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Last active August 19, 2019 23:34
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Quasar 1.0 Upgrade Notes

The Quasar team now have their own upgrade notes as well.

Some simple notes of changes I found during migration from v0.17 to v1.0-beta. I used a fresh app directory created using quasar create <folder> -b dev and copied my components/routes/etc to the new folder.

Renamed Folders

For the most part all folders are the same except for src/plugins. This folder has been renamed to src/boot. They currently function in the same way as before however boot plugins can now by asyncronous.

Router Changes

Small change here between old versions and v1.0; The routes.js file now has a constant for the list of routes. Just replace the routes in the constant with your old ones.


The .babelrc file has been replaced with babel.config.js. The old babel file needs to be deleted (if your using the same directory as v0.17) otherwise your app won't compile (Thanks burningTyger). The new config file contains the following:

module.exports = {
  presets: [



All gutter classes are now prefixed with q- (eg: q-gutter-sm). There are also new gutter classes available (q-col-gutter-*) for use with col classes. eg:

<div class="row q-col-gutter-sm">
  <div class="col-4"></div>
  <div class="col-4"></div>
  <div class="col-4"></div>


Fairly big name changes here. Instead of being prefixed with q-, classes are now prefixed with text- (eg q-display-1 => text-h1).

Old Class New Class
.q-display-4 .text-h1
.q-display-3 .text-h2
.q-display-2 .text-h3
.q-display-1 .text-h4
.q-headline .text-h5
.q-title .text-h6
.q-subheading .text-subtitle1
.q-body-1 .text-body1
.q-body-2 .text-body2
.q-caption .text-caption
.uppercase .text-uppercase
.lowercase .text-lowercase
.capitalize .text-capitalize

Components Replaced / Renamed:

Old Component New Component
QLayoutHeader QHeader
QLayoutFooter QFooter
QLayoutDrawer QDrawer
QToolbarTitle.subtitle Use typography instead
QListHeader QItemLabel.header
QItemMain QItemLabel
QItemSide QItemSection.side
QItemSeparator QSeparator
QItemTile QItemSection
QCardTitle QCardSection
QCardMain QCardSection
QCardMedia QCardSection
QCardSeparator QSeparator
QField N/A (no longer required)
QChipsInput QSelect.use-input.use-chips.multiple
QAutocomplete QSelect
QDatetime QDate + QTime
QSearch QInput.type="search"
QTabPane QTabPanel
QTableColumns QSelect/QCheckbox/QToggle/etc
QCollapsible QExpansionItem
QModal QDialog
QModalLayout QLayout.container
QPopover QMenu
QJumbotron QCard
QAlert QBanner
QProgress QLinearProgress
QWindowResizeObservable QResizeObserver

Directives Replaced / Renamed

Old Directive New Directive / Component
BackToTop QPageScroller (Component)
CloseOverlay CloseDialog / CloseMenu (Directives)

Bugs & Issues

  • QSelect: Select inputs with use-input and mutiple can still trigger form submits when pressing enter to add a new item. This has now been fixed
  • QInput: Text suffixes on inputs don't work correctly in firefox. This has been reported for older versions already. This has now been fixed
  • QBtnGroup: When a button group is inside the card actions component, every button after the first one is given a left margin. This has now been fixed

Eslint config not updating (thanks webnoob & dimitar.nanov on Discord)

Eslint configs are now cached, if you need to make a change to your configuration (.eslintrc.js) then you need to disable caching for your changes to take effect. This can be done by finding the extendWebpack section in quasar.conf.js and changing cache to false fo the eslint-loader rule, like so:

    enforce: 'pre',
    test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
    loader: 'eslint-loader',
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    options: {
      cache: true
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smc13 commented Aug 19, 2019

@genuinefafa looks like they removed the gist when they officially released v1. I've updated the link

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