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Last active December 17, 2020 18:26
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Uses of "descendant" in the ARIA spec


  • unclear use/used on its own: 51
  • descendant element: 12
  • active descendant: 8
  • DOM descendant: 6
  • descendant node: 2


  1. Important Terms

    • DOM descendant, definition of "Owned elements": "An 'owned element' is any DOM descendant of the element, any element specified as a child via aria-owns, or any DOM descendant of the owned child."
  2. Managing Focus

    • unclear use "the container is responsible for tracking the last descendant that was active"
    • active descendant: "when a previously focused container is refocused, the active descendant be the same element as the active descendant when the container was last focused" + 2 more similar uses
    • unclear use "The user may also activate the container by clicking on one of the descendants within it."
    • active descendant: "When the container or its active descendant has focus", "the arrow keys, to change the currently active descendant"
      • active descendant*: "User agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the container element"
    • active descendant: "Any keyboard events directed at the active descendant bubble up"
  3. Managing focus - Information for authors

    • unclear use: "Authors MAY use aria-activedescendant to inform assistive technologies which descendant of a widget"
    • active descendant (3): "aria-activedescendant to point to the ID of the currently active descendant", "The author, not the user agent, is responsible for styling the currently active descendant", "cannot use :focus to style the currently active descendant"
  4. Required Owned Elements

    • unclear use: "While processing of a role may be incomplete without elements of given roles present as descendants, ..."
  5. Required Context Role

    • descendant element: "elements of the listed roles do not always need descendant elements of the given role in order to be meaningful"
    • unclear use: "See required owned elements for requirements about elements that require presence of a given descendant to be processed properly."
  6. Accessible Name Calc

    • descendant element: "legend: name comes from the text value of the first descendant element(ref link) node with the role of legend"
  7. Presentational Children

    • DOM descendant: "The DOM descendants are presentational."
    • unclear use: "User agents SHOULD NOT expose descendants of this element"
    • descendant nodes: "If user agents do not hide the descendant nodes"
  8. Definition of Roles

    • unclear use, composite dfn: "A widget that may contain navigable descendants or owned children."
    • descendant window, dialog dfn: "A dialog is a descendant window of the primary window of a web application."
  9. Banner role

    • DOM descendant: "they may have multiple banner elements as DOM descendants, ..."
  10. Combobox role

    • unclear use (3): "and that it is not a descendant of the element with role combobox", "from the input to the first focusable descendant of the popup element", "When a descendant of the popup element"
    • descendant element: "the value of the combobox is represented by its descendant elements"
    • descendant content: "the name of a button from its descendant content"
  11. Comment role

    • unclear use: "a semantic descendant of the comment"
    • DOM descendant: "by making it a DOM descendant element"
  12. Composite role

    • unclear use (2): "A widget that may contain navigable descendants or owned children", "to navigate to elements that are descendants or owned children"
  13. Contentinfo role

    • DOM descendant: "multiple contentinfo elements as DOM descendants"
  14. Definition role

    • unclear use: "making the element with role term a descendant of the element with role definition."
  15. Dialog role

    • descendant window: "A dialog is a descendant window of the primary window"
    • descendant element: "at least one focusable descendant element"
  16. Feed role

    • descendant element: "focus is set on the article or one of its descendant elements"
  17. Generic role

    • unclear use (2): "to semantically group descendants in a named container", "accessible states and properties for its descendants"
  18. Grid role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants of a grid (references managing focus)"
    • descendant element?: "the row and gridcell roles to the descendant HTML tr and td elements"
  19. Legend role

    • descendant element: "only the first descendant element with role legend"
  20. Listbox role

    • unclear use: "manage focus of option descendants for all instances"
  21. Main role

    • DOM descendants: "multiple main elements as DOM descendants"
  22. Menu + menubar role

    • unclear use (2): "manage focus of descendants for all instances (refs managing focus)"
  23. Presentation role

    • descendant element (3): "user agent MUST expose content and descendant elements", "Some elements are only complete when additional descendant elements", "The descendant elements that complete the semantics"
    • unclear use, mixed with children: "table elements (matching the table role) require tr descendants, which in turn require th or td children"
    • unclear use (2): "HTML table element's thead/tbody/tfoot/tr/th/td descendants", "the HTML specification indicates that these are required structural descendants of the table element"
  24. Spinbutton role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants (refs managing focus)"
  25. Tablist role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants (refs managing focus)"
  26. Toolbar role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants (refs managing focus)"
  27. Tree role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants (refs managing focus)"
  28. Treegrid role

    • unclear use: "authors SHOULD manage focus of descendants (refs managing focus)"
  29. Definition of states & props

    • unclear use, aria-multiselectable: "one item from the current selectable descendants."
  30. aria-activedescendant prop

    • unclear use (3): "may contain multiple focusable descendants", "element with DOM focus or a logical descendant", "the value of aria-activedescendant on the combobox element refers to a descendant of a popup"
    • active descendant: "ensure that the currently active descendant is visible"
  31. aria-disabled state

    • unclear use (2): "support navigation to descendants", "The element and all focusable descendants are disabled"
    • descendant element: "the current element and all focusable descendant elements"
  32. aria-haspopup prop

    • unclear use: "manages focus of all its descendants as described in Managing Focus"
  33. aria-modal prop

    • unclear use (2): "can be controlled using only descendants of the modal element", "the button should be a descendant of the dialog"
  34. aria-multiselectable

    • unclear use (4): "the current selectable descendants", "Authors SHOULD ensure that selected descendants", "selectable descendants that are not selected", "use the aria-selected attribute on descendants"
  35. aria-readonly

    • unclear use (2): "the element or its focusable descendants", "not allow user navigation to descendants."
  36. aria-relevant

    • descendant element: "the value provided on a descendant element"
    • descendant node: "monitor any descendant node change"
    • unclear use: "added to any descendant in the accessibility tree"
  37. aria-selected

    • unclear use: "any selectable descendant of a container"
  38. Excluding Elements from the Acc Tree

    • unclear use (6): "the element's descendants and text content", "Elements, including their descendants,", "overrides aria-hidden="false" on descendants.", "Any descendants of elements", "the descendant is not allowed", "text content of any excluded descendants"
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