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Last active January 14, 2020 10:34
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Configuration File for implementation of ASR with local attention and unidirectional LSTM in Returnn
# kate: syntax python;
import os
import numpy
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from Pretrain import WrapEpochValue
# task
use_tensorflow = True
task = "train"
device = "gpu"
multiprocessing = True
update_on_device = True
setup_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
debug_mode = False
if int(os.environ.get("DEBUG", "0")):
print("** DEBUG MODE")
debug_mode = True
if config.has("beam_size"):
beam_size ="beam_size", 0)
print("** beam_size %i" % beam_size)
beam_size = 12
# data
num_inputs = 40
num_outputs = {"classes": (10025, 1), "data": (num_inputs, 2)} # see vocab
EpochSplit = 20
def get_dataset(key, subset=None, train_partition_epoch=None):
d = {
'class': 'LibriSpeechCorpus',
'path': 'data/dataset',
"use_zip": True,
"use_cache_manager": True,
"prefix": key,
"bpe": {
'bpe_file': 'data/dataset/',
'vocab_file': 'data/dataset/trans.bpe.vocab',
'seq_postfix': [0],
'unknown_label': '<unk>'},
"audio": {
"norm_mean": "data/dataset/stats.mean.txt",
"norm_std_dev": "data/dataset/stats.std_dev.txt"},
if key.startswith("train"):
d["partition_epoch"] = train_partition_epoch
if key == "train":
d["epoch_wise_filter"] = {
(1, 5): {
'max_mean_len': 75, # chars, should be around 14 bpe labels
'subdirs': ['train-clean-100', 'train-clean-360']}}
#d["audio"]["random_permute"] = True
num_seqs = 281241 # total
d["seq_ordering"] = "laplace:%i" % (num_seqs // 1000)
d["fixed_random_seed"] = 1
d["seq_ordering"] = "sorted_reverse"
if subset:
d["fixed_random_subset"] = subset # faster
return d
train = get_dataset("train", train_partition_epoch=EpochSplit)
dev = get_dataset("dev", subset=3000)
cache_size = "0"
window = 1
# network
# (also defined by num_inputs & num_outputs)
target = "classes"
EncKeyTotalDim = 1024
AttNumHeads = 1
AttWindowSize = 5
EncKeyPerHeadDim = EncKeyTotalDim // AttNumHeads
#EncValueTotalDim = 2048
EncValueTotalDim = 1024
EncValuePerHeadDim = EncValueTotalDim // AttNumHeads
#LstmDim = EncValueTotalDim // 2
LstmDim = EncValueTotalDim
network = {
"source": {"class": "eval", "eval": "tf.clip_by_value(source(0), -3.0, 3.0)"},
"lstm0_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["source"] },
#"lstm0_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["source"] },
#"lstm0_pool": {"class": "pool", "mode": "max", "padding": "same", "pool_size": (1,), "from": ["lstm0_fw"], "trainable": False},
"lstm1_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["lstm0_fw"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm1_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["lstm0_pool"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm1_pool": {"class": "pool", "mode": "max", "padding": "same", "pool_size": (1,), "from": ["lstm1_fw"], "trainable": False},
"lstm2_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["lstm1_fw"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm2_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["lstm1_pool"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm2_pool": {"class": "pool", "mode": "max", "padding": "same", "pool_size": (1,), "from": ["lstm2_fw"], "trainable": False},
"lstm3_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["lstm2_fw"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm3_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["lstm2_pool"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm3_pool": {"class": "pool", "mode": "max", "padding": "same", "pool_size": (1,), "from": ["lstm3_fw"], "trainable": False},
"lstm4_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["lstm3_fw"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm4_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["lstm3_pool"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm4_pool": {"class": "pool", "mode": "max", "padding": "same", "pool_size": (1,), "from": ["lstm4_fw"], "trainable": False},
"lstm5_fw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": 1, "from": ["lstm4_fw"], "dropout": 0.3 },
#"lstm5_bw" : { "class": "rec", "unit": "nativelstm2", "n_out" : LstmDim, "direction": -1, "from": ["lstm4_pool"], "dropout": 0.3 },
# "encoder": {"class": "copy", "from": ["lstm5_fw", "lstm5_bw"]}, # dim: EncValueTotalDim
"encoder": {"class": "copy", "from": ["lstm5_fw"]},
"enc_ctx": {"class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": True, "from": ["encoder"], "n_out": EncKeyTotalDim}, # preprocessed_attended in Blocks
"inv_fertility": {"class": "linear", "activation": "sigmoid", "with_bias": False, "from": ["encoder"], "n_out": AttNumHeads},
"enc_value": {"class": "split_dims", "axis": "F", "dims": (AttNumHeads, EncValuePerHeadDim), "from": ["encoder"]}, # (B, enc-T, H, D'/H)
"output": {"class": "rec", "from": [], 'cheating': config.bool("cheating", False), "unit": {
'output': {'class': 'choice', 'target': target, 'beam_size': beam_size, 'cheating': config.bool("cheating", False), 'from': ["output_prob"], "initial_output": 0},
"end": {"class": "compare", "from": ["output"], "value": 0},
'target_embed': {'class': 'linear', 'activation': None, "with_bias": False, 'from': ['output'], "n_out": 621, "initial_output": 0}, # feedback_input
"weight_feedback": {"class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["prev:accum_att_weights"], "n_out": EncKeyTotalDim},
"s_transformed": {"class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["s"], "n_out": EncKeyTotalDim},
# (T, B)
"p_t": {"class": "eval", "from": "p_t_in", "eval": "tf.to_float(source(0))"},
#"p_t_in": {"class": "eval", "from": "prev:att_weights", "eval": "tf.squeeze(tf.argmax(source(0), axis=1, output_type=tf.int32), axis=1)",
# "out_type": {"shape": (), "batch_dim_axis": 0, "dtype": "float32"}},
"p_t_in": {"class": "reduce", "from": "prev:att_weights", "mode": "argmax", "axis": "t"},
#"p_t_print": {"class": "eval", "from": "p_t_in", "eval": "tf.Print(source(0), [tf.shape(source(0)),source(0)], \"p_t_in\", summarize=200)"},
#"p_t": {"class": "eval", "from": "p_t_in", "eval": "tf.maximum(0., source(0)))" % (AttWindowSize // 2),
#"out_type": {"sparse": False, "shape": (), "dtype": "float32"}, "initial_output": 0},
#"energy_in_enc_ctx": {"class": "slice_nd", "from": ["base:enc_ctx"], "start": "p_t", "size": AttWindowSize}, # (B, size, 1000)
"energy_in": {"class": "combine", "kind": "add", "from": ["base:enc_ctx", "weight_feedback", "s_transformed"], "n_out": EncKeyTotalDim},
"energy_tanh": {"class": "activation", "activation": "tanh", "from": ["energy_in"]},
"energy": {"class": "linear", "activation": None, "with_bias": False, "from": ["energy_tanh"], "n_out": AttNumHeads}, # (B, enc-T, H)
"energy_reinterpreted": {"class": "reinterpret_data", "enforce_batch_major": True, "from": "energy", "trainable": False},
"att_weights": {"class": "softmax_over_spatial", "from": ["energy_reinterpreted"], "window_start": "p_t_in", "window_size": AttWindowSize}, # (B, enc-T, H)
#"att_weights_print": {"class": "eval", "from": "att_weights", "eval": "tf.Print(source(0), [tf.shape(source(0)), source(0)], summarize=99)"},
#"att_weights": {"class": "softmax_over_spatial", "from": ["energy"]}, # (B, enc-T, H)
# (B, T, H) + (B, T, H)
"accum_att_weights": {"class": "eval", "from": ["prev:accum_att_weights", "att_weights", "base:inv_fertility"],
"eval": "source(0) + source(1) * source(2) * 0.5", "out_type": {"dim": AttNumHeads, "shape": (None, AttNumHeads)}},
"att0": {"class": "generic_attention", "weights": "att_weights", "base": "base:enc_value"}, # (B, H, V)
"att": {"class": "merge_dims", "axes": "except_batch", "from": ["att0"]}, # (B, H*V)
"s": {"class": "rnn_cell", "unit": "LSTMBlock", "from": ["prev:target_embed", "prev:att"], "n_out": 1000}, # transform
"readout_in": {"class": "linear", "from": ["s", "prev:target_embed", "att"], "activation": None, "n_out": 1000}, # merge + post_merge bias
"readout": {"class": "reduce_out", "mode": "max", "num_pieces": 2, "from": ["readout_in"]},
"output_prob": {
"class": "softmax", "from": ["readout"], "dropout": 0.3,
"target": target, "loss": "ce", "loss_opts": {"label_smoothing": 0.1},
"loss_only_on_non_search": True},
}, "target": target, "max_seq_len": "max_len_from('base:encoder')"},
"decision": {
"class": "decide", "from": ["output"], "loss": "edit_distance", "target": target,
"loss_only_on_non_search": False,
"ctc": {"class": "softmax", "from": ["encoder"], "loss": "ctc", "target": target,
"loss_opts": {"beam_width": 1, "ctc_opts": {"ignore_longer_outputs_than_inputs": True}}}
search_output_layer = "decision"
debug_print_layer_output_template = True
#debug_print_layer_output_shape = True
# trainer
batching = "random"
log_batch_size = True
batch_size = 20000
max_seqs = 200
max_seq_length = {"classes": 75}
#chunking = "" # no chunking
truncation = -1
def custom_construction_algo(idx, net_dict):
# For debugging, use: python3 ./crnn/ config... Maybe set repetitions=1 below.
# We will first construct layer-by-layer, starting with 2 layers.
# Initially, we will use a higher reduction factor, and at the end, we will reduce it.
# Also, we will initially have not label smoothing.
orig_num_lstm_layers = 0
while "lstm%i_fw" % orig_num_lstm_layers in net_dict:
orig_num_lstm_layers += 1
assert orig_num_lstm_layers >= 2
orig_red_factor = 1
#for i in range(orig_num_lstm_layers - 1):
# orig_red_factor *= net_dict["lstm%i_pool" % i]["pool_size"][0]
num_lstm_layers = idx + 2 # idx starts at 0. start with 2 layers
if idx == 0:
net_dict["lstm%i_fw" % (orig_num_lstm_layers - 1)]["dropout"] = 0
#net_dict["lstm%i_bw" % (orig_num_lstm_layers - 1)]["dropout"] = 0
if idx >= 1:
num_lstm_layers -= 1 # repeat like idx=0, but now with dropout
# We will start with a higher reduction factor initially, for better convergence.
red_factor = 2 ** 5
if num_lstm_layers == orig_num_lstm_layers + 1:
# Use original reduction factor now.
num_lstm_layers = orig_num_lstm_layers
red_factor = orig_red_factor
if num_lstm_layers > orig_num_lstm_layers:
# Finish. This will also use label-smoothing then.
return None
# Use label smoothing only at the very end.
net_dict["output"]["unit"]["output_prob"]["loss_opts"]["label_smoothing"] = 0
# Other options during pretraining.
if idx == 0:
net_dict["#config"] = {"max_seq_length": {"classes": 60}}
net_dict["#repetition"] = 10
# Leave the last lstm layer as-is, but only modify its source.
net_dict["lstm%i_fw" % (orig_num_lstm_layers - 1)]["from"] = ["lstm%i_fw" % (num_lstm_layers - 2)]
#net_dict["lstm%i_bw" % (orig_num_lstm_layers - 1)]["from"] = ["lstm%i_pool" % (num_lstm_layers - 2)]
#if red_factor > orig_red_factor:
#for i in range(num_lstm_layers - 2):
# net_dict["lstm%i_pool" % i]["pool_size"] = (1,)
# Increase last pool-size to get the initial reduction factor.
#assert red_factor % (1 ** (num_lstm_layers - 2)) == 0
# last_pool_size = red_factor // (2 ** (num_lstm_layers - 2))
#last_pool_size = 1
# Increase last pool-size to get the same encoder-seq-length folding.
#net_dict["lstm%i_pool" % (num_lstm_layers - 2)]["pool_size"] = (last_pool_size,)
# Deete non-used lstm layers. This is not explicitly necessary but maybe nicer.
for i in range(num_lstm_layers - 1, orig_num_lstm_layers - 1):
del net_dict["lstm%i_fw" % i]
# del net_dict["lstm%i_bw" % i]
#del net_dict["lstm%i_pool" % i]
return net_dict
pretrain = {"repetitions": 1, "construction_algo": custom_construction_algo}
num_epochs = 270
model = "data/exp-%s/model" % setup_name
#model = "net-model/network"
cleanup_old_models = True
gradient_clip = 0
#gradient_clip_global_norm = 1.0
adam = True
optimizer_epsilon = 1e-8
#debug_add_check_numerics_ops = True
#debug_add_check_numerics_on_output = True
stop_on_nonfinite_train_score = False
tf_log_memory_usage = True
gradient_noise = 0.0
learning_rate = 0.00001
learning_rate_control = "newbob_multi_epoch"
#learning_rate_control_error_measure = "dev_score_output"
learning_rate_control_relative_error_relative_lr = True
learning_rate_control_min_num_epochs_per_new_lr = 3
use_learning_rate_control_always = True
newbob_multi_num_epochs = 2
newbob_multi_update_interval = 1
newbob_learning_rate_decay = 0.9
learning_rate_file = "data/exp-%s/" % setup_name
#learning_rate_file = ""
# log
#log = "| /u/zeyer/dotfiles/system-tools/bin/ >> log/crnn.seq-train.%s.log" % task
log = "data/exp-%s/returnn.%s.$date.log" % (setup_name, task)
#log = "log/crnn.%s.log" % task
log_verbosity = 5
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