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Created June 10, 2021 11:35
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@svgr/core types
// source:
// (modified)
// make sure to add this file to your tsconfig.json#includes array
declare module "@svgr/core" {
export type TemplateOptions = SvgrOpts;
export interface TemplateData {
imports?: string[];
interfaces?: string[];
componentName?: string;
props?: string[];
jsx?: string;
exports?: string[];
export type TemplateFunc = (
// @ts-expect-error
{ template: unknown },
opts: TemplateOptions,
data: TemplateData
) => string;
export interface SvgrOpts {
/** Specify a custom config file. */
configFile?: string;
/** Replace SVG width and height with 1em to make SVG inherit text size. */
icon?: boolean;
/** Custom extension for generated files (default "js"). */
ext?: string;
/** Modify all SVG nodes with uppercase and use react-native-svg template. */
native?: boolean | { expo: boolean };
/** Generate .tsx files with TypeScript bindings. */
typescript?: boolean;
/** Keep width and height attributes from the root SVG tag. */
dimensions?: boolean;
/** Forward all properties on the React component to the SVG tag. */
expandProps?: "start" | "end" | false;
/** Use Prettier to format JavaScript code output. */
prettier?: boolean;
/** Specify prettier config. */
prettierConfig?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** Use SVGO to optimize SVG code before transforming into a React component. Default: true. */
svgo?: boolean;
/** Specify SVGO config. */
svgoConfig?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** Forward the ref to the root SVG tag if true. */
ref?: boolean;
/** Wrap the exported component in React.memo if true. */
memo?: boolean;
* Replace an attribute value by another. Intended for changing an Icon
* color to currentColor to inherit from text color.
* Specify dynamic property using curly braces: { '#000': "{props.color}" }
replaceAttrValues?: Record<string, string>;
* Add props to the SVG tag.
* Specify dynamic property using curly braces: { focusable: "{true}" }.
* Particularly useful with a custom template.
svgProps?: Record<string, string>;
* Add title tag via title property. If titleProp is set to true and no
* title is provided (title={undefined}) at render time, this will fallback
* to an existing title element in the svg if it exists.
titleProp?: boolean;
* Specify a template file (CLI) or a template function (API) to use.
* For an example of template, see the default one.
template?: TemplateFunc;
/** Output files into a directory. */
outDir?: string;
* Specify a template function (API) to change default index.js output
* (when --out-dir is used).
indexTemplate?: (filePaths: string[]) => string;
/** When used with --out-dir, it ignores already existing files. */
ignoreExisting?: boolean;
* Specify a custom filename case. Possible values: pascal for PascalCase,
* kebab for kebab-case or camel for camelCase.
filenameCase?: "kebab" | "camel" | "pascal";
type ConvertT = {
(svgCode: string, opts?: SvgrOpts, state?: TemplateData): Promise<void>;
sync: (svgCode: string, opts?: SvgrOpts, state?: TemplateData) => void;
let convert: ConvertT;
export default convert;
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