPI ( from pressure.jar
* RailcraftAPI|bore (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|carts (1.5.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|core (1.4.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|crafting (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|electricity (1.6.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|events (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|fuel (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|helpers (1.1.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|items (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|locomotive (1.0.1) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|signals (1.3.4) from Railcraft.jar
* RailcraftAPI|tracks (2.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
* RefinedRelocationAPI (1.0.0) from RefinedRelocation.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|config (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|event (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|inventory (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|pack (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|registry (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|render (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|storage (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute (1.7.10-1.2.0) from StorageDrawers.jar
* Thaumcraft|API ( from GraveStone.jar
* thaumicenergistics|API (1.1) from thaumicenergistics.jar
* VeinMinerApi (0.1) from VeinMiner.jar
* WailaAPI (1.2) from waila.jar
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/bdlib]: Initialized network channel 'bdew.multiblock' for mod 'bdlib'
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [bdlib/bdlib]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod bdlib
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BD Lib took 0.076s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/CoFHCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoFHCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld/CoFHCore]: Registering Default Templates.
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld/CoFHCore]: Registering default generators
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [CoFHWorld/CoFHCore]: Complete
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [malisiscore/CoFHCore]: Found hooks for (apx)
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/CoFHCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoFHCore
[01:35:37] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CoFH Core took 0.482s
[01:35:37] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Core/BuildCraft|Core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [BuildCraft/BuildCraft|Core]: Starting BuildCraft 7.1.14
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [BuildCraft/BuildCraft|Core]: Copyright (c) the BuildCraft team, 2011-2015
[01:35:37] [Client thread/INFO] [BuildCraft/BuildCraft|Core]:
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Core/BuildCraft|Core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Core
[01:35:38] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BuildCraft took 0.226s
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Silicon/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Automatically registered mod BuildCraft|Silicon entity bcPackageThrowable as BuildCraft|Silicon.bcPackageThrowable
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Silicon/BuildCraft|Silicon]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Silicon
[01:35:38] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Silicon took 0.119s
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForgeMultipart/ForgeMultipart]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForgeMultipart
[01:35:38] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Forge Multipart took 0.681s
[01:35:38] [Client thread/TRACE] [pressure/pressure]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod pressure
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Loading internal config files for mod Pressure Pipes
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/pressure.jar!/assets/pressure/config/settings.cfg
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Starting parsing
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Processing 3 statements
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Items.HandPump.MaxDrain = EntryDouble(4000.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Items.Canister.Capacity = EntryDouble(64000.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Items.Canister.MaxPour = EntryDouble(4000.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Modules.TankBlock.Capacity = EntryDouble(32000.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Modules.Drain.MakeXPOrbs = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Modules.Drain.XPJuiceRatio = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Modules.Drain.MobEssenceRatio = EntryDouble(125.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Required.TankBlock = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.FluidInput = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.FluidOutput = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.FluidFilter = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.TankBlock = EntryDouble(200.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.TankInterface = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.Sensor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.TankDataPort = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.TankController.Modules.FluidAccess = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Config: Machines.Router.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Done
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/pressure.jar!/assets/pressure/config/recipes.cfg
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Starting parsing
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Processing 5 statements
[01:35:39] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/pressure]: Done
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Loading user config files for mod Pressure Pipes
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Config loading for mod Pressure Pipes finished
[01:35:39] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/pressure]: Loaded creative tabs for pressure
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/pressure]: Registered multipart: bdew.pressure.pipe
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/pressure]: Registered multipart: bdew.pressure.checkvalve
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/pressure]: Registered multipart: bdew.pressure.pipesensor
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [pressure/pressure]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod pressure
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Pressure Pipes took 1.248s
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [Baubles/Baubles]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Baubles
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [Baubles/Baubles]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Baubles
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Baubles took 0.021s
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThermalFoundation
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Loading Plugins...
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalFoundation]: Stripping methods and fields from cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalFoundation]: Nothing stripped from cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalFoundation]: Stripping methods and fields from cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.tconstruct.TConstructPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalFoundation]: Nothing stripped from cofh.thermalfoundation.plugins.tconstruct.TConstructPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Thermal Foundation: Finished Loading Plugins.
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalFoundation/ThermalFoundation]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThermalFoundation
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thermal Foundation took 0.223s
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThermalExpansion
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Adding runtime interfaces to cofh.thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrenchBattle
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Adding runtime interfaces to cofh.thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: ThermalExpansion: Loading Plugins...
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Stripping methods and fields from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.eio.EIOPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Nothing stripped from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.eio.EIOPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Stripping methods and fields from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.forestry.ForestryPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Nothing stripped from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.forestry.ForestryPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Stripping methods and fields from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CoFH ASM/ThermalExpansion]: Nothing stripped from cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.thaumcraft.ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: Thermal Expansion: Finished Loading Plugins.
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThermalExpansion/ThermalExpansion]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThermalExpansion
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thermal Expansion took 0.323s
[01:35:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod advgenerators
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: IC2 Version: NOT FOUND
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: RF Version: CoFHAPI 1.7.10R1.1.0
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading internal config files for mod Advanced Generators
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/generators.cfg
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 3 statements
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Modules.FuelTank.Capacity = EntryDouble(16000.0)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Modules.HeatExchanger.HeatTransfer = EntryDouble(16.0)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: ModSupport.BuildCraft.ImportCombustionEngineFuels = EntryStr(True)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: ModSupport.BuildCraft.TurbineMinimumFuelValue = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Power.RF_MJ_Ratio = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Power.EU_MJ_Ratio = EntryDouble(2.5)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Power.EU.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Power.RF.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/recipes.cfg
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 1 statements
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:40] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine.cfg
[01:35:40] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 2 statements
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.FuelEfficiency.Base = EntryDouble(1.1)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.FuelEfficiency.Tier1 = EntryDouble(1.35)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.FuelEfficiency.Tier2 = EntryDouble(1.85)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.InternalPowerCapacity = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.InternalFuelCapacity = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Required.Turbine = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.PowerOutput = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.Turbine = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.FluidInput = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.FuelTank = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.PowerCapacitor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.Sensor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.Control = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.EfficiencyUpgradeTier1 = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.TurbineController.Modules.EfficiencyUpgradeTier2 = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.InertiaFunctionMultiplier = EntryDouble(0.025)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.InertiaFunctionExponent = EntryDouble(-2.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.SpinUpMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.BaseDragMultiplier = EntryDouble(0.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.CoilDragMultiplier = EntryDouble(0.75)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.SteamEnergyDensity = EntryDouble(0.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.MaxRPM = EntryDouble(5000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.InternalPowerCapacity = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.InternalSteamCapacity = EntryDouble(16000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Required.Turbine = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.PowerOutput = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.Turbine = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.FluidInput = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.PowerCapacitor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.Sensor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SteamTurbineController.Modules.Control = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/exchanger.cfg
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 2 statements
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.InternalTankCapacity = EntryDouble(16000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.MaxHeat = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.StartHeating = EntryDouble(150.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.HeatDecay = EntryDouble(0.05)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Required.HeatExchanger = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.FluidInput = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.FluidOutputSelect = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.ItemOutput = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.HeatExchanger = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.Sensor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.HeatExchangerController.Modules.Control = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/syngas.cfg
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 2 statements
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.WorkHeat = EntryDouble(150.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.MaxHeat = EntryDouble(200.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.CarbonPerMBSyngas = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.SteamPerMBSyngas = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.WaterSteamRatio = EntryDouble(3.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.MixingChamberThroughput = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.HeatingChamberThroughput = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.HeatingChamberHeating = EntryDouble(0.1)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.HeatingChamberLoss = EntryDouble(0.02)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.CarbonPerHeat = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.InternalTankCapacity = EntryDouble(32000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Required.MixingChamber = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.ItemInput = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.FluidInput = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.FluidOutputSelect = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.HeatingChamber = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.MixingChamber = EntryDouble(25.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.Sensor = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: Machines.SyngasController.Modules.Control = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/turbine-materials.cfg
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 9 statements
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.Tier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.RegisterBlade = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.RegisterRotor = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Iron.RegisterKit = EntryStr(No)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Gold.Tier = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Gold.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.1)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Gold.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(15.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Gold.RegisterBlade = EntryStr(No)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Steel.Tier = EntryDouble(3.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Steel.ReqOreDict = EntryStr(ingotSteel)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Steel.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Steel.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Bronze.Tier = EntryDouble(3.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Bronze.ReqOreDict = EntryStr(ingotBronze)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Bronze.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.1)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Bronze.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Enderium.Tier = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Enderium.ReqOreDict = EntryStr(ingotEnderium)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Enderium.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Enderium.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Vibrant.Tier = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Vibrant.ReqOreDict = EntryStr(ingotPhasedGold)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Vibrant.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Vibrant.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Manyullyn.Tier = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Manyullyn.ReqOreDict = EntryStr(ingotManyullyn)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Manyullyn.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.Manyullyn.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.AdvAlloy.Tier = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.AdvAlloy.ReqMod = EntryStr(IC2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.AdvAlloy.InertiaMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.2)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: TurbineMaterials.AdvAlloy.MaxMJPerTick = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/advgenerators.jar!/assets/advgenerators/config/capacitor-materials.cfg
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Starting parsing
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Processing 2 statements
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Redstone.Tier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Redstone.MJCapacity = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Redstone.RegisterKit = EntryStr(No)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Advanced.Tier = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Advanced.MJCapacity = EntryDouble(500000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Dense.Tier = EntryDouble(3.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config: CapacitorMaterials.Dense.MJCapacity = EntryDouble(2500000.0)
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Done
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loading user config files for mod Advanced Generators
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Config loading for mod Advanced Generators finished
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/advgenerators]: Loaded creative tabs for advgenerators
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Pressure pipes detected (net.bdew.pressure.pressurenet.Helper$@a87db88), adding pressure modules
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Fluid 'syngas' not registered by any other mod, creating...
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Adding block for fluid 'syngas'
[01:35:41] [Client thread/TRACE] [advgenerators/advgenerators]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod advgenerators
[01:35:41] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Advanced Generators took 0.739s
[01:35:41] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2/appliedenergistics2]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod appliedenergistics2
[01:35:41] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2:C/appliedenergistics2]: Pre Initialization ( started )
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: func_145839_a(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: func_145841_b(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/NBTTagCompound;)V - Transformed
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/IC2
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Power.AdvancedShaftPowerReceiver from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface Reika.RotaryCraft.API.Interfaces.Transducerable from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Method Tick_RotaryCraft from appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft because RotaryCraft integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/RotaryCraft
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RF integration is enabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface from appeng/tile/powersink/MekJoules because Mekanism integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/tile/powersink/MekJoules
[01:35:42] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Automatically registered mod appliedenergistics2 entity EntityTinyTNTPrimed as appliedenergistics2.EntityTinyTNTPrimed
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.rednet.connectivity.IRedNetConnection from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Method getConnectionType from appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus because MFR integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/block/networking/BlockCableBus
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/quartz/ToolQuartzWrench because BuildCraftCore integration is enabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface ic2.api.item.ISpecialElectricItem from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface ic2.api.item.IElectricItemManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Method getManager from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2 because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/IC2
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/powered/powersink/RedstoneFlux because RFItem integration is enabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/items/tools/ToolNetworkTool because BuildCraftCore integration is enabled.
[01:35:42] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Automatically registered mod appliedenergistics2 entity EntityChargedQuartz as appliedenergistics2.EntityChargedQuartz
[01:35:42] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Automatically registered mod appliedenergistics2 entity EntitySingularity as appliedenergistics2.EntitySingularity
[01:35:42] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Skipping automatic mod appliedenergistics2 entity registration for already registered class appeng.entity.EntitySingularity
[01:35:42] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Skipping automatic mod appliedenergistics2 entity registration for already registered class appeng.entity.EntitySingularity
[01:35:42] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/appliedenergistics2]: Automatically registered mod appliedenergistics2 entity EntityGrowingCrystal as appliedenergistics2.EntityGrowingCrystal
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/misc/PartStorageBus because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface buildcraft.api.transport.IPipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Method overridePipeConnection from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PItems because BuildCraftTransport integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power because IC2 integration is disabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PIC2Power
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PRFPower because RF integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2POpenComputers because OpenComputers integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Allowing Interface from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2POpenComputers because OpenComputers integration is enabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Removing Interface pneumaticCraft.api.tileentity.ISidedPneumaticMachine from appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PPressure because PneumaticCraft integration is disabled.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2-CORE/appliedenergistics2]: Updated appeng/parts/p2p/PartP2PPressure
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2:C/appliedenergistics2]: Starting AE2 VersionChecker
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [AE2:C/appliedenergistics2]: Pre Initialization ( ended after 1937ms )
[01:35:43] [Client thread/TRACE] [appliedenergistics2/appliedenergistics2]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod appliedenergistics2
[01:35:43] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [AE2:C/appliedenergistics2]: Last check was just recently.
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Applied Energistics 2 took 1.938s
[01:35:43] [AE2 VersionChecker/INFO] [AE2:C/appliedenergistics2]: Stopping AE2 VersionChecker
[01:35:43] [Client thread/TRACE] [ae2stuff/ae2stuff]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ae2stuff
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Loading internal config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ae2stuff.jar!/assets/ae2stuff/config/tuning.cfg
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Starting parsing
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Processing 1 statements
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Encoder.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Encoder.IdlePower = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Grower.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Grower.IdlePower = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Grower.CycleTicks = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Grower.CyclePower = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Grower.PowerCapacity = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Inscriber.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Inscriber.IdlePower = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Inscriber.CyclePower = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Inscriber.PowerCapacity = EntryDouble(5000.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Inscriber.CycleTicks = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Wireless.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Wireless.PowerBase = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config: Machines.Wireless.PowerDistanceMultiplier = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Done
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/ae2stuff.jar!/assets/ae2stuff/config/recipes.cfg
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Starting parsing
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Processing 4 statements
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Done
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Loading user config files for mod AE2 Stuff
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Config loading for mod AE2 Stuff finished
[01:35:43] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/ae2stuff]: Loaded creative tabs for ae2stuff
[01:35:43] [Client thread/TRACE] [ae2stuff/ae2stuff]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ae2stuff
[01:35:43] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - AE2 Stuff took 0.260s
[01:35:43] [Client thread/TRACE] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod AgriCraft
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:crops
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:seedAnalyzer
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:waterPad
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:waterPadFull
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:waterTank
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:waterChannel
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:waterChannelFull
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:channelValve
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:sprinkler
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:seedStorage
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into com/InfinityRaider/AgriCraft/tileentity/peripheral/TileEntityPeripheral.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Checking if class com/InfinityRaider/AgriCraft/tileentity/peripheral/TileEntityPeripheral is a TileEntity...
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Checking if class com/InfinityRaider/AgriCraft/tileentity/TileEntitySeedAnalyzer is a TileEntity...
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Checking if class com/InfinityRaider/AgriCraft/tileentity/TileEntityAgricraft is a TileEntity...
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Found original implementation of 'readFromNBT', wrapping.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Found original implementation of 'writeToNBT', wrapping.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Injecting interface.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/AgriCraft]: Successfully injected component logic into class com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.tileentity.peripheral.TileEntityPeripheral.
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:peripheral
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:fence
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:fenceGate
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:grate
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropPotato
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedPotato
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropCarrot
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedCarrot
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropSugarcane
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedSugarcane
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropDandelion
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedDandelion
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropPoppy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedPoppy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropOrchid
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedOrchid
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropAllium
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedAllium
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropTulipRed
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedTulipRed
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropTulipOrange
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedTulipOrange
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropTulipWhite
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedTulipWhite
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropTulipPink
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedTulipPink
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropDaisy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedDaisy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropCactus
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedCactus
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropShroomRed
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedShroomRed
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering tile.agricraft:cropShroomBrown
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:seedShroomBrown
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: Crops registered
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:cropsItem
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:journal
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:magnifyingGlass
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:debugger
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:trowel
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:handRake
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:clipper
[01:35:44] [Client thread/INFO] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: registering item.agricraft:clipping
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [AgriCraft/AgriCraft]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod AgriCraft
[01:35:44] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - AgriCraft took 0.846s
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Builders/BuildCraft|Builders]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Builders/BuildCraft|Builders]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Builders
[01:35:44] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Builders took 0.114s
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Energy/BuildCraft|Energy]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Energy/BuildCraft|Energy]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Energy
[01:35:44] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Energy took 0.096s
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Factory/BuildCraft|Factory]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Factory/BuildCraft|Factory]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Factory
[01:35:44] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Factory took 0.066s
[01:35:44] [Client thread/TRACE] [Thaumcraft/Thaumcraft]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Thaumcraft
[01:35:45] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Thaumcraft]: Method thaumcraft.common.tiles.TileCrucible.fill(Lnet/minecraftforge/common/util/ForgeDirection;Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/FluidStack;Z)I: Replacing GETFIELD fluidID with INVOKEVIRTUAL getFluidID
[01:35:46] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Thaumcraft]: Method thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.EntityGolemBase.updateCarried()V: Replacing GETFIELD fluidID with INVOKEVIRTUAL getFluidID
[01:35:46] [Client thread/INFO] [ThE-Core/Thaumcraft]: Transforming Class (thaumcraft/common/entities/golems/EntityGolemBase)
[01:35:46] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/Thaumcraft]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$4$1.createVisitor( Trying to apply player render hook (class: bop)
[01:35:46] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/Thaumcraft]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of player_render_hook updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[01:35:46] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/Thaumcraft]: openmods.renderer.PlayerRendererHookVisitor$InjectorMethodVisitor.<init>( Injecting hook class;F)V into EntityPlayerRender.rotateCorpse
[01:35:46] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/Thaumcraft]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of player_render_hook updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[01:35:46] [Client thread/TRACE] [Thaumcraft/Thaumcraft]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Thaumcraft
[01:35:46] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thaumcraft took 2.062s
[01:35:46] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Railcraft
[01:35:46] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Railcraft Config: Doing preinit parsing
[01:35:48] [Client thread/INFO] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Module disabled: IC2
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Start: ModuleCore
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find IC2 item cell
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item canEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item waxCapsule
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item refractoryEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find IC2 item cell
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item canEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item waxCapsule
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item refractoryEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item canEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find IC2 item cell
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item waxCapsule
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item refractoryEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/WARN] [FML/Railcraft]: A mod has attempted to assign Block mods.railcraft.common.fluids.BlockRailcraftFluidFinite@4e797a42 to the Fluid 'steam' but this Fluid has already been linked to the Block cofh.thermalfoundation.fluid.BlockFluidSteam@589e3f70. You may have duplicate Fluid Blocks as a result. It *may* be possible to configure your mods to avoid this.
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find IC2 item cell
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item canEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item waxCapsule
[01:35:48] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Searched for but failed to find FORESTRY item refractoryEmpty
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity ItemFireproof as Railcraft.ItemFireproof
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Complete: ModuleCore
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Start: ModuleStructures
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Complete: ModuleStructures
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Start: ModuleAutomation
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Complete: ModuleAutomation
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Start: ModuleWorld
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Complete: ModuleWorld
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Start: ModuleEmblem
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Pre-Init Complete: ModuleEmblem
[01:35:48] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleCore
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.command.block as Railcraft.cart.command.block
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.basic as Railcraft.cart.basic
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.chest as Railcraft.cart.chest
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.furnace as Railcraft.cart.furnace
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.tnt as Railcraft.cart.tnt
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/Railcraft]: Skipping automatic mod Railcraft entity registration for already registered class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleCore
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleFactory
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleFactory
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleExtras
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity as
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleExtras
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTrack
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTrack
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTracksHighSpeed
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTracksHighSpeed
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTracksWood
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTracksWood
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTracksReinforced
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTracksReinforced
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTracksElectric
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTracksElectric
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleSignals
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleSignals
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleStructures
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleStructures
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleAutomation
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.bore as Railcraft.cart.bore
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.track.relayer as Railcraft.cart.track.relayer
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.undercutter as Railcraft.cart.undercutter
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.track.layer as Railcraft.cart.track.layer
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.track.remover as Railcraft.cart.track.remover
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleAutomation
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTransport
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.tank as Railcraft.cart.tank
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.cargo as Railcraft.cart.cargo
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTransport
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleThaumcraft
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleThaumcraft
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleSteam
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleSteam
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleWorld
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreSulfur, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@0 meta=0
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreSaltpeter, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@1 meta=1
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreDiamond, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@2 meta=2
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreEmerald, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@3 meta=3
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreLapis, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@4 meta=4
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreFirestone, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@5 meta=5
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorCopper, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@9 meta=9
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorGold, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@8 meta=8
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorIron, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@7 meta=7
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorTin, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@10 meta=10
[01:35:49] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orePoorLead, id=1xtile.railcraft.ore@11 meta=11
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleWorld
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleChunkLoading
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.anchor.personal as Railcraft.cart.anchor.personal
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.anchor.admin as Railcraft.cart.anchor.admin
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleChunkLoading
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleSeasonal
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.pumpkin as Railcraft.cart.pumpkin
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity as
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleSeasonal
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleTrain
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleTrain
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleLocomotives
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.loco.steam.solid as Railcraft.cart.loco.steam.solid
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity cart.loco.electric as Railcraft.cart.loco.electric
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleLocomotives
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleRouting
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleRouting
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleEmblem
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleEmblem
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleMagic
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/Railcraft]: Automatically registered mod Railcraft entity ItemFirestone as Railcraft.ItemFirestone
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleMagic
[01:35:49] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Start: ModuleElectricity
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Init-First Complete: ModuleElectricity
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [Railcraft/Railcraft]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Railcraft
[01:35:50] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Railcraft took 3.133s
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod chisel
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Starting pre-init...
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Loading blocks...
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature twilightForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: 100 Feature's blocks loaded.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Loading Tile Entities...
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Tile Entities loaded.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Loading items...
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Automatically registered mod chisel entity BallOMoss as chisel.BallOMoss
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature bloodRune as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature bloodBlock as its required mod AWWayofTime was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Automatically registered mod chisel entity CloudInABottle as chisel.CloudInABottle
[01:35:50] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/chisel]: Automatically registered mod chisel entity SmashingRock as chisel.SmashingRock
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature twilightForest as its required mod TwilightForest was missing.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfMazestone as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfTowerstone as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Skipping feature tfUnderBrick as its parent feature twilightForest was disabled.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: 100 Feature's items loaded.
[01:35:50] [Client thread/INFO] [Chisel 2/chisel]: Pre-init finished.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ForgeMultipart/chisel]: Registered multipart: chisel_torch
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [chisel/chisel]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod chisel
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Chisel 2 took 1.007s
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Initializing.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering ALPINE with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering AUTUMNWOODS with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering BIRCHFOREST with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering EXTREMEJUNGLE with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering FORESTEDHILLS with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering FORESTEDISLAND with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering GREENHILLS with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering GREENSWAMP with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering MEADOW with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering MINIJUNGLE with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering MOUNTAINDESERT with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering MOUNTAINRIDGE with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering MOUNTAINTAIGA with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering PINEFOREST with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering RAINFOREST with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering SAVANNA with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering SHRUBLAND with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering SNOWYFOREST with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering TEMPORATERAINFOREST with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering TUNDRA with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering WASTELAND with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: registering WOODLANDS with dictionary
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeLeaves, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.leaves@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeLeaves, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.leaves@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeLeaves, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.leaves@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeLeaves, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.leaves@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeSapling, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.sapling@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeSapling, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.sapling@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.log@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.newlog@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.log@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.baldcypressquarter@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.rainboweucalyptusquarter@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.oakquarter@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.firquarter@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.redwoodquarter@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.cypresskneelog@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.extrabiomes.rainbowkneelog@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: BLACK = DYE_BLACK
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: BLUE = DYE_BLUE
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: BROWN = DYE_BROWN
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: WHITE = DYE_WHITE
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [EnderCore/ExtrabiomesXL]: Transforming Class [], Method [func_76564_j]
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [EnderCore/ExtrabiomesXL]: Transforming Finished.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]: openmods.core.OpenModsClassTransformer$3$1.createVisitor( Trying to patch MapGenStructure (class: ave)
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of map_gen_fix updated from ENABLED to ACTIVATED
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]:$FixerMethodVisitor.visitTypeInsn( Found checkcast to 'avm'
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]:$FixerMethodVisitor.visitVarInsn( Found var: 23
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]:$FixerMethodVisitor.visitMethodInsn( Found 'StructureStart.isSizeableStructure' (avm.d) call
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]:$FixerMethodVisitor.visitJumpInsn( All conditions matched, inserting extra condition
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenMods/ExtrabiomesXL]: openmods.utils.StateTracker$StateUpdater.update( State of map_gen_fix updated from ACTIVATED to FINISHED
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome alpine.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome autumnwoods.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome birchforest.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome forestedhills.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome forestedisland.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome glacier disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome greenhills.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome greenswamp.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome icewasteland disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome marsh disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome meadow.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome pineforest.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome redwoodforest disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome redwoodlush disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome savanna.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome shrubland.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome snowyforest.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Custom biome snowyrainforest disabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome tundra.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Village spawning enabled for custom biome woodlands.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Module CAUTIA is enabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Module FABRICA is enabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Module AMICA is enabled.
[01:35:51] [Client thread/INFO] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Name: ExtrabiomesXL:double_woodslab
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ExtrabiomesXL]: Automatically registered mod ExtrabiomesXL entity scarecrow as ExtrabiomesXL.scarecrow
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtrabiomesXL/ExtrabiomesXL]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtrabiomesXL
[01:35:51] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - ExtrabiomesXL took 0.940s
[01:35:51] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forestry/Forestry]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forestry
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: BIOMESOPLENTY
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: EREBUS
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: EXTRAUTILITIES
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: GROWTHCRAFT
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: HARVESTCRAFT
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: INDUSTRIALCRAFT
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: MAGICALCROPS
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module Natura Plugin failed to load: Natura not found
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module disabled: PLANTMEGAPACK
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module RotaryCraft Plugin failed to load: RotaryCraft not found
[01:35:52] [Client thread/INFO] [Forestry/Forestry]: Module Witchery Plugin failed to load: Witchery not found
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Core Plugin
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreApatite, id=1xtile.for.resources@0 meta=0
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCopper, id=1xtile.for.resources@1 meta=1
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreTin, id=1xtile.for.resources@2 meta=2
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Core Plugin
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Fluids Plugin
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Fluids Plugin
[01:35:52] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Apiculture Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Apiculture Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Arboriculture Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.for.logs@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: logWood, id=1xtile.for.logsFireproof@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeSapling, id=1xtile.for.saplingGE@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/Forestry]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: treeLeaves, id=1xtile.for.leaves@32767 meta=32,767
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Arboriculture Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Energy Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Energy Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Factory Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Factory Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Farming Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Farming Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Food Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Food Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Lepidopterology Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Lepidopterology Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Mail Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Mail Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Storage Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Storage Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: BuildCraft 6 Fuels Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: BuildCraft 6 Fuels Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: BuildCraft 6 Statements Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: BuildCraft 6 Statements Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: BuildCraft 6 Transport Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: BuildCraft 6 Transport Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: AgriCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: AgriCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: Chisel Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: Chisel Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: EnderIO Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: EnderIO Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Start: ImmersiveEngineering Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Setup Complete: ImmersiveEngineering Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: BiomesOPlenty Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: BiomesOPlenty Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: Erebus Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: Erebus Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: ExtraUtilities Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: ExtraUtilities Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: Growthcraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: Growthcraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: HarvestCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: HarvestCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: IndustrialCraft2 Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: IndustrialCraft2 Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: MagicalCrops Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: MagicalCrops Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: Natura Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: Natura Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: PlantMegaPack Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: PlantMegaPack Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: RotaryCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: RotaryCraft Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Start: Witchery Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Disabled-Setup Complete: Witchery Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Core Plugin
[01:35:53] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Core Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Core Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Fluids Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Fluids Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Fluids Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Apiculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Apiculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Apiculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Arboriculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Arboriculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Arboriculture Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Energy Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Energy Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Energy Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Factory Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Factory Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Factory Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Farming Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Farming Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Farming Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Food Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Food Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Food Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Lepidopterology Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Lepidopterology Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Lepidopterology Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Mail Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Mail Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Mail Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Storage Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Storage Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Storage Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: BuildCraft 6 Fuels Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: BuildCraft 6 Fuels Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: BuildCraft 6 Fuels Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: BuildCraft 6 Recipes Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: BuildCraft 6 Statements Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: BuildCraft 6 Statements Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: BuildCraft 6 Statements Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: BuildCraft 6 Transport Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: BuildCraft 6 Transport Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: BuildCraft 6 Transport Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: AgriCraft Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: AgriCraft Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: AgriCraft Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: Chisel Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: Chisel Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: Chisel Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: EnderIO Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: EnderIO Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: EnderIO Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Start: ImmersiveEngineering Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Registering Handlers for Plugin: ImmersiveEngineering Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Forestry/Forestry]: Pre-Init Complete: ImmersiveEngineering Plugin
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [Forestry/Forestry]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Forestry
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Forestry for Minecraft took 2.562s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [koresample/koresample]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod koresample
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [koresample/koresample]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod koresample
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Kore Sample took 0.000s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawers/StorageDrawers]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod StorageDrawers
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [StorageDrawers/StorageDrawers]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod StorageDrawers
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Storage Drawers took 0.114s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [dendrology/dendrology]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod dendrology
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [dendrology/dendrology]: Loading overworld species.
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [dendrology/dendrology]: Hiding saplings in chests.
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [dendrology/dendrology]: Preparing integration with other mods.
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [minechem/dendrology]: Minechem not present. Pre-initialized state integration skipped.
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [MineFactoryReloaded/dendrology]: MineFactoryReloaded not present. Pre-initialized state integration skipped.
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [dendrology/dendrology]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod dendrology
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Ancient Trees took 0.200s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod AppleCore
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Parsed dependency info : [] [] []
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [AppleCore/AppleCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod AppleCore
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - AppleCore took 0.036s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [bspkrsCore/bspkrsCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod bspkrsCore
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [bspkrsCore/bspkrsCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod bspkrsCore
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - bspkrsCore took 0.016s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [ArmorStatusHUD/ArmorStatusHUD]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [ArmorStatusHUD/ArmorStatusHUD]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ArmorStatusHUD
[01:35:54] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - ArmorStatusHUD took 0.016s
[01:35:54] [Client thread/TRACE] [armourersWorkshop/armourersWorkshop]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod armourersWorkshop
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Loading Armourer's Workshop 1.7.10-
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Loading Tinkers' Construct Compatibility Addon
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Loading BuildCraft Compatibility Addon
[01:35:54] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Buildcraft detected! - Enabling knishes support.
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: BuildCraft robot skin support active.
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:0 name:armourers:head
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:1 name:armourers:chest
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:2 name:armourers:legs
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:3 name:armourers:feet
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:4 name:armourers:sword
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:5 name:armourers:bow
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:6 name:armourers:arrow
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering skin type - id:7 name:armourers:block
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering equipment cube - id:0 name:Cube
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering equipment cube - id:1 name:CubeGlowing
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering equipment cube - id:2 name:CubeGlass
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [Armourer's Workshop/armourersWorkshop]: Registering equipment cube - id:3 name:CubeGlassGlowing
[01:35:55] [Client thread/TRACE] [armourersWorkshop/armourersWorkshop]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod armourersWorkshop
[01:35:55] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Armourer's Workshop took 0.353s
[01:35:55] [Client thread/TRACE] [plushieWrapper/plushieWrapper]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod plushieWrapper
[01:35:55] [Client thread/INFO] [plushieWrapper/plushieWrapper]: Loading Plushie Wrapper version 0.0.0
[01:35:55] [Client thread/TRACE] [plushieWrapper/plushieWrapper]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod plushieWrapper
[01:35:55] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Plushie Wrapper took 0.005s
[01:35:55] [Client thread/TRACE] [aura/aura]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod aura
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [aura/aura]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod aura
[01:35:56] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Aura Cascade took 0.728s
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [autopackager/autopackager]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod autopackager
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [autopackager/autopackager]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod autopackager
[01:35:56] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - AutoPackager took 0.015s
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [Backpack/Backpack]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Backpack
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [Backpack/Backpack]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Backpack
[01:35:56] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Backpack took 0.025s
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [BiblioCraft/BiblioCraft]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/BiblioCraft]: Automatically registered mod BiblioCraft entity SeatEntity as BiblioCraft.SeatEntity
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [BiblioCraft/BiblioCraft]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BiblioCraft
[01:35:56] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BiblioCraft took 0.924s
[01:35:56] [Client thread/TRACE] [BigReactors/BigReactors]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BigReactors
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/BigReactors]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreYellorite, id=1xtile.brOre.0@0 meta=0
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/BigReactors]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreYellorium, id=1xtile.brOre.0@0 meta=0
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityReactorComputerPort.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityReactorComputerPort is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityReactorPart is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityReactorPartBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/rectangular/RectangularMultiblockTileEntityBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/MultiblockTileEntityBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/IMultiblockPart is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'readFromNBT', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'writeToNBT', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting interface.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityReactorComputerPort.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityTurbineComputerPort.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityTurbineComputerPort is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityTurbinePartStandard is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/bigreactors/common/multiblock/tileentity/TileEntityTurbinePartBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/rectangular/RectangularMultiblockTileEntityBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/MultiblockTileEntityBase is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class erogenousbeef/core/multiblock/IMultiblockPart is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'readFromNBT', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: No original implementation of 'writeToNBT', will inject override.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Injecting interface.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/BigReactors]: Successfully injected component logic into class erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.multiblock.tileentity.TileEntityTurbineComputerPort.
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BigReactors]: Method erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.tileentity.base.TileEntityPoweredInventoryFluid.canFill(Lnet/minecraftforge/common/util/ForgeDirection;Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/Fluid;)Z: Replacing GETFIELD fluidID with INVOKEVIRTUAL getFluidID
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/BigReactors]: Method erogenousbeef.bigreactors.common.tileentity.base.TileEntityPoweredInventoryFluid.canDrain(Lnet/minecraftforge/common/util/ForgeDirection;Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/Fluid;)Z: Replacing GETFIELD fluidID with INVOKEVIRTUAL getFluidID
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BigReactors/BigReactors]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BigReactors
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Big Reactors took 0.267s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [boilerplate/boilerplate]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod boilerplate
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [boilerplate/boilerplate]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod boilerplate
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Boilerplate took 0.001s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Transport/BuildCraft|Transport]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Transport/BuildCraft|Transport]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Transport
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Transport took 0.379s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Compat/BuildCraft|Compat]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Compat/BuildCraft|Compat]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Compat
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BuildCraft Compat took 0.074s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Robotics/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildCraft|Robotics/BuildCraft|Robotics]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildCraft|Robotics
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - BC Robotics took 0.170s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [Carnivora/Carnivora]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Carnivora
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [Carnivora/Carnivora]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Carnivora
[01:35:57] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Carnivora took 0.011s
[01:35:57] [Client thread/TRACE] [CarpentersBlocks/CarpentersBlocks]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:58] [Client thread/INFO] [CarpentersBlocks/CarpentersBlocks]: Designs found: Bed(6), Chisel(9), FlowerPot(18), Tile(13)
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CarpentersBlocks/CarpentersBlocks]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CarpentersBlocks
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Carpenter's Blocks took 0.269s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [cookingbook/cookingbook]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod cookingbook
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [cookingbook/cookingbook]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod cookingbook
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Cooking for Blockheads took 0.005s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildMod/BuildMod]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildMod
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [BuildMod/BuildMod]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod BuildMod
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Build Mod took 0.026s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroPets/CoroPets]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoroPets
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroPets/CoroPets]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoroPets
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CoroPets took 0.003s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroAI/CoroAI]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoroAI
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoroAI/CoroAI]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoroAI
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CoroAI took 0.016s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtendedRenderer/ExtendedRenderer]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ExtendedRenderer/ExtendedRenderer]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ExtendedRenderer
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Extended Renderer took 0.000s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ConfigMod/ConfigMod]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ConfigMod
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ConfigMod/ConfigMod]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ConfigMod
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Extended Mod Config took 0.010s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ElecCore/ElecCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ElecCore
[01:35:58] [Client thread/INFO] [ElecCore/ElecCore]: ElecCore has Pre-initialized
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [ElecCore/ElecCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ElecCore
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - ElecCore took 0.057s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CraftingTableIV/CraftingTableIV]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CraftingTableIV
[01:35:58] [Client thread/INFO] [CraftingTableIV/CraftingTableIV]: CraftingTableIV has Pre-initialized
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CraftingTableIV/CraftingTableIV]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CraftingTableIV
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CraftingTableIV took 0.067s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomChestLoot/CustomChestLoot]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomChestLoot
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomChestLoot/CustomChestLoot]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomChestLoot
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Custom Chest Loot took 0.006s
[01:35:58] [Client thread/TRACE] [customnpcs/customnpcs]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod customnpcs
[01:35:58] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/customnpcs]: Bar Finished: Loading Resource - CustomNpcResourceListener took 0.039s
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npchumanmale as customnpcs.npchumanmale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcvillager as customnpcs.npcvillager
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcpony as customnpcs.npcpony
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npchumanfemale as customnpcs.npchumanfemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcdwarfmale as customnpcs.npcdwarfmale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcfurrymale as customnpcs.npcfurrymale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npczombiemale as customnpcs.npczombiemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npczombiefemale as customnpcs.npczombiefemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcskeleton as customnpcs.npcskeleton
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcdwarffemale as customnpcs.npcdwarffemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcfurryfemale as customnpcs.npcfurryfemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcorcfmale as customnpcs.npcorcfmale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcorcfemale as customnpcs.npcorcfemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcelfmale as customnpcs.npcelfmale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcelffemale as customnpcs.npcelffemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npccrystal as customnpcs.npccrystal
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcenderchibi as customnpcs.npcenderchibi
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcnagamale as customnpcs.npcnagamale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcnagafemale as customnpcs.npcnagafemale
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity NpcSlime as customnpcs.NpcSlime
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity NpcDragon as customnpcs.NpcDragon
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcEnderman as customnpcs.npcEnderman
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity npcGolem as customnpcs.npcGolem
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity CustomNpc as customnpcs.CustomNpc
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity CustomNpcChairMount as customnpcs.CustomNpcChairMount
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/customnpcs]: Automatically registered mod customnpcs entity throwableitem as customnpcs.throwableitem
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [customnpcs/customnpcs]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod customnpcs
[01:35:59] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - CustomNpcs took 1.296s
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomOreGen
[01:35:59] [Client thread/DEBUG] [CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen]: Registering Forge interface ...
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [CustomOreGen/CustomOreGen]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CustomOreGen
[01:35:59] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Custom Ore Generation took 0.023s
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootablebodies/lootablebodies]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod lootablebodies
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [lootablebodies/lootablebodies]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod lootablebodies
[01:35:59] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - DrCyano's Lootable Bodies took 0.018s
[01:35:59] [Client thread/TRACE] [D3Core/D3Core]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod D3Core
[01:36:00] [Client thread/TRACE] [D3Core/D3Core]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod D3Core
[01:36:00] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - D3Core took 0.633s
[01:36:00] [Client thread/TRACE] [PTRModelLib/PTRModelLib]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod PTRModelLib
[01:36:00] [Client thread/TRACE] [PTRModelLib/PTRModelLib]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod PTRModelLib
[01:36:00] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - PTRModelLib took 0.010s
[01:36:00] [Client thread/TRACE] [props/props]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod props
[01:36:00] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/props]: Skipping automatic mod props entity registration for already registered class com.mia.props.common.entities.EntityChairMount
[01:36:08] [Client thread/INFO] [PTRModelLib/props]: Total mipmap : 1901 ms
[01:36:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/props]: Bar Finished: Loading Resource - ClientProxy$1 took 4.147s
[01:36:08] [Client thread/TRACE] [props/props]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod props
[01:36:08] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Decocraft took 8.618s
[01:36:08] [Client thread/TRACE] [deepresonance/deepresonance]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod deepresonance
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:blaze_powder
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:coal
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:diamond
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:emerald
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:ender_pearl
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:ghast_tear
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:glowstone_dust
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:gunpowder
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:nether_star
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:quartz
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:redstone
[01:36:09] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT/deepresonance]: [mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.laser.LaserBonusConfiguration:init:54]: name = minecraft:slime_ball
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/deepresonance]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreResonating, id=1xtile.oreResonating@0 meta=0
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [deepresonance/deepresonance]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod deepresonance
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - DeepResonance took 1.557s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DummyCore/DummyCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DummyCore
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DummyCore/DummyCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DummyCore
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - DummyCore took 0.068s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights/DynamicLights]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights/DynamicLights]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_onFire/DynamicLights_onFire]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_onFire
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_onFire/DynamicLights_onFire]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_onFire
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Burning Entity Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_creepers/DynamicLights_creepers]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_creepers
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_creepers/DynamicLights_creepers]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_creepers
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Creeper Module took 0.000s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_dropItems/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_dropItems/DynamicLights_dropItems]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_dropItems
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights EntityItem Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_entityClasses/DynamicLights_entityClasses]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_entityClasses
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Entity Light Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_mobEquipment/DynamicLights_mobEquipment]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_mobEquipment
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Mob Equipment Light Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_flameArrows/DynamicLights_flameArrows]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_flameArrows
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Fiery Arrows Light Module took 0.000s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_floodLights/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_floodLights/DynamicLights_floodLights]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_floodLights
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Flood Light took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_otherPlayers/DynamicLights_otherPlayers]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_otherPlayers
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights OtherPlayers Light Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [DynamicLights_thePlayer/DynamicLights_thePlayer]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod DynamicLights_thePlayer
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Dynamic Lights Player Light Module took 0.001s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [emobile/emobile]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod emobile
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [emobile/emobile]: Starting E-Mobile
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [emobile/emobile]: Loading configuration file
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [emobile/emobile]: Registering items
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [emobile/emobile]: Registering handlers
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [emobile/emobile]: Registering network messages
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [emobile/emobile]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod emobile
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - E-Mobile took 0.049s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [eplus/eplus]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod eplus
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Initializing Configurations.
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Plugin loaded: TConPlugin
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Plugin loaded: Treecapitatior
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Plugin loaded: ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Plugin initialized in PreInit... Treecapitatior
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Plugin initialized in PreInit... ThaumcraftPlugin
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Initializing Blocks.
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [eplus/eplus]: Initializing Items.
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [eplus/eplus]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod eplus
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Enchanting Plus took 0.049s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Enchiridion
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Enchiridion
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Enchiridion took 0.030s
[01:36:10] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion2/Enchiridion2]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Enchiridion2
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Registered a new recipe handler: ShapedRecipes
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Registered a new recipe handler: ShapedOreRecipe
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Registered a new recipe handler: ShapelessRecipes
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Registered a new recipe handler: ShapelessOreRecipe
[01:36:10] [Client thread/INFO] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Registered a new recipe handler: VanillaFurnace
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/Enchiridion2]: Found TextureManager.
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/Enchiridion2]: Found TextureManager.bindTexture(...).
[01:36:10] [Client thread/DEBUG] [SC0_SpaceCore/Enchiridion2]: Injecting into beginning of method.
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Enchiridion 2 failed to read in the image at the following path:
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: mod@enchiridion@Abstract-Landscape.png
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Enchiridion 2 failed to read in the image at the following path:
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: mod@enchiridion@flat-lemmling-Cartoon-penguin.png
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Enchiridion 2 failed to read in the image at the following path:
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: mod@enchiridion@fox-transparent.png
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Enchiridion 2 failed to read in the image at the following path:
[01:36:10] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: mod@enchiridion@jubilee-teapot-red.png
[01:36:11] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: Enchiridion 2 failed to read in the image at the following path:
[01:36:11] [Client thread/ERROR] [Enchiridion/Enchiridion2]: mod@enchiridion@molumen-multicolor-power-buttons-4.png
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Enchiridion2/Enchiridion2]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Enchiridion2
[01:36:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Enchiridion 2 took 0.351s
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod endercore
[01:36:11] [Client thread/INFO] [EnderCore/endercore]: Attempting to initialize texture error message interceptor.
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [endercore/endercore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod endercore
[01:36:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - EnderCore took 0.172s
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Waila
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [Waila/Waila]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Waila
[01:36:11] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Waila took 0.042s
[01:36:11] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderIO
[01:36:12] [Client thread/INFO] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: XP Juice regististration left to Open Blocks.
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Skipping automatic mod EnderIO entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderio.item.darksteel.SoundEntity
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderIO]: Skipping automatic mod EnderIO entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderio.machine.ranged.RangeEntity
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderIO/EnderIO]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderIO
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Ender IO took 1.964s
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderStorage/EnderStorage]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderStorage/EnderStorage]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderStorage
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - EnderStorage took 0.035s
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderZoo/EnderZoo]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderZoo
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityEnderminy
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityConcussionCreeper
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityFallenKnight
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityFallenMount
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityWitherWitch
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityWitherCat
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityDireWolf
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/EnderZoo]: Skipping automatic mod EnderZoo entity registration for already registered class crazypants.enderzoo.charge.EntityPrimedCharge
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [EnderZoo/EnderZoo]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod EnderZoo
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Ender Zoo took 0.154s
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [etfuturum/etfuturum]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod etfuturum
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [etfuturum/etfuturum]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod etfuturum
[01:36:13] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Et Futurum took 0.325s
[01:36:13] [Client thread/TRACE] [extracells/extracells]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod extracells
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [extracells/extracells]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod extracells
[01:36:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Extra Cells 2 took 0.484s
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod farseek
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [farseek/farseek]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod farseek
[01:36:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - farseek took 0.001s
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FloodLights/FloodLights]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FloodLights
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [FloodLights/FloodLights]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod FloodLights
[01:36:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Flood Lights took 0.061s
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [fluxpads/fluxpads]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod fluxpads
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [fluxpads/fluxpads]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod fluxpads
[01:36:14] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - FluxPads took 0.010s
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileMagnet.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileMagnet is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'readFromNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'writeToNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting interface.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileMagnet.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileAspectAnalyzer.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileAspectAnalyzer is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Found original implementation of 'readFromNBT', wrapping.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Found original implementation of 'writeToNBT', wrapping.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting interface.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileAspectAnalyzer.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileGolemConnector.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileGolemConnector is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/TileCamo is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'readFromNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'writeToNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting interface.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.TileGolemConnector.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/tablet/TileAnimationTablet.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class thaumic/tinkerer/common/block/tile/tablet/TileAnimationTablet is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Found original implementation of 'validate', wrapping.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Found original implementation of 'readFromNBT', wrapping.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Found original implementation of 'writeToNBT', wrapping.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Injecting interface.
[01:36:14] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/ThaumicTinkerer]: Successfully injected component logic into class thaumic.tinkerer.common.block.tile.tablet.TileAnimationTablet.
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/ThaumicTinkerer]: Automatically registered mod ThaumicTinkerer entity ShadowbeamStaffBeam as ThaumicTinkerer.ShadowbeamStaffBeam
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ThaumicTinkerer/ThaumicTinkerer]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ThaumicTinkerer
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Thaumic Tinkerer took 0.989s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForbiddenMagic/ForbiddenMagic]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForbiddenMagic
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ForbiddenMagic/ForbiddenMagic]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ForbiddenMagic
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Forbidden Magic took 0.231s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenContainers/GardenContainers]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenContainers
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenContainers/GardenContainers]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenContainers
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Garden Containers took 0.099s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenCore/GardenCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenCore
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenCore/GardenCore]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenCore
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Garden Core took 0.020s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenStuff/GardenStuff]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenStuff
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenStuff/GardenStuff]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenStuff
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Garden Stuff took 0.064s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenTrees/GardenTrees]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenTrees
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [GardenTrees/GardenTrees]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod GardenTrees
[01:36:15] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Garden Trees took 0.042s
[01:36:15] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ImmersiveEngineering
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Injecting methods from Environment interface into blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/metal/TileEntityEnergyMeter.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Checking if class blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/metal/TileEntityEnergyMeter is a TileEntity...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Checking if class blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/TileEntityImmersiveConnectable is a TileEntity...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Checking if class blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/TileEntityIEBase is a TileEntity...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Checking if class aor is a TileEntity...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Injecting / wrapping overrides for required tile entity methods.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: No original implementation of 'validate', will inject override.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: No original implementation of 'invalidate', will inject override.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: No original implementation of 'onChunkUnload', will inject override.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: No original implementation of 'readFromNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: No original implementation of 'writeToNBT', will inject override.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Injecting interface.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [OpenComputers/ImmersiveEngineering]: Successfully injected component logic into class blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.metal.TileEntityEnergyMeter.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ImmersiveEngineering]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCopper, id=1xtile.ImmersiveEngineering.ore@0 meta=0
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ImmersiveEngineering]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreAluminum, id=1xtile.ImmersiveEngineering.ore@1 meta=1
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ImmersiveEngineering]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreLead, id=1xtile.ImmersiveEngineering.ore@2 meta=2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ImmersiveEngineering]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreSilver, id=1xtile.ImmersiveEngineering.ore@3 meta=3
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/ImmersiveEngineering]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreNickel, id=1xtile.ImmersiveEngineering.ore@4 meta=4
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThaumcraftHelper@1332d702
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.waila.WailaHelper@62ef39df
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.TConstructHelper@2ec5d7da
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.FMPHelper@1888ffc9
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.minetweaker.MTHelper@1d07a11d
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.AppliedEnergisticsHelper@63d52a3
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.opencomputers.OCHelper@6463eb9
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalExpansionHelper@59efef0f
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ChiselHelper@7940a266
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.EtFuturumHelper@15845fa7
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.RailcraftHelper@22800858
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalDynamicsHelper@4310c90
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ForestryHelper@789ecde2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.ThermalFoundationHelper@6450a63e
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.CarpentersHelper@3ac7d0f4
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Loading compat module: blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.EnderIOHelper@6ee6413b
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [ImmersiveEngineering/ImmersiveEngineering]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod ImmersiveEngineering
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Immersive Engineering took 0.791s
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mantle/Mantle]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Mantle
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Mantle/Mantle]: Mantle (1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191) -- Preparing for launch.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Mantle/Mantle]: Entering preinitialization phase.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Mantle/Mantle]: Loading configuration from disk.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [Mantle/Mantle]: Configuration load completed.
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [Mantle/Mantle]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Mantle
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Mantle took 0.009s
[01:36:16] [Client thread/TRACE] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod TConstruct
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block$SoundType
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.blocks.slime.SlimeLeaves
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.blocks.slime.SlimeSapling
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.common.ChestGenHooks
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item[]
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static boolean
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.smeltery.SmelteryProxyCommon tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.proxy
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.metalPattern
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.buckets
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.smeltery
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.lavaTank
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.searedBlock
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.castingChannel
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.smelteryNether
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.lavaTankNether
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.searedBlockNether
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.searedSlab
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.glueBlock
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.clearGlass
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.stainedGlassClear
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.glassPane
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.stainedGlassClearPane
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.glassMagicSlab
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.stainedGlassMagicSlab
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.stainedGlassClearMagicSlab
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.material.Material tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.liquidMetal
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenIronFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenGoldFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenCopperFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenTinFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAluminumFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenCobaltFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenArditeFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenBronzeFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAlubrassFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenManyullynFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAlumiteFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenObsidianFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSteelFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenGlassFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenStoneFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEmeraldFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenNickelFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenLeadFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSilverFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenShinyFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenInvarFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenElectrumFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenLumiumFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSignalumFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenMithrilFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEnderiumFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEnderFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenIron
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenGold
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenCopper
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenTin
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAluminum
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenCobalt
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenArdite
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenBronze
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAlubrass
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenManyullyn
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenAlumite
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenObsidian
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSteel
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenGlass
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenStone
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEmerald
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenNickel
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenLead
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSilver
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenShiny
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenInvar
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenElectrum
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenLumium
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenSignalum
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenMithril
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEnderium
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.moltenEnder
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.glueFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.glueFluidBlock
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.pigIronFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.pigIronFluidBlock
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid[] tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.fluids
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block[] tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.fluidBlocks
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack[] tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.liquids
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.speedSlab
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.speedBlock
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.bloodFluid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.smeltery.TinkerSmeltery.blood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.mechworks.MechworksProxyCommon tconstruct.mechworks.TinkerMechworks.proxy
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.mechworks.TinkerMechworks.landmine
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.ArmorProxyCommon tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.proxy
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.diamondApple
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.jerky
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.block.Block tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.dryingRack
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.knapsack
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.heartCanister
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.helmetWood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.chestplateWood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.leggingsWood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.bootsWood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor$ArmorMaterial tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.materialWood
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.items.TravelGear tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelGoggles
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.items.TravelGear tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelWings
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.items.TravelGear tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelVest
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.items.TravelGear tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelBoots
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.accessory.AccessoryCore tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelGlove
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.accessory.AccessoryCore tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.travelBelt
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.armor.TinkerArmor.modAttackGlove
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.WeaponryCommonProxy tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.proxy
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.AmmoWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.shuriken
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.AmmoWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.throwingknife
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.AmmoWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.javelin
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.ProjectileWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.shortbow
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.ProjectileWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.longbow
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.ProjectileWeapon tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.crossbow
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.AmmoItem tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.arrowAmmo
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.library.weaponry.AmmoItem tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.boltAmmo
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.ItemStack tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.creativeBolt
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.bowstring
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.arrowhead
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.fletching
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partShuriken
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partArrowShaft
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partBowLimb
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partCrossbowLimb
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partCrossbowBody
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.partBolt
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.woodPattern
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.metalPattern
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.items.GlassArrows tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.glassArrows
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.items.Boneana tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.boneana
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.modAttack
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static java.util.Random tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.random
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item[] tconstruct.weaponry.TinkerWeaponry.patternOutputs
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: private static java.util.List tconstruct.plugins.imc.TinkerAE2.spatialIOLogics
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: private static java.util.List tconstruct.plugins.imc.TinkerAE2.spatialIOSmelteryLogics
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: private static java.util.List tconstruct.plugins.imc.TinkerAE2.spatialIOToolLogics
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers IC2 Compatibility; missing dependency: IC2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers Mystcraft Compatibility; missing dependency: Mystcraft
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers MFR Compatibility; missing dependency: MineFactoryReloaded
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: static final java.lang.String tconstruct.plugins.te4.TinkersThermalFoundation.TF_MOD_ID
[01:36:16] [Client thread/INFO] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Skipping Pulse Tinkers' Underground Biomes Compatiblity; missing dependency: UndergroundBiomes
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: public static net.minecraft.item.Item tconstruct.plugins.gears.TinkerGears.gearCast
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Parsing field: static final java.lang.String tconstruct.plugins.imc.TinkerRfTools.modid
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' World...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCobalt, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@1 meta=1
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreArdite, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@2 meta=2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCopper, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@3 meta=3
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreTin, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@4 meta=4
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreAluminum, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@5 meta=5
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreAluminium, id=1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@5 meta=5
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreIron, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@0 meta=0
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreGold, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@1 meta=1
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCobalt, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@5 meta=5
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreCopper, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@2 meta=2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreTin, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@3 meta=3
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreAluminum, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@4 meta=4
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: oreAluminium, id=1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@4 meta=4
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushIron, meta=0
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushGold, meta=1
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushCopper, meta=2
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushTin, meta=3
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushAluminum, id=1xtile.ore.berries.two@0 meta=0
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushAluminium, id=1xtile.ore.berries.two@0 meta=0
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [Railcraft/TConstruct]: Automation Module: Ore Detected, adding to blocks Tunnel Bore can mine: orebushEssence, id=1xtile.ore.berries.two@1 meta=1
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' Tools...
[01:36:16] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' Smeltery...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' Mechworks...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/TConstruct]: Automatically registered mod TConstruct entity LandmineFirework as TConstruct.LandmineFirework
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [FML/TConstruct]: Automatically registered mod TConstruct entity SlimeExplosive as TConstruct.SlimeExplosive
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' Armory...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers' Weaponry...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers Thaumcraft Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers Waila Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers BuildCraft Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers AE2 Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers TE4 Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers Thermal Foundation Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers FMP Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers Gears...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Gear module active. Adding gear cast.
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [PulseManager-TConstruct/TConstruct]: Preinitialising Pulse Tinkers RF-Tools Compatibility...
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [TConstruct/TConstruct]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod TConstruct
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Tinkers' Construct took 0.786s
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MagicBees
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Preinit started
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type IRON
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type COPPER
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type TIN
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type SILVER
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type LEAD
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type DIAMOND
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Disabled nugget DIAMOND
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type EMERALD
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Disabled nugget EMERALD
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Found nugget of type APATITE
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Disabled nugget APATITE
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Preinit completed
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [MagicBees/MagicBees]: Sent event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod MagicBees
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Bar Step: PreInitialization - Magic Bees took 0.287s
[01:36:17] [Client thread/TRACE] [gendustry/gendustry]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod gendustry
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: IC2 Version: NOT FOUND
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: RF API Version: CoFHAPI 1.7.10R1.1.0
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: Available Forestry species roots:
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: * rootBees - forestry.apiculture.genetics.BeeHelper
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: * rootTrees - forestry.arboriculture.genetics.TreeHelper
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [gendustry/gendustry]: * rootButterflies - forestry.lepidopterology.genetics.ButterflyHelper
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/gendustry]: Loading internal config files for mod Gendustry
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/gendustry]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/gendustry.jar!/assets/gendustry/config/tuning.cfg
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Starting parsing
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Processing 4 statements
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(5.0E-4)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(500000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(25.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutagenProducer.TankSize = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.001)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(20000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.TankSize = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.MutagenPerItem = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.DegradeChanceNatural = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.DeathChanceArtificial = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Mutatron.SecretMutationChance = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.00125)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(20000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(160000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.TankSize = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.MutagenPerItem = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.MutatronAdv.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.001)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(20000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Sampler.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(5.0E-4)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(80000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(400000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.DeathChanceNatural = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Imprinter.DeathChanceArtificial = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.IndustrialApiary.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.IndustrialApiary.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.IndustrialApiary.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.IndustrialApiary.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.IndustrialApiary.BaseMjPerTick = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.001)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(80000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(400000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(40.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.TankSize = EntryDouble(5000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Extractor.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.002)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(20000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Liquifier.TankSize = EntryDouble(5000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.002)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(20000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(100000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Transposer.LabwareConsumeChance = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.MaxReceivedEnergy = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.PowerUseRate = EntryDouble(0.001)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.MjPerItem = EntryDouble(250000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.MaxStoredEnergy = EntryDouble(500000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.ActivationEnergy = EntryDouble(50.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.DNATankSize = EntryDouble(10000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.DNAPerItem = EntryDouble(1000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.ProteinTankSize = EntryDouble(50000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.ProteinPerItem = EntryDouble(5000.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Machines.Replicator.MakePristineBees = EntryStr(False)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialGrafter.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialGrafter.Charges = EntryDouble(200.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialGrafter.MjPerCharge = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialGrafter.AOE = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialGrafter.SaplingModifier = EntryDouble(100.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialScoop.Enabled = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialScoop.Charges = EntryDouble(500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialScoop.MjPerCharge = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Items.IndustrialScoop.SilktouchCharges = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Genetics.MutatronOverrides.forestry.speciesLeporine = EntryStr(REQUIREMENTS)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Genetics.MutatronOverrides.forestry.speciesMerry = EntryStr(REQUIREMENTS)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Genetics.MutatronOverrides.forestry.speciesTipsy = EntryStr(REQUIREMENTS)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Genetics.MutatronOverrides.forestry.speciesTricky = EntryStr(REQUIREMENTS)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.RF_MJ_Ratio = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.EU_MJ_Ratio = EntryDouble(2.5)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.EU.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.EU.SinkTier = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.RF.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.RedstoneCharging.Enabled = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Power.RedstoneCharging.RedstoneValue = EntryDouble(2500.0)
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Done
[01:36:17] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/gendustry]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/gendustry.jar!/assets/gendustry/config/recipes.cfg
[01:36:17] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Starting parsing
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Processing 7 statements
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Done
[01:36:18] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/gendustry]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/gendustry.jar!/assets/gendustry/config/upgrades.cfg
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Starting parsing
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Processing 3 statements
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(0.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierDiv(1.5)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(2.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.flowering.max = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.1)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.flowering.flowering = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(3.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.territory.max = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.territory.territory = EntryModifierMul(1.5)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(4.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.humidifier.max = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.humidifier.humidity = EntryModifierAdd(0.25)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(5.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.dryer.max = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.dryer.humidity = EntryModifierSub(0.25)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(6.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.heater.max = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.heater.temperature = EntryModifierAdd(0.25)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(7.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.cooler.max = EntryDouble(8.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.cooler.temperature = EntryModifierSub(0.25)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(10.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.sealing.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.sealing.sealed = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(11.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.light.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.light.selfLighted = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(12.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.05)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(13.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.hell.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.5)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.hell.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Hell)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(14.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.1)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(15.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.sieve.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.25)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.sieve.collectingPollen = EntryStr(Y)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(16.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.desert.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.desert.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Desert)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(17.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.plains.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.plains.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Plains)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(18.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.jungle.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.jungle.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Jungle)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(19.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.stabilizer.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(2.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.stabilizer.geneticDecay = EntryModifierMul(0.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(20.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.winter.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.winter.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Taiga)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(21.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.ocean.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.2)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.ocean.biomeOverride = EntryStr(Ocean)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(22.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.scrubber.max = EntryDouble(1.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryModifierMul(1.3)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Upgrades.scrubber.flowering = EntryModifierMul(0.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Done
[01:36:18] [Client thread/INFO] [bdlib/gendustry]: Loading config: jar:file:/home/sbarbour/.MCUpdater/instances/imaginescape/mods/gendustry.jar!/assets/gendustry/config/bees_color.cfg
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Starting parsing
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Processing 1 statements
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Condition CndHaveRoot(Bees) - TRUE
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Branches.Color.UID = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Branches.Color.Parent = EntryStr(apidae)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Branches.Color.Scientific = EntryStr(Chromatis)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1973019.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Atrum)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speedFast)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.1743532E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Rubrum)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speedFast)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(3887386.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Prasinus)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speedFaster)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.PrimaryColor = EntryDouble(5320730.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.SecondaryColor = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Secret = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Humidity = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Temperature = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Nocturnal = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Binominal = EntryStr(Cerinus)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Authority = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Branch = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Products = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,HoneyComb.brown))))
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Specialty = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Traits.Base = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.brown.Traits.Speed = EntryStr(forestry.speedFast)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(2437522.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Cumatilis)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speedFast)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.PrimaryColor = EntryDouble(8073150.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.SecondaryColor = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Secret = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Humidity = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Temperature = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Nocturnal = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Binominal = EntryStr(Ferrugineus)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Authority = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Branch = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Products = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,HoneyComb.purple))))
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Specialty = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Traits.Base = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.purple.Traits.Speed = EntryStr(forestry.speedFaster)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.PrimaryColor = EntryDouble(2651799.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.SecondaryColor = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Secret = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Humidity = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Temperature = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Nocturnal = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Binominal = EntryStr(Cyanus)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Authority = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Branch = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Products = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,HoneyComb.cyan))))
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Specialty = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Traits.Base = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Traits.Speed = EntryStr(forestry.speedFastest)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.cyan.Traits.Humidity_Tolerance = EntryStr(forestry.toleranceBoth3)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.PrimaryColor = EntryDouble(1.1250603E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.SecondaryColor = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Secret = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Humidity = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Temperature = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Nocturnal = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Binominal = EntryStr(Argentum)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Authority = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Branch = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Products = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,HoneyComb.silver))))
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Specialty = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Traits.Base = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.silver.Traits.Speed = EntryStr(forestry.speedFaster)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.PrimaryColor = EntryDouble(4408131.0)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.SecondaryColor = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Secret = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Humidity = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Temperature = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Nocturnal = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Binominal = EntryStr(Pullus)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Authority = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Branch = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Products = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,HoneyComb.gray))))
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Specialty = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Traits.Base = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.gray.Traits.Speed = EntryStr(forestry.speedFaster)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.4188952E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryDouble(1.5258986E7)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Normal)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(Albens)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(BDEW)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(gendustry.color)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List((30.0,StackGeneric(gendustry,
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryLootList(List())
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speciesDiligent)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.speedFastest)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: = EntryStr(forestry.toleranceBoth3)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.lime.Dominant = EntryStr(Yes)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.lime.Glowing = EntryStr(No)
[01:36:18] [Client thread/DEBUG] [bdlib/gendustry]: Config: Bees.lime.PrimaryColor = EntryDoub
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