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Last active September 6, 2019 12:03
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template controller for kohana v3.3
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
* Template Controller
* @package Templates
* @author Sergei Gladkovskiy <>
abstract class Controller_Template extends Kohana_Controller_Template {
* Page template
* @var View
public $template = 'template/main';
* Language
* @var string|NULL
public $lang = NULL;
* The need of authorization
* @var bool
protected $_auth_required = TRUE;
* User container
* @var Model_User
protected $_user = NULL;
* User rolse container
* @var array
protected $_user_roles = NULL;
* @var Deputy
protected $_deputy = NULL;
* @var Config_Group
protected $_site_config;
public function __construct(Request $request, Response $response)
// Ajax-like request setting if HMVC call or POST request with param `is_ajax` == `true`
if ($request->is_ajax() OR ($request !== Request::initial() AND $request->param('code') === NULL)
OR ($request->method() === HTTP_Request::POST AND $request->post('is_ajax') === 'true'))
parent::__construct($request, $response);
public function before()
// Setting lang from URL
// Setting lang from URL
I18n::$lang = $this->request->param('lang');
// Auth check
$this->_site_config = Kohana::$config->load('site');
View::set_global('site_name', $this->_site_config->site_name);
if ($this->auto_render)
View::set_global('lang', I18n::$lang);
# ->add_inline('
# var lang = "'.I18n::$lang.'"
# , i18n = {loading: "'.__('Загрузка').'"}
# ;')
# ->add('js/jquery-2.0.3.min.js')
# ->add('js/bootstrap.min.js')
# ->add('css/bootstrap.min.css')
# ->add('css/font-awesome.min.css')
// default template variables initialization
$this->template->title_delimeter = $this->_site_config->title_delimeter; // разделитель в заголовке страницы
$this->template->site_name = $this->_site_config->site_name; // Наименование сайта
$this->template->company_name = $this->_site_config->company_name;
$this->template->support_email = $this->_site_config->support_email;
$this->template->version = $this->_site_config->version;
$this->template->title = '';
$this->template->page_title = '';
$this->template->navbar = '';
$this->template->content = '';
$this->template->modals = '';
public function after()
// Using template content on Ajax-like requests
if ($this->request->is_ajax() === TRUE)
// Формирование заголовка страницы на основе данных о page_title, title_delimeter и title
if(isset($this->template->title) AND $this->template->title != '')
$this->template->title = $this->template->title
. $this->template->title_delimeter
. $this->template->site_name;
if( ! $this->template->page_title)
$this->template->page_title = $this->template->title;
# $menu = new Menu($this->_user, $this->_user_roles);
# if($this->request->controller() != 'Auth')
# $this->template->navbar = $menu->navbar();
$this->template->modals .= View::factory('modal/loading');
protected function _auth_check()
// Auth require check and setting $this->_user
# if ($this->_auth_required AND class_exists('Auth') AND ! Auth::instance()->logged_in())
# {
# Session::instance()->set('url', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
# HTTP::redirect(Route::url('auth', array('lang' => I18n::$lang, 'action' => 'login')));
# }
# elseif($this->_auth_required AND (class_exists('Auth') AND Auth::instance()->logged_in() OR Auth::instance()->logged_in()))
# {
# $this->_user = Jelly::query('user', Auth::instance()->get_user()->id)->select();
# $this->_check_activity();
# View::set_global('_user', $this->_user);
# }
# if(class_exists('Auth') AND Auth::instance()->logged_in() AND ! $this->_user)
# {
# $this->_user = Jelly::query('user', Auth::instance()->get_user()->id)->select();
# $this->_check_activity();
# View::set_global('_user', $this->_user);
# }
protected function _check_activity()
# if( ! $this->_user->is_active AND $this->request->controller() != 'Error')
# throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, __('Пользователь не зарегистирован или отключён'));
# $this->_user_roles = $this->_user->roles->as_array('id', 'name');
# $this->_deputy = Deputy::instance();
# $roles = Arr::extract(Kohana::$config->load('deputy.roles'), $this->_user_roles);
# $this->_deputy->set_roles($roles);
# $resource = array(
# $this->request->controller(),
# $this->request->action(),
# );
# $resource = implode('/', $resource);
# if($this->_deputy->allowed($resource) == FALSE)
# throw HTTP_Exception::factory(403, __('Действие запрещено'));
// $this->_check_rules_acceptance();
protected function _check_rules_acceptance()
# $controller = $this->request->controller();
# $action = $this->request->action();
# if(($controller == 'User' AND $action == 'help')
# OR ($controller == 'User' AND $action == 'rules')
# OR $controller == 'Error'
# AND $this->_user->accepted_rules !== TRUE OR $this->_user->accepted_rules == TRUE)
# {
# // Позволяем смотреть данные страницы
# }
# else
# HTTP::redirect(Route::url('user', array('lang' => I18n::$lang, 'action' => 'rules')));
} // End Controller_Template
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